Era: Start as a buyer

Chapter 216 A bit hasty transportation

Hoes, shovels, even some poles. When the commune was first established, everyone's farm tools were handed over, and some money was calculated to replenish the iron tools. Because in the future, farming will be done collectively, even when growing vegetables.

Luo Cheng asked everyone to dig the cellar. They must either find the tools themselves or borrow them from the commune. Now that the canteen has been cancelled, everyone is cooking their own meals again. Some people just get a small piece of land in front of their house to grow some vegetables, and no one cares about it. Do you need tools to dig into the ground or borrow them from the commune?

But you can't acquire too much land. Nowadays, the land is collective. It doesn't matter if you get a little bit in front of your door. If you get too much, it will be difficult to determine.

Naturally, Luo Cheng wouldn't borrow it. If he borrowed it, he would get it directly and everyone in the commune would know what he was doing.

Early in the morning, Luo Cheng's father, brother and sister-in-law came to his place. Luo Cheng had farm tools here, which were brand new. We gathered at Chen Laizi's house with the farm tools. The farm tools were temporarily purchased in the future era.

In the future era, Luo Cheng happened to be in a rural area, where grocery and hardware stores sold farm tools. Luo Cheng not only brought farm tools this time, but also brought some cucumbers, tomatoes and some dried radishes.

There was nothing to eat at yesterday's meal, just rice mixed with soy sauce. Others ate it very well, and Luo Cheng thought it was OK at first. But after finishing one bowl, I felt it was too ordinary. There is nothing you can do about it. There was dried radish for lunch today, and Luo Cheng thought it was good.

Tomatoes and cucumbers, on the other hand, work directly as water. There is still rainfall this year, but it is very little. The land can be planted, but it is difficult, and we have to carry water to plant the land. From the two wells in the town, you can feel the water from the buckets. The ropes are longer than before, and the water is a little more mixed.

And everyone thinks that the well water is not as delicious as before, and it needs to be boiled before it tastes better. After the water is boiled, a lot of sediment will also appear. In the past, people poured well water into a vat and drank it directly as long as it was not too cold or hot.

Luo Cheng's father and brother-in-law left first with tools, and then he took out food from under the bed and brought a spare mobile phone over to pass the time tonight.

In his own time, Luo Cheng had a watch and actually stayed up until twelve o'clock. At least he could see the time and have a waiting process. If you don't have a watch, it will be particularly difficult to simply endure the weather. And if you have a mobile phone, even if you are playing a single-player game, it will be very easy until twelve o'clock.

In the past, when Luo Cheng had to stay up until 12 o'clock in his own time, he also brought a mobile phone over. Then if you don't use it, you'll bury it somewhere, but you'll always feel uneasy inside. I feel that it is most appropriate to place things in the future in the future. In the future era, it is easy for me to stay up until 12 o'clock. Even if I don't bring anything with me, I often stay up until 11 or 12 o'clock because of playing on my mobile phone.

In the countryside, since Luo Cheng lives alone, it is easy to carry things. He usually carries two mobile phones with him in the future era. Not only did he use it daily to bring one to his own era, he also used two. Not only him, but many bosses are like this, one is for office use and the other is for personal use.

Of course, other bosses use two mobile phones to avoid many people coming to collect debts during the Chinese New Year. One phone is for pretending to be dead, and the other is for contacting family members.

Luo Cheng set out with tomatoes, cucumbers, dried radish and rice, because he planned to dig a cellar in the mountains. For cooking, Chen Laizi's place was the most suitable place.

By the time Luo Cheng got there, everyone was there. Ergouzi and his wife, sister and brother-in-law, Luo Cheng's father and mother, brother and sister-in-law are all here. Of course, the nieces and nephews will also come here to eat and drink.

The job that Chen Laizi is responsible for is very simple, it is his own job, don't let people enter the mountain. And for the sake of safety, Luo Cheng would not dig a cellar at the foot of the mountain. There used to be a small wooden house for hunters in the mountains. Luo Cheng planned to go there to find a place to dig and repair the small wooden house.

