
Chapter 123: [1 trace of sadness]

Ruhr haha ​​smiled. Immediately said: *, ★ "You rookie that just came out. No power. No experience. There is no helper. Light commander one. It is the best target for those who want to go crazy. Don't look for who you are looking for? Hum. I remind you. See you don't care. I will not continue to say. I want to make you suffer. You will understand. But I did not expect it. Then they will do so much. "

Stuck. The fat man whispered, "Well. Actually, before. Someone like you. The things encountered were not so exaggerated. But this time. Someone intentionally adjusted you. You think. Although you have no power. But anyway What about an officer in the army? If it is the past. Someone else is because you are a military person. Do n’t dare to do too much. Even if it really knocks you down, your colleagues in the army will avenge you. Rodriguez The reputation of the Asian Cavalry Regiment is not easy to mess with. Just this time. Let me tell you the truth. This time you came to the capital. The news spread out ten days before you arrived. The military department released it intentionally or unintentionally. Message: After you come. What the others do to you. The military doesn't care. Do you understand? "

Xia Yaqi's binocular fire.

"Actually. You can't do anything about it." The fat man thought for a while: "You are now sandwiched between the army and His Majesty the Emperor. I'm afraid there are no wealthy nobles who dare to recruit you. Your own power is too poor. The foundation is too shallow. Looking for helpers may not find a few. Um. The best way is to become a noble. Hehe. Become a noble. Empire law protects nobles. With the title of nobles you have the right to reject those from civilians. You do n’t want to accept And it will not be considered to be detrimental to the reputation. Unless the opponent is also a noble. Pick you. You should not be considered to be defeated. Your contribution this time. Your Majesty has to meet you a noble title ... so you can bear it for a few more days. Once you get the clan title, you can stop a lot. "

"How many. A few days?" Xia rolled his eyes. "Do n’t I have the Seal of the Throne in the next few days. Do not eat. Do you not have time to go to the bath and the toilet? The Seal of the Seal is gone?" Smiled: "Rest assured. I meant to teach you last night. Today I will send a team of people to protect you. Hum. It is much better to have a team of guards around you."

Xia Ya snorted. Staring at the fat man: "Well, you fat man actually made me hum."

The fat man grinned, "It's better to blame me otherwise. Otherwise, I'll withdraw the soldiers. You will take it slowly in the next few days."

Xia Ya froze. I dare not say anything more.

Seeing earthen owl eating cymbals. The fat man laughed. The meaning is extremely.

With Ruhr's team of guards, Charya cleared up and went back to the bath to change clothes. After lunch at noon. Ruhr took Charia to report to the Imperial Ministry. The imperial ministry is located in the eastern part of Oscilia. Go east through the central square and the Grand Arena in Osgilia. Walk across a long street called the Avenue of Glory. At the end of the long street is the Imperial Ministry.

Look away. On both sides of the road are two towering evergreen ancient pines. The appearance of huge gray slate laying. Broad and solemn. The street is very quiet. There were only occasional rustling boots and horseshoes from patrol soldiers in the distance.

The military accounted for a lot. A huge square outside is surrounded by long columns in the forest. Connect with low walls. Above the gate was the Imperial Eagle Head. Two teams in the door guard wearing iron armor held swords and axes in the forest. Under Ruhr. Xia Ya walked into the military square. In the middle of the square is a huge fountain. In the middle of the pool is a giant stone sculpture that is five or six meters high. Above is a general riding a horse. Hold in one hand. Raise the sword in one hand.

Ruhr walked with Charlie. Unconsciously straightened his back. His expression was somber. A glance at the statue with a look of reverence.

Charya felt that the general on that image was a little weird. The armor on his body was broken. Even the steed was covered with scars. Pentium. With a tragic and tragic taste-since it is a statue. Why not be perfect. What's so messy?

A glance. Charya saw the base of the huge statue. A word was chiseled from the front. It was written in Byzantine characters.

"The way to conquer. Endless."

