
Chapter 122: [All forced]


boom! !! !! !! !!

A figure came out of the door, and the original two thick-wooden courtyard doors were suddenly torn apart. A strong man wearing a leather breastplate flew across the wood chips and landed on the steps outside the courtyard door. Roll down, his head pinched on the slate on the street, a mouthful of blood spewed out, as if to say something, finally his head crooked-passed out.

A broad-backed sabre also blasted out of the yard and landed on the ground. With a bang, Mars shot into the gap in the slate.

On the street, at the end of the street, and at the doorstep of the shop opposite the courtyard, there were already dozens of samurai costumed people. Seeing this guy who flew out of the courtyard changed his look, many people already carried swords. , Just looked at the other samurai before and after, hesitant look ...

In the courtyard, Charlie stood there with an axe in her hand, with a stubborn look on her face, her eyes staring, and she looked magnificent ...

in fact···

in fact···

In fact, the turkey was vomiting blood!

Because this guy who was kicked out by him just now is already the fourteenth today!

After staying in this small courtyard arranged by Ruhr, in just a little over an hour, 14 "challengeers" who broke through the door have come.

It's so **** fucking! !!

These guys are like flies. Everyone who comes to the door is amazed and yells, "Where is Charlie who defeated Hastings, please accept my XXX challenge!"

In just over ten hours, this "XXX" has been changed to more than a dozen names. These guys are so sloppy. With Xia's current skills, he can easily beat with three punches and two feet-but it ca n’t hold up many people. !! !!

From the moment he settled down to now, Uncle Xia hasn't rested in a single breath, has n’t drank any water, and has n’t eaten any food ...

Not even time for his grandma to go to that hut! !! The soiled belly had swelled, and he had been suffocating for half an hour with a urine puddle. His face turned red, and finally he kicked the fourteenth **** out to vomit blood. He finally shook his legs and ran back to the room , But only ran two steps up the stairs, a samurai with a long sword outside the door has already jumped in, cheering Yu Xuanang:

"Where is Charlie who defeated Hastings! I come to challenge!"

Xia Ya was sullen and angry, vomiting blood in her heart: I 丨 Sun 丨 Your mother! !!

Bang, pop! Click! Ouch···

With a scream, the heroic hero of Xuan Yu Xuan flew out in a flat sandy style, his front teeth struck directly on the steps, jumped, and ran away, covering his mouth.

A hero jumped in at the door: "Beating Hastings ..."

Xia went around the toilet behind the door, pulled her pants down and sat down, angrily cursing: "Wait! I'll come out and clean up for you in a while !!"



Such a challenge continued all the way to the dark. Charlie was so tired that she didn't even have time to eat. A piece of beef was grilled and grilled. After being interrupted many times, the soil turtle really got soaring! !!

He rushed out of the hospital door with an axe and looked at the heads scattered on the road outside, yelling: "I am Xia!"

With a roar, the urn rushed into the crowd, the axe flew, and immediately cut down seven or eight. The remaining warriors exploded with a bang, and fled wildly. Xia Aya fell two, one The portable axe with his hands on his hips: "Fuck! Let's provoke Lao Tzu again, and Lao Tzu will let go of the murder! Do you think Lao Tzu's heart is soft and kind!"

Seeing that the flies outside the door were scattered, Xia Ya was relieved and walked back to the yard with a stun.

Dodoro and Soyt glanced at each other and lifted up the collapsed door panel and hid it on the door frame ...

(Well, those guys don't dare to come back again ...) Tu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, returned to the room, Dodoro went to make a bucket of hot water, was about to undress and take a bath, and then took off his pants half. I heard a shout from outside the door, and the courtyard door was kicked again: "Beat the Hastings ..."

Charya collapsed ...

He finally understood what the fat man Ruhr meant by asking for happiness.

These **** who come to challenge you are just a bunch of boring nougat! But if you ca n’t beat you, you will be disgusted! You're exhausted if you feel sick!

These guys are obviously not as good as shit, but they are embarrassing to harass you-they also know that their ability is far worse than Charlie, and they have adopted the method of besieging the wheel.

It seems that most people are holding the idea: When this goes on, there is always a time when Xia is exhausted, maybe when you go up to challenge, you can pick up a ready-made bargain!

Charismatic Xia rushed out of the door with his pants in hand. The guy who wanted to pick up the cheap one had his nose blown by Xia before he reported himself, and then broke his thigh and threw it directly. .

On the street outside the gate, not only did the number of samurai surround them, but they were more numerous than during the day.

Watching another 16k official Yingzi upload of the "head bird" was thrown out, the rest of the guys looked at each other, some smart and deliberately yelled at the back, and some heads began to fluke in their hearts: He should be tired ... Then, inspired by others, he rushed into the source with a sword, and was thrown out after a while ...

Charlie was completely convinced!

Doya really took it! Convinced to take it orally! !!

