Daomu Biji

Snake Swamp Ghost Town Chapter 6 The Unacceptable Reality

Snake Swamp Ghost Town Chapter 6 The Unacceptable Reality

The yelp when I opened the secret door just now, and the encounter with this thing lasted for about half a second. In addition to the scare, I couldn't take a closer look at the appearance of the thing. I only had a rough impression in my mind. . A must-have for book pursuits But now, under the stalemate, in the firelight, that strange face was clearly printed in front of Third Uncle's eyes.

At first glance, the third uncle just thought it was scary. He had never seen any kind of rice dumplings before. They were wet, dry, headless and with two heads, peaceful and ferocious. He was born with a big nerve, and he was no longer afraid after the age of 15. I've passed these things, but this face is so fucking evil.

The monster's face was bronze, the flesh was shrunk, the skin was cracked into scales, and one side was peeled off. Its two eyes had no pupils, but you just felt like he was looking at you.

The third uncle thought that this didn't look like a zongzi. No matter how ugly the zongzi was, it must at least look like a human being. Why did this thing look like a snake? Isn't this a monster?

And what puzzles the third uncle the most is that the more he looks at this face, he seems to have a feeling of déjà vu, as if he has seen it somewhere, but this is absolutely impossible, and white hair keeps appearing on his neck. sweat.

He froze for a moment and then moved his hand. His own hand became weaker and weaker. The monster squeezed out a little more with an expressionless expression. The third uncle knew that he could no longer speculate, so he immediately put the fire stick on the face. Throw it away and the fire will start.

The wine that Uncle San likes is a kind of green "shaodaozi". Shanghainese people seem to call it Mung Bean Shao. What Uncle San drinks is brewed by the country people. Those are all base wines, with extremely high alcohol content, and they will start to burn at just a little bit. He still likes to drink this wine, but for someone of his grade, this wine has become like a chronic poison.

The strange face was suddenly submerged in the flames and could no longer be seen clearly, and white smoke began to rise from things on all sides. The skin and flesh began to melt, and an extremely unpleasant smell assaulted his nostrils.

Most of the grave goods in the coffin were covered with damp, decaying silk. Now it is also burning and making a squeaking sound

The third uncle tried his best to hold his breath. The fire burned for about six or seven minutes, and the alcohol was completely burned. The third uncle found that this move worked, and the upward force from below slowly disappeared. As the fire became smaller and smaller, the face was corroded and exposed. There were burnt and blackened skeletons inside.

It burned for about ten more minutes. All the flames were extinguished. The third uncle relaxed his feet and found that the power underneath had disappeared.

He was afraid that something might change,

Still not relaxing, he still held on with one hand and pulled out the machete from his waist with the other hand to fiddle with the skeleton.

I fiddled with it twice and found that there was no reaction. The third uncle hit the neck hard twice, breaking the neck bones, and then breathed a sigh of relief, confirming that the thing was really dead.

As soon as he relaxed, his whole body lost strength, and the strength in his hands quickly disappeared. As soon as his feet went soft, he sat down inside the coffin and gasped for air. I thought that this time it was really a fortune teller. I’m also sorry for my cleverness, so I brag a lot when I go back.

But what exactly is this? Is such a horrific corpse really a bloody corpse? He originally thought that the bloody corpse must be covered in blood, but it didn't look like it.

Thinking about it, he picked up the flashlight on the side, bit it in his mouth, and once again pulled up the slate of the secret door of the sarcophagus.

The headless bloody rice dumpling lay flat under the stone slab. It was the mummy of a burly male. His clothes had rotted away, leaving only a lot of cloth strips clinging to his body. The whole body shows a bronze rust color. The most terrifying thing is that the body is covered with many skin folds similar to eyes.

Uncle San pressed its chest. Feeling as hard as iron, I couldn't help but feel lucky. If I had let him out just now because I couldn't bear it, even a gun might not be able to kill him. It would definitely be a narrow escape from death.

