Counterfeit Hero

Volume 9 Chapter 85 That Year

"Leave?" An Lei looked at Margaret. Then he quickly turned to look at the fat man.

"The old man is right!" The fat man's mind turned several corners in an instant, and he stood up suddenly, "We must leave immediately!"

He turned to Margaret and asked, "Maggie, where do we need to go back?"

"Sales Manor! The manor is within the protection range of the Heidfield Army's Fourth Base. Grandpa has ordered the dispatch of the two Double-Headed Eagle Armored Regiments of the Fourth Base." Margaret replied quickly, with a frown on her face. , is a look of worry that cannot be concealed.

"However, after President Gambhir ordered to quell the chaos, the troops could not move closer to us. We had to break through the blockade and enter a location 20 kilometers away from Sals Manor before we could receive a response."

"They want to kill us, they are dreaming! Hargrove!" The fat man gritted his teeth, took out the communicator, and ordered: "Call the team immediately, let's go!"

"What should he do?" An Lei pointed her finger at Friedrich, who had no reaction at all.

The fat man subconsciously turned his head to look, his teeth chattering, and he said with a ferocious expression: "Of course he wants to return to Barbara!"

"Why?" Margaret asked in surprise: "Don't you want to take revenge?"

The fat man drew out his bayonet and sneered: "Of course I must take revenge, but while taking revenge, I also want Barbara to think that this guy didn't say anything!"

Under the surprised gazes of An Lei and Margaret. The fat man said to Friedrich: "Now, if I count to five, you will forget everything that just happened and wake up. One...two..."

After a moment, Friedrich bit his lip in pain and looked up at the fat man.

As if the director called start, the fat man suddenly collapsed. He rushed forward and stabbed Friedrich one after another with tears streaming down his face. While stabbing, he screamed like a man in a state of confusion. He said: "Whether you want to tell me or not, tell me or not, tell me, tell me!"

"Fat man, fat man! What are you doing?!"

As soon as Margaret's thoughts came to her mind, she immediately understood what the fat man was doing.

She screamed, and she coordinated perfectly with the fat man who was addicted to acting: "God, you killed him?!"

"I'm going to kill him, I'm going to kill him!" The fat man cried while stabbing Friedrich with a knife, very busy.

Margaret looked at Friedrich who was twitching on the ground, and pulled up the fat man: "Let's go, their people are coming soon, we must leave quickly! He can't survive, hurry up, leave him alone!" "

Three people left.

Only Friedrich was left in a pool of blood and in pain. Smiling triumphantly and viciously.

He didn't know what happened just now. He only remembered that he fainted under the torture of the fat man, and he only believed that he had not revealed anything.

Seeing the fat man's almost collapsed look, he felt indescribable pleasure. This fat man will never know the secret from twenty years ago!

In the nightclub, David, McCarthy, Shen Daqi and most of the people were still waiting. Hearing the screams from the box and seeing the fat man and two girls rushing out with anxious faces, no one knew what was going on.

"What's going on?" Gillian grabbed Margaret.

"Everyone must leave here as soon as possible! The sooner the better!" Margaret said hurriedly: "Things have changed. I will contact you again after tonight!"

After saying that, she, Fatty, and An Lei rushed out of the gorgeous gate of Devil's Paradise, crossed the open space, and got into the luxury flying car they came in.

The fat man sat down in the driving position, closed the door, and turned on a secret button on the console of the flying car.

As the system starts up, the entire interior of the flying car changes like a stream of light. Leather seats. The outer layer of the wooden floor ripples like water, revealing the texture and color of metal.

"Fat man, wouldn't this be too advantageous for him?" Margaret looked out the window at the gate of Devil's Paradise, "Why don't you want Barbara to know that we already know the truth. If we can announce it... ..."

At the entrance of the nightclub, the partygoers left one after another, creating a scene like a panic.

The roar of the engine suddenly rose. The fat man turned on the console and said coldly: "Now is not the time to announce the truth. Although it is a bit cheap for the old man, I just stabbed him at least fifteen times. . The feeling of approaching death is enough for him to taste!"

"At least I know how my parents died! The rest is easy..." The fat man narrowed his eyes slightly, and an unscrupulous murderous aura filled the entire carriage. .

"They live to the end!"

He pushed the control stick fiercely, still maintaining the logic of the flying car form, and shot out like lightning, making his last words full of a sharp sense of speed.

The flying car, escorted by twenty vehicles, was speeding along the road.

The night lights of Heidfield receded rapidly outside the car window. Coming towards me quickly again.

On this night, a surprising secret emerged from Friedrich's mouth.

Alkee Long Liver and his sister Barbara Long Liver. It is the Nademik dynasty royal family. If their ancestors had not changed their names when the dynasty collapsed three hundred years ago, then their names now should be Alke di Nademik and Barbara di Nademik!

This is the biggest secret in three hundred years!

No one can tell which one once crossed Desik. The four-nation alliance of Lere, Gacharin, Tatania, Puditok and Knawil covers part of the Salaga Federation, and even extends to Chakna in the northeast and to the Naga Federation in the west. When the huge empire collapsed, how many fish slipped through the net?

