Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 785: Anti-customer! Lakanos who has been manipulated!

Lakanos is always speechless when facing Yin Na.

The monk in front of him almost directly saw through everything about him.


The weak want to threaten the strong? This could be a very funny joke.

Being able to threaten the existence of a stronger person should not be called a weak person no matter how you look at it.

"Yin Na, I am willing to submit for the second time.

It's just that you really know the bottom line that I can bear?

Bulkelso made me submit because it was so easy for me to ask.

You... probably will ask me to do something very embarrassing, right? "

Lakanos looked at Yin Na who was exuding great strength, his face was full of embarrassment.

His eyes flickered, and Yin Na just smiled softly.

"Of course, my conditions will definitely embarrass you.

If you love Uliana from the bottom of your heart, you must be in a difficult situation.

It's normal to show your anger and indifference even to me.

Then there is only one question, you guy, do you really love a nephalem like you said? "

Yin Na smiled lightly, as cheerful as if all the clouds and mists had been lifted from the sky.

It's like when the sun is not above the sky, everything that comes into view is so fresh that people can touch the beauty.

Another long silence.

Lakanos seemed to be hesitating.

He wavered.

Perhaps what he said about his love for Uliana was somewhat sincere, but it was by no means to the extent that he was willing to give up everything for it.

Whether it is resolutely rejecting Yin Na's request at this time, or agreeing to this condition without hesitation, it can show his determination and strength.

But at this time, Lakanos is like a little boy who has just tasted the beauty of love, worrying about gains and losses all day long.

Even a little fascinated.

Craig's injuries on one side have fully recovered with the help of the medicine bottle.

The medicine bottle is actually not an indispensable thing for him.

After all, the medicine bottle is only a part of the power of life authority.

And Craig is life itself.

But he is still a human being, and it takes time to recover from his injuries. And the medicine bottle increased his recovery speed a lot.

"I... can't promise you!"

Lakanos finally gave his own answer.

Maybe his love has a somewhat indestructible feeling.

"My love shouldn't be so cheap!

You can destroy me here, and free Uliana's soul from the Plains of Despair.

But you can't make me decide to give up on her! "

Lakanos made this interesting decision anyway.

It is still too early to expect the King of Despair to get the same understanding as human beings that "love is a bond of mutual giving".

For countless years, haven't the demons of the Burning Hell been brutally plundering everything they needed?

Such Lakanos...is still that demon after all.

But Uliana probably still has some status in his heart, right?

In the desperate plains of Lakanos, are there more than tens of millions of souls collected?

His huge body is basically the huge piled up of countless souls.

This can be seen in his arm full of howling souls that look like a ball at first glance.

"That didn't surprise me.

Then Lakanos, let all who come here leave.

Don't pester them anymore.

Then I will give you the liberation you want.

Although it is impossible to leave the Burning Hell now, it is only a temporary thing.

The personality of Jorez, the poisonous king, is about to be completely destroyed by Baal. "

Yin Na said casually.

It's just that the sky seems to be closer to the ground.

Lakanos' face was not very good-looking, but he still nodded silently.


"Gruchak, congratulations on exceeding your mission.

You can go back to your holy hill of Harrogath! "

The figure of Lakanos spoke to Gruchak who had just broken his neck.

There seemed to be a bit of fatigue in the eyes.

"Lakanos! What happened to make you make such a decision?

Bulkelso's side definitely didn't accomplish his goal!

Who made you make such a decision! ? "

Gruchak threw the head of Lakanos in his arm to the ground, and looked at the reappearing Lakanos and said.

All around them were broken corpses belonging to "Lakanos".

Gruchak waved his anger and smashed countless clones of the King of Despair.

There are traces of the battle everywhere on the ground.

It looks full of the cruelty of fighting on the battlefield!

"You don't feel it?

The god of the sky has arrived, and I can't even figure out why that bastard Malthael didn't destroy the pantheon of monks when he almost destroyed everything in Sanctuary! "

Lakanos shouted excitedly.

