
Chapter 432: [Death of a Man] (2)

Chapter 432 [The Death of a Man] (2)

A fat figure. Under the night, I got out of the room with a bloated body, but ran across the snow in the yard with a striking keen gesture, like a smart cat.

Ruhr leaned over, grabbed two snows and stuffed them into his mouth. He used the heat in his mouth to melt the snow, and then swallowed it in his mouth. He kept his head up and his eyes alert during the whole process. Staring in the direction of the door, both ears were also carefully listening to any movement brought about by the sound of the wind.

Behind him, there were two shadows coming out gently, using the basin in his hand, carefully collecting snow, and then the three of them returned quietly together.

The house was already empty, walked into the room, went through a side door, and came to the back yard inside. The three entered a large room, but it was a warehouse. An thick wooden board on the ground was raised, and a cellar came out!

In the cellar, there was a slight light coming out, and it opened only on the floor. Immediately, two sharp swords were drilled from below.

The fat man smiled softly and whispered, "It's me."

The sword below was immediately retracted, and someone snorted and said, "Master is back!"

Ruhr cat dipped into the cellar, then shook the snow hard, and sighed: "It's still warmer here."

This cellar was originally a place where large households stored items. They stored grain in winter and ice in summer, and the space was not small.

At this moment in the cellar, there were a hundred men, dressed in different clothes, sitting or fighting, gathered in a circle. It's just a small candle.

Ruhr stepped down, looked at the guys around him, and laughed: "Nothing will happen today. There are two brothers staring outside. Everyone rests for a rest. When the dawn comes, let's go out and get two votes! "

He said this, and immediately it was humane: "My lord, those random soldiers are really useless, but it's just a pile of rubbish! We are sneaky these days. There are a hundred kills, but how can we save such a petty fuss? Got the city! I ca n’t help but find a stronghold of the rebels and breathe it out! As long as I can grab enough horses! Our brothers are a hundred cavalry! In this city, rampage is enough! Kill the palace and save the emperor, Or to go to the Arc de Triomphe to support General Adrik, it's all good, better than lurking here, secretly killing a few skirmishes, right? "

As soon as this person spoke, others immediately could not help but claim to be.

Ruhr listened and smiled slightly. He just raised his hand and pressed it, and the cellar became quiet immediately. The hundred sturdy fighters who were too proud to admire the fat general in his bones.

"I know everyone was savage. On that day, the city was broken. I called you together. Everyone was thinking about going to battle and killing the enemy. I naturally understand that at this moment there are rebels everywhere in the city, to be honest. Although they are many I see that most of them are the black and white, where are our Rhoderian cavalry's opponents! As long as we give us enough horses, we line up and even ten times the rebels will never stop us. This, Lao Tzu Still confident! Hahahaha! "

Everyone around me laughed and said, "Yes! It's a good fight! This is a Byzantine country, who can beat us Rhoderians!"

"The words are good." Ruhr nodded, and then his tone changed, Shen said: "But the situation is so, although I know the courage and loyalty of the brothers, but since I am a general, naturally I think about it. Go further ... How many rebels are there in the city? 30,000? Or 50,000? How many more do we have? Even if you are all good guys, first-rate fighters, the whole body is beaten with iron, can you crush a few nails? Let's go out desperately, fight this life, this body is gone, how many rebels can we kill? Killing a thousand or eight hundred, it will be the sky. What can it do for the overall situation? "

With that said, there was nothing to say.

Ruhr slowly said: "We have been lurking in this place for three days. These days, we are piecemeal, secretly killing a few casual soldiers and brave soldiers running in. Until now, those idiots have not found our existence! This is us Opportunity! At this moment in the city, our strength is weak. It is no longer possible to fight with normal methods! If you want to succeed, you will have to be a surprise! The sword goes to the front. At this time, it is justified! Many people put on the front to fight, but it is just a splash of waves! But if it is a special situation, our strange soldier is used on the blade, maybe it can play a role in controlling the war situation. Ladies and gentlemen, I am not afraid of death, and everyone is not afraid of death. We all have the courage to die for the empire, but if we really want to save this country, how can we die, where we die, when we die, when we die Where, this. Everyone must listen to me! "

Ruhr's words were plain and no one objected.

Since the day the city was broken, Ruhr has gathered a hundred wounded soldiers of the original Rodria wounded in his family. While the city was in chaos, more than a hundred people were lurking in the chaotic city.

The city came here for days and nights, and there was a lot of chaos in the rebels. There were some scattered command inside the rebels. In order to compete for the site, the rebellious monarchs were stirred up by the prosperous and prosperous capitals, and the rebels were all under different control. In the hilltop forest, naturally, Luer, this lurking squad, has room for survival.

