Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 85 Breakout

The flying car speeds on the winding highway. Like a flying bolt of lightning.

Outside the car window, the city was bustling at night, and inside the car, there was silence. An Lei and Margaret did not speak. They seemed to be still immersed in the shock of the truth and unable to extricate themselves.

The fat man flipped the control stick, and the flying car entered the curve along the curved road. In the blink of an eye, it shot out of the curve, leaving only two trailing taillight traces in the night. Twenty horizontal mechas followed closely behind. These black machines are just ghost-like figures in the night. They fly along the road, jump between buildings, or climb quickly on viaducts, all the way to lightning speed!

Flying cars and pedestrians along the way are always startled by the deafening roar, howling wind and footsteps. They turn around and before they have time to see clearly what is happening, the sound has already been wrapped up in front, leaving only the high-pitched roar of the engine. The sound lingers in my ears.

The fat man's eyes were like two faint flames. Looking at the road that keeps extending and swinging left and right in front of me.

Destiny is a madman.

She is paranoid, crazy, and unreasonable. She is right next to everyone, silently weaving a thin and dense net to entangle them. Even if they are tens of millions of light-years apart, and even if there are hundreds of billions of people in the entire universe, there are always people who are strangers to each other and are tied together by this thread.

Just like myself and Margaret, and just like myself and my brother and sister Li Fu.

Twenty years ago, a 29-year-old young man and a girl who had just turned fourteen made a cold-blooded decision together.

Because of their ghostly family and because of their dreams. They caused a tragedy in an understatement. With a wave of his hand, hundreds of lives were wiped out.

They don't care how many people will fall into long and boundless darkness and pain behind those innocent lives. It doesn't matter that the ship has gathered mankind's top space jumping experts, but it is actually looking for a way out of the prison for the entire human race.

Of course, they were even less likely to know that a six-year-old boy had become an orphan without his parents because of their decision.

He was a child living among common people. There is no impossibly wealthy country to have the wealth at its disposal, and no powerful family to rely on.

However, twenty years later today, on this night in Heidfield, he stood here.

He went from a fugitive mechanic to a general with a powerful army. He grew up from a cowardly little fat guy who was afraid of death. He has become a man who is afraid of death but is no longer a coward!

boom! An energy cannon came towards him, suddenly lighting up Fatty's pupils. The fat man suddenly pulled the control lever to the right, and the logical engine roared. He flicked the tail while speeding, and the body drew an arc to avoid the energy cannon. The lowered side of the chassis rubbed against the ground, causing a series of flying sparks.

The energy cannon, which was like a meteor from the sky, almost grazed the left side of the flying car and hit the highway, erupting into a ball of orange-red light. Several flying cars that could not escape were swallowed up in an instant.

"It's the garrison!" Margaret shouted, looking out the window.

Several police helicopters were hovering in the sky like falcons, and hundreds of Feiyang military mechas poured into the highway from the branch lines and viaducts. There are more and more of them running and jumping in the traffic, occasionally dodging vehicles that brake suddenly or lose control in panic.



The chaos that occurred in the central city is spreading in all directions.

This night of conflict. It took less than two hours for a murder case in front of the Devil's Paradise nightclub to evolve into a collision between the major forces in Feiyang's upper class. When President Gambhir intervened, a large number of garrison troops began to participate in the battle.

Everyone knew that, in fact, the garrison had been ordered out before Gambhir made his televised address. Leading the troops were Major General Lance Davis, the nephew of old Miller, and Paul Aguilar, an idol-level officer who grew up from the 4th Armored Division that Lever once commanded.

The person in charge of commanding the troops is Suoze!

Coupled with the fact that Hecker was named in charge by the Military Intelligence Agency, it can be said that the entire national force that can participate in the battle is now on Barbara's side.

These troops can attack the family guards on the Hastings side for the most legitimate reasons. Any attack on them will be regarded as rebellion.

This move is simply a sure kill!

However, things are obviously not that simple. Not to mention that their opponent is Hastings, but just talking about the twenty rampant mechas of the bandit army, they cannot be stopped by numbers.

And once Fatty and Margaret break out of the siege under the escort of Rampan and enter the control range of the two Double-headed Eagle Armored Regiments of the Army's Fourth Base, the winner tonight will still be the Hei Family!

Killing Miller, killing Fleischer, capturing Friedrich, and even going so crazy as to kill fifteen snipers on the rooftop alone, this was not just a matter for Barbara. It’s a matter of face!

That was the bellwether for the entire upper-level struggle in Feiyang!

As soon as tonight is over, countless people will follow the wind vane and move in the direction of the winner.

therefore. When twenty escort flying cars drove out of the parking lot of Devil's Paradise, the Black family guards who had the upper hand and the guards of major families such as Kelly and McCarthy who arrived began to systematically clear the passage for the bandits and block the pursuers. . The family armed forces and garrison troops on Barbara's side began to chase and intercept Fatty and Margaret.

This life-and-death duel is the key to tonight's fight. If Fatty and Margaret can't be intercepted, even if they kill all the other family's armed forces, it won't make any sense!

People in front of the satellite surveillance screen were nervously watching the bandit mechas and flying cars breaking out towards the Sals Manor.

The armed family members who joined the battle continued to fight fiercely in the streets.

The sound of gunfire resounded throughout Heidfield. Soldiers wearing different costumes opened fire on each other.

Soldiers from both sides would appear on the originally quiet streets. After the fierce gun battle, only blood and corpses were left on the ground.

With the emergence of a large number of mechas and soldiers from the garrison, the situation is developing in a direction favorable to the Li Fo Group.



"Father, our people must withdraw immediately. Pompeii Street is almost blocked by the garrison." The eldest son of the Kelly family, Danny, said to the elder Kelly with a stern expression. .

