Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 217 Malted Milk

When Luo Cheng came to the road again with his two uncles and sister-in-law, they found Master Zhu in a stalemate with two fleeing men.

My uncle and sister-in-law brought buckets, baskets, baskets and dustpans, and they were not surprised to see such a scene. These days, these fleeing people are both pitiable and annoying. Everyone's life is a little easier. If the family is really rich, they will give some charity appropriately.

There are a few wealthy people in the countryside, but many people still flee to the countryside. If nothing else, you won't get food. At least you can catch something to eat in the countryside, including some wild vegetables. In the city, it just depends on your luck.

Although there are relief centers in the city, they can't provide relief, either if they are rushed or not.

You just can't handle it casually. For example, if someone is very hungry, he or she would like to have something to eat even if he is locked up.

I don't have time to waste time with two fleeing men. It's still early in the morning, and it won't be good if there are too many people on the road when it gets dark later. Luo Cheng directly threw two tomatoes over, asking them to find out and tell the other party that these were not personal things, but belonged to the unit, and they were fighting for nothing.

The tomatoes were thrown directly on the ground, and they were covered in dirt. Because they were relatively ripe, they fell apart as soon as they were thrown. However, the people who fled didn't care about this at all. They picked it up, wiped it on their dirty clothes, and then took a big bite. A fist-sized tomato was gone in a few bites.

Having some food in their stomachs made them rational. Looking at the cars loaded with tomatoes and eggplants, they also knew that it was impossible for private individuals to own cars. I took the remaining two tomatoes and retreated. It wouldn't work if I didn't retreat. If they were loading, people like them would keep aiming if they got too close.

Seven people loaded the goods, and they had tools, so it was fast. Luo Cheng took some tomatoes and eggplants and put them in the cab as an extra benefit to the driver. And took the time to pull Master Zhu aside.

"Master Zhu, next time there is a notice, it may be eggs. Go back now and help me explain something to the logistics department. Let the people in the logistics department bring some baskets for eggs. Let the shuttle bus driver come here. Help me bring it here. It will save trouble next time I pack the eggs and take them back."

"Hey, I promise to bring you the message."

Master Zhu responded excitedly when he heard that he was going to bring eggs next time. If he comes here again this time, he has to think of a way to get there. He is not the only driver in the factory. He has to take a break when he goes back this time. Other workers have to deliver the equipment. In order to get the goods early, they arrived at the factory around three o'clock and had to get up after two o'clock.

Now Master Zhu and Xiao Xiao have not had breakfast, but with tomatoes for breakfast, they also save a meal. When loading the car, Luo Cheng let them eat whatever they wanted, no less than this.

Luo Cheng's side was because he added eggplants at the back, so the things were above the level of the trunk. Fortunately, there was a canvas to protect the car from the rain, and there were also heightening brackets, so it was no problem to stack it twice as high. By the time everyone was almost ready, it was already half past six. Someone may have noticed the movement here again on the road, and it was a family fleeing the famine.

The tomatoes and eggplants were almost full, and they could no longer be given away, but Luo Cheng was still kind-hearted and threw a few tomatoes over. Then I asked my uncle and the others to pack some tomatoes and eggplants, and that was it. After watching Master Zhu start the car, Luo Cheng withdrew. Today he will go to the mountain to see how the cellar is being dug.

However, after what happened today, Luo Cheng felt that he would rather go through more trouble than go directly up the mountain to transport the tomatoes. Even if he was going to be lucky like that, he would at least have to make a show on the side of the road like he did today. There is an illusion that something has been delivered.

For example, my uncle and the others asked where they got so many tomatoes and eggplants. Luo Chengcheng told them that he was only responsible for the delivery, and that others had delivered them at night, and then the company's car came to pick them up. There were many things that they didn't see.

For example, if you don’t call them to help today, then you don’t know if a Jiefang truck comes from your factory and loads a load of things. Could it be that if you don’t know, you can just pretend that nothing happened?

According to Luo Cheng's previous idea, he would bring the vegetables directly to the cellar on the mountain, which would definitely save trouble. When it's time to deal with it, just arrange for someone to get it out. But when the dish is out, let alone its source, it's difficult to explain when it got to the mountain.

