Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1522 The clown whose consciousness has been blocked

Suddenly Malthael's face turned extremely ugly.

"It is indeed beyond my expectation that you can tie your life to a Nephalem under my nose."

Malthael's tone was particularly bad.

What troubles him is not that the Joker's approach prevents him from killing the Joker completely, but that he must obtain Bulcaisel's consent in order to do so.

What's even worse is that Bulcaisel will most likely not agree!


Malthael called out to Bulkatho.

He knew that Bulkesso had definitely heard what he said before, and now it was up to Bulkesso to make a decision.

So Malthael also saw with his own eyes that Burqaso's face was a little ugly!

"Who are you tied to?"

Bulkesso asked.

It's not that Bulcaisel intends to measure the importance of the Nephalem whose life was bound by the Joker, but that he has to deal with different Nephalem in different ways.

If it is bound to a Nephalem monster like Hylab, then there is no cost to killing the Joker.

After all, for the current Hailab and others, dying once is not an important thing at all.

It only takes a little time for them to recover from their death.

But if it comes to those young Nephalem, then you have to explain the current situation to these young people and let them make their own choices.

The threat of the clown is indeed not small, but it is not to the extent that even Bulcasso can't contain it.

If it doesn't work, he can also go to Li Min for help. There are some things that Malthael can't do, but it doesn't mean that Li Min can't do anything.

Even Bulcaisel didn't think that Malthael couldn't circumvent this life bondage, just because he had to pay some price to circumvent this bondage.

Regardless of the loss of time or strength, it is unacceptable to Malthael at this time!

Malthael was already inferior to Bulcaisu in terms of strength, but he had just completed the integration of his own power.

He also needs to seize this last period of time to obtain more powerful power for himself to ensure his chances of winning in the decisive battle!

What he did at this time was not to let Burqasso make a decision for him, but to tell Burqasso that he could not continue.

Malthael did not like to do thankless tasks unless it might lead to some additional rewards at some point in the future.

And the clown doesn't look like he's likely to bring any gains.

This guy is chaos itself, this guy's existence is a kind of trouble!

Although Malthael will not continue to try to kill the clown, Bulcasso cannot watch the clown gain freedom so easily!

Restricting clowns is inevitable!

"It shouldn't be difficult for you to imprison all his consciousness."

Bulkesso asked.

Since Malthael is unwilling to do thankless things, it's not troublesome to settle for the next best thing!

The word "detention" was used implicitly by Burquetso, and the implicit meaning was that there was no need to pay attention to the clown's feelings. As long as the other party is locked up, whether it's sealing or torture, it doesn't matter.

Nephalem don't like to torture others deliberately, but they don't have that much compassion for the tortured villains.

If you see a tortured demon in the demon's lair, killing the opponent directly is the last mercy of the Nephalem, and to a certain extent, this kind of mercy is to prevent these villains from directly corrupting and turning into trouble again.


This guy didn't deserve any mercy when he was alive as a human being, let alone now that he is a demon!

Pity the devil? What kind of stupid Nephilim genius would come up with such a ridiculous idea?

"I see."

Malthael nodded. After all, Burqaso's answer was not unexpected.

The Reaper of Souls in his hand began to emit the light of death, and then began to spread toward the outside world, as if following some kind of thread of fate.

The current restrictions of the Burning Hell itself can no longer affect Malthael's actions, just like Bulkesso does not need anyone's consent if he wants to come to the Burning Hell.

Inarius and Lilith will never question each other's attitude and strength at this time, because they know that they are not worthy now!

Since Inaris told Bulcaisuo how to completely destroy the High-level Heaven, it must be expected that Bulcaisu will master the method of completely destroying the Burning Hell by analogy!

As for Lilith, as knowledge itself, she naturally understands the existence of this method.

Ideas without strong support cannot convince others, and no one will willingly give up the right to speak!

At least this is true for Malthael and Bulkatho!

They want to have the absolute right to speak, and that's not for superficial things like power!

But what they want to do must be supported by enough voice, and the world they want to build also needs the support of other forces according to their wishes!

Lilith and Inaris have no way to disobey now, so the best choice is to shut up for the time being!

Once they show signs of threatening Malthael and Bulkatho's plans, it is a normal outcome to be directly killed and become part of their power!

"Boring, you are all boring guys."

The clown still showed no fear at all, but showed a strong emotion of regret in his words!

He wanted to see someone dragging his feet in this dilemma, and he wanted to see Malthael look embarrassed in the gap between Bulkatho and him.

What's more, I want to see Bulcaisel's face look ugly after knowing that he tied his life to the Nephalem, and it's better to show a bit of hysteria.

It would be even better if a few unwilling and ugly roars could be added!

But Bulcaisel just made the decision expressionlessly, without any procrastination, no expression of embarrassment, and no roar of unwillingness.

Some of them were just contempt and a bit careless towards him, the devil of lies.

"Of course Bulcasso's heart is not flawless, but even if you know the flaw, can you already uncover the scars?

You are too weak, not only in terms of strength, but also weak when attacking the soul. "

Malthael sarcastically said while sealing the clown's will.

Bulcaisel was neither a stake nor an iceberg; he was a savage whose emotions were always aroused.

But this does not mean that Bulcasso will be weak when making decisions, nor does it mean that Bulcasso's heart will be easily destroyed!

For a guy who has completely divided the fear in his soul, who can guarantee that he has only divided the emotion of fear?

Maybe he divided more than one emotion!

Even if Bulcaisel really only divided fear, then he could completely replace the emotion of fear with anger to make himself seem complete both externally and internally.

So can he also replace a specific emotion with other emotions?

Although Bulkesso is not as talented as Sonya in the field of being a warrior, his authority and knowledge are far from being as extraordinary as Li Min.

