
Chapter 432: [Death of a Man] (3)

Chapter 432 [The Death of a Man] (3)

With the sound of the flagship horn. The Landis Fleet responded back and forth, and the entire fleet immediately began to move nervously. Several small assault ships had moved to the forefront of the fleet, bypassing the direction of Hetti and heading towards the port. go with.

"Before dawn, I want my soldier's feet to stand on the beach in Osgilia!"

Gislent ordered coldly.


The battle at sea started in the roar of a crossbow!

The rows and rows of huge arrow towers built along the coast and mountains in the port area of ​​Osgilia were originally a coastal defense system created by the Byzantine Empire after several generations of national power. For the imaginary enemy.

There are a large number of heavy crossbow guns and small trebuchets on the arrow tower in the forest. In the direction of the sea, two sea lifts blocked the entrance of the sea port, leaving only a narrow entrance for the ship to sail.

Once an enemy ship breaks in, the intensive crossbow gun of the harbor arrow tower will completely cover the narrow entrance to the sea!

Although the sea fortifications were not occupied by the rebels for a long time, the rebels did not have enough time for the rebels to become familiar with these crossbow guns and coastal defense.

However, these coastal defense fortifications of the port have been in operation for many years. Almost all the crossbow guns and trebuchets have already adjusted their coordinates and projected positions. When firing, you don't even need to intentionally aim at it-just radiate towards the narrow entrance to the sea.

The Landis two medium-sized assault ships had just entered the estuary and were immediately covered by the harbour fortifications.

Launch of a huge crossbow gun. That kind of crossbow gun is made of large crossbow spears, even with some hammer cannons with chains! Once you hit the main mast of the hull, you can immediately smash the mast!

The entry of the two assault ships was almost within a quarter of an hour, and one of the assault ships was interrupted by the main mast, dangled aside, and on top of the ship, numerous boats were dropped, and the navy of Landis began to row Sprinting towards the coast towards the boat.

Above the arrow tower, the archer began to move, and the intensive arrow rain fell toward the sea!

The advance of the Landis, paid a considerable price, dropped the charge boat, and under the attack of the dense crossbow on the coast, every moment there was an arrow casualty in the Landis soldiers, although the soldiers of the Landis Shields were raised to resist, but the screaming giant crossbow guns and chain hammers often hit those boats and smashed them into the sea.

In the distance, Landis's naval warship finally opened its stance, the hull was lined up, and the crossbow gun on the warship began to fight back.

The Landis navy is invincible. The manufacturing process of the warship is far better than that of the continental country of Byzantium. The crossbow gun on board has a longer range. The power is also greater. The counterattacks of more than a dozen giant battleships were the arrow towers on the shore, with roaring crossbow cannons and chain hammers, roaring back and forth on both sides of the head. The Landis sent several assault ships and dropped a hundred boats, but they were never able to break into the sea.

Although the impact of the fleet has caused a lot of damage to the turrets on the shore, even two turrets were hit by the Navy's crossbow guns and chain hammers in the melee. The army seemed to be very determined to resist, so it kept guarding the coastline and refused to step back.

As the ships came and went, the assault boats lay densely on the sea.

Standing on the bridge of the Freelander, looking at the sea in front of which has become a sea of ​​blood, Gislent looked hard and cold.

"Well, it really is a very good defense system." Gislente listened to the soldiers screaming and screaming, listening to the roar of the crossbow, but suddenly turned back and glanced at the several vice generals behind him, said lightly: When we were at home, we always heard about how the Oscarian coastal defense system was, and I made countless deductions myself. If one day, my fleet came to attack the city, what would I do ... gentlemen Right now, this fact is happening right now! The city ’s coastal defense is indeed very strict, but I believe that the navy of Landis is truly invincible! No matter how tough a shield is, it is impossible to crush the sharp spear. Sword! Order! Fighting drums and bugles! I will use this storm to uprightly destroy this so-called tightest coastal defense system! Even after the war is over, I will let the Byzantines know that they The so-called coastal defense system that takes us as an imaginary enemy is not worth mentioning at all !!! Gentlemen, the significance of this battle lies not only in the immediate future, but also in the future! "


"Follow! Hurry, hurry!"

The sound of the direction of the sea has completely awakened Osgilia at night.

On the streets near the harbour, the rebels are mobilizing nervously, some are desperately running from the harbour area to the city, and some are starting to gather people towards the harbour area.

The streets were filled with rebel troops.