In the face of people like Gruchak, whether it is a friend or an enemy, they can show their true selves very happily.

Because Gruchak has a charm that makes everything easy.

"The god of the sky? The legendary Yin Na?"

Of course Gruchak knew Yin Na's name.

It's like the savage always shouting the name of Bulkelso.

The monks like to mention Yinna besides calling the gods and ita.

"You gave in again?"

Gruchak tilted his head and spoke in a very strange tone.

These words are full of an emotion called "look down".

These words made Lakanos extremely embarrassed.

Yes, he gave in anyway.

It's just that she didn't succumb to Yin Na's conditions, but succumbed to her strength.

Yin Na wants to free Uliana's soul, but this doesn't mean that Yin Na won't smash Uliana's soul into powder!

Were savages not the only ones who were uncompromising in the face of demons?

Those nephalem who are strong enough to a certain extent understand how they should get along with demons.

When they face the devil, their determination is even more stubborn than that of the angels when they face the devil!

If Lakanos doesn't follow Yin Na's request, then Yin Na will definitely crush him and Uliana's soul together!

This can be regarded as liberating Uliana's soul.

The moment Lakanos showed in front of Yin Na that his love for Uliana was not a fabricated lie.

He has such a weakness.

"It's none of your business!"

Lakanos seemed a little ashamed and angry.

Gruchak was scolded and froze in place!

"You! You! You fucking!

If it weren't for me, I would stop you now, I would have asked Cassius to come over and give you a few words! "

Gruchak...isn't very good at spitting...

This guy is actually quite simple...

So simple that when you meet a devil, you don't even bother to say anything, just go up and break the devil's neck.

It's actually kind of hard to get him to piss people off.

After all, this guy rarely meets an opponent he can't beat and needs to vent his anger.

Among the barbarians, the stronger the guy, the less he can speak coquettishly...

Because no one likes to show their strength by saying a few sentences to the blood plasma everywhere.

"Just say you're going to go or not!

If you don't leave, I'll tell Yin Na the truth!

When she directly releases the phantom art, if you have the ability, don't run away! "

Lakanos gesticulated and shouted in a gesture of releasing his self-liberating nature.

He suddenly felt the joy that those savages who love to curse can feel.

Sometimes a slightly vulgar way of dialogue can still release inner pressure.

"Me! I'll fucking kill you!"

Gruchak finally shouted what he hadn't said at all.

Then he strode towards Lakanos with his anger, which had been covered by flesh and blood, reverberating for the most part!

With a blow to the head, Lakanos' chattering clone seemed to be split in half by a machete.

It's just that the incision seems to be torn open, not very regular.

Well, most of the barbarians who are not good at spraying people are better at doing it directly.

"Just tell me whether you're going to go or not!"

Lakanos' voice came from the ground.

Gruchak's eyes widened, exhausted all his strength, and slammed a hammer on the ground!

A huge deep pit appeared on the ground...

The deep pit was a bit like a scar left on the ground after being hit by a meteorite, and then Gruchak's figure disappeared directly.

At this moment, Gruchak directly released all the power in his body, and then returned to the posture of the spirit of the ancestors and directly returned to the holy mountain of Harrogas.

In normal times, this approach is very dangerous.

Because it is only a soul, Lakanos is absolutely capable of keeping his soul in the Plain of Despair.

But now... Lakanos has been manipulated by Yin Na.

The soul of Uliana detained by Rakanos should be the hostage he used to blackmail the Nephalem.

But now, it was Lakanos who was threatened by the hostage's safety.

Things developed so magically, even a little strangely.

Yin Na just watched.

She understood what Lakanos was thinking.

In fact, Lakanos is just tired of his identity as a devil in his heart.

It's just that he doesn't have the personality of the Seven Demon Kings. Even if he is called the Uncrowned King, he is not a real king!

The Seven Demon Kings are not simply powerful demons who possess certain powers!

Seven Demon Kings, that is the authority bestowed by the Burning Hell!

The reason why Jorez was able to get a seat was that the Burning Hell was still the Seven Demon Kings.