However, what is certain is that the crown prince of the Nademik dynasty did not die when the country was destroyed. Among his descendants, Alke and Barbara have the purest bloodline.

Since the fall of the dynasty three hundred years ago, the Nademik family's dream of revival has never ceased.

For many years, the royal family survivors and the imperial nobles, ministers, generals, royal guards and their descendants who were loyal to them have been hiding in the dark, determined to revive the Nademik Empire.

The Crown Prince who fled when the empire fell, although he never ascended the throne, was still in the eyes of all the Nademik survivors. He was the greatest uncrowned emperor ever.

He took away more than half of the royal family's treasures, and also took away its most loyal subordinates.

In the thirty years after the fall of the empire, he hid in a relatively lively town on the blue stone star of Sarga, living a life that a run-down noble should live every day.

No one knew that this simple middle-aged man was actually as wealthy as his country. However, he spread all his money and subordinates throughout the universe.

It was a rough start. One by one, the loyal subordinates flew to the vast universe with their wealth to seek even a glimmer of hope for the revival of the dynasty.

At that time, various countries that were becoming independent had begun to settle the old accounts of the Nademik dynasty.

This extravagant country. Under the control of the royal family and nobles, too many crimes were committed. Their brutal rule once made the entire southern star field the darkest zone in the universe.

Every civilian who suffers from it will report any suspicious target that appears around him. Without the slightest hesitation, without any sympathy or mercy, and with an almost deep-seated hatred for the royal family and the aristocracy, many fleeing nobles were arrested and sent to prison or even the gallows.

The power of the Nademik dynasty therefore continued to weaken.

However, after all, some people who fled with the Crown Prince took root in various parts of the universe.

Some of them are in business, some are in politics, some are in the military, and some are focused on the education of their children.

The children of the surviving members of the dynasty will be observed almost from the moment they are born, and then selected when they reach the age of six to receive indoctrination in the concept of dynasty revival. This power of indoctrination is the most powerful. Having been so powerful for three hundred years, the dream of revival has not only not faded, but has become stronger.

The exiled crown prince failed to ascend the throne in the Nademik dynasty, but his foresight allowed him to establish an empire hidden in the shadows.

He knew that the dream of rejuvenating the country could not be realized in one or two generations. He also knew that if he wanted to directly confront the state power, even a small country like Knawil could wipe out the power of the Nademik dynasty.

Fatal cracks can only come from within.

Therefore, what he needs to build is a big network hidden in the dark.

This network is silently immersed in the political, economic and military systems of those powerful countries. Members of the network support each other and climb to high positions step by step. Then, influence or even control these countries from within.

He is a man of great talent and knowledge. He knows better than anyone the flaws that led to the demise of the Nadmic Empire, and he also understands better than anyone the flaws within those imperial and democratic countries.

He failed to ascend the throne to save his country, but he was able to teach his descendants how to control parliament, how to get into the core of the aristocracy of an imperial country, how to use money to influence elections, how to use conspiracy to influence the struggle for the throne, how to use this invisible power power to influence a country's foreign policy and military strategy. .

This great uncrowned emperor lived on a small farm for the rest of his life.

He did not raise his arms and shout loudly, rallying his followers to fight for their lives. Nor was he depressed, spending his days in enjoyment and drunkenness. From the crown prince to an ordinary person, he changed his role almost seamlessly.

In the eyes of his neighbors, he is a kind and upright middle-aged man. And in the minds of every survivor of the Nadmik Dynasty, he is the greatest emperor!

Almost all the survivors of the dynasty believe that if he could live for a few more decades, perhaps the great cause of restoring the Nadmik Dynasty would have been successful.

Unfortunately, he is only flesh and blood after all.

He will also gradually grow old and die, powerlessly watching the system he left behind operate in nothingness, unable to change the direction of fate.

Not everyone of his descendants can have the same talents and strategies as him.

In the more than two hundred years since his death, it is difficult to accurately count how many wars his descendants have promoted behind the scenes, how many financial crises they have stirred up, and how many countries' development processes they have been affected by. However, what people can know is that the Nademik Dynasty has never been restored.

Moreover, after the replacement of generations and some unavoidable losses, the strength of this group is not even as strong as it was two hundred years ago.

And just when the survivors of the dynasty were gradually despairing after repeated failures, an opportunity finally fell on this generation.

At the beginning, in order to revive the Nademik Dynasty, the Crown Prince not only let the family's children and subordinates infiltrate political parties, business circles and military circles in various countries, but also let people infiltrate some civil organizations. For example, the Illuminati has made great contributions to the entire human space exploration!

That organization, which has been developed since the era of human exploration, has a supreme status among all scientists and even top research institutions in various countries. Many top scientific masters are members of this organization.

This organization is very mysterious. For hundreds of years, no one knows the age, appearance, or identity of the president of this organization, the man whose online name is Jehovah. Every president will hold an inauguration ceremony and then inherit the name that belongs to God. and this mystery.

