Entertaining Children

Chapter 179 The Most Popular Audience Award

After stealing half a day's leisure from Fusheng, Xiao Yao's focus once again returned to the short film festival. ?? ??August 1 Chinese Q㈧W﹑W㈧. ?8(i)1(i)Z?W. COM

Although Xiao Yao did not meet the favor of any film dealers or film companies after the three short film screenings in three days, judging from the number of audiences in the auditorium during these three screenings, it was more than one time. And with Xiao Yao's memory group head, he also easily discovered that some audience members appeared repeatedly, and performed "two brushes" and "three brushes".

After four days of screenings, the festival held its final awards ceremony and closing ceremony on the fifth day.

To attend the awards ceremony, it is natural to wear formal attire. The clothing industry in Clermont-Ferrand is relatively developed. There are many clothing stores in the city, and many clothing stores will also launch dress sales and rental services during the film festival. Xiao Yao didn't bring any formal clothes when he came to France this time, so he asked Fang Yiran to go to a clothing store to rent a dress for him and come back. When Xiao Yao helps the singers he cooperates with in designing and preparing for performances, jewelry may be rented, and clothing has always been bought directly. When it was his turn, he went to rent a suit to wear, which left Fang Yiran and Pei Minyi speechless for a while.

The final awards ceremony was arranged by the film festival organizer to pick up all the contestants, so there is no need to bother Clara Vera and Kira Beah. After waiting for the car arranged by the film festival organizer to arrive, dress up The new three boarded the pick-up vehicle and arrived at the venue of the film festival awards ceremony.

The Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival does not have a red carpet ceremony for stars. After the three arrived, they went directly to the venue of the awards ceremony.

After the three entered the venue, they sat down in the seats assigned to them according to the instructions of the staff. When they arrived, there were already many people in the auditorium, most of them were contestants of this film festival, and there were very few pure audiences. Xiao Yao glanced at it casually, and found that even those contestants, he didn't know most of them.

On the one hand, compared to general film festivals, purely short film festivals are basically an opportunity for new directors to make their debut and attract the attention of the film circle. It’s not that those famous directors don’t stop making short films, it’s just that when you have the ability When there is an opportunity to make a formal feature film, not many people will go back and make a short film. Even if they do, most of them are either for their own interest or for experimental purposes. seek attention. In terms of fame and stardom, whether it is an actor or a director, a purely short film festival cannot be compared with a purely feature film festival or a comprehensive film festival that includes both feature films and short films.

On the other hand, regardless of past life or present life, Xiao Yao has a better understanding and attention to Hollywood movie stars and directors, but lacks interest in and understanding of the artistic European film circle. In this film festival held in France, half of the works are from local French directors, and most of the other half are from Europe, so it is normal for Xiao Yao to look around and not know anyone.

It's not entirely accurate to say I don't know anyone.

Because not long after, Muying also arrived. This is the only director Xiao Yao knew at this film festival. They are probably related to Chinese, and the film festival organizers arranged their places together very thoughtfully.

"Are you confident to win the prize?" After sitting down and greeting Xiao Yao, Muying asked Xiao Yao with a smile.

"Our short films are all in the international competition unit, but we are competitors," Xiao Yao also said with a smile, "Do you want to hear me say that you have confidence or do you want me to say that you have no confidence?"

"With the plan of the parkour film project, my purpose of coming to the short film festival this time has actually been achieved." Mu Ying said with a smile, "So I actually really hope that you can win the award. You I am younger than me, if you win an award, it will be more topical than me, and it will be more beneficial to our future parkour movies, and I personally think that your short film is more likely to win an award than mine .My short film was purely an action movie, and action movies, you know, are not inherently good at winning awards."

"It's a good mentality." Xiao Yao smiled, "I really envy your relaxed mentality."

"It seems that you are very concerned about awards?" Muying comforted Xiao Yao, "It is good to win an award, even if you don't get an award, you don't have to care about it. You are still so young, and there are still many opportunities in the future."

"Since I'm ready to make a feature film, I think it's unlikely that I will go back to making a short film in the future, so this should be the only time I participate in a short film festival." Xiao Yao smiled and shook his head, "Actually, I'm not a literary youth. , I don’t particularly care about this kind of artistic awards. It’s just...you also know that the cast of my short film is very luxurious in China. A few even adjusted their schedules for this purpose, if I don’t take an award back, I will feel a little sorry for them.”