After the matters here were dealt with, Luo Cheng did not immediately go to the mountain to dig a cellar with the others. Instead, he went back to his home to sleep in his cage. He only slept for a few hours in total, and he moved a load of goods with him. He had strength, but he didn't have the endurance as before.

In the city, he doesn't have to do heavy work. In the factory, he just drinks tea and checks on the work of the department members. At home, if he had to do some housework, he would not be worthy of his position as the head of the family. That's how machismo works. He can handle the responsibility of raising a family by himself, but if he's doing housework, what's the point of marrying a wife?

"Master Zhu, it's already past eight o'clock. Where did your car go? Hongcheng called us early this morning to ask."

"Didn't you have a rest yesterday? Director Sun arranged a temporary task. Xiao Xiao and I got up at about two o'clock today. No more, I will unload the goods immediately. Master Li, please wait here for a while."

"Wait a minute, what are you pulling this early in the morning? You're not heading this way to the workshop."

"Go to the cafeteria kitchen and bring some food to Chief Luo in the morning."

"Pull vegetables? What kind of vegetables are you pulling? Let me see."

"Okay, once the vegetables are unloaded, you can drive directly to the workshop."

It was after eight o'clock when Master Zhu returned to the factory. The road was difficult and it was normal for the car to drive slowly. The food Luo Cheng gave them in the car had already been wrapped in clothes. They had finished the morning shift and could go home to rest. As soon as the prepared dishes were unloaded, he went home. Master Zhu didn't even want to talk about the benefits of some of the dishes caught on this trip.

The car drove directly to the back kitchen. As soon as he greeted the people in the kitchen, several people came out immediately.

Nowadays, the kitchen is filled with cabbage, radish, potatoes and the like every day. Workers complain that even though the food is not meaty, there are not many varieties of vegetables. I can't complain. The people in the kitchen were very happy when they saw so many tomatoes and eggplants. Stir-fried shredded potatoes with tomatoes is also a good dish.

For this eggplant, fry it in some vegetable oil, preferably with chili pepper. For a more luxurious experience, have eggplant with minced meat. If there is lard, braised eggplant is a good dish. But for the workers, they just stir-fry it. For this reception meal, the kitchen chef has an eggplant and can stir-fry a few different dishes.

The people in the kitchen were also delighted to see so many dishes. They weighed the food, and they could always sneak some in while chopping tomatoes for stir-fry. You can’t just take tomatoes home. You can ‘test dishes’ in the kitchen and get some leftovers to take back home, so you can eat some.

After weighing the vegetables, Master Zhu and his apprentice Xiao Xiao took the list and left, and handed the car to Master Li. Xiao Xiao left with his clothes, and everyone knew that there were things inside the clothes, but Master Zhu and Xiao Xiao were from the Transportation Department, and the things they brought to the factory were not necessarily from the factory.

Even if he was checked by the guard, Master Zhu was not afraid. He just said that he bought it outside and just put it in the car because of work. There is no problem at all in taking it out, the most you can do is register it.

Master Zhu gave the list to the logistics department. He has to register the list for delivery or shipment. At least it means that he worked for a day, and the logistics department immediately went to report to Director Sun after receiving the order.

In the past, there was no need to report vegetables such as tomatoes and eggplants. But now the cafeteria only serves potatoes and carrots every day. In addition to complaints from employees, there have also been a lot fewer employees eating there recently. Everyone in the canteen eats this dish, which means they put more oil on it than at home. The rice in this canteen doesn't make any money, just a small amount on the dishes.

Eating such food in the cafeteria is not as good for employees as going home and making it themselves. However, there are few varieties of vegetables in the market now. Whenever a new dish appears, there is always a rush to get it. Many people want to buy chili peppers, but they are not available in the market.

There are new dishes in this kitchen. In the past, when meat dishes were available in the canteen, they would broadcast to inform everyone. It was mainly to inform those who usually go home to eat, so as not to miss out on the meat dishes in the canteen. But today, even if it is tomatoes and eggplants, the logistics department feels that we should inform everyone. Although there are no meat dishes, at least there are more dishes. The chef in the kitchen wants to show off his skills, but he can't even afford the side dishes. In fact, there are more dishes, and the vegetarian dishes can be paired with each other, and the taste will be okay.