One night he almost didn't close his eyes. Every time he lay in bed, he turned around, and a new guy who was not afraid of death rushed in.

In the middle of the night, Tusong finally let go and killed, he smashed a guy's breastbone with a punch, and when that guy was thrown out, he sprayed blood wildly, only to save him. This move shocked others for a while, and Tutu was able to sleep for half an hour, but soon, after half an hour, those guys outside changed their strategy! !!


I didn't know where to find the stone I smashed into the courtyard, smashing the courtyard door again, and then the guys on the streets outside kept throwing stones into the courtyard, until Charlie finally could not bear to rush out At that time, these guys outside smashed again, and only two or three guys who were running slowly were beaten up by Xia.

When Charlie scolded and returned to the room to go to sleep-the guys finally dared not approach and threw stones.

Far away, a hundred steps away from the gate, those guys shouted loudly, yelled loudly, and started yelling from the eighteenth generation ancestors of Tushui, and then there are some very creative guys. I do n’t know where to find the gongs The horn sang and sang, and for a while, her voice was boiling, and Chara covered her ears with a pillow, and could not fall asleep when she tossed and turned on the bed ...

The intention of these guys is obvious: exhaust you! Tired of you! Don't let you sleep, don't let you rest! Tired of you! As long as you are tired and exhausted, you have the opportunity!

"Master, in fact, last night, many of these guys were idiots who were hired with money. Someone paid to hire these guys to harass your rest ..." Dodoro didn't sleep well in a bowl. , Looking at Xia Ya with a pair of pandas: "That ... this kind of people run away and will come again ..."

"Fuck ~ Isn't there anyone to manage it? The security patrol soldiers in the city! They are so noisy ..." Xia almost wanted to cry.

After all, Totoro had been mixed in the emperor, and he knew some of the roots, and said with a bitter smile: "The guys who eat food on the street and the patrols who maintain law and order always have some bright and dark friendships, so ... , You have no relatives here, and those patrols will not help you ... "

"So ... isn't there any other way?" Xia was very angry.

"The legitimate challenge between warriors is protected by the laws of the empire." Dodoro faced a bitter face: "The law of the empire allows warriors to challenge for honor, as well as the challenges between wizards. . Even if you are dead, you can't be held accountable ... Unless you don't accept the challenge, you will be considered to give up automatically. "


If Xia had heard this from the beginning yesterday, he would have chosen to voluntarily confess—fucking, defeating Hastings was not what he wanted! Besides, he didn't really defeat Hasting. This title ... can be uploaded to the official heroine of the 16K update soon! If you admit defeat, you are not the type of person who seeks fame and glory. He only needs to get tangible benefits.

But now ... he couldn't swallow this breath!

Thinking about those **** so harassing themselves so much that they made themselves jumpy-now admit to losing? I can't afford to lose this person! !! How can you make these junk **** proud! !!

In the morning, Xia Ya stepped out of the hospital gate and came to the street, and heard a shout from outside: "Xia Ya is out !!"

With a buzz, those people gathered on the street outside Men immediately disappeared. Xia took a closer look. As expected, most of them were guys dressed in ordinary people's clothes, and only a few people dressed as samurai. . Probably most people are hired to harass themselves.

Breakfast could not be eaten. I didn't know which **** was in the morning. She actually wrapped a pile of dung in kraft paper and threw it into the yard. She could only take two noses with her nose and went out to find a place to eat.

Just turned over the interface of the street, holding his head up and moving forward. I heard a rumbling among the crowd, and then the imperialists who looked around looked as if they had expected it, and they ran away.

There was a bang, and the stone that smashed his head back and forth hit him. Among them there were still a few dung packs. Chara waved the weapon in her hand to block it, stepped to the side of the road, and dragged the door of a newly opened shop. On top of his head, after a while, the door panel was smashed with potholes, and some stinking things fell on the ground.

Doodor and Soyt lay on their faces with pained faces, the poor magician's head was bleeding, and he wanted to cry without tears.

When Chaya chased after him, the guy who updated sooner or later had run far away. Although Chaya jumped wildly, there was nothing he could do.

He finally pulled Dodolo and Soyt into a restaurant that opened the door and sat down, but then he sat down. He heard someone yelling on the street: "Where is Charlie, dare you come out and fight me!"

Sitting in the window position on the second floor, Xia Ya looked at a big man standing on the street downstairs, lifted a chair from the room, dropped it, and smashed the man there.

While eating, the turkey in the shop holding the plate suddenly overturns the plate and picks up a pack of lime from below to spill over.

When exiting the door, a few masked guys suddenly rushed out of the intersection and shot at Charlie with a short crossbow.

When walking on the street, cold arrows suddenly shot in the crowd before and after.

Xia originally thought that she had seen a big scene. Even if it was the battle on the wildfire field, on the battlefield, she could kill a few back and forth among the thousands of troops. Odin ’s In the encirclement of the violent warrior, he can kill them safely ...

