Dark Savages Come To the United States

More statistics and thanks in December

According to the usual practice, the first thing is still to report the situation of the lack of updates.

A total of 134,000 words were updated in December.

Remove the 180,000 words that were guaranteed to be updated in December, add 47,000 words that are owed, and count as 24 chapters.

The number of additional monthly tickets in December is 179, counted as 2 chapters.

In December, the total reward is 0.02 yuan, which is not enough to add a new chapter...Shocked!

But still continue to sincerely thank Mr. JETYGUO, thank you!

At the end of December, it is set to 877, and according to the long-term addition rules, 9 chapters will be added.

37 new chapters are added...

After repaying the debts, counting the newly added debts, there are still 346.5 chapters of debts, 693,000 words.


The old tune is repeated about the free extras after the book is finished, the number of words will be repaid strictly according to the number of words owed, and there will be no less.

Hmm... this number of words can almost finish the prequel...

Don't know what to say...

I have to say thank you readers for your support, thank you very much.


Next is the simplest reward since the serialization:

Thank you for the 2 dot coins rewarded by the reader, Mr.

Thank you very much! ! !

So! Thank you readers!

The author paused.

As for the year roundup...

Not much to repeat.

In the past year, I have updated a total of 362 days, and the number of updated words is 1.88 million words...

This number is a statistic on Writer's Assistant.

Looking at it this way, it can barely be considered diligent...

(Actually, the number of words coded is a little higher than this...I used other software to code words and then moved them...Counting some trivial tasks, I should have coded about 3 million words this year...)

I can't help it, I have to eat...

So let's talk a little bit about the plot.

Already here, some clues are already very clear.

The return of the nephalem who died in Sanctuary was inevitable.

Bulcasso has contrived hundreds of chapters for this purpose.

Death...the existence of death still has a few important foreshadowings, so I won't mention it for now.

The court of eternity and life (Warlock Adam version) is basically the background board, which is similar to the Hell Lord, Infinity, and Annihilation that are directly finished.

The reason why I have been focusing on Lakanos, the King of Despair who only appears in the fourth act of the game, is because this guy is the linker of the next part of the high-level heavenly change...

Auriel's domain is Rainbow Pass, a beautiful world full of innocence, but there are demons in this place.

And the opposition of hope and despair led me to arrange this plot.

Diablo III is a very dark story, where demons are demons and there is no mercy.

Even demons with a pleasant face, those guys are just trying to achieve their own goals.

And the Archangel... is really a bit vague.

At least it's a bit blurry to my eyes.

Tyrael is a noble stand on the standpoint of human beings, but it is also true that he blasted the holy mountain of Arreat.

Demons have their own appeals, so how can the opposing angels be purely sublime?

The centaur Masaiel is planning to do a world cleansing...

Other archangels must have their own appeals and beliefs to implement.

By the way... In fact, I am quite satisfied with the bridge segment that divides Marthael's story into two parts...

Both the Archangel of Wisdom and the Archangel of Death are called Malthael, but they are not the same person after all.

Who made Malsail in the game so stupid that he didn't look like a wise man.

In the next chapter, more angels will appear in the high-level heaven...

Although there are not many angels that can be queried, there are still a few.

The way angels get along with angels is completely different from that of Burning Hell.

The relationship between demons and demons is basically whoever is stronger is right... Even demons of the same tribe have this kind of trouble.

Just the only demon of the Earththumper race can count three... Crushing Hammer, Killing Hammer, Pedyron...

On the contrary, Hamelin, the big mouse, was the only one...

The only blame for the Agron troll I seem to have seen two with different names?

There is also the more important family of Goblins (Greevil). After thinking about it for a long time, I still classify this thing into the system of Burning Hell.

The main reason is that it is ugly, not like a product of a high-level paradise.

It will generally be arranged as a race formed by deserters from the Eternal War...

Most greedy people lose their minds, and it is normal for demons not to be seen by Malthael.

And they live in a burrow, and it is reasonable for them in the burrow to not be able to bathe in wisdom when wisdom is flooding the world...

After rambling on and on, it is better to say thank you all for coming.

Then say thank you again!


The author looks at Qian Nan and pauses!

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