Daomu Biji

Snake Swamp Ghost Town Chapter 5 Strange Face

Chapter 3 Weird Face

The third uncle was blinded at that time. His head was buzzing and the pores on his scalp became hard. He yelled and let go, and the secret door he lifted fell down again. There was a bang, and it hit the monster. Face door.

The third uncle didn't care about the impact of the smash, and immediately took a few steps back, away from the sarcophagus, his heart almost jumping out of his throat.

He thought to himself, what is that! Could it be that there is still a rice dumpling in this ancient tomb that has released its yin energy? It's impossible, those rice dumplings are all dead things. As soon as the tomb chamber is opened, the tomb air inside is released, and the air outside is circulated, no matter how powerful the corpse is in a short period of time, it will inevitably lie down and start to rot again. There is no reason why it would be so outrageous for a corpse to remain transformed for decades.

And the strange face that I saw just now was too indescribable. Uncle San had never seen such a terrifying face before. It was definitely not an ordinary rice dumpling.

Could this be the legendary blood rice dumpling? The third uncle suddenly thought about it, but after thinking about it for a while, he felt really confused.

The Changsha area has the most legends about blood corpses, which generally refer to ancient tombs dug out of the red mud. Regardless of the conditions in the tombs, they are all called blood corpse tombs.

The red mud ground is also called the blood ground. When you shovel it into the mud, there will be blood. No one can explain how this ground phenomenon was formed. However, among all the Feng Shui schools, the opinions on burying corpses in the blood ground are surprisingly consistent. Then It is suitable for deep burial. If you are buried in this place, the aura of the body is very strong. Your descendants will be extremely noble, but if your relatives die, you may be able to become the emperor, but all your family members will be killed.

Even though there is such a legend, many wealthy families still look for this strange land phenomenon in order to make their descendants noble.

In order to avoid evil spirits, they will find a poor family with the same surname before burial, adopt their children and then raise them in their own family.

But the world is so vast that treasure acupoints are as rare as temple acupoints. Bloodlands are rare in the world, and even harder to find than ordinary dragon veins. Later, a large number of Feng Shui masters in the half-bucket waterlands realized that as long as it was red mud, it was considered a bloodland, so that there must be ancient tombs under the red mud. , the ancient tomb must belong to a wealthy family. There are abundant burials, so there is a legend like "blood corpse protects treasure".

In the modern history of China, there was an extremely important figure whose main tomb was the Bloody Ground. At that time, an expert set up a Feng Shui bureau to rush into the tomb at that time. According to legend, the grandfather of that character may not even have died normally.

This character later became a powerful person in the world, but as the Feng Shui numbers say. The evil spirit was so strong that basically all his immediate family members died. It was not until his ancestral grave was destroyed that the situation began to improve. But his luck is also declining.

Because there are mixed truths and falsehoods in the blood field, and most of them are fake, my grandfather at that time took the risk of shoveling it, just for a lucky break. Unexpectedly, this shovel dug out a real guy.

The real blood corpse tomb is extremely dangerous, which can be seen from the fact that there is no literary or oral record of the blood corpse in the world. Almost no one who has seen a blood corpse walks away without a word. Grandpa is already a special example, and grandpa’s description in his notes is unclear. He himself doesn’t know what the situation of the blood corpse is. I don’t even know how to restrain myself. If the thing down here is really a blood corpse, regardless of why it is still here, how to escape is already a big problem.

The last time the old man and the others entered this tomb, they must have brought black donkey hooves with them. At that time, each of them also carried a 24-round box cannon. Such equipment,

But no one left, which shows how dangerous the situation was at that time. This time I was even more unlucky and only had a machete on my waist. Using a machete to chop palms is like sharpening a knife. It is the most stupid behavior and is of no use at all.

For more than a second when the third uncle retreated. His mind was racing, but he had no clue about the blood corpse and couldn't think of a single solution.

Just as he was shocked and didn't know what to do, suddenly there was a series of sounds of stones grinding inside the coffin. When he pressed it, he saw that the stone slab covering the dark room was being pushed up by something.

The third uncle saw something bad, this thing was actually going to come out!

He was a little confused at that time, and he didn't know what he was thinking about. When his mind became hot, he became murderous. He was heartbroken, shouted loudly, jumped into the coffin, stamped his feet hard, and suddenly stepped on the raised stone slab.

Looking down, I saw a dark green withered human hand sticking out from under the stone slab. The nails were twice as long as the fingers. The whole hand was like a rusty bronze, covered with green flowers. Now I was caught in the gap by pressing against my third uncle.

When the third uncle saw that hand, he felt goosebumps on his back. He stepped on it hard and tried to pinch it off, but the hand was as hard as steel and there was no reaction at all when he stepped on it several times.

Then there was a force under the stone slab that lifted it up. The third uncle was already unsteady and almost fell down. He hurriedly ducked down, stabilized his body, and held both sides of the coffin with both hands.

This is a battle between life and death. As soon as the things below are out of the coffin, in this environment, the third uncle knows that he will definitely die, and there is absolutely no chance.

But there are limits to human strength. After the third uncle pushed him a few times, his arms immediately reached their limits, and they couldn't use any more strength. But the stone slab below was pushed up little by little, and then the strange face squeezed out from under the stone slab, looking at the third uncle expressionlessly.

It was pitch black inside the coffin, and it was not very visible. The ghostly face was also blurry, and no sound could be heard in the secret room in the quiet. This situation was simply weird and inexplicable.

The third uncle's scalp suddenly became numb, and the pores all over his body almost shrank into the flesh. He thought that he was going to be unlucky. What should he do? He lowered his head and looked at his waist, looking for explosives on his body. He already had the thought of dying together.