He jumped into the coffin, stepped on both sides, and wanted to pull out the bloody corpse and take a closer look. At this time, the third uncle was suddenly stunned. An extreme chill suddenly rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

He suddenly discovered that in this bloody rice dumpling, only a section of his right arm, which was shrunk under the stone, was left! The part below the elbow has disappeared.

The third uncle's heart skipped a beat, and his mind suddenly became confused. He immediately leaned over to look at the broken part of the severed hand, and saw that the flesh was indeed like cotton wool, showing the shape of exploding. The third uncle suddenly felt weak and sat down on the ground. .

*************************************************** *******************************

I originally thought Third Uncle's narration was too cumbersome, but when I heard that the bloody rice dumpling had only one hand, I immediately understood why Third Uncle had to explain it in such detail.

Like cotton wool, the wound appeared in the shape of an explosion. It was caused by a short-range shot from a firearm. In other words, the bloody rice dumpling's hand was broken by a gun!

These circumstances, coupled with the records in my grandfather's notes and the expression on my third uncle's face, I had probably guessed how things would develop, and I suddenly felt a creepy chill spreading up my back.

But if things really develop like this, then the whole thing is too unbelievable. It has become the plot of a supernatural novel. I really can’t believe it.

The third uncle touched his body, looking for another cigarette to smoke, but obviously there was no more cigarette on him. I touched my butt pocket and found that there was still half a pack. It was Yunyan that I asked for from the fat man when we were having fun in the bar, and handed it to him. Third uncle.

The third uncle lit it again, took a deep sip, and then said: "When I saw that bloody rice dumpling, I realized that my old man, your grandfather, might have some hidden secrets in what he wrote in that broken notebook. Suddenly, Got it, why didn’t he want to mention it when I asked him what happened. “

No matter how we asked my grandfather about the things in his notes at that time, he always said that this was not a story for children. We didn’t know why at the time, but now we finally know. But the truth is so horrifying.

The third uncle looked at me and said: "Nephew, you are so smart. I believe you would have known what was going on without me telling you. "

I didn't dare nod, because what I thought of was so unbelievable.

From grandpa's notes. It can be known that before grandpa pulled out the severed hand of the Warring States silk book from the robbery cave. There was a blast of box cannons in the ancient tomb, that is to say. The uncle in the ancient tomb may have had his right hand broken because of this shuttle box cannon.

And the bloody rice dumpling in the dark room of the ancient tomb didn't even have a right hand. And since the wound looked like cotton wool exploding, there was probably only one conclusion: the blood rice dumpling was not an ancient corpse, but the transformed corpse of my uncle!

According to my inference. What happened might be something like this:

When they went down to the robbery cave, they must have discovered the secret room under the coffin just like the third uncle. Based on the character of the uncle in the notes, he must be the one vying to be the pioneer, and he must be the first one to be ahead of others. He went down to the secret room under the coffin.

And it was in that secret room that the uncle found the silk book of the Warring States Period, and he took out the silk book. When I was about to exit the secret room, something terrible happened.

When something unexpected happens, the uncle should still have room to deal with it, so he can still reach out of the secret room, but by the time he figures it out, it may be too late. As a result, either he or his great-grandfather shot and broke his hand.

The severed hand was dragged out of the ancient tomb by the grandfather who was outside the tomb, but the uncle was trapped in the secret room. In the end, he turned into such a terrifying monster.

Grandpa Taizu and Grandpa Taizu who were trying to rescue their uncle outside were also implicated and died beside the coffin.

at last. The blood-red thing chased out of the tomb. What happened to the monster-faced giant corpse at the end cannot be explained here. "I think it's possible that the blood-red thing was the uncle who was hit but still had consciousness, but my grandfather never thought of that at the time and thought of him as a monster in the ancient tomb.

Of course, only the parties involved know whether this is the case. The current speculation, even if it makes sense, is just speculation.

I tentatively expressed my thoughts, and my third uncle looked at me with a complicated expression and nodded.