※※※ With a weird mind. Xia and Ruhr walked into the main building of the military headquarters: a circular building with a historical vicissitudes. Seen from the outside. This building is like a huge bird's nest that has been enlarged many times. Oval shaped building. It is over ten meters high. Much higher than ordinary cities. Stacked in turquoise boulders. There are more than ten tall minarets on the periphery. It looks like a giant blockhouse.

"Here is the" Eagle's Nest ". The Imperial Army." The fat man led Xia into the building's gate. Take out a passport. A few samurai at the door, wearing linen robes with armour and covering their breasts, saluted immediately.

Entering is a huge hall. The surface is a few large marbles dotted with spots. The leather boots stepped on it to make a thick sound. The fat lead Xia to a table at the end of the hall. Say something to the people inside.

quickly. The reception officer came out.

Waited for a moment. A lean army came out of it. Wearing the uniform of the Byzantine military. From the military rank. It is a military regiment at the banner regiment level. After the officer looked at Xia's documents. There was a smile on his face. The smile seemed reluctant. Charya's eyes were cold and hostile when he stared at him.

"Xia Lei Ming rides the long court." After the officer had confirmed Xia's share. Take Charlie to a room behind the hall. Come out with two documents: "Please sign at the bottom. After reporting, the military will soon verify your merit and the authenticity of the description in the report. The rewards for you will be made as soon as possible. Well. And here. Start at the moment. Your 13th Corps Captain's post will be revoked. A new appointment for you will be issued soon. We will arrange a place for you. Or you will leave an address. There will be a new order. We will send someone Communicate yours. "Charlie explained to Luke when she arrived. Rejected the residence arranged by the military-what a joke. There are too many people in the military department who want to bite their own meat. How dare they live in the party arranged by the military department?

He looked carefully at the two documents. Then signed his name. Pressed the fingerprint.

The officer smiled coldly. stand up. Barely performed a military salute. Watching Charya. Insincerely said lightly: "I personally pay tribute to your outstanding performance on the front line."

After talking, he looked at the door. Meaning: You can get out of here.

Charya clearly felt the unfriendly attitude of the other party. He is also lazy to waste time here on the Throne of Sigil. quickly

Go out. Waiting in the outside hall, he watched Charya and whispered: "Don't bother these guys. The warlords in the military department have many party feathers. These guys have long humiliated the glory of the Imperial Eagle Head Banner.

Charlie doesn't care: "What do we do now?"

"Go back and wait." Ruhr shrugged. "Waiting for the military's award. And waiting for Her Majesty's summons. I estimate that the military's awards may take some time. But Her Majesty's summons should come soon Yes, once I see His Majesty. It is the reward of the title of aristocracy. Your hard days are over. "Xia Ya sighed. My heart was a little distressed: "It's really a shame to live this day. It's far better to be happy on the wildfire."

Ruhr just smiled and took Charya out, only to reach the entrance of the hall. He heard a shout from behind him: "Ruhr ..."

Looking back, I saw a passage on the other side of the hall. A tall officer came out. Wearing military uniforms and leather boots. It just doesn't wear any military badges.

The man looked like he was in his forties. One brown roll. Cut short. Shows a lean look. Quartet face. With a smile on his face. There is a built-up beard on the lips. His eyes were filled with cheerful and open smiles. Stride over quickly. First, I used a bear hug for the fat man Ruhr. Then push Ruhr away. He slammed **** his chest: "Hah. You fat rabbit. It's been a long time."

Ruhr rubbed his chest. With a bitter smile: "You mad dog. I still like hitting people so much."

Immediately the fat man introduced Xia Ya, "General Green. The nickname is Crazy Dog. I am a fellow student of Emperor's Academy at the same time-um. It is the student of Duke Minas." He paused. Added: "Eagle. Own."

Charlie knew immediately.

Green smiled slightly: "What general. Huh. I'm no longer a general. Ruhr. I'm just a part-time instructor at the Military Academy."