After searching for a long time, the explosives were not found, but the third uncle saw the wine bottle he had in his waist. The country man always drank wine for three meals, and always carried strong liquor with him, firstly to keep out the cold, and secondly. Take courage.

When the third uncle saw the wine bottle, an idea flashed in his mind.

All things in the world are born from water and destroyed by fire. He heard a Taoist priest say that the most direct way to deal with zongzi is thousands of ways. What about black donkey hoofs? It is a trick only used when absolutely necessary. Generally When opening the coffin, as soon as there are signs of corpse transformation in the rice dumplings, pour white wine on them first, then use two corpse-carrying belts with head and feet in one set, throw the corpse out of the coffin and light it on fire. It will not cause any harm.

Thinking of this, he immediately put his weight down, took out the wine bottle from his waist with his left hand, and smashed it on the face of the strange face. The bottle shattered and the wine spilled on the monster's face. Then, he took out the fire seal and rubbed it on the edge. Then he reached for that strange face. I thought to myself, I'm sorry, brother, it's not that I want to burn you, it's just that we are different people, so you can just be a candle with peace of mind.

Huo Zhezi approached the strange face, and under the firelight, the strange face became clear.

At this time, the third uncle suddenly stopped his hand. He found that there seemed to be something wrong with this face.

The yelp when I opened the secret door just now, and the encounter with this thing lasted for about half a second. In addition to the scare, I couldn't take a closer look at the appearance of the thing. I only had a rough impression in my mind. . But now, under the stalemate, in the firelight, that strange face was clearly printed in front of the third uncle's eyes.

At first glance, the third uncle just thought it was scary. He had never seen any kind of rice dumplings before. They were wet, dry, headless and with two heads, peaceful and ferocious. He was born with a big nerve, and he was no longer afraid after the age of 15. I've passed these things, but this face is so fucking evil.

The monster's face is bronze, the flesh is shrunk, the skin is cracked into scales, and one side is peeled off. The two eyes have no pupils, but you just feel like he is looking at you.

The third uncle thought that this didn't look like a zongzi. No matter how ugly the zongzi was, it must at least look like a human being. Why did this thing look like a snake? Isn't this a monster?

And what puzzles the third uncle the most is that the more he looks at this face, he seems to have a feeling of déjà vu, as if he has seen it somewhere, but this is absolutely impossible, and his neck keeps turning white. Hairy and sweaty.

He froze for a moment and then moved his hand. His own hand became weaker and weaker. The monster squeezed out a little more with an expressionless expression. The third uncle knew that he could no longer speculate, so he immediately put the fire stick on the face. Throw it away and the fire will start.

The wine that Uncle San likes is a kind of green "Shaodaozi". People in Shanghai seem to call it Mung Bean Shao. What Uncle San drinks is brewed by the country people. It is a base liquor with a very high alcohol content. Burn. He still likes to drink this wine, but for someone of his grade, this wine is already like a chronic poison.

The strange face was suddenly submerged in the flames. He couldn't see clearly anymore, white smoke began to rise from things on all sides, his skin and flesh began to melt, and an extremely unpleasant smell assaulted his nostrils.

Most of the funerary objects in the coffin were covered with damp rotting silk, and now they were making a squeaking sound as they burned.

The third uncle tried his best to hold his breath. After the fire burned for about six or seven minutes, the alcohol was completely burned out. The third uncle found that this trick worked, and the upward force from below slowly disappeared. As the fire became smaller and smaller, the face was completely corroded, revealing the charred skeleton inside.

After burning for about ten minutes, the flames were all extinguished. The third uncle relaxed his feet and found that the power underneath had disappeared.

He was afraid that his defense might change, but he still didn't relax and kept holding on with one hand. The other hand pulled out the machete from his waist and went to fiddle with the skeleton.

After fiddling with it twice, he found that there was no response. The third uncle hit the neck hard twice, breaking the neck bone. Then I breathed a sigh of relief and was sure that this thing was really dead.

As soon as he relaxed, his whole body lost strength, and the strength in his hands quickly disappeared. As soon as his feet became soft, he sat down in the coffin and gasped for air. I thought that this time it was really a fortune teller. Thanks to my cleverness, I brag a lot when I go back.

But what exactly is this? Is such a horrific corpse really a bloody corpse? He originally thought that the bloody corpse must be covered in blood, but it didn't look like it.

Thinking about it, he picked up the flashlight on the side, bit it in his mouth, and once again pulled up the slate of the secret door of the sarcophagus.

The headless bloody rice dumpling lay flat under the stone slab. It was the mummy of a burly male. The clothes have also rotted away, leaving only a lot of cloth strips stuck to the body, and the whole body has a bronze rust color. The most terrifying thing is that the body is covered with many skin folds similar to eyes.

The third uncle pressed its chest and felt it was as hard as iron. He couldn't help but feel lucky. If he had been unable to bear it just now. Let him come out. Even a gun might not be able to kill him, it would definitely be a narrow escape from death.

He jumped into the coffin. Stepping on both sides, he wanted to pull out the bloody corpse and take a closer look. At this time, the third uncle was suddenly stunned. An extreme chill suddenly rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

He suddenly discovered that in this bloody rice dumpling, only a section of his right arm, which was shrunk under the stone, was left! The part below the elbow has disappeared.

The third uncle's heart skipped a beat, and his mind suddenly became confused. He immediately leaned over to look at the broken part of the severed hand, and saw that the skin and flesh were indeed like cotton wool, showing the shape of exploding. The third uncle suddenly felt weak and sat down. On the ground.

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