At this time, I thought of a question and asked: "However, since grandpa told us: 'This story is not for children to hear,' it means that he also knew that the person he shot at that time might be his brother. According to the It's impossible for him to know about this matter. Then does it mean that grandpa also went back to this ancient tomb later? And the reason why the next thing is not recorded in the notes is because the facts are too shocking? "

The third uncle frowned and said: "I have the same question, but this point can no longer be investigated. The old man is dead. We will never know what happened at that time. "

I asked, "What's next? Have you ever gone down to the secret room beneath the coffin?"

The third uncle took another long puff of the cigarette, almost 1/5 of it, and said, "If you were me, would you be unable to hold it any longer?"

I smiled bitterly in my heart, thinking that if I were you, I would be scared to death when I went through the secret door. How could I have the chance to think about it? He shook his head and said: "How can I compare with you? You don't know how brave your nephew is. Just don't pick up the pot. Come on, tell me, what is in that secret room?" thing?. "

The third uncle sighed and said, "I'll show you something first, and then I'll tell you slowly. "

As he spoke, he pulled out his backpack from the cabinet next to his hospital bed and took out a small ivory box.

I took it over and saw that the box was an original enamel box from the Qing Dynasty. It was a rough box that had not yet been painted with enamel. It was very heavy. When I opened it, I saw a black, ugly pebble inside the box, just like a construction site today. The kind often seen in the yellow sand piles above.

"What is this?" I asked curiously.

"This stone is what I took out from that secret room." The third uncle said.

I said "Ah", "Is this the thing?" I looked at the stone carefully and couldn't see anything strange. Just as I was about to take it with my hands, my third uncle covered the box back. "Don't move, this thing is a bit dangerous." He said.

I returned the box to him and said strangely, "This seems to be just an ordinary stone. So, is this the thing in the weird secret room?"

The third uncle sighed again, as if they were seniors who always like to sigh. He said: "Don't think he is inconspicuous. I almost died trying to get this thing. "

*************************************************** *******************************

After deducing the true appearance of the bloody corpse. The third uncle was so shocked that he lost his mind and sat on the ground in a daze for a long time. After he regained his composure, he was in a state of confusion. He looked at the entrance to the secret room two feet away from him, wondering what mysterious power there was in the darkness that could make a person become like that.

Third uncle, like me, is also a Tai Chi native. I absolutely cannot stand the torture of curiosity, but I am too timid and often suffer from the dual torture of curiosity and fear. But the third uncle is different. He just hesitated for a moment and decided to go down to the secret room to have a look. Know the truth.

Thinking about it now, this is actually a very unwise thing. Probably only people like Third Uncle would make such a decision under such circumstances.

The reason why grandpa refused to teach his third uncle too many skills was because he was impulsive in doing things. Facts have proved that grandpa is quite accurate in judging people, but it is a pity that the old man's experience. Juniors often don’t listen.

After resting for a while, the third uncle began to prepare. He first collected the bones of his ancestors, took off his coat, tore it open, packed up the two skeletons outside the coffin, wrapped them in clothes, then put on gloves and tied them The body belt was wrapped around the armpits of the bleeding corpse, and the coffin was pulled out. Put it aside respectfully. Then he put the severed head back, facing the three corpses. He kowtowed three times and said, "Unworthy descendant Wu Sansheng, with a dull mind, has offended the remains of our ancestors. Please forgive me."

After kowtowing, he put the machete back into his waist, took out the detonator and inserted it into his belt. He looked over his body to make sure there were no flaws.

He gathered his thoughts, came to the side of the coffin, raised the secret door again, and carefully looked inside.

Under the secret door, there is indeed a secret passage, sloping downward. However, unexpectedly, the secret passage is very short, and it seems that short people can only crawl in.

The length and width of the entrance to the secret passage are the same as the coffin. The "blood rice dumpling" just lying in the secret passage just now was lucky that the place below was narrow. Even though the "blood rice dumpling" was born with great strength, it could not exert any strength, otherwise it would With Third Uncle's strength, how could he be suppressed?

The third uncle first made a fire break and threw it in. The fire rolled all the way, fell straight into the depths of the dark passage, and finally stopped, turning into a small light source, illuminating an outline.

Then he touched the machete in his waist, said an ancestral blessing, took a deep breath, carefully shrank down, and slowly got into the secret passage.