At night, especially in this cold winter, except for the Hughes and El Salvador men and women still insisting on attacking the Royal Palace and the Arc de Triomphe, all the other rebels seemed to have lost their initiative. In the past few days, robbing has been full, this kind of cold weather. Everyone is more willing to bake fire, drink wine, and hug the robbed girl in the house of the rich man who has taken over.

Let's put it this way, after entering the city, the level of chaos of the rebels, even El Salvador and Hughes, vomited blood!

No one expected the Landis to come so fast and come so resolutely! Many people even think that after the imperial city is broken, the Landis will give up their previous position. The next thing is nothing more than the end of the war. When will the palace be broken, and then the Byzantine Empire will be officially destroyed, it will be completely compatible The Landis sat at the table and negotiated, ending the war.

Who would believe that the Landis would risk running to rescue when the city of Osgilia was captured? If the Byzantine Empire is still there, the Landis will naturally take advantage of it, but the city will be ruined. The empire has been destroyed by ninety-nine percent, and the Landis will naturally not come here for fun again ...

This idea is true for all factions within the rebels. Even Hughes and El Salvador. Although I was also worried about the movement of Landis, I was helpless about this scene.

The two of them, El Salvador, swept the prestige because of the past. Hughes was severely wounded by his own soldiers during the **** battle that night when the Rhoderian cavalry rushed to the city. The leaders of the two rebels were in a state of some towns. Although there were many rebels, they were both unable to command.

The first moment when the sea starts. Outside the palace, Hughes, who was speaking to the generals in a tent, suddenly rushed out of his face, looking at the direction of the sea, and issued a brief note. The nobleman's governor immediately distorted his face. Launched a madness!

"Order! The whole army attacked! At all costs! You must break the palace immediately! Asshole! Asshole !!! Let those guys get me up !!!"

In the direction of the Arc de Triomphe, El Salvador naturally heard the movement on the sea, but unlike Hughes' reaction, the first moment when the movement on the sea came, El Salvador did not seem to be too excited.

He just sat on the horse, looking in the direction of the sea, and sighed deeply. El Salvador was not too old. At this moment, it seemed as if he was ten years old. He gritted his teeth hard and whispered to himself: "Missed ... Missed is missed ... Hey, unfortunately, more Good opportunity ... "

He turned back, looking in the direction of the Arc de Triomphe, and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Aderick ... you are waiting, it is now!"

The old man cheered up, and suddenly shouted, "The whole army, turn around! The Arc de Triomphe is not going to fight! The whole army is heading towards the palace! We and Governor Hughes will join us! Attack the palace with all our strength! Hurry! The Landis people are here! We must break the palace and destroy Byzantium before they get ashore! We can make a living! ''

The entire army had already assembled, and was preparing to smash the bone of the Arc de Triomphe in a spirit at the last moment of darkness-hitting this, everyone knows that those guys in the Arc de Triomphe, although How tough it is, after all, to the limit.

Maybe, another charge will defeat them.

El Salvador suddenly changed the order. The rebel generals up and down could only obey the order, and the whole army turned around. The squadron suddenly moved, naturally not so fast, always chaotic for a while.

El Salvador repeatedly urged the order to pass to the army at all levels as quickly as possible.

The entire army's back team has begun to move, but at this time, suddenly, the direction of the Arc de Triomphe behind him, there was a trembling sound!

El Salvador's complexion changed, and soon his generals came to report.

"Mr. Governor ... The Arc de Triomphe! The guards under the Arc de Triomphe suddenly gave up the camp and counterattacked them out! The following teams have already fought with them!"

When El Salvador's face changed, sitting on the horse, he shuddered and took a deep breath.

"Okay! A good Adrik! Sure enough! It was killing me at this time, and he wanted to bite me so hard that he wouldn't let me help Hughes hit the palace!"

El Salvador instantly thought for a few thoughts, and finally gritted his teeth and yelled, "After the order, the team resisted on the spot! The former army went on! We ... go to the palace !!"

The generals under his command heard it, and they all changed their colors and shouted, "Master! Adrik has done his best! Now that they are out of the camp, we can go back and strike them, but in one or two hours, we can kill them all! After several days of hard fighting, they died With so many people in sight, this is the last chance to destroy the enemy !!! "

El Salvador's face was so fierce that he suddenly yelled, "Stupids! A bunch of stupids! Do you still not understand! One or two hours! Where do I come from, one or two hours of time, the Seal of the Seal of God! Shore, even if the killing of Adrik's men and horses is in vain !!! The palace! Only when the palace is broken at this moment is the front line of life! Passing order! The rear team resists on the spot and the whole army goes to the palace! Hurry! "



Ruhr shouted and drank. The hundreds of soldiers behind him ran in line and hurriedly followed him.