But Bulkesso is no mediocre existence!

Even if you give him thousands of years, a truly mediocre warrior cannot have the strength he had before Bulcasso came to this world!

Bulcaisel was only four to five hundred years old. Even if his years as Uldyssian were included, he definitely did not have more than seven hundred years of experience.

Bulcaisel, who has gradually become the Immortal King, has absolutely the highest level of talent!

At least his talent has reached the minimum limit required by his strength at this time!

And this so-called "minimum limit" is actually beyond the reach of most people.

As for those Nephalem who are more talented than Bul-Katho, the number is certainly not small, but they may be lacking a bit of luck.

If the clown wants to shake Bulkeso like this, he must at least create a tragedy that is not inferior to that of the Holy Mountain of Arreat in order to have a chance!

The Joker underestimated Bulcaisel, and perhaps overestimated himself.

At least in Malthael's view, all the clown's actions can only be said to be worthy of being a clown.

Reckless actions towards people you don’t understand, actions without understanding and planning are an irresponsible risk.

Of course, this will not lead to any success, but only a regretful failure.

But if you look at the identity of Joker Chaos, maybe the purpose of this guy is to get some inexplicable excitement?

Thinking will not affect Malthael's actions. It didn't take long for the clown to capture all the consciousness he could find.

"Bulkess, what are you going to do with this thing?

Put it into the Dark Soul Stone like you did when you dealt with the Demon God in the past? "

Malthael asked teasingly.

In his hand is a ball made of the breath of death. Inside the ball are all the found consciousnesses of the Joker.

Although Malthael did not intend to give a guarantee that "everything is here", he did not think that the clown could spread out much consciousness and stay outside.

The best outcome cannot be better than the situation of Bilie who just came into this world.

Although Bile had no power at that time, he could at least use his soul to try to seduce Cytorak.

But today's clowns can probably bewitch small animals or people who are naturally sensitive.

Small animals don't matter, but people who are born with strong and keen spiritual senses are often spell casters.

Spellcasters are often extremely cautious when facing things they don't understand but are abnormal.

Going to those guys might allow the Joker's last remaining hope to be captured.

Malthael did not forget that Auriel had given the power of hope to Bulcaisso.

All the low-probability events happening now may be inspired by Bulkesso!

Although Malthael never asked Auriel about all the details of Hope's authority, hope itself was a kind of power.

Whatever outcome Auriel hopes for, as long as she doesn't control the situation, it will tilt in the direction she wants.

So it’s normal for Bulkesso to have such uncontrollable influence when he hasn’t fully mastered the method of using the power of hope, isn’t it?

Malthael planned to use what happened during this period to analyze how Burqasso wanted the situation to develop.

This is a real good opportunity. After all, Bulcasso has always kept his ideas secret.

Even when the decisive battle was about to begin, Malthael still did not understand all of Bulcaisel's plans.

It's not that he doesn't know what Bulkesso might do, but that he thinks the approach shown by Bulkesso is too rough.

Nowadays, even if you want to build a dog house, you have to draw a blueprint first!

And everything that Bulcaisso showed looked like he started to act as soon as he slapped his head.

Although this is not inconsistent with the style of barbarians, Bulcaisel has been talking about "plans" from the beginning.

Could it be that the plan given by an immortal king who has become an immortal king and has been recognized by most barbarians is just a random plan?

Malthael doesn't believe it!

He didn't dare to say that he knew Bulcaisel very well, but he dared to say that he knew Uldyssian!

Uldyssian doesn't act recklessly!

At that time, Uldyssian could even be said to be somewhat thoughtful, even gloomy!

Even though it is no longer the same person, the soul is still the same soul.

Could it be that having the blood of a barbarian in his body can make a cautious person ignore all possibilities?

This thought was extinguished by Malthael the moment it appeared in his mind.

He didn't focus on understanding the soul, but the endless years of experience gave Malthael a rough idea.

Of course, the body and soul will influence each other, but they will never be completely transformed!

Malthael looked at Bulcaisu with a scrutinizing look, although this look was a bit offensive!

"You want me to be like Aidan?"

Bulcaisel sneered.

Aidan's mind is definitely extremely tough, but he was unable to maintain himself for a long time in the face of Diavolo's temptation.

And the idea of ​​​​a clown is something that even Bulcasso must admit is very inflammatory!

The real way to avoid danger is not to rely on your own ability to get as close to the cliff as possible, but to stay away from the cliff in the first place!

"So what are you going to do with this consciousness? I'm not going to save this thing for you."

Malthael neither admitted nor denied it. Instead, he asked how Bulcaisel planned to deal with it.

It's not like he didn't know how big of a trouble Bulkesso might be after being incited.

But it is to determine that even if Bulcaisuo may be incited by the heart of a mortal, it is definitely not something that can be done in a short time!

It took at least several decades for Diavolo to bewitch and influence Aidan!

Even if Bulcaisel's will is not as strong as Aidan's, and the clown's methods of deceiving people are far superior to Diavolo's, it will still take at least years to count, right?

Is Bulcaisel really less determined than Aidan?

Malthael doesn’t think so!

So is the clown's ability to confuse people as good as Diavolo's?

Malthael scoffed at this!

Not to mention that Diavolo who bewitched Aidan was transformed by Mephisto, the demon of hatred, and had the power of fear!

Even Diavolo, now transformed into Lilith, is not necessarily inferior to the Joker!

Malthael does not deny the danger of clowns, but after all, this guy does not have the experience to bewitch powerful beings.

Coupled with the lack of a key means of understanding people's hearts, how can the Joker compare to Diavolo?

Diavolo, who can know Aidan's thoughts through fear, is experienced in seducing and corrupting him. How can the Joker be so good?

From Malthael's point of view, Bulcaisel was just entertaining him.

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