"That's why you gave the first awards ceremony you attended to this short film festival that has the lowest attention in China and doesn't even have a red carpet show?" Fang still interjected with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Mu Ying asked a little puzzled.

"Xiao Yao has missed three award ceremonies in China, one for the "Flying Apsaras" award and two for the "Golden Saucer" award, and he won all of those three award ceremonies." Fang Yiran said.

"The "Flying Apsaras" award and the "Golden Saucer" award?" Muying was taken aback, and then suddenly said, "I remember, the domestic media have reported it, when you won the "Feitian" award and last year's "Golden Saucer" award You are still a middle school student, but it’s nothing. You are a college student this year, and your studies are not heavy. You are still absent from the "Golden Disc" award. Some media have already said that you are a big player at a young age! But I think you have a lot of personality. I like!"

"It's because of something this year, and it's not really a big show on purpose." Xiao Yao said with a smile, "I'm very low-key and humble."

"Come on, it's possible to keep a low profile, but it's not necessary to be modest." Muying said, "You can command the leader of the parkour team in Los Angeles with just one phone call, and it's safe to say that with just one name, you can find what you need to make a feature film. Cast and money, which doesn't sound like a show of modesty at all."

"Uh...this is self-confidence, I really can't be humble." Xiao Yao laughed.

Not long after the two chatted, the awards ceremony officially began. The two also put away their thoughts of chatting and focused on the host on stage.

The short film festival's award ceremony process is also much simpler than that of a film festival that includes feature films. There were no cultural performances interspersed, and the award presenters didn't talk too much nonsense when they came on stage, and the awards were quickly presented one by one. The acceptance speeches given by the winners who came to accept the awards were also more concise than those at other awards ceremonies that Xiao Yao had seen, and there were less cases where they were so excited that they shed tears.

When it came to the awards of the International Competition Unit, Xiao Yao and Mu Ying's expressions were much more serious and nervous. Although it was said verbally that he didn't care too much, but at this time, who can really not care at all?

The final result is that the biggest award in this competition unit and the one that Xiao Yao cares most about - the grand prize of the judging committee, has no chance for Xiao Yao. But Xiao Yao is not without gains, he won an award for the most popular short film among the audience. The winners of this award are voted by the general audience who watched the short films in the various screening halls during the festival's screenings in the past few days. In other words, although Xiao Yao's short film was not favored by the professional film masters in the judging committee, it was liked by many audiences.

"It seems that I'm really not suitable for being a literary youth, I'd better just play commercial movies honestly." On the way to the stage to receive the award, Xiao Yao laughed at himself in his heart.

Although Xiao Yao dressed up more maturely and steadily today, his immature face cannot be faked. After taking the stage, the host, award presenters and many audience members expressed surprise at Xiao Yao's youth. However, Xiao Yao didn't show any complacent expression. After receiving the trophy from the award presenter whom he didn't know, he briefly said his acceptance speech, and then calmly returned to his seat.

"Congratulations!" After returning to her seat, Mu Ying immediately sent her congratulations.

"Thank you!" Xiao Yao responded with a smile, and then looked down at the trophy in his hand, thinking that the hard work of relatives and friends was finally not wasted, and this was an excellent explanation for them.

At the end of the awards ceremony, Xiao Yao only won the "Audience Most Popular Award", while Muying got nothing and nothing. However, Muying had been mentally prepared for a long time, and she didn't feel disappointed. Instead, she enthusiastically asked Xiao Yao to treat her to celebrate.

After winning the award, Xiao Yao was also happy, so he smiled and nodded in agreement. Thinking that Clara Vera and Kira Beah had been bothered a lot these days, Fang Yiran asked those two to come out to celebrate together.

"By the way, let them ask Andrew. If he is free, please invite him to come with you." Xiao Yao instructed Fang Yiyi again. Although we only went to a music festival together, we are still acquaintances, and the celebration is naturally more lively with more people.

Hearing that Xiao Yao's short film won the award, Clara Vera and Kira Beah were overjoyed, and readily agreed to their invitation to celebrate, and also promised to call Andrew Belmont together.

Since it is a celebration, wine is naturally indispensable. Unlike the United States, France does not have a rule that people under the age of 21 cannot enter bars and nightclubs. As long as they are adults, there is no problem, so a few people chose to go to bars and nightclubs and other places to have fun. As for where to go, it was naturally up to the three locals including Clara to decide. Although Xiao Yao had been to Clermont-Ferrand before, he was underage at that time, and Chen Xuan would not take him to places like bars and nightclubs. No matter how unreliable Chen Xuan was, he still had his own bottom line.