What's more, this fat man was originally known for being good at running and avoiding life, and he was as cunning as an old fox.

The more than a hundred men under his command, although all wounded, are all warriors in the most elite army of the Empire, such as Rodrion Cavalry! He brought it out again. Fighting together on the battlefield, he was raised in his home after the war, and his kindness deepened. He was admired by him from top to bottom, and everyone in the Ruhr command was obedient and commanded both inside and outside. Return to your heart and never say a word. Such a group of elites, although everyone is disabled, under the leadership of Luer, a clever and cunning fat man, has actually made a living in this wild and troubled capital!

On the day the city was broken, Ruhr dismissed his servants and scattered his belongings. He only took the hundred injured soldiers out of the door, in confusion, hiding on a side road, and lurking in an abandoned house. In the broken house, watching the rebels killing and passing through the door all the way, the fat man patiently waited for someone to wait until so many rebels broke into the house, and started working together to be careless. The dozen or so rebels who broke into the wolf's den slaughtered clean.

Immediately after that, Ruhr took more than a dozen selected people and put on the costume of the rebels, so he ran into the street with a big swing!

There are rebel soldiers everywhere in the city. Most of them are from different subordinates. It is normal for them not to recognize each other. More than a dozen Ruhrs rammed the streets. No one was blocking them. Others looked at them, only if they were friends who ran out of the rebels and robbed them in the fire.

Fat man is bold. With more than a dozen people walking around the street, he himself lived in the capital of the emperor, naturally familiar with the geographical environment, found a few remote places, hit a sap, set ambush, and killed dozens of tows. The brigade's rebels, after getting enough clothes, threw the corpses directly into the well or tied the stones into the river, which led to the hiding place.

Since then, more than a hundred elites have all changed into the costumes of the rebels. The fat man rushed straight to the street with people. If he encountered a rebel group, he kept a low profile to avoid it. If he encountered a rebel group, everyone I copied the guy up to kill him.

Fighting chickens and dogs jumped all over the city. Inside the rebels, fighting was also common in order to fight for the site. Ruhr and others occasionally fought with the rebels and did not attract much attention. Even the day before yesterday, they attacked. A group of more than a hundred rebels, but the two sides fought in half, and two rebels rushed out of the street. They were entangled in the chaos, hit a dark place, and waited until the end. Dozens of lives have been made early, but the fat man has long been running away with chaos.

The most daring is that when everyone ran out of food, the fat man actually took a dozen people, slammed into a stronghold of a group of rebels, robbed a few packets of food, and ran away. As for how to fight lawsuits within the rebels afterwards, it is not his Uncle Luer who needs to care.

The huge imperial capital was messed up, down, left, and right, and Ruhr took people to hide in all streets, but specifically selected those ruined homes that had been looted by the rebels. Such a place had been wiped out at a glance. With oil and water, there is naturally no other rebels interested in entering.

Only occasionally when I hid, there were one or two rebels who carried a woman who didn't know where to tie it, and ran into the house, wanting to do something wrong. They were all killed by the fat man and killed. Woman, had no choice but to be wronged and placed in the cellar.

It should be said that this country is hard to take the lead. The Byzantine Empire has had a thousand years of national transportation. At this point, it has already been defeated and can no longer be defeated. Seeing the dead country is in sight. There was darkness in everyone's heart, and there was no hope.

But this fat man has the ability to inspire the morale of the more than a hundred wounded soldiers. At any time, when his people look at the fat general, they can see the fat man's careless smile and raise the rebels. What a break Yeah, no matter how El Salvador. In the fat man's mouth, there are a bunch of idiots two hundred and fifty, as if his fat man stretched out his fingers and died.

It was this stance of hob flesh that seemed to be confusing, but all of his subordinates were infected.

Anyway, the country has come to this point. With this general fighting together, the man ’s eldest husband, nothing else, there is still strength in both arms, and the blood in one cavity is really the last step, which is nothing more than closing his eyes. Nothing but death!

The days of lurking in the city, let's forget about it, it's the fifth day.

Ruhr hasn't closed his eyes for almost two days. When it's okay, he just climbs the roof quietly, hiding in a leeward place, looking into the distance, and muttering in his mouth, "It's time ... it should ... ... "

At this moment in the heart of the fat man, it is the same idea as Adrik!

"Fuck! Those **** Landis, even turtles, it's time to climb! In this weather, the wind is strong, and the big ships on the sea raise their sails, and they can run like flying! Even Catania The Landis Army in Hong Kong is no longer in good shape. It gets news one day, one day on the ship, three days at sea, five days time for the throne of God's Seal, and it's his mother's time to be full!