Originally, this kind of mystical thing would be very objectionable to those scientists with eccentric temperaments and strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

However, in the Illuminati, even the top scientists must accept this tradition.

The reason is simple. Only scientists who have joined the Illuminati will know how powerful help they will receive in this organization, and how huge resource support they will receive for their scientific ideas and experiments.

Every president and core member of the organization are geniuses among geniuses. Their level of knowledge is enough to make any scientist fall in love and admire them.

By the end, the Illuminati became more than just a cosmic exploration organization.

She turned into a super scientific organization that gathered top scientists and corporate CEOs, explorers, and government officials who could provide resources.

The research directions of the members are no longer limited to space exploration, but have expanded to include all fields such as military, biology, medicine, mathematics and physical theory.

Perhaps, it should be said that except for the stagnant progress in the field of space exploration, the Illuminati's accumulation in other fields far exceeds that of any country's top academies of science.

Even superpowers like Feiyang, Binart, and Chakna, who unite all their scientific and technological forces, cannot compare to this non-governmental organization!

The power of such an organization is undoubtedly powerful. In addition to needing to use its power, the Crown Prince also hopes to find a new galaxy, a new immigrant planet, a retreat after his identity is exposed, and a base that belongs to the Nademik Dynasty and can be relied upon to revive!

However, this wish was not realized until more than two hundred years after his death.

What is even more surprising is that no matter how close the Nademik dynasty survivors are to the core of this organization, how much money they invest, whether they are grouping together to force the palace, whether they are buying people's hearts, or even buying the most likely candidate to become the next president, Neither can shake the position of the president, nor can he control the organization.

The presidents who have been elected one after another are still powerful, still stunning, and still mysterious.

However, twenty years ago, an opportunity that surprised the survivors of the Nademik Dynasty emerged from this organization that they had no control over, and fell on their heads.

The previous president created the first and only artificial intelligence in the history of the human world - a little girl. and gave it to a top scientist in the field of artificial intelligence for testing. And that scientist is someone from the Nademik royal family. .

The results of the test were quite shocking.

Just when the scientists reported the news to the upper echelons of the Nadmik Dynasty, preparing to rely on the power of artificial intelligence to rebuild their hegemony, the little girl mysteriously disappeared from the laboratory computer.

Later, the president contacted the scientist again. This time, he directly pointed out the dynasty family behind the scientist, and listed what they had done over the years, as well as the list of many key members of the family.

What was originally thought to be a secret among secrets and the exposure of the list made all members panic. You know, once the matter is revealed and all their hard work over the years is ruined, the family and each of them will be completely ruined!

However, the development of things turned from a disaster into a smile of fate at this time.

The crazy president changed his tone at the end, revealing his appreciation and admiration for them.

He proposed an idea and a deal.

The idea is for the Nademik Dynasty to find a way to dedicate the little girl to the Binart Empire. During the period when the Binart Empire was completely suppressed by Feiyang, the emergence of an artificial intelligence would make the Binart Empire willing to pay any price.

Everyone knows that if Feiyang is a dominant family, the world will become dull and stable. This is definitely not good news for the Nademik royal family, who hope that the entire world will fall into chaos so they can fish in troubled waters. Anyone with a normal IQ can imagine how many opportunities there will be for the little girl to become his internal agent when he enters the Binart Empire and helps the Binart Empire compete with Feiyang.

If a war breaks out between the two superpowers in the future, and a little girl is the internal support for our own members, the road to success will be almost unimpeded.

Taking control of Feiyang's regime and defeating the Binart Empire, they will build an empire that far exceeds that of Nadmik and create great achievements that far exceed those of previous emperors of the royal family!

This temptation is simply driving people crazy!

The price paid for the little girl was an attack.

What they need to do is to facilitate the jump experiment of a group of scientists in the Illuminati who made key breakthroughs in space jump research theory at that time. They need to provide money, and all the resources they can provide, and then let it all disappear.

Although I don't understand why the other party made such a request, in the face of temptation, nothing is a problem.

In the end, dozens of scientists and hundreds of crew members, including Fatty's parents, became victims of the deal.

Not many people knew the whole thing, and there were actually only two people who had the qualifications and courage to make the decision and create the tragedy.

A man named Alke Lever. The other one is named Barbara Liver.

That year, Alke was twenty-nine years old and steadily rising in Feiyang's military circles.

That year, Barbara was only fourteen years old when she painted her fingernails and planned the ambush site.



. This chapter has been revised. Five thousand words. It's almost two chapters long, and I'm still typing the next chapter. I'm a little tired and don't know if I can come out at night.

. There is a sad feeling as most of a mystery that runs throughout the book is revealed. However, there are many plots behind that will make everyone excited.

I pounced on the fat cat and ravaged it. Now I want to ask if anyone wants to eat potatoes. If so, the bandit brothers will support it with monthly votes. It doesn’t matter whether you eat or not, at least you have to show off your momentum!



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