On the street, Ruhr just led more than a hundred people in a row and ran in the direction of the harbor. They were wearing the armor of rebels. At this moment, the rebels in the city had dozens of roads, and they were in trouble. Who can tell who they are?

The fighting in the harbour area started, and the rebels were alarmed along the way. Some gathered toward the harbour area, and some of the mobilized men retreated. The streets are often dressed in rebel suits, so the fat man ran all the way with a lot of people, and no one blocked it!

Finally, he ran to a block outside the harbor area, and finally encountered a checkpoint. The rebels who were blocking the road were about to stop. Ruhr ran in front and shouted with a stare: "By the Governor Hughes, help the harbor area!"

Upon hearing this, the rebels blocking the road naturally gave way.

The huge harbour area used to be the gathering place of the empire's maritime trade. At the moment when the city was broken, the huge bazaars of the past were already empty.

More than a hundred people from the fat rushed in, and no one paid much attention to this small group of people.

"Leave ten people behind." The fat man gritted his teeth: "Go to the warehouse of the dock, set fire everywhere, create chaos, the bigger the noise is, the better! When encountering the rebels, there is no need to fight. He messed up! "

Immediately a few guys took the lead, quickly picked people out, and scattered around.

"The rest ... follow me to the port dock! First lay an arrow tower!" The fat man slashed across his hand and suddenly smiled bitterly: "Fuck! The coastal defense system of this port, but we built it ourselves, It was to deal with the fleet of the Landis! Today, I want to help the Landis to break this coastal defense ... Think about it carefully, this taste is really a bit *! "


More than half an hour has passed.

The Landis navy still struggled to bleed.

The sea near the beach has already become a sea of ​​blood. Many of the Landis's assault boats were overturned, and they floated on the surface. There were also the soldiers and bodies of Landis who died in the arrow. Just drifting on the surface of the sea, swept by the waves, and some have already drifted to the beach.

The arrow towers on both sides are still roaring, the crossbow guns are hammering, and they are desperately bombarding in the direction of the estuary. Lantis's fleet has mobilized several assault ships. The assault ships are specially made ships. Covered with iron armor, it was the special ships that attacked the tip or used to collide with enemy ships at sea. At this moment, they rushed into Haikou. Under the defense of strict coastal defenses, the Landis had already sunk three assault ships. A mast was smashed, and it was impossible to advance or retreat, and it lay across the surface of the estuary.

Gislent still commanded on the Freelander, watching his fleet bleed and bearing huge losses, but the Landis navy general did not change his face, but only passed down a command and a command. Frequent maneuvering between the two sides of the fleet, the two wings of the fleet continued to use the crossbow artillery to counterattack the coastal defense arrow tower on the shore, constantly sending the assault ship to land.

This kind of landing operation has no room for ingenuity. It is fighting, that is, filling lives, and the tenacity of each other's coaches!

"They can't stand it for long." Gislent even had room to talk with his subordinates: "These rebels are not real navy. They are not familiar with this coastal defense and cannot fully utilize these fortifications to the maximum. Effect. Moreover, the rebels are not united up and down, as long as we press them up and put pressure on them, they will collapse sooner or later! Before dawn, we can definitely land! "

A lieutenant behind him, but sighed in a low voice: "My lord, all the dead and wounded were our Landis soldiers who fought for the Byzantines. The ones who died were ours ... I still don't understand something."

Gislent smiled and was not angry. Looking at this subordinate, he said lightly: "You don't need to think about it, and you don't need to think about these things. You don't need to think about it. The whole situation is always in me In the heart of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince ... Winning this battle is the greatest gain of the empire for hundreds of years! Fight, kings! "

After a pause, Gislent suddenly said, "What about His Highness?"

There is humanity nearby: "After His Royal Highness got into the ship, he went into the cabin to rest. It seemed that he did not want to watch the battle on the bridge. The Lord sent me to invite His Royal Highness a while ago. His Highness only said that there are adults in this battle. It's all taken down. He just needs to rest in the cabin and wait for the triumphant victory. "

Gislent moved in his heart, thinking: His Highness is indeed Mingjun, he is not good at battle, he does not compete with the general, and knows how to advance and retreat. This is extremely rare. What a great feat to conquer Osgilia, but this young Highness is not greedy, and deliberately conceded, so that he can enjoy this great work. He is a powerful figure in the navy, and naturally inherits his kindness. His Highness will be in the future. Inheriting the throne, of course, he dedicated himself to repaying this kind of grace ... Your Highness's cleverness makes people admire!

