Dark Savages Come To the United States

Chapter 1521 Weirdness and Testing Destiny

Bulcaisel didn't bother to lie about this kind of thing, and didn't even bother to cover it up.

Regarding the situation on Bulcaisuo's side, Malthael knew that this would not change anything.

It can even be said that Auriel's approach was a tacit understanding reached by both parties. Malthael did not intend to stop it, and Burqaso also knew Malthael's intentions.

"You want the final battle to be a fight between you and me? I do appreciate your idea."

Bulcaisel said in a casual tone.

"I don't mind talking to you, but let me deal with this clown now.

Inarius even used fate to influence my decision. No matter what, I have to give fate a face. "

While Malthael was talking nonchalantly, he took out the Reaper of Souls and held it in his hand.

Compared with Burqaso's general method of sweeping acupoints in the courtyard, Malthael has some methods that will not cause too much noise.

"You seem to have never worried that I would escape at this time?"

the clown asked, full of curiosity.

He is not ignorant and fearless, he is already very clear about the gap between himself and Malthael.

He only asked this because he was really curious and didn't think that he had reached the point where he could only wait to die.

"Bulkessor, this guy's soul is involved with several Nephalem. My method will cause those Nephalem to be slightly hurt. You won't be angry about this."

Malthael suddenly spoke.

He really wasn't cheating at all, this was the fact he noticed.

"As long as it doesn't hurt the source, you can do whatever you want."

Bulkesso said.

He also knew that after Malthael took action, the Nephalem who were involved with the Joker would most likely not be able to participate in the subsequent decisive battle.

But this is in line with Bulkesso’s idea!

Since the final outcome can be decided through a head-on fight between himself and Malthael, it wouldn't be a bad thing to let others rest for a while.

At least Malthael doesn't seem to have any intention of killing the Nephalem.

It is naturally a better choice to leave more chances for others to survive!

"Then I won't be polite."

You can even see a bit of a smile on Malthael's face.

He gently waved the Reaper of Souls in his hand, as gently as plucking the strings of a piano.

The Reaper of Souls exuded a bit of a weird aura, and then it wrapped tightly around the clown's figure!

“Even if it’s an illusion like a clone, it must be connected to the main body.

Attacks launched following this connection are naturally impossible to evade. "

Malthael didn't forget to explain a little when he started. It was just boring.

Since Burqaso has given his promise, he will not interfere with his actions at this time.

Although Malthael is more curious now about how far Bulkaiso's method will go if he refuses to take action.

This made Inaris unable to help but intervene. If the situation was not serious enough, Inaris would not need to do this at all!

"It sounds very dangerous."

The clown still looked indifferent.

It's like the person being attacked is not him!

"I have seen a lot of people who are fearless of life and death, but this kind of lunatic is still a little worse than Leoric."

Lilith was still in the mood to comment.

Not long ago, she and Inaris were in great embarrassment under the clown's attack, but now she has regained her aloof arrogance.

"Lilith, you'd better speak less. I haven't forgotten about Leiko!"

Bulcaisel's tone was very unkind, as if he might take action directly at any time.

Bulcasso has not forgotten the fact that Leiko died because of Lilith.

Although killing Lilith directly in this place would disrupt the original plan, making some adjustments to the plan is not absolutely unacceptable!

"Lilith, wait."

Inarius once again said the same words as before, and this performance made several people present a little more serious.

No one but Inarius himself knew what he saw in destiny.

Maybe everything that is happening now is what Inaris wants to see, otherwise he should take action directly like he influenced Malthael before.

Inaris suddenly looked at Bulcasso.

"The result of killing me now is not good enough for you. I hope you can wait a little longer."

Inarius said to Bulcaisel.

"Bulkeso, even if Inaris is not the Archangel of Destiny, I will not watch you take action directly.

Or are you saying that you still have to take action even if the final battle is brought forward? "

Malthael's tone did not conceal his threat.

Protecting Inaris is not only due to his recognition of Inaris's angel status, but also to express his position towards Bulcaisuo!

Malthael has no objection to the fact that the final battle will determine the future of the world, but the premise is that nothing that makes him angry will happen before the decisive battle comes!

Malthael was just being friendly, but he didn't lose his temper.

He will not lack the bloody spirit of a common man!

"Malthael, deal with the clown first."

Inaris spoke again, and this time he used the power of fate!

It is very rare for Inaris to use the power of authority so frequently!

Even Lilith and Bulcaisel had to re-examine the Joker. How much of a threat did this guy pose to the fate known to Inaris? Even Inaris showed eagerness.

"I know, my methods will be more violent.

I just hope that bastard over there won't come after me to settle the score. "

Malthael also moved his hands faster as he spoke, completely intending to eliminate the clowns at all costs!

This time the clown also had some expressions other than a smile on his face.

That’s caution and doubt!

"So what did I do in the future you saw?"

Joker asked.

But when he spoke, cracks began to appear on his body, which was obviously affected by Malthael's attack.

"Now that you appear here, you are already the source of trouble. Fortunately, Malthael can eliminate the source if he is willing.

But you are not a life, but a thought.

You don't look much different now than we did in the beginning. "

Inarius's words were not so much an answer to the clown as a message to Malthael and Bulkatho.

Although what Inaris said was not very detailed, it was enough to explain the danger of the clown.

A chaotic thought has taken on a body, and it is not even clear whether this clown is the same clown before.

"An idea? Maybe an idea itself? Similar to the original us?"

Malthael whispered, but the attack on his hand became visibly stronger!