"Chief Li, Chief Li, there is someone looking for you at the door. It's from the local personnel bureau."

"Why didn't anyone come in?"

"They said it's a private matter, and they want you to come outside to talk."

"Okay, I'll go there now."

Li An, who is in the Human Resources Department, is still dealing with the things at hand. Even though it is only May, the Human Resources Department is the busiest for certain months every year.

One is in June and the other is in August. The entire department will be busy in June, because July is the graduation season, and some technical secondary school students and college students are assigned. Enterprises and local units must make preparations in advance.

Once those students graduate, most of them are waiting for job assignments. Only those who have experienced it will understand. As soon as they graduate, many people are recommended to work in a certain place. These are positions provided by local governments and corporate units in advance. You can't arrange jobs for these students and ask them from family to family. We all know this in advance and then arrange to write letters of recommendation.

In addition, it is the retirement season in September. Many people may be assigned to local work units when they are about to retire from the army. The same is true. Local governments and enterprises first provide positions, and then others recommend them. Many companies and localities have task indicators for these work arrangements.

Section Chief Li put down the work at hand and didn't know who would come to see him. Even if there was a job match from the local personnel bureau, it should be next month.

When he arrived at the factory gate, Section Chief Li saw a man in formal clothes standing at the door, but he didn't recognize him.

"Chief Li, I was introduced here by Director Huang. I have something to ask you for help."

"Okay, let's go over there and talk."

Li An heard that Director Huang introduced him, although he was wondering why Director Huang introduced someone to him. But the door was not the place to talk, and besides, they had never entered the factory in the first place, so the conversation was a private matter. I took him aside to talk.

"Chief Li, that's it, I~~~."

The person who came was also from the local personnel bureau, and was considered a team leader in the personnel bureau. They are all on the same page as Director Huang, and Section Chief Li and Director Huang are also old acquaintances. Last time Luo Cheng wanted to buy a bicycle, didn't he just ask for help?

This time the people over there came to see Section Chief Li, feeling a little sick and desperate to seek medical treatment. The daughter-in-law of the person who came here has given birth to a baby, but it has only been a little over a month and the daughter-in-law has already weaned herself. This rice soup can feed a little bit, but it's obviously not good.

Some people say that it might be possible to feed children malted milk, but of course, it would be better to have milk powder. Not to mention the current situation, even in the past two years, malted milk and milk powder were not available to ordinary people.

It is normal for children to die in infancy these days, and many people even do not plan to have children during this year. There are too many difficulties at home, and pregnancy is prone to miscarriage, which is also harmful to the body.

But the person who came to ask for help from Section Chief Li now was his first grandson. He couldn't eat the rice soup and might die young. So at first he went to ask his own director, but the Personnel Bureau is also a Qingshui Yamen these days, which is better than some units, but not much better.

It should be said that most local units are not as good as corporate units, because local units themselves do not generate benefits, except for some special departments, such as purchasing stations.

Director Huang also felt sorry for him, but Director Huang didn't have the ability to get malted milk and milk powder. This is Changcheng, not Sijiucheng. A director of the Personnel Bureau is nothing. There is still some ability in one-third of an acre, but things like malted milk and milk powder are not produced locally, but are produced by some companies and distributed nationwide.

However, Director Huang thought of Li An. It should be said that he remembered that there was a capable person in Li An's unit. The other party can get tea leaves these days, not the kind of broken tea leaves. This is really a capable person. Director Huang didn't know if the other party could get malted milk and milk powder, but he could think of a person who was capable of getting supplies, probably someone from the purchasing department of Section Chief Li's factory.

"Don't worry, it's a bit unlucky that you're here. The person Director Huang mentioned is now the section chief of the purchasing department of our factory. He is no longer in the factory and has gone to the countryside. But I'm afraid he can really do this for you. Solve it. In this way, you have money with you."

"I've got it, I've got it, Chief Li, tell me how much you want."

"It's not how much I want. I don't know how much I can get now. I'm going to ride a bike. You sit in my car and I'll take you to a place. There may be malted milk there."