Apart from these people, Luo Cheng did not allow them to participate in the initial work of Chen Lezi's wife's Yang family. Instead, he took over the job of raising chickens from Er Gouzi and his sister. In addition to the chickens he wanted to raise in his own commune, he also had to check other places.

There was no need for everyone to eat breakfast. Each person ate a cucumber and went up the mountain. Luo Cheng's father took his sister and sister-in-law to repair the wooden house first, while the others found a remote place and started digging.

Luo Cheng was dressed in formal attire, and no one would let him do anything. I took the local gun from Chen Lezi's house and saw if I could add a meat dish for lunch today. It's definitely not okay to shoot at the foot of the mountain. If someone hears the sound, it is considered poaching. But when shooting in the mountains, and Chen Laizi is patrolling down the mountain, there is basically no problem.

It's spring now, and Luocheng is the city least affected by drought. If a deserter is released into the mountains, he will eat insects and not starve to death unless he gets sick. But those fast-running animals don’t have guns or traps, and it’s useless no matter how many people are released.

Luo Cheng actually had a gun at home, but it was the kind with a short barrel. Since he was rewarded with a rifle from above, he has never used it again. Chen Laizi's native gun has a long barrel, which has a longer range than a short barrel, but similarly, its power is actually much smaller.

The long barrel can shoot thirty meters, while the short barrel only has an effective range of ten meters. Luo Cheng wandered around the mountains all morning and received a wild bird. In fact, he also saw a rabbit, but it is best not to hunt rabbits this month. Unless you really have no choice, now is the rabbit breeding season, and in a month or two you will often see little rabbits in the grass and mountains.

In fact, rabbits are very alert, at least better than some birds. If you see a bird in a tree, if you approach it slowly, it may not fly immediately. If you see a rabbit, if you get close, it will move casually and then run away.

Everyone is happy when they shoot a bird, but if a group of people only shoots one bird, it will be over, and the physical energy consumed is not enough to replenish it.

When everyone is tired from working, they can rest casually without supervision. If you are thirsty and have water to drink, you can also eat cucumbers and tomatoes to quench your thirst, but others will bite the skin of the tomatoes directly. Luo Cheng was a little embarrassed. It wasn't that he didn't eat the skin. He didn't eat the tomato skins brought back from the future era.

It looks so good and there are no insect bites yet, so why don’t we use pesticides? But when it is about to mature, it is not necessary to spray medicine. It's about half a month before the cycle of almost raw and ripe food. According to vegetable farmers and experts, if you stop taking the medicine for half a month, the remaining ones will automatically decompose.

But a video of growing grapes was also posted on the Internet. Usually, the medicine was applied as soon as the grapes started to bear fruit, and the medicine was used 21 times until the grapes matured. It is said there that it will automatically decompose when the time is up, leaving no residue.

But in the future, you won’t be able to survive without eating it. People raise bullfrogs with antibiotics. Fish farmers also use it, and all kinds of plants use pesticides. No matter how much you think about it, it is unavoidable. But Luo Cheng was just worried and didn't want to eat the skin, and he didn't lack the skin. Take cucumbers as an example. They only clean the surface and eat them with the skin on. It cannot be avoided at all, and I don’t know if cucumbers will also be treated with pesticides. If you really think so much, you won’t have to live in the future era.

Three cellars were dug that day, but we didn't dare to dig too big for fear of collapse. At least there must be protective support inside to dig big. At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Cheng was no longer on the mountain. He went back and waited at the intersection for the shuttle bus back to the city. He notified the driver and when the car arrived in the city If Zhang Hongxiu is waiting for news at the station, ask her to notify the machinery factory.

Inform the machinery factory and arrange for a truck to come to the commune here. If we don't have a truck, we have to find a way to get some other vehicle to come over. There are too many tomatoes, and several cellars dug will definitely not be enough, and we still have to dig.

Luo Cheng thought of getting rid of a batch first and taking his time with the rest. If all this is brought to the mountain, it will have to be brought down when it is transported to the city. In fact, the only way to get vegetables to the mountains is to hide them during transportation, and the true origin is still unclear. But if you want to do something, you have to take risks. What Luo Cheng thought was that after a year or two passed, he would do nothing.