Ruhr haha ​​smiled. He squinted at Charya. Whispering: "When this guy fought in the East four years ago. He almost chopped Count Moriak, the Minister of Emperor Demand."

"Huh. It's almost there," Green said coldly. "Unfortunately, I didn't really kill the greedy mouse."

Ruhr looked around. Frowning: "Green. You're still so reckless. Go. This is not the place to speak."

The three took a few steps outside. Ruhr pointed to Charlie and said, "Do you guess who this kid is? Hehe. He is Charlie."

"Oh?" Green blinked. Look at Charya's eyes carefully. A sincere smile appeared in his eyes. Then he stood up straight and gave a corseting salute: "Son. I heard you did a good job on the front line this time."

This statement is much more sincere than that of the military officer. Moreover, I heard that this household almost cut off the imperial quartermaster, the largest corrupt official in the emperor. There was a bit of admiration in Charya's heart.

"Oh. By the way. I forgot to introduce it. Green also served in the Thirteenth Regiment for two years. But that was many years ago. He almost became a general of the Rodrion Cavalry Regiment. Unfortunately. Later, he was transferred halfway due to some accidents. "The fat man sighed.

Greenhaha smiled. Looking at Ruhr: "Now you are the general of the Thirteenth Corps. Leading such an iron army. How do you feel?"

Fat man mouthed. With a bitter smile: "Okay. You know what I look like. Alas. I won't say this."

The three men walked out of the building while chatting and laughing. Came outside the square.

Ruhr on the road laughed: "I have been to Emperor for many days. But I haven't seen you. Where have you died?"

Green's face was a little bleak: "Where else can I go. This battle. I made a dozen reports. I asked to be transferred to the front line. Even as a camp officer. Even as a captain. I would like to. But no one cares about it. I. But ordered me to take a new trainee. I went to the east to practice. I came back yesterday. I came to the military to kill. Huh ... "

Ruhr saw Green's depression. Patted him. Laughed: "Okay. At least you are also doing some practical things. It is much better than some other brothers who have been downgraded and idled in other parties. You are in the military academy. You can cultivate some new blood for the army. It is also good . "

Green's eyes flashed. With a bit of spirit. A proud smile: "That's natural. Those who come to me. Will not humiliate Lord Minas."

But then his face was another. Whispering: "It's just. After these guys graduated. But I don't know these jerks on the top. I've shoved them into those corners. Alas. I've seen more these years. The blood has also chilled out. So many outstanding graduates every year All officials were thrown to the north of Tiannan and left idle. Waiting for a slow life. There is a blood in the cavity. But. Seriously. I have something to ask you. You have the general of the 13th Corps. Your hands There are also a few special approved places. I have a few good young people in my hand. The way to plug it to you. I guarantee that they are all excellent first-class officers. "The fat man frowned. He sighed. Hesitated: "It's not my help. It's just. Now there are more and more restrictions on those of us hawks. The number of places in my hand is no longer. Well. I dare not say more. Ten. I promise to find ten places ~ ~ even as a guard. Be a cavalry. Get my hands first. I will be promoted slowly later. Alas. "

Green frowned. Then sighed helplessly: "Okay. Ten is ten. It's better than none. The present world. Hum."

Both faces were gloomy. The next Charlie listened blankly. Can only follow without a word.

Walked under a pool statue in the middle of the square. Green suddenly stood still. Pointing at the statue. Angrily: "If the ancestors knew the soul. The emperor team who knew the glory he had created is now like this. I am afraid so."

Fatty sneered. Looking at the sentence on the base of the stone sculpture, "The journey to conquest. Endless." Hug his shirt. Silent for a while. Then he said: "Conquer. Huh. The current emperor team. Is there any strength to conquer abroad?"

Two soldiers of the Imperial Hawk looked at each other. They saw a touch of despair in the eyes of the other party. His face was dull. Finally turned around at the same time. Stand up straight against the huge statue. Stand up. Booming. Solemnly performed a military salute.

this moment. Even a cynical fat man. In his face. It seemed as if with a trace of sadness.

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