"Oh, Chief Li, thank you so much."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me. It's not stable yet. We'll talk about it when we get there."


Section Chief Li didn't expect that the person who came to him for help was such a thing, but since it was introduced by Director Huang, he naturally had to do it if it could be done. And human life is at stake. Even if many children die these days due to such reasons, one can be saved.

If other people call for help from Li An, they may not necessarily get help. Again, there are too many poor people to help.

Riding a bicycle, Section Chief Li and his men rushed towards Luo Cheng's house. Since Luo Cheng became the section chief, at least he has the same administrative level as him in the factory. Section Chief Li often goes to Luo Cheng's house. He is also the section chief, so selling him things is considered a favor to him, so he can't ask others to deliver them to his door.

I have been here a lot, and I know some things about the Luo Cheng family. Luo Cheng's wife is pregnant. She must have taken good care of her and is looking rosy. The usual food was definitely good, and more importantly, he not only saw Luo Cheng's wife drinking malted milk at Luo Cheng's house, but she even made him a cup of it. It was so sweet that Chief Li still had some aftertaste when he thought about it.

Soon Section Chief Li led people to Luo Cheng's house, and the first person to greet them was the monkey from Luo Cheng's house. Whenever a stranger approaches, the monkey will bark. However, the monkeys all know Section Chief Li, so the cry is not serious, just like a greeting.

"Brother Li, why are you here? Come in and sit down."

"Brother and sister, I have come to ask you something this time. Well, come into the house and tell you something."

In terms of age, Ang Lee would have no problem being the same generation as Da Luo. Originally, Luo Cheng also treated him as a senior or elder, but he always shouted at Section Chief Li, never with his seniority in private. For example, Uncle Li or something, and after drinking once, Luo Cheng, who didn't know it, became worthy of his elder brother. There was no bloody plot like "Biaobaozi", but he drank too much. For some reason, Ang Lee said "Brother Luo Cheng", and Luo Cheng also called him eldest brother. Then the seniority was decided like this.

As soon as he entered the room, Section Chief Li told Zhao Qian what happened and asked Zhao Qian if there was any malted milk at home. If there is, can you let it out? Although I don’t know if the other person’s child will drink it, but at least there is one more hope.

Zhao Qian hesitated for a while. It was not that she was reluctant, but that she had been to the supply and marketing cooperative and knew that this thing was valuable. She would not let Luo Cheng ask her to drink it to supplement her nutrition. A can of malted milk at the supply and marketing cooperative costs more than forty, which is something even if you have money you can't buy it.

Luo Cheng didn't know where he got a can. It was packed in an iron box unlike the packaging of the supply and marketing cooperative. What Luo Cheng got was a wooden box with no words on it. Luo Cheng told her it was malted milk, but she had never eaten malted milk before, so Luo Cheng said it was, of course.

What Zhao Qian was hesitant about was whether she could be the one to take out the malted milk, and what she would do when Luo Cheng came back. But thinking about the child who is less than two months old, she is also the one who is going to be a mother, and she is the one brought here by Section Chief Li. So I didn't say much, but walked to a table cabinet and took out the wooden jar with a little difficulty.

"This is a brother. The stuff is not mine. I haven't eaten much of the jar. I don't need to tell you how rare the stuff is. I'll give you fifty. If the child doesn't drink it, you can return it."

"Hey, thanks, I understand."

I saw Zhao Qian taking out the malted milk, although the packaging box was indeed not the one on the market. But as long as the product is right, I opened it and looked at the approximate quantity. The market price is more than 40 per box, but you can't get it. So even if you eat too much, there are still so many, so it’s not a loss to give fifty.

I don't know if it's enough. If it's for children, when the children get older, maybe they can change it to rice soup or eat it with something else. You will definitely not be able to maintain your health by eating malted milk all the time. But the child is too young, and it is not enough to feed him rice soup when he is more than one month old, which is not nutritious enough.

Apart from this method, I have to find a woman with breasts, maybe it can save my life. But in today's age, those who have breast milk must have children. If the adults are not full, how many of them can have enough milk? Even many times, life was really difficult and I couldn’t get pregnant and give birth to a baby.

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