At night, Luo Cheng ran to the wooden house on the side of the road again. This was built last year when he was buying eels and transporting supplies to pay off the bills. I had my mobile phone with me, and I was hiding in the wooden house playing Xiaomi. The stand-alone version does not require an Internet connection. In addition to this, there are actually games like Plants vs. Zombies. There is even a paid version of 3D role-playing games if your mobile phone has enough memory.

Soon it was twelve o'clock, and in the future era, I was still sitting in the warehouse of the logistics center. There was a lot of tomatoes next to it. I roughly estimated the amount in my mind and moved several tons of tomatoes over.

After everything was done, Luo Cheng just hoped that everything would go well and notified Zhang Hongxiu of the matter at the machinery factory. Ask them to send a car over early in the morning to load the things, so that they can come early in the morning.

Otherwise, if you leave so many tomatoes on the roadside and are seen by some people fleeing the famine during the day, there will be trouble.

A few minutes after twelve o'clock in the morning, Luo Cheng woke up with his phone still in his hand. He will not bring his mobile phone back to the future era in these two days. I am afraid that he will have to stay up until twelve o'clock every day these days.

Through the night, Luo Cheng looked at the tomatoes and eggplants on the ground, spending another day in the future. Those vegetable sellers in the future era were too polite and really treated him as a friend. He helped him get tons of eggplants in one day. Of course, Luo Chengdu gave him some 'gas money'. Everyone arranged their own cars to bring the eggplants to Luo Cheng, so we couldn't let others contribute both effort and money.

So originally there were only tomatoes, but under his control in the future era, Luo Cheng woke up again in his own era and also got a bunch of eggplants.

Luo Cheng had no intention of going back to his own place to sleep, and he could make do with staying in the wooden house for one night. He was also afraid of something unexpected happening, so he slept in the wooden house and brought a quilt with him when he came. I just hope that the machinery factory is strong enough to come and take the vegetables away very early.

After playing the game for a while, Luo Chengcai found a secret place to hide his phone before falling asleep.

Changcheng, three o'clock in the morning, machinery factory.

"Master Zhu, why are you leaving the car so early? It's not even bright yet."

"Director Sun gave me a temporary assignment to go to the town below. Chief Luo sent someone in the afternoon to ask for a car to pull things there. Don't you know it's normal for you to work the night shift."

"Chief Luo of the Purchasing Department?"

"Otherwise, there is no other section chief named Luo in our factory. The car has to deliver equipment to Hongcheng during the day. I have to drive the car back tomorrow morning, and then ask Lao Li to deliver it to Hongcheng. goods."

"Chief Luo is calling to pull something. He's not bringing two fat pigs to the factory. Damn it, I haven't had any meat in the factory for a long time."

"I also think that if it's a fat pig, I can go and pull it for Chief Luo at three o'clock in the morning every day. No more, Xiao Xiao, go start the car, get in the car and set off."

"Hey, master, the car has been checked and it's fine."

The security department of the machinery factory is always on duty. If someone is not on duty, some useless scraps will be stolen from the factory. They are all iron. Not only on duty, but also on patrol.

And the master driver in the factory brought his apprentice with him before he arrived at three o'clock in the morning, so he came with the driver. Unless there are special circumstances, there are very few people who come to drive at three o'clock in the morning. The security guard in the factory naturally wanted to ask. He heard that he was going to pull something for Chief Luo, and it was arranged by the factory's logistics department, so he must be pulling something for the factory.

Several people were wondering what they could bring back by going to the town below. Of course, everyone hopes to bring back the pork. Everyone hasn't eaten meat for a long time, and let alone meat, there are not even decent vegetables. The land that can be planted is planted according to a plan. You can't just plant whatever you want. Cabbage and potatoes have a high yield. When there is a shortage of food and vegetables, those with a high yield will be chosen.

Even if you grow peppers, which everyone here likes to eat in Changcheng, you are not allowed to do so. Even if you can grow them, you will only be able to grow them in small quantities.