But now, walking on the streets of the imperial capital of the empire is a step-by-step killer. Each step is a trap. Every pedestrian around does not look like a good person ...

In the morning, the only update machine that he could take a break of sixteen to see all the way to the sixteen meeting. It was a group of patrol soldiers on the road. When this group of passing patrol soldiers was there, those sneak attackers finally converged slightly. Then, Charlie was given a moment of peace, and the earth maggot had a clever move. He followed the patrol in sequence, and took the opportunity to buy two meat loaves to give to Dodoro and Soyte, eating all the way.

The eyes of those patrolling soldiers looking at Charya were full of sympathy. Some soft-hearted guys couldn't help but whispered a reminder: "The next time you buy something and eat carefully, these guys may be poisoned ... You are not the first master of poison. "

Charlie: "..."

In the morning, the sweaty Charya almost took Doodor and Soyte to flee in the city, and fled across the streets and alleys. Finally, he saw at a crossing near the Chengnan Pier and saw it from a distance. After Fatty General Ruhr and his team of guards, Charlie burst into tears, rushed over in a hurry, hugged the fat man, and would not die.

Looking at Charlie's breath as if she was about to break her breath, Ruhr's eyes resisted the smile, and she patted Charlie's back vigorously, and smiled, "Well, I'll send someone to pick you up in the morning and find you I was a little bit guessed when I was not at the residence-these guys are doing this word too arrogantly. I thought they acted at least a little convergently. I didn't expect it to be so bold! Okay, okay, there are my guards here, those guys Don't dare to mess around. "

Breathing, Xia Ya shook her head hard: "My **** knows how powerful these rogue warriors are! It's just locusts! I'll bear the guns and dark arrows, and I'll use all the tricks to scum!"

As soon as Ruhr heard it, he pushed Xia away immediately and took a step back, concealing his nose and cursing: "People! Damn! You didn't say it earlier! I just put on my clothes this morning!"

Charlie said angrily: "You already knew, why not remind me!"

"Nonsense! I reminded you yesterday. Didn't you say something lofty, come one and one, and two and one?"

"···" Xia ’s face was updated quickly on the sixteenth. The official heroine uploaded anger, turned red, and said angrily, "Fuck! I didn't expect these guys to be so resilient! I only killed two at once. Well, these people are scared ... but I didn't expect it ... Grandma's! It's right to have a pair of two, but to **** a few hundred, can I beat him? "

Tusang vented his anger, but suddenly his heart moved: "No! This emperor hides dragons and crouches, and there are more masters! Why do these guys stare at me? Are they in Didu, other martial art masters all day long? My days ?! "

There was a smile in Ruhr's eyes, and he saw Xia applaud, "Well, it's finally okay."

Xia Ya was anxious to update quickly, grabbing the fat man's neck and shaking hard: "You say it! What the **** is going on!"

Ruhr shakes off Char ’s hands and smiles coldly: "Do you think it's so easy to be a master? There are thousands of guys in this world who want to get rich, want to be famous, and want to be famous! You think everyone is kind Noble? Despicable and indecent guys abound, and there are so many unscrupulous guys! In order to get ahead, these guys are really willing to do anything. Any master, no matter how powerful you are, you always have to eat and sleep and **** Hush, are you constantly exhausted by harassment, it's time for these guys to start! So, do you think those legendary masters are all alone? Huh! "

"···" Xia Ya's forehead bounced wildly: "What do you mean ..."

"You have to back up and have power to protect yourself ~ ~ My brother." The fat man patted Xia's shoulder and laughed: "The story of a single shot of the world can only exist in the legend. What master is lonely ... I am! Even sitting on the toilet, we must guard against the attack of Cold Arrow. I think he is still a lonely ghost! Even if you are iron, how many nails can you put on? These mean guys, even you Kill a thousand, and when you are tired, the 101st will take the opportunity to knock you down, and then announce loudly that "Lao Tzu defeated the legendary Xia"! Step on your shoulders! "

"So ... how did the others do it?" Xia sighed.

"What is the way? There are only a few of them. Those famous masters either receive a lot of apprentices by themselves and have helpers to avoid being outnumbered. Some people come to harass them. There are also apprentices and grandchildren who come to cook to stop the trouble. It is simply to rely on some big names and nobles. The big names and nobles are huge in force. Naturally, there is nothing to smash up and dare to come and cause death. Is there anyone who refuses to accept the apprentice and refuses to rely on any force to find the background, they can only remain anonymous , Hiding in a place where no birds lay eggs. "

"I rely on it. Tu scolded:" It turned out that all the reclusive masters were forced by their mother! "

(Finally, the update time has been adjusted back ~ This is the first update today, and there is another update tonight! In addition, ask for a monthly ticket ~~~~~~~~~~~)

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