After several people met, Xiao Yao first briefly introduced Mu Ying to the three locals, and then asked them to recommend suitable places.

Although he was going to drink to celebrate, Xiao Yao didn't want any surprises. After the three locals gave three different choices, Xiao Yao did not hesitate to choose the art major, the one mentioned by the relatively quiet Kira Bea. A few people went there to see that it really belonged to a nightclub with a relatively good environment, not so noisy, and the clothes of the guests did not look so exaggerated.

After a few rounds of lively drinking together, everyone tacitly pointed the finger at Xiao Yao, one by one taking turns to find him for a drink. He won the award today, and he is a well-deserved protagonist. Who else will he be?

Xiao Yao quickly discovered everyone's intentions, and tried to pull Fang Shang still and Pei Minyi's two assistants as shields, but the two who knew his character quite well at the moment did not regard him as a boss at all, not only did they not help him, they did not say anything. , and joined the camp against Xiao Yao with others. Anyway, the environment here is very good, there is no safety problem, not to mention that it is not far from the hotel, Mu Ying and Andrew had already patted their chests and said that if Xiao Yao got drunk, they would be responsible for sending him and the two girls back.

After persisting for another two rounds, just as Xiao Yao was a little dizzy from drinking and thinking about how to play tricks, a life-saving call came.

Holding up his mobile phone to greet everyone, Xiao Yao left his seat and went to a quieter place to answer the phone. When he came back, he apologized to the others and said he was leaving.

"I'm sorry everyone," Xiao Yao put his phone on the table and said with a serious face, "Just now people from Michelin and BMW came to me and said they wanted me to help BMW shoot commercials. My plan is to return to China tomorrow. Yes, I made an appointment with them to talk at the hotel tonight. They have already left the hotel where I am staying, and we have to go back to the hotel. Clara, if you want to continue drinking, you can continue, and the bill will be mine."

"Michelin and BMW executives want to ask you to shoot commercials?" Mu Ying asked strangely, "How did they choose you?"

"Film festival." Xiao Yao smiled, "Michelin is one of BMW's tire suppliers, and people from BMW came to Clermont-Ferrand for business reasons, and people from Michelin entertained people from BMW to go to the film festival. The awards ceremony is coming. It just so happens that BMW’s new season of advertising has not yet been announced, and I want to have some new ideas in the advertising, so I want to have a talk with me, the young winner of the “Most Audience Favorite” award, to see if there is any possibility of cooperation. "

"Wow, there's business here, and it's a world-renowned brand like BMW, so it looks like it deserves an award." Mu Ying said with a smile, "It seems that we didn't have enough to drink with you today. Clara, Let's not be polite, we can not delay his work talk, and he doesn't need to save him the money for the drink, let's get a better drink, anyway, he said he would pay the bill."

"Hey, it's not certain whether it will succeed or not!" Xiao Yao rolled his eyes and continued, "Also, you go with me."

"Why am I going? People are looking for you, the winner of the "Most Popular with Audience" award, not me." Muying immediately said, "No!"

"This is just a preliminary contact, and it's not that I have decided to do it." Xiao Yao said, "The car commercials are actually very suitable for your action movie style. Also, haven't you filmed commercials before? Go and help me as a staff officer. You want to drink, please go to the hotel bar to have a drink after you are done, and if you drink too much, I will directly open a room for you to stay in."

Speaking of BMW's advertisement, Xiao Yao immediately had an idea in his mind. But he didn't plan to do the filming by himself, and he agreed to meet with BMW's people not only to avoid everyone's drinking, but also to introduce this opportunity to Muying. We won't know if it's going to happen until we talk about it, but at least Muying has to be brought in.

"This... alright!" Muying thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

"Andrew, don't get too drunk, remember to send the two girls home." Xiao Yao said to Andrew Belmont again.

"Okay, fortunately you are from Huaxia, not a local, otherwise I would definitely not be friends with you." Andrew Belmont waved his hand and said.

"Huh?" Xiao Yao was puzzled.

"With you by my side, I'm sure I won't be able to find a girlfriend." Andrew Belmont laughed. "You are talented and considerate. You will definitely abduct all the girls, so you should hurry up."

"It's called no harm without comparison." Clara Vera added with a smile.

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