Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 2490: Provocation before the palace

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Yanyang Fairyland.

In front of the palace, there were more than a dozen monks, all of whom were immortal.

"Qingcheng County King, we are all here, who are we waiting for?" A ninth order Celestial among the crowd asked.

"Don't worry, wait for a while, and then you will know." Xie Qingcheng smiled slightly and sold a pass.

Another Tien Xian Tianxian hesitated a little and whispered: "The King of Qingcheng County, I can hear that this time there are several people in the top ten of the list, and we, these people, have no chance of winning.

"Just participate, I heard that there are many treasures in the Shura battlefield, go in and try your luck, maybe some inheritance." Another said.

"It is said that Moon Shadow Daoist has just got a secret method of inheritance, and the combat power has soared. Through this Shura battlefield, he has the opportunity to rush into the prediction list."

Several monks looked at a young man in the crowd at the same time.

The young man who was called'Yueying' glanced across his eyes with a smug look and smiled slightly: "Just a chance, not necessarily."

Xie Qingcheng saw that everyone did not have any hope for his victory in India, so he smiled and said: "You don't have to be discouraged. With this master I invited, although our number is not large, our strength is definitely not weak. !"

"What master? Is it predicted on the sky list?"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Xie Qingcheng smiled and said nothing.

It didn't take long for me to see a green shirt scholar pacing in the distance, seemingly slow, but in a blink of an eye, he approached and greeted Xie Qingcheng slightly.

"Who is this……"

Some monks frowned slightly, their faces confused.

One of the monks once went to the Ten Thousand Years Convention, recognized the person, and whispered: "Qiankun Academy, Su Zimo!"

It's him!

A surprise flashed across everyone's eyes.

Although many people have never seen Su Zimo, they have heard of this title.

The battle of Thunder City is too big!

What's more, it is predicted that the sky chart has been released for more than a year. Although Su Zimo's record is only two, but it is at the forefront, and it is naturally easy to be remembered.

Moon Shadow frowned slightly.

If he predicts other people on the list, he has nothing to say.

But this year, there have been rumors about Su Zimo.

Many people say that his ranking in the prediction list is extremely watery.

In addition, in the past year, all the challengers, Su Zimo, chose to avoid the war, which further confirmed these rumors.

"let me introduce."

Xie Qingcheng said: "You must have heard of this, this is Qiankun Academy, and now it predicts Su Zimo who ranks 24th in the Tianbang!"

Over the past year, Su Zimo has avoided all challengers, leading to a lower rating on the prediction list, ranking from seventeen to twenty-four.

In addition to Moon Shadow, the rest of the monks bowed their hands.

Regardless of the rumors, Su Zimo is after all a person who predicts the top list, they can't even touch the side of the top list!

"This is Moon Shadow, but also has the strength to enter the prediction list."

Xie Qingcheng introduced dozens of immortals behind him to Su Zimo.

Su Zimo slightly bowed his hand and nodded, saying hello.

"Qiankun Academy Su Zimo, these years are really thunderous, long admiration!"

Yueying smiled and said, "I heard that Su Daoyou did not dare to accept the challenger who came to the house for a year. It is really a surprise to be able to come to the Shura battlefield today."

Moon Shadow seemed to be smiling and extremely polite, but in his speech he had a gun and a stick.

Su Zimo's expression was indifferent, he didn't even look at this person.

After all, it was Xie Qingcheng who was too lazy to ignore it.

"Moon Shadow!"

Xie Qingcheng frowned slightly, reminding in a low voice.

Moon Shadow shrugged slightly and stopped talking.

Originally, among this group of people, his position was the highest.

Now that Su Zimo's arrival replaced him, he was naturally dissatisfied.


At this moment, there was a chuckle not far away: "Isn't this the younger brother of Qingcheng?

Xie Qingcheng heard this voice, and without looking back, he already guessed who the person was.

I saw a group of monks galloping, just one hundred and one people, headed by a yellow robe, wide and fat, is the king of Yiqiu County, the eighth-order heavenly immortal!


In an instant, King Yiqiu County brought a group of Celestial Powers to the front and saw the eighteen monks on Xie Qingcheng's side.

"My good brother, you have summoned such a few people, and want to enter the battlefield of Shura to win the seal?"

Yi Qiujun said with a big smile: "Let me tell you, go home quickly, as for the person you brought, you can't even see Ling Xiayin, you must die inside!"

"I go!"

King Yiqiujun’s eyes fell on Su Zimo’s body, his eyes widened, and he said exaggeratedly: “No, you recruited a dozen or so, and there is also a sixth-order celestial being. ?"


A crowd of laughter came from the crowd behind Yiqiu County King.

Among the immortals behind the king of Yiqiujun, the lowest is the eighth order immortal, and the rest are the ninth order immortals.

In the eyes of everyone, not to mention the sixth-order heavenly gods, even the seventh-order heavenly gods are not eligible to participate in this level of battle!

Su Zimo looked calm.

Xie Qingcheng and others were ugly, and were so despised and ridiculed, they naturally resented their hearts.

It's just that there are so many people in the other party that they dare not say anything.

Moon Shadow snorted coldly, saying: "Don't look at people as Tier 6 immortals, but he is ranked as the strongest arrogant person in the 24th prediction list, Su Zimo of Qiankun Academy!"

Hearing the words "Su Zimo", the laughter across the board gradually ridiculed.

Many monks looked at Su Zimo's eyes, with a trace of surprise and a trace of alertness.

Only the cold-hearted man beside Yi Qiujun's king suddenly raised his head, his eyes burst into two cold lights, without concealing the hostility in his eyes!

"It's him!"

Moon Shadow recognized the origin of this person, and his heart was very cold.

Predict the 67th of the sky list, Fei Xianmen, Pi Han Jian Xian!

Pi Han Jianxian slowly opened his mouth: "It is very clear to predict the evaluation on the top list. This Su Zimo has only two games and can be ranked in front, completely because of his good escape skills."

A few sneers sounded again in the crowd, but it has converged a lot more than the unbridled ridicule before.

In any case, the battle of Lei Lei City, for most monks, still has a very powerful deterrent!

King Yiqiu Jun deliberately asked: "How is he compared to Piaohan Daoyou?"

"If it's more than an escape, I will naturally fall in love."

Pi Hanjian fairy said: "If it is normal fighting, he can catch my ten swords, even if he is capable!"

The king of Yiqiujun clapped his palms and said loudly, "How is it, younger brother Qingcheng, before entering the battlefield of Shura, let these two make a gesture?"

Xie Qingcheng took a deep breath and suppressed his anger, saying, "When you enter the Asura battlefield, there is naturally a chance to fight."


King Yiqiujun laughed loudly: "I had expected you not to dare! Your mother is a low-flying maidservant, even if you have half of the blood of the father in your body, it can't change the humble timidity in your mother's bones!"

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