He has fully understood the danger of the clown. At this time, killing the opponent completely is the best choice!

Bulcaisel would never have the slightest objection to this matter.

Only Lilith might have any particular thoughts about the Joker's existence itself.

Thinking back to Inaris asking Lilith to continue waiting, Malthael had to suspect that Inaris wanted to use his own power to let Lilith master this chaotic idea!

Malthael didn't understand Inaris's thoughts, but he knew that he didn't actually have Inaris's trust!

Inaris suffered a lot when he was imprisoned in the Burning Hell, but none of the archangels stood up to help Inaris at that time!

No matter who you are in this situation, you will definitely have some ideas.

Even Malthael felt that Inarius was already on the verge of madness.

He had seen madmen, and the maddest of them all, Leoric, had a purpose.

But Leoric had already curbed his madness, because madness was no longer the only way he could achieve his goals.

But what about Inaris?

Malthael intensified his offensive while secretly calculating in his mind.

If possible, Malthael would not want to stand on the opposite side of Inaris.

That is not due to caution about the power that Inaris holds, but simply to worry about Inaris's choices!

Inaris can let the people affected know that the power of fate affects them, and he can also do it quietly!

The former's approach was to let the affected people understand Inaris' determination, so he chose to cooperate.

But if Inaris uses the latter method, then there will always be some "fated accidents" to make things develop in the direction Inaris expects!

Malthael's concerns were not unfounded.

"It's really good, but it's a pity that I will never die completely. The most you can do is kill me as a demon god.

But unfortunately, I will appear again in the future, I just need some time to recover my power as a demon. "

The clown spoke without fear, and there was even a hint of sarcasm on his expression.

Inarius did not respond to the clown, only Malthael was carefully observing the clown's changes.

"Craig and Ulena? You will choose the target to attack."

Malthael said.

He was telling Bulqueso what he perceived!

As the incarnation of life authority, Craig already has a transcendent status, and Ulena, a veteran legendary monk, also has an extraordinary status among the Nephalem group.

Bulcasso has not forgotten Leiko who died because of Lilith, so will he forget himself who hurt Ulena?

Malthael always considered these questions, and he never gave up trying to understand human thoughts.

However, after he became a being similar to the Nephalem, Malthael gradually felt the fluctuation of his mind.

This was quite helpful for him to understand the Nephalem's thoughts.

But Malthael himself wondered whether the changes he was experiencing at this time would be like the corruption of the Burning Hell.

Because angels and demons have become humans, their hearts will also change in the direction of humans?

This is really not alarmist!

Although there have been no examples of demons becoming angels before, there are many examples of angels becoming demons, humans becoming angels, and humans becoming demons!

It doesn't seem completely impossible to say that humans also have some kind of power that can make angels fall to heaven and make demons have good thoughts.

Worry began to sprout in Malthael's heart, but the movements of his hands did not stop at all!

"Maybe in addition to Craig and Ulena, this guy has a lot of back-ups."

Bulkesso said.

This is still what he said to reassure Malthael.

As long as it doesn't harm the origins of those people, it doesn't matter if Malthael's methods are cool!

This is not a sacrifice, but a price!

For the majority to make the minority pay the price, Bulcaisel would not stop it even if he couldn't bear it.

Of course, this harms the interests of some people, but it is better than if the situation develops to an irreversible level and the harmed people lose their lives.

When a doctor treats a disease, he has to remove part of the lesion. It cannot be said that the doctor does this just to cut flesh from the human body!

"There are indeed some backups, but it's not a big problem."

Malthael's expression looked particularly cold, and he had realized the difficulty of the clown.

It is undoubtedly the best choice to solve the clown's problem before it becomes unmanageable!

Malthael is gradually realizing the differences between humans, and is beginning to worry about the possible impact of human potential.

Before that, he had to deal with the clown in front of him first, and then he could consider and deal with the subsequent problems!

"Fate is so unpredictable."

Inarius muttered something in a low voice, and he didn't expect that no one else could hear him.

If he didn't want others to hear, he would just keep silent.

Lilith was thoughtful, but didn't act yet.

She is still willing to believe Inaris, even though Inaris may have already fallen into madness!

But Lilith never cared about this, and things like hatred didn't matter.

After being a demon for so many years, do you still care about hatred?

A selfless heart will always change due to countless things that cannot be done, and eventually it will always become a way of ensuring yourself first before considering other things.

Lilith saw clearly that this had nothing to do with authority, it was just something that you would naturally understand after experiencing it more.

It's just that what she understands may not be understood by other guys, but Malthael's performance makes her worry all the time!

Malthael was getting weirder and weirder, and the aura that was completely different from his past self was enough to make Lilith feel uneasy.

Inaris may have known something, but he had no intention of explaining it in detail.

Lilith had to feel worried, especially with the Nephalem standing in front of her!

"How terrible."

The clown said this in a tone that showed no fear at all, but seemed to be mocking.

It's just that the cracks on his body are becoming clearer, and the clown's figure is becoming more real at this time.

Obviously, his existence has been locked by Malthael, and it is impossible to avoid the blow he suffered like before.

"You are the most terrifying existence."

Malthael retorted expressionlessly.

Now this game only looks simple!

The battle between Malthael and the Joker was not on the table. Even if Malthael had the upper hand, it would never be easy!

Most of Bulcaisuo's attention was focused on the two of them, and the remaining part was also focused on the nagging Inaris.

At this time, Lilith did not receive any extra attention from Bulcasso.

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