Cosma Empire

Chapter 1199 Acquisition

Tower Shield Security Company currently has 200 licenses, and can arm 200 company employees who have registered with the company and the state government. They can also be equipped with live ammunition, and can fire bullets when necessary, but they cannot Shoot at the enemy's vitals, unless the opponent also has a gun and fires first.

The state government has very strict control over private armed forces, and the number of armed licenses issued in the entire Ambiluo state does not exceed 20,000.

Some people think these licenses are worthless and meaningless, because it is common sense in the west that every household has a gun. The local farmers and cowboys have not stopped fighting robbers or gold diggers for many years. .

The gold diggers are dead, but the local residents still have weapons in their hands and can still pull the trigger when necessary, so that certificate seems a bit worthless.

In fact, this is a wrong concept. Residents can legally hold guns, but they cannot gather together to form a group that uses violence as a means.

When a group of farmers and cowboys stand together with guns, if they can't explain why they gather and carry weapons, the local police station, investigation bureau, including those from Durin, will let them understand what is called "illegal private armed forces" and The severity of what they did.

But holding armed certificates is different. Even if these people who carry guns and certificates gather together, as long as they have not violated the law, they will not violate the law, but will be protected by the law because they have registered. Special groups with legal rights.

The purpose of the Ambiluo State Mining Company is to acquire Tower Shield Company, directly take the two hundred armed licenses in the company, and then mix these people with bank security to form a mine guard team to protect the transportation of gold ore .

It's a good idea, but it's not so easy to talk about it.

Once any enterprise starts to operate in a benign manner, the most disgusting thing is that someone wants to pick peaches and proposes an acquisition intention.

It’s not that it’s not good to be acquired. In fact, the purpose of many company founders to establish a company is to attract capital and then be acquired, and it also extends to a richer variety of companies.

There are quite a few firms on Xie Lisi Street engaged in this kind of business. They will evaluate well-run companies, and then leverage more funds through bank relationships to acquire the company, and then split the contents of the company.

Among them, the most profitable part is taken out separately and sold to those large group companies that need to expand in terms of industrial form.

Or set up a small company alone, promote listing or fundraising after repackaging, and finally throw it away in one go.

As for the bad content, it will be packaged and sent to the bank or filed for bankruptcy.

After such a seemingly simple operation, a company with a market value of one million can easily be sold for two or even three million.

Kota Shield Security Company is not such a company that seeks more profits through capital means. At the beginning of the establishment of this company, the purpose of several shareholders was to build a nest for their companions and "similar".

So the entire company is almost full of gold diggers and mine guards. This is their last paradise and their last nest.

The negotiation was not smooth from the very beginning. When Dilsina said that she wanted to acquire Tower Shield, the executive president and the board members gave a firm objection.

Even if Dirsina's price was far higher than the market value of Tower Shield Security Company, the shareholders were very firm in maintaining their position and resolutely disagreed with the sale of the company.

"It's not about money, Ms. Dilshina!" Although the executive president still had a smile on his face, it seemed a bit reluctant than before. He looked at his colleagues around him before turning back to look at Dilshina Na, "Our ideals, our persistence, and our final dignity exist in this company."

"It has nothing to do with how much money you give us. Although I am just a poor man to you, I am also very clear that there are some things that I can give up, but some things, no matter how high the price you ask, I will pay you back." Nor will it be given to you."

"This is definitely not my offense to you, but my persistence. Ideals are priceless, and so is dignity!"

Other shareholders also nodded in agreement with the CEO's statement, ideals are priceless, dignity is priceless, look at how well this is said, as expected of the only one of these people who went to high school, what he said is different!

Dilsina showed a mocking smile on the corner of her mouth. She glanced at the people around her playfully, and then said with a half-smile, "Tower Shield Security Company excludes all expenses in the first half of the year, including staff salaries. , with a net income of less than 70,000 yuan..."

As she spoke, she laughed a few times, "Sorry, gentlemen, I didn't deliberately express any emotions, but it was really funny."

"I'm very sorry, my language may be a little bit harsh next time, if this is your ideal and your dignity for a company with a half-year net profit of only 70,000 yuan, then can I think that your ideals and dignity are more important? Together, it's only 70,000 yuan?"

"If they are so cheap, then I will set another price, 700,000 to buy all the shares from everyone, and then buy this company at a price of 1.3 million."

"Two million, in cash, as long as you sign, the money will be yours, gentlemen, such opportunities are rare." Dirsina picked up the sunglasses placed on the table. Certain pressure from board members and the CEO.