Jiefang trucks in the factory will be roughly inspected before starting, and then even if they are started, they will still have a rocker type key, just like a Z-shaped iron handle like a tractor. Insert it into a specific opening, and it requires a lot of strength to shake it, and you can't shake it with brute force, you have to shake it rhythmically and evenly.

It would be very dangerous for a person who is weak and shakes randomly if he loses his grip on the key. This key will rebound and easily injure someone.

After explaining to the security department personnel, the apprentice driver obeyed the master's instructions, took the key and started the car. The engine key port of the Jiefang truck is at the front of the truck. The master got on the truck and sat in the cab. The apprentice started the truck with the key and immediately got on the truck.

The distance illuminated by the car lights was not far, and it was quite dark today. You can only drive slowly, not to mention you can't drive fast. After leaving the city, the roads to the counties and towns are all dirt and sand roads. Many places are full of potholes, so you have to pay attention to the roads.

Because the car was driving slowly, we didn't arrive at the intersection on the Luocheng side until after five in the morning. It was getting bright at this time. Although the sun didn't come out, the sky was white and I could see things clearly.

On the roadside at the intersection, Master Zhu and Xiao Xiao saw a lot of tomatoes and eggplants, just placed on the roadside without anyone around.

But perhaps because of the sound of the car, a figure quickly emerged from a small wooden house. Who else could it be but Chief Luo of their factory?

"Master Zhu, there are only two of you here. Hurry up and load the car, don't wait for trouble to happen next."

"Chief Luo, why do you put so many vegetables on the side of the road? This is so unsafe."

"The roads in the town are not easy to navigate, and the vegetables are not from the town. It is troublesome for people to transport them in, and it is not easy for you to drive in and out. As long as you arrive early and go to the roadside, you can save a lot of trouble."

"Chief Luo, we have all these dishes."

"Hurry up and load the goods first. There is a certain amount of food. You can also take some, and I will record the loss of the food."

"Thank you, Chief Luo."

"Thank you, Chief Luo."

Although it's not meat, with so many tomatoes and eggplants, I can still get some in private. Master Zhu was very happy, and Xiao Xiao, who came with him, also followed his master to thank Chief Luo.

The three of them hurriedly loaded the truck, but the food on the roadside was not easy to load. It was not like the factory where the trucks were used to pull vegetables and there were baskets. The food at Luo Cheng's side was not packed in baskets, so it took three people to throw it little by little into the car for as long as they wanted.

"You guys do it first, I'll get two baskets, and then call two people to help."

"Hey, I don't have anything to pretend to be trouble."

In fact, in the future era, many tomatoes and eggplants will be packed in baskets, but they are all plastic baskets. Luo Cheng couldn't bring it over, and there was no bamboo basket prepared here.

Luo Cheng is still immature and doesn't have much planning. After all, when you are young, it is normal for you to not think so carefully about things.

Luo Cheng had no intention of going back to his home to get the basket. His home was far away from the intersection. He went to his father-in-law, Accountant Zhao's house, and just called Zhao Qian's brother and sister-in-law over to help. Then he would order tomatoes and eggplants for them. Now every household here makes their own food. If you come here and move some things, you can earn money. Lots of dishes, I’m sure I’d like it.

After explaining to Master Zhu, Luo Cheng walked quickly to the town.

"Xiao Xiao, go get the gun from the car, hurry up."

And just before Luo Cheng walked for a while, the movement of a car parked here was noticed by people fleeing the desert. The fugitive saw a car parked here and came to take a look out of curiosity.

As soon as the fugitive appeared, Master Zhu became alert. There were very few car drivers like them in this world who did not carry guns. If the car breaks down or needs to be repaired, it will be a gun alert.

It's not that they want to be like this, but the victims in some places are simply irrational, even if you give them everything you can eat in the car. They will always think that you still have it. Nowadays, drivers in many places dare not stop the car unless the car breaks down. These days, cars all use rocker keys to start, and the start is slow. If someone shows up, it will be troublesome.

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