The secret passage was filled with an unspeakable stench. The third uncle lay down on the ground and had to hold his breath as he moved inside. After his whole body entered, his feet brought the secret door above him, and the secret door flipped down on its own.

The surroundings suddenly became strangely quiet, with only the crackling sound of the fire in front of them burning.

The third uncle was a little inexplicably nervous, and his body was already covered in white hair and sweat. He forced himself to calm down, took out the flashlight, turned it on and shined forward.

The light of the flashlight was much stronger than that of a fire stick, and it shone far away at once. He saw that the secret passage was made up of black stone slabs, about three meters long, one section connected to the other, all the way through. deep. The entire secret passage is very refreshing, and the black stone slabs around it are also very smooth, without any decoration. At a glance, it looks like the ventilation duct of an old-fashioned central air conditioner.

The size and color of the flames in the front fire are normal. The air in the secret passage should be connected to the outside, so there should be no problem breathing.

The third uncle calmed down, bit the flashlight, and began to crawl deeper into the secret passage.

I have also had the experience of crawling in narrow secret passages, and I know that it will never be easy. Although my third uncle's physique is much better than mine, he only climbed a few steps and felt short of breath. In addition, he had to be wary of his surroundings from time to time. It’s even harder.

After climbing for about ten minutes, there was a turn in front. The third uncle turned around. He thought it was the same secret passage behind him, but when he turned around, he found a black stone wall with relief carvings in front of him. .

The third uncle was stunned at first, and after staying there for a long time, he realized that the secret passage had ended.

What's going on? He fainted. He originally thought that there should be an exit at the end of the secret passage, and then there would be a secret room inside, and all the secrets should be in this secret room.

However, there is nothing now. The secret passage only extends a little bit, and there is a black stone wall blocking the way.

Could it be that when my uncle came in that year, he touched some mechanism and sealed the secret passage?

The third uncle knocked on the stone wall and found that the back of the stone wall seemed to be solid. He checked the joints around and found that the stone wall was sealed here. In other words, it was not a mechanism, it should have been there. This is the end of the secret passage. My uncle must have climbed here when he came in.

That's strange. If this is the end of the secret passage, then this must be the place where the uncle stole the silk books. But there is nothing here. Where were the silk books of the Warring States Period? Did they just throw them on the ground?

The third uncle turned around, looked around at the end of the secret passage, and then looked at the stone wall blocking the way.

At this time, the reliefs on the stone wall caught his attention.

It was a god with a human face and a bird's body. The bird's body was like a night owl, but the human face was very weird, and the carvings were very exaggerated. The face was as big as a footbath, the mouth was open, the temples were flowing, and the face was expressionless. I don't know what it was. Male is female.

(When I heard this, I said "ah". )

The third uncle noticed that there was a slight depression in the mouth of the relief. He made some gestures and found that the silk book at that time might have been rolled into a roll and placed in the mouth of the relief.

However, the mouth of the relief is solid, which means that no mechanism will be triggered after taking out the silk book.

He looked up at other parts of the relief's face, the nose, ears, and eyes. Finally, his eyes met the eyes of the relief.

There are four eyes on the face of the relief human-faced bird god, and the pupils are carved into a round pupil. But the strange thing is that the pupils of the upper two eyes protrude outward, while the pupils of the lower two eyes protrude outward. His pupils are sunken inward. In other words, the negative carving and the positive carving in the relief carving method are used respectively.

This is something that Third Uncle has never encountered before. Not to mention him, even I know that this is absolutely impossible. All the reliefs are either negative or positive, so it is impossible to mix them in. Let's mess around together.

The third uncle came closer and took a look for himself. He couldn't help but let out an "ah" sound. He discovered that the stone with the pupil part of the relief was not a whole body with the relief, but an ugly black pebble embedded in it. Strangely, the two stones on it were The pebbles of one eye are still embedded in it, but the two eyes in the lower part have been dug out, leaving only two spherical depressions.

The third uncle looked at those two eyes, and his heart gradually became clearer, and a bold speculation appeared in his heart. . ..

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