Old Kelly was silent, flicking his fingers on the table and looking deeply. On the screen in front of him, the bandit mechas were speeding along the highway, and around them, a large number of garrison mechas were already approaching them.

"Is David back?"

"Back, with the boys from the McCarthy family. And the boys from the Shen family!" Danny nodded: "The opponent's target now is Lieutenant General Tian Xingjian, and these young men have not encountered any trouble."

"That's because they don't want to fight us desperately before killing General Tian." Old Kelly waved his hand gently and said tiredly: "Let our people retreat. General Tian has left the central city, where our people have already It won’t have any effect.”

"Yes!" Danny nodded and said, "In addition, Mr. McCarthy, General Edwards and Mr. Shen have arrived."

Through the window, I saw David, McCarthy and other young people walking towards us, as well as the heads of several big families getting out of luxury cars. Old Kelly let out a long sigh.

At this time, no one could sit still. This is especially true for these families who have already expressed their attitude.

Barbara has a trump card after all. In addition to Gambier's sudden intervention, the purple mechas that had never appeared in the garrison were also frightening.

In the previous battle, the Kelly family had five teams and six mechas, and they were killed by those purple mechas in an instant. Judging from the guard captain's report, these purple mechas that appeared out of nowhere are not only as powerful as the bandit army's rampage. In terms of quantity, it was also doubled.

This night suddenly became so long.

Danny left. Old Kelly sat blankly for a while, stood up, opened the door and walked out. Under the lights in the courtyard, he could clearly see the unconcealed worries on the faces of the members of the oncoming families.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the surveillance screen behind him suddenly lit up.

Those were twenty devil mechas from the bandit army, and they had already entered the besieging garrison mecha group!



"Kill him, kill him!"

There was already a frantic scene in the conference room of Muma Mountain Villa. Many people present had red eyes, staring at the satellite surveillance screen, and kept yelling. The huge conference room was littered with empty wine bottles that they had thrown away casually.

Only a few people, such as Old Miller, seemed to remain awake. However, when looking at the screen, the eyes of these big shots still flashed with excitement and viciousness.

As soon as Barbara took action, the entire situation turned upside down in an instant.

The opponent who originally had the upper hand was retreating steadily under the attack of the garrison led by his own people. The family's armed forces, which were already untenable, had a surge in morale and invested in the revolution.

The Black family guards led by Haig have retreated, and Kelly and other family members who took advantage of the situation have also retreated. In order to stop the garrison's pursuit of Tian Xingjian and Margaret, they paid a heavy price. In just twenty minutes, at least one-third were killed or injured.

However, there is no point in killing more of these insignificant people. What makes everyone excited is the mecha of the garrison. They have caught up with the bandit army and the flying car. There are pursuers in front and interceptors in the back. Even if the bandit army is a mecha war god and the pilots are twelve generations of rampants, they can't fly.

More garrisons are still coming. The forty purple mechas mixed among the troops were only two or three blocks away from the bandit mecha squad.

They have their eyes on their prey!

And that idiot fat man and Margaret were still sitting in a flying car. Even an ordinary mecha trampled them to death!

"Old General, it seems that we have boarded a good ship!" A middle-aged man raised his wine glass and said to Old Miller with a proud smile on his face.

The old Miller, who always appeared with an upright and elegant face in front of others, has taken off his disguise. He looked at Barbara on the terrace, nodded with a sinister look, and said viciously: "If I can capture these three bitches alive, I will watch them be chopped into bones with my own eyes to avenge my grandson! "

"Do they still have a way?" A lieutenant general looked at the screen and sneered: "The one who intercepted them was the famous ace unit in the garrison. It was the meritorious service of the 1st Special Operations Division of the Fifth Group Army led by Aguilar. Group! Even if we can’t kill them, there’s absolutely no problem in stopping them!”

As he spoke, a contemptuous smile appeared on his lips: "After today, the so-called myth of the bandit army's invincibility should be thrown into the trash can!"



"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the screen lit up with a light that made people afraid to look at it.

In an instant, the two sides had collided.

Sixteen horizontal mechas roared into the garrison's mecha group first. The other four were running sideways, protecting the flying car, and broke forward along the path opened by the mecha in front.

The densely packed Feiyang mechas rushed towards the middle of the road like a pack of wolves, and energy cannonballs exploded wantonly in the bustling city.

What is shocking is that the mecha warriors of the so-called meritorious regiment turned into chickens and dogs after just one encounter in the face of the rampant bandits.

The mechas that pounced on the middle were destroyed one by one and thrown away one by one as if by the magical moves of the bandit pilots. The central road always remains empty. The mechas that occasionally rushed in were thrown out in an instant.

Those energy cannonballs cannot pass through Hengxing's protective circle, nor can they destroy Hengxing's energy shield. The terrifying power of the twelfth generation mechas is fully displayed under the control of the mecha war gods!

The noisy conference room gradually became quiet. People were shouting hysterically, staring blankly at the zoomed-in satellite screen.

The camera is moving rapidly. Buildings passed by the camera.

The bandit team has already rushed out of the central city. Turn right onto the road leading to Jiaolong Industrial Zone.

The bandit team guarding the flying car looked like a monster swimming underground.

All they could see was their speeding figures, and all they could see was the Feiyang mechas that were flying like dirt, exploding, turning into flying wreckage, or being thrown in all directions.

Although everyone knows that relying on two companies of more than 200 tenth-generation Godsend or eleventh-generation long sword mechas to kill twenty rampaging vehicles is like a daydream.

However, no one expected that the bandit army would become so tyrannical.

Looking at the bandits rushing forward crazily on the screen, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

The armored garrison troops trying to stop the bandits were literally being dragged away. It's like someone who was fishing and threw the hook into the mouth of a whale!

It's so miserable and miserable!


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