Looking at the killing on the sea, Gislent suddenly felt happy!

"The luck of the three great powers has always been the mainland nations, and we, the Landis, are just a foil. But now, the Odins are barbaric and civilized, and even if they are destructive enough, they do not understand management. It has always been the largest empire of mankind, but now the country is suffering from both internal and external troubles. This national movement is also over! We have Landis, with wise kings, and a group of wise ministers. Tees! "

Just as Gislent thought about it, suddenly, he heard a general exclaim.

"Sir! Look at it !!"

As soon as Gislent turned his head, someone put a monocular telescope in his hand. Gislent looked away and saw an arrow tower above the coast, which burst into flames!

In the darkness, the huge arrow tower turned into a huge pillar of fire, and the flames looked so bright!

"What's going on?" Gislent was surprised and delighted.

"I don't know ... it was hitting, and the arrow tower burst into flames by ourselves, not our crossbow ..."

Next, something weirder happened.

Above the coast, suddenly there was another arrow tower. The original crossbow gun was facing the sea, but suddenly it turned around and fired at a nearby arrow tower not far away! Three consecutive crossbow cannons, crushing the top of the next arrow tower directly!

For a moment, the throne of the Seal of God, chaos on the harbor beach!

In the chaos, I heard the rebel horns from the dock!

Gislent's face suddenly became weird when he heard it.

"Did you hear me clearly? This is ... seems like ..."


"Blow! Give Lao Tzu a hard blow!"

The fat man's face was covered with blood. He stood on the arrow tower sideways with a knife, and chaoticly slaughtered under the steps. His subtle guards stably guarded the stairs. The rebels below reacted and wanted to attack and recapture the tower. He was crushed under the stairs by his people.

The narrow staircase is only a square inch, and no one can set it up. In such a small scene, Luer's men are elite in battle, and they are guarded by one man. With the steps of the arrow tower, hundreds of rebels below could not fight.

Ruhr stood at the entrance of the step, which was too empty, and smashed two stones with his hands and smashed under the step. He heard a few muffled sounds and screams.

"Keep blowing! Don't stop! Hahahaha!"

Next to him, a subordinate, holding the horn of a rebel who did not know where to grab it, was struggling to blow the bugle ...

That bugle is a tone of the rebel army's middle horn, but ... this tone is clearly a troop of withdrawal!

It's been a while since the battle of Landis saw that although the navy of Landis was not badly damaged, he finally pushed forward step by step. The black squadrons lay across the sea, and the dense boats dropped down. I didn't know how many ...

After so long holding the Seal of the Throne, everyone in the rebels was panicked. It was originally a hasty response, but it was not a long time to guard the Coastal Defense System. The Seal of the Seal of Throne was not long, and there was no cooperation between them.

At this moment, in the scuffle, but suddenly heard the clarion call of the withdrawal of his army? !!

This time, the rebels are really messed up.

In some arrow towers, the garrison had long lost the mind of resistance, and after hearing the horn, they hurried down the tower to run away, while others were confused and did not know what was going on.

For a time, the Throne of the Seal of God ~ ~ in the arrow tower forest of Haiphong, but the roar of the crossbow artillery seemed to slow down so much.

Just looking at each other inside the rebels, when the generals of the rebel army in charge of coastal defense were angry to dispatch the staff to figure out what was going on ...

Several warehouses on the wharf were originally abandoned. The materials inside were already looted and moved by the rebels. Naturally, those abandoned warehouses were not stationed. But at night, suddenly several warehouses suddenly burst into flames!

For a time, the throne of the Seal of God, the sky was full of fire, and there were rebels running without head flies everywhere. Running around, some were busy fighting the fire, some were hunting down and hunting down those who set fire, some were going to the arrow tower to rescue, and some were withdrawn from the front after listening to the retreating horn.

Countless men and women are so mingled together ...

At sea, Gislent put down the monoscope in his hand, and suddenly smiled: "Ha! It seems that it must be the writing of several old friends in the city! This kind of good intentions, we can't afford to waste it! Order , The assault ships all came up to me! Take this port, right in front of me! "

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