Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2491: Teach you a lesson

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When Xie Qingcheng heard this, he couldn't bear it anymore. His beautiful face became a bit stubborn, and his eyes were fierce, as if he was going to swallow the king of Yiqiu County!

His mother has always been his counterscale.

Yiqiu County King can tolerate any way he scolds him.

But insulting his mother so much, he has a surge of blood, and he will step forward to fight against Yiqiu County King!

"King, don't be impulsive!"

Behind the moon shadow Tianxian stepped forward, grabbed Xie Qingcheng's arm, and whispered: "The king of the county is calm, there are many people opposite, and there are masters such as Han Jianxian, don't fight hard with them!"

Xie Qingcheng's arms shook slightly, clenched his fists, and his nails pierced his palms and flesh, and he didn't notice it.

"Brother Xie, can you do it here?"

Su Zimo asked suddenly.

Xie Qingcheng was stunned for a moment, and soon realized what was happening. Looking at Su Zimo, he was a little worried, a little excited, and a little anticipating. He quickly heard the voice and said, "You can do it, don't kill anyone."

After all, this is the king city of the Yanyang Fairyland. If Su Zimo really killed the Yiqiu County King, I am afraid it would cause great trouble.

This is what Xie Qingcheng does not want to see.

Pi Hantian was still unaware of the crisis, his mouth slightly cocked, and said with a sneer: "I heard that this Su Zimo is also a servant. No wonder he is as timid as a mouse. For one year, he dared not accept the challenger."


Su Zimo originally lowered her eyebrows and looked down.

But just after Pihantianxian said this, he suddenly looked up and opened his eyes, like light and electricity, and looked at Yiqiu County King and Pihantianxian.

The two suddenly felt a horror and shuddered!

At this moment, the two developed an illusion at the same time, as if being stared at by the most brutal and brutal monster in the world, and they could be torn to pieces in the next moment!

Before they reacted, a figure swayed in front of him, and Su Zimo had come near!

too fast!


Su Zimo's palm was instantly drawn on the cheek of Yi Qiujun!

Yi Qiujun's fat body was slapped by Su Zimo, and he fell into the crowd heavily. Half of his cheeks were beaten with blood and flesh.


Pi Han Tianxian was shocked in his heart, and he wanted to draw out the Pi Han sword and kill Su Zimo.

However, Su Zimo slapped the Yiqiu County king with a slap, and did not step forward to chase down.

With a loud cry, Pi Hanjian had just pulled out half, and was pressed back by Su Zimo!

Su Zimo progressed elbows, pointing at Pihantianxian's chest, and at the same time turned his backhand and lifted towards the chin of Pihantianxian.


Almost at the same time, the chest of Pi Hantian was pierced by Su Zimo's elbow, and his heart burst and blood flowed like blood!

This elbow goes down like a big gun!

With the hard and strong body of Qinglian's real body and flesh, the flesh and blood body of Hantianxian cannot be resisted at all, like paper paste.

The heart was broken, and the blood of Han Tianxian passed away quickly.


Almost at the same time, the jaw of Pi Hantian was turned over by Su Zimo and shattered.

The whole head slammed back towards the back, and with a click, the spine was broken, and the head was pulled down from the back side, looking very penetrating!

Su Zimo's melee technique is extremely fierce, and the means of protecting Han Zhenxian are all above his swordsmanship.

As a result, Su Zimo seized the opportunity, did not even pull out the sword, most of his combat power was scrapped.

Just one difference, Su Zimo was hit hard!

Su Zimo was indifferent and stepped forward. His palms shrouded above the face gate of Pihantianxian. The huge vitality burst out and directly detained the spirit of Pihanxianxian!

Cut off the qi and blood, seal the Yuanshen, in one go!

"Su, Su Zimo, what are you going to do!"

The primordial spirit of Pihantianxian was controlled, separated from the flesh, and panicked.

In an instant, his life was already in the hands of others!

"It's nothing."

Su Zimo's voice was calm and he said lightly: "Tell you a lesson."

Su Zimo's palms are slightly gathered, and the huge and strong world energy squeezes the few spaces of the gods of the Hantian Immortal.

At the same time, Su Zimo urged the Yuanshen to release the magic formula, flicking his fingertips, and a milky white flame fell on the broken flesh of Pihantianxian.


Nanming's fire from the fire quickly burned, and the body of Han Tianxian was burned into a human-shaped fireball.

In the hands of Su Zimo, Yuan Yuanxian's Yuanshen, his flesh, was severely hit again, his blood and blood decayed, and he could not resist the burning of Nanming's fire.

But in the blink of an eye, this heavenly flesh was burned into a ash!

"You, you broke my body!"

Pihan Tianxian screamed.

Tianxian releases supernatural powers and can be reborn with blood.

But now, Su Zimo has a fire that will burn the flesh and blood of Han Tianxian cleanly, even if he wants to drop blood, there is no chance!

In the realm of self-cultivation, if you want to find a suitable body, it is harder to go to heaven.

The primordial spirit of Pihantianxian is not good in Su Zimo's palm.

Yuanshen dimmed and became very weak.

"Su Zimo, Su Daoyou, please raise your hand high, forgive me!"

Pihan Tianxian was really afraid and begged hard.

"Your guts, not much."

Su Zimo grinned and heeded Xie Qingcheng's instructions. Without killing in front of the palace, he threw away Yuan Tianxian's Yuanshen.

Although Pihantianxian survived, it was no different from a waste person.

He dared not stay here, Yuanshen turned into a streamer, flew towards the distance, and soon disappeared.

Xie Qingcheng and others were dumbfounded.

The Phanhan Tianxian, who predicts the 67th of the Tianbang, is thus abolished, and there is no chance to fight back!

"Dogs in the lower realm, you dare to attack!"

King Yiqiujun had already got up, not thinking of retreating for the first time, but stared at Su Zimo, gritted his teeth and scolded: "Listen to my orders, give me up, slaughter him!"

The king of the county kept his honor and habitually on weekdays, and was used to being arrogant and arrogant, not to mention the life and death he experienced, and he hadn’t even eaten any losses outside.

He was still unaware of Su Zimo's horror. He subconsciously believed that Su Zimo had just succeeded because of a sneak attack.


Su Zimo smiled at him.

Under this distance, he wanted to suppress Yiqiu County King, and other people had no chance to save them!

Before the laughter fell, Yi Qiujun only felt that there was another flower in front of him.

The situation is familiar, the result is exactly the same.


Yi Qiujun's cheek was slapped again!

And this time, before his fat body flew out, Su Zimo was holding his hair and pulled it back!


Yi Qiujun felt a severe pain on his head, and his scalp was almost torn!

Nearly a hundred monks beside him were in place, somewhat at a loss.

Before waiting for their shot, King Yiqiu County already fell into Su Zimo's hands!

No one dared to act rashly when everyone cast a mouse.

Su Zimo held down the heavenly cover of King Yiqiu County to seal his Yuanshen, so that his Yuanshen could not escape from the flesh, his free palm was drawn on Yiqiu County’s cheek!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

"Make your mouth cheap."

Su Zimo murmured, his hands kept moving.

Within a few moments, Yi Qiujun’s head was swollen into a **** pig head, and he couldn’t see any human appearance.

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