Cosma Empire

Chapter 1180 Contact

Dirsina is still very popular in Ambiluo State as the mother of Du Lin's wife. Now the economy of Ambilao State is developing rapidly, and the average income of state residents is increasing rapidly. What's more important is that people no longer have to spend all day Wasted in the factory, doing dangerous, highly repetitive and sleepy jobs.

They only need to clean their home and let it out as a homestay to rent out, and they can reap a huge income every month.

If you know a little handicraft or something, you can earn even more.

In the statistics of the consumption habits of all tourists visiting Ambiluo State, the consumption index of handicrafts is the highest. As a highly recognizable voodoo doll with local characteristics, it has become the crown of handicraft sales!

In order to match the release of the Westworld movie series and the world view of Westworld, the Ministry of Education of Ambiluoo State has added some new elements to the local culture of the state.

For example, the legendary witch and voodoo doll, although these two things were born less than a year ago, their legendary history in Ambiluo State has been as long as a thousand years.

More and more legends and legends are being "mined" artificially, and people are becoming more and more interested in the special cultural color of Ambiluo State. It is said that some scholars and experts in the society have formed a "Western Culture Seminar and Exchange Conference" "The group is committed to recovering and excavating the legends of Ambiluo State, and sorting them out to restore the "history".

To this end, Durin also donated a sum of money on behalf of the Ambiluo state government, and highly appreciated their example and contribution to cultural inheritance.

The economic development of Ambiluo State is getting better and better, and the people have more and more money in their pockets. The first thing they want to thank is Durin, which not only allows them to earn much more income than before, but also saves them from being so tired .

Therefore, anyone who has a certain relationship with Du Lin, as long as he uses Du Lin's name, it will be very useful here.

Dirsina, who stood against Du Lin's family, with her face and identity, is simply a passport to everything here!

It was still a bit hot in Ambiluo State in October, and the humid air brought by the ocean current made it rain in the city just now, and Dirsina, who left the company, felt a little uneasy.

In just one week, their income from the gold mine had already exceeded 800,000. This speed of making money made her feel a little uncomfortable in her chest.

The profit rate of 100,000 yuan per day is enough for any entrepreneur to wake up from his dream in the middle of the night.

But she was very worried, because from the beginning to the end, this project, this plan, was fundamentally impossible to exist.

The last time she went to find Du Lin, after she rejected Du Lin's two options, Du Lin gave her a third option, which was to complete the matter through other people's hands. factual way to achieve the ultimate goal.

He told her that if she hadn't been able to get Schneider to nod and sign before he came back, then all of this would be void, but now that it's been done, why the uneasiness in her heart made her more and more frightened.

Sitting in the car and isolating the noise from the street, she thought for a long time, but she still couldn't figure it out. She even called Muggs, who said that she would not be in danger.

It seemed that these two people were hiding something from themselves, but now that they had come to this point, the only thing they could do was to keep going.

The slightly swaying car stopped, alarming Dirsina who was in deep thought. She glanced out the window, and a square gray building appeared by the side of the road.

There are no windows in this building, and the whole building seems to have only this door in the lobby on the first floor. This is the third-ranked security company in Ambiluo State. A ruthless man who worked as a mine guard.

Some people regard this security company called "Tower Shield" as the last paradise for gold diggers. Many gold diggers have joined this company to obtain the right to legally hold and fire weapons, and the company is from top to bottom People who have a close relationship with the gold diggers, which makes them feel a sense of security.

So far, the results of their operations are pretty good. Their familiarity with Ambiluo State has allowed them to perform exceptionally well in many guard jobs. Not everyone is familiar with every inch of land in the west, but there are people here who can, Then the business needless to say.

In addition, there are also a large number of former members of the mine protection team. What they do is to protect the work. Cooperating with the gold diggers is enough to make employers feel at ease about their work.

It's not unreasonable to be able to quickly climb to the third place in the state due to low employment prices and proper quality of work.

Dilsina looked away, walked into this poorly decorated building with a handbag and two bodyguards, and as soon as she entered the lobby, she could smell a sour smell covered by perfume, which was the smell of sweat .

She picked up her handbag to half-cover her mouth and nose. Although it was useless, at least it made her feel better, and the smell seemed to have disappeared.

"I want to see your executive president, or the senior board of directors..." Standing outside the front desk, Dirsina explained her purpose of coming, and the little girl in charge of the reception was stunned for a moment.

The somewhat commanding tone of her speech frightened the little girl a bit. The little girl quickly flipped through the register and asked, "Your name, and do you have an appointment?"

Dilsina raised her chin slightly, she glanced at the little girl and then looked away, "Appointment? I never need that kind of thing!"

The bodyguard standing behind her put her business card on the countertop at the front desk and pushed it over.

After looking at it for a while, the little girl had a flattering smile on her face, and while asking her to wait a moment, she quickly dialed the number of the administrative office.

About three minutes later, several high-level executives of the company poured out of the elevator, and the one who took the lead was the current executive president of the company. up.

"The sun illuminates the world, and you illuminate my house. Dear Ms. Dirsina, on behalf of the entire company, I welcome you..." The first half of this sentence comes from the Bible of the Lord of Justice One paragraph is about the meaning that the apostles brought faith to mortals and changed the world of mortals.

After he said this sentence, Dilsina's expression was slightly surprised. She thought that people in the west should be rude and uneducated savages, but she didn't expect that there were people who had read the Bible.

She raised her arm slightly, and the CEO of the company immediately shook her hand lightly and then let go. She nodded in satisfaction, "Is there a meeting room? We have a business to discuss!"

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