It's just that one of the positions was taken away by Jorez.

As for Lakanos?

Even if the King of Despair can defeat guys like Billie and Duriel.

But when he faced the orders given by the Seven Demon Kings as the Demon King, he was only qualified to carry out them honestly.

Otherwise, he would not have appeared in the high-level heaven under the request of the Great Demon God Diablo.

In her heart, she didn't agree with the devil, and this change was the reason why Yin Na was able to blackmail Lakanos!

So, Steve once again encountered a situation that he couldn't understand...

First, the head of Lakanos in front of him not long ago exploded in half...

This time, another huge depression appeared on the chest...

Steve is not arrogant to think that this is the injury caused by his own thorn injury.

Steve learned this common sense from Johanna.

Most of the enemies who die from the thorn attribute will be directly turned into slag, and such sudden injuries have nothing to do with the thorn attribute.

"You are dismissed!"

Lakanos said angrily.

"I don't!"

Steve said firmly!

Not to mention that the Crusaders themselves are a bunch of stubborn guys, and Steve's own stubbornness is also extraordinary.

After all, not every weak person can tell a stronger guy that he can fight all day.

In terms of brains, Steve is also a representative.


Lakanos felt even more headache.

How nasty he was when he was teasing Steve, it was such a headache for him.

The original Lakanos just continued to strengthen Steve's beliefs so that the crusader would have the will to fight to the death.

This goal has been achieved, but now Lakanos needs to let Steve leave the Plain of Despair honestly.

How could he know in advance that he was going to encounter the God of the Sky?

Back then, he had never heard of Yin Na's death!

Even Burning Hell suspects that this guy, Yin Na, has become a pantheon alive.

Facing Yin Na, Lakanos gradually reached the point where he was unable to change.

I have to say this is very ironic.

"How do you want to tease me?

I do not care!

Unless you kill me, I will definitely stand in front of you! "

Steve's eyes are full of determination!

The entire demon of Rakanos is numb...

The crusaders are a group of guys who will take everything seriously, and even their jokes are the kind of cold jokes.

Lakanos faced Steve who never flinched, and then helplessly turned into a clone and appeared in front of Yin Na.

"That's your business."

Yin Na said lightly.

There are not many opportunities to watch the King of Despair embarrass himself.

It's true that Yin Na is the head of all gods, but she was originally just a monk.

It's no surprise to have a little sense of humor, right?

There is no reason in this world that only demons from the Burning Hell can play tricks on humans!

Although the struggle between humans is sometimes crueler than the invasion of Burning Hell...

In fact, there are still a few human kings who died at the hands of demons...

More of them died in power struggles.

Even Leoric was killed by his subordinates...

And Lakis IV who lived in the city of Westmarch... died at the hands of a baron who colluded with the soul snatcher and the devil...

Humans never learn their lessons.

Obviously, in the past, countless fools have proved that colluding with the devil will only lead to a worse death.

This baron even dared to collude with Malthael's Soul Reaper Legion...

He has never understood why the Soul Reaper Legion appeared in Westmarch... ①

In the face of interests, it is difficult for human beings to think of the painful lessons they have learned.

Yin Na understands this very well, so she never demands to save all human beings when she treats them.

Saving human beings indiscriminately can only be done by the crusaders.

Yin Na has always only saved those who deserve to be saved...

For example, Uliana, whose soul has not been corrupted by Lakanos for nearly a thousand years!

Making fun of Lakanos, who has a weakness, can only be said to be human revenge against demons at best!

Who cares but Rakanos, the king of despair?

① Occasionally, you will get this task during the reward task in the fifth act. This guy killed Lakis IV who was obsessed with fighting demons and angels... stupid and bad...

Absolutely, I plan to take a nap at four o'clock in the afternoon, and I can sleep until four thirty in the morning...

My routine seems to be completely weird, even weirder than turning day and night upside down.

This chapter is supposed to be updated on January 4th... I have left evidence to prove that my daily update is one chapter short...

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