Although it was said that his subordinates had refused to move towards the direction of the Royal Palace or the Arc de Triomphe, the fat man was always watching the movements in these two directions.

At least, until now, in the direction of the Royal Palace and the Arc de Triomphe, occasionally I heard the sound of the imperial bugle coming, which is enough to prove that these two places have not been broken by the rebels and their own troops continue to resist!

Landis! Damn, wait for the Landis!

Two days without closing his eyes, the fat man's eyes boiled like a rabbit.

On this day, he did not eat, but when he was thirsty, he grabbed a few snow and swallowed it.

In the evening of this day, the sound of the killing in the direction of the Arc de Triomphe suddenly became fierce. From a distance, there was a firelight soaring into the sky. It was clear that the rebels had gathered their strength and were attacking the garrison of the Arc de Triomphe.

After killing for one afternoon, the sound of the bugle was broken several times in the middle. Each time the sound of the bugle stopped, although the fat man's face was not shown, his heart was almost so bloodied! Finally, after hearing the sound of the trumpet again, the fat man secretly exhaled.

Until the sun went down, the fat man finally secretly calculated.

At Adrik, I was afraid I couldn't stand it. If it doesn't work, when dawn comes, I'll take these 100 people to save him! I can kill hundreds of people from behind. I can also poke a knife on the **** of the rebels ... Well, unfortunately, how come the Landis are so slow ...

Just as the sky was getting dark, the sound of the killing in the direction of the Arc de Triomphe had disappeared, and the last bugle had some tragic taste, as if saying goodbye ...

The fat realized: Adrik really couldn't stand it!

But at the last moment that night seemed to finally fall ... When the direction of the harbour was accompanied by the cold wind, when the looming voice came ... suddenly the fat man seemed to be severely chopped on his face! The bloated body jumped out of the dark in a flash, and rushed three times and two times, then fell on the roof, supported his ears, and listened carefully in the wind. The fat man laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha ha! Come! Come! Finally come! "

The fat man was almost in tears with excitement! Just because the horn he heard was the same as what Adrik heard at the Arc de Triomphe!

Horn of the Landis Navy!


At sea, the night has come. On this vast sea, the huge fleet of Lantiss is lined up. From afar, the sails are full of shadows, dense and endless, and the large, black hulls are like a sea of ​​sea The fort is average.

The Lantis naval fleet from the port of Catania, after rushing all the way, the sailors on the ship were almost tired, and at this moment, looked at the port at sea ... Oscilia, the largest city on the continent, is right here!

In the darkness, this bustling giant city. But it seemed as if he was not angry at all. There were no lights in the city.

Only at the port, along with the arrow towers along the coast, and the lights. Obviously the rebel army had found the Rantis fleet from the sea. There was a movement in the port. The sound of the horn.

Among the Landis Fleet, the largest warship with the flag of the flagship, Gislent had boarded the ship by boat, and then the legendary Landis navy took the fleet unceremoniously. Command.

This fleet was ordered to be the second fleet of the Landis Kingdom Navy, sixteen giant warships, plus eight troop carriers, and more than thirty large and small warships. Looking at the sea, it is already a poor Byzantine Empire nationwide. A force that the navy could not resist.

The flagship is the legendary battleship "Freelander" in the Landis Kingdom Navy.

Gislent, this bearded general, is the captain of the Freelander!

Standing on the bridge ~ ~ Gislent retracted the monocular telescope. The sea breeze blew his face. He turned around and glanced at a general behind him and whispered, "Order it, The army will land immediately! "

The general behind him was the deputy commander of the fleet. He brought the fleet from the port of Catania. Hearing Gislent's order, he hesitantly said, "Master, it's dark, and land at night. The terrain is unknown, and it will be a loss ... Moreover, we received news and rushed all the way, from boarding the boat to rushing here, we encountered a storm on the road, the sailors and sailors were too tired to repair it all night, Tomorrow morning ... "

"I don't have one night to seal the throne!" Gislent coldly rejected his subordinates' suggestions, pointing to the city far away: "The palace is still resisting! But in the next time, the seal of throne, Every moment, the palace may be breached! Once the palace falls, it means that all our strategies have failed! I cannot take risks! I cannot wait! "

Speaking, Gislent's face gradually expressed an excited expression: "I know we will suffer a higher loss than expected! But you can see clearly! What is in front of us! Here is Os Gillia! Is the capital of the Byzantine Empire! It is the mainland ... No, it is the most majestic and largest city in the world! And now, this city is right in front of our eyes and at our feet! We will get the greatest kingdom ever Merit: Overcoming Osgilia! "

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