From this action, they can clearly see that Dilsina seems to be planning to leave. Sometimes ideals and dignity are indeed very important, but they seem to be broken like glass in the face of reality.

When it comes to being a good person, everyone strives to be the first, but when it comes to being a bad person... I don’t know who kicked the CEO from behind, and he immediately reacted, "Ms. Dirsina, we have already felt your sincerity, But we also need to discuss it, you see..."

Dilsina nodded slightly, "Please go ahead, but don't take too long, I have other things to do."

"Soon... soon!"

Two million is not a small amount of money. Everyone in the entire board of directors can get tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. Is this a lot of money?

In fact, at a rough glance, it’s not that much. Buying a car now costs seven or eight thousand or tens of thousands, and better ones are even more expensive. It seems that the money is enough to buy a car, and there is nothing left to buy a few houses.

But if you really want to say less, it seems that it is not very little.

According to this year's minimum standard monthly salary, the floating value between 68 and 72 yuan is taken as the middle value. If a shareholder receives 100,000 yuan, it means that this money represents a labor force of more than 1,000 months. The income, if converted into years, is about one hundred and twenty years.

Is it a lot of income for 120 years? Of course it is a lot, it must be a lot. This is already equivalent to the income of a family that has been free from disease and disaster for 60 years without eating or drinking!

The price offered by Dilsina happened to be in such an unbeatable place, and they would definitely not agree to it if it was less, and of course it would be better if it was more.

In the next room, the shareholders were amicably arguing whether or not to sell the company to Ms. Dilshina.

In fact, since the company was founded, the market value has never exceeded one million, and its performance is slowly rising, but the board of directors may not be able to share much money.

The expected annual income this year is about 150,000 yuan, and each shareholder will be divided into a few thousand yuan or more than 10,000 yuan, even if this year has passed.

This income is definitely more than they earn as a gold digger or working for others, and it is also easy, but if you really want to say this is rich, then you are lying to yourself.

Now that Dilsina opened her mouth, it was equivalent to giving them a share of the profits for the next ten years. With this money, they could completely build another tower shield.

Gold diggers, members of the mine guard team, this kind of people are flooding in the west, as long as they have money, they can hire a large number of them immediately. The real difficulty is those armed permits, which are difficult to apply for.

The Armed Forces Department of the state government has been deliberately controlling the issuance of armed licenses. So far, there are only more than 20,000 licenses in the entire state. They were able to occupy one percent of them because of a coincidence.

A large number of gold prospectors and mine guard team members were scattered to various places. In order to avoid the deterioration of local security, Du Lin issued some licenses to stabilize people's hearts, and promised to issue more licenses every year in the future, so that some people can wait quietly for opportunities .

Now in the more private channels in Ambiluo State, the price of an armed license with documents to transfer people is about 6,000 yuan, and sometimes it will rise to 7,000 to 8,000 yuan, but the highest price is this price.

Besides, there is another saying that the price of armed certificates will decrease year by year. After all, more and more additional certificates will be issued in the future, and resources will become more and more abundant, so the price will naturally go down.

These people discussed and added up, and finally thought that the money Dier Xina gave was still too little, and if they could add another five hundred and one million yuan, then they would sell it.

Ideals, dignity, these things are quite cheap in a society where wealth is both truth!

Then the CEO appeared opposite Dirsina, "Ma'am, after discussion, we believe that the price you offered is lower than our psychological price, so this transaction cannot be completed."

Dilsina smiled, "What's your psychological price?"

When the CEO opened his mouth and was about to say three million, a muscle in his brain suddenly twisted, and he hit the right place, and blurted out a higher price, "Three million and eighty million, ma'am."

Dirsina looked at the young man, her eyes widened, "Are you crazy? Where is this broken company worth 3.8 million?"

The palms of the people behind the executive president were sweating, and some people even planned to hit him on the back of the head, but he quickly continued, "You should know that the price of an armed certificate in some channels is now Ten thousand yuan, in other words, we can put these license plates on the market and sell them, and the income we get is not lower than selling them to you in a package.”

He falsely reported the license plate with a current market value of several thousand yuan to 10,000 yuan, and he also bet that Dilsina had no knowledge of the situation inside.

After thinking about it for a while, Dilsina said directly, "Then I can buy those licenses directly through other channels. From this point of view, the transaction between us is over." She was about to stand up. , but the CEO's words made her sit back again.

"You can't get together two hundred license plates without a few months, ma'am."

"So I think our price is reasonable. Packing and saving your time, this is not an overflow acquisition, very reasonable price!"

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