American fame and fortune

Chapter 863 Nolan’s New Project

From 2000 to 2012, too many Hollywood movies made money from DVDs.

Take Martin's Davis Studio for example. The regular DVDs of popular movies are priced at $15 to $20, and the Blu-ray HD version can be sold for about $30, while the cost of mass pressing is only one percent.

Excluding channel costs, the net profit of an ordinary DVD can exceed $10.

With the rise of Netflix, the online on-demand market has expanded rapidly, and it is likely to replace DVDs and become the first offline income after the cinema window period of a film.

Davis Studio asked for $100 million in the first year.

This kind of negotiation may not reach an agreement in a short time, and may continue until "John Wick 3" is removed from North American theaters.

When Martin and his group returned from their vacation in Hawaii, Bruce immediately took people to Paris to meet Orina.

Lily and Elizabeth were not idle either. Through the publicity and public relations team of Davis Studio, they launched an action to discredit Martin.

A lot of negative information about Martin appeared on the Internet and in the entertainment media.

"Martin Davis, the No. 1 Playboy in Hollywood!"

The article describes in detail Martin's emotional experience since he came to Hollywood, every girlfriend since Elisha Cuthbert, and during the relationship with each girlfriend, he often fooled around with other beautiful actresses outside, etc.

There are also other examples, such as residents of the North Side of Sunset Boulevard accusing Martin of disturbing the community order, Warren Beatty and Annette Bening angrily accusing Martin, Leonardo and Nicholson of throwing fireworks at their home, and a small boss in Atlanta broke the news that Martin had been involved in fraud before he became famous, etc.

For Martin today, these are almost zero harm, but they can break the network filter and let people all over the world know that he is not a god, but a person with seven emotions and six desires who has done a lot of bastard things.

The god-making movement has not yet created the god, and the god has been automatically broken.

However, movie fans are still supporting Martin.

"I envy Martin's life."

"A member of the famous Hollywood asshole trio is undoubtedly also an asshole."

"I think Martin is a cute asshole."

"Yes, a cute asshole!"

The Coke Cult is a pan-faith organization without any constraints. Although the believers like and worship Martin, they will not regard him as the Pope of the Vatican.

In a luxurious villa in Malibu Hills.

Kevin Tsujihara put down the newspaper in his hand, looked at Jon Berg sitting on the sofa, and said: "Your deification movement failed. The other party's sense of smell is very keen."

Jon Berg held his mobile phone and kept browsing Twitter. He also saw a lot of hot news that was forwarded on the Internet.

Among them, there are some tweets that expose Martin's black material.

As a practitioner in the media industry, Jon Berg only slightly distinguished and determined that these were deliberately released by someone.

He frowned and asked, "Could it be that the news leaked out?"

"Impossible." Kevin Tsujihara said, "Only five people, including you and me, knew about this god-making plan. The media we contacted didn't know what was going on. The box office of John Wick 3 was rising, and Martin Davis was very popular. Those media editors thought it was promoted by Disney or Davis Studio."

Jon Berg said, "Praise a person high and push him to the level of a god, then break the filter and let him fall from the highest point... Unexpectedly, it went bankrupt so quickly."

Kevin Tsujihara analyzed, "It shouldn't be that the plan was leaked, but that Martin Davis realized the risks of such media publicity."

Jon Berg had a headache: "Does this bastard have paranoia?"

"Terminate this plan." Kevin Tsujihara He shook his head: "Originally, we thought about pushing Martin's reputation to the peak before the release of "Joker", and then let him fall to the bottom after "Joker" made enough profits. Now he has exposed these things, and there is no point in pushing it further." Jon Berg asked: "Can't we deal with him through the "Joker" project?" Kevin Tsujihara was helpless: "Don't forget, I have strong competitors in the board of directors and Time Warner. If someone catches me in the business, it will be very troublesome. The authorization of "Joker" has long been given to Nolan and Martin, and the distribution is handled by Warner Pictures. Now the head of Warner Pictures is Daniel, who is not on the same line with us." Hearing these words, Jon Berg hated Martin even more. He was originally the president of Warner Pictures. If Martin hadn't committed fraud, would he have fallen to the point where he couldn't make it in Hollywood? He sighed: "Warner Pictures is about to become a company independent of Warner Bros., can't you take Daniel down?"

"Not at this stage, the head office board of directors does not trust me enough." Kevin Tsujihara said after thinking: "Now the eyes of the entire Warner Bros. and Time Warner are focused on the Justice League movie universe. As long as this series is as successful as the Avengers, I can demand more power with the results and regain control of Warner Pictures."

Jon Berg understands the importance of the Justice League series. Once it achieves great success in word of mouth and business, its profitability will far exceed that of ordinary movies because the peripheral profit range is wider.

Kevin Tsujihara said again: "Martin has set up a trap to cheat us. Then we can use Warner Pictures to set up a trap to cheat Martin."

Jon Berg thought of his tragic experience and said: "If you need me, just ask."


Warner Bros. Studios, the studio behind Interstellar.

Martin, Nolan, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain were dressed in formal attire and stood in front of a black curtain, allowing photographers from Time to take pictures.

This major science fiction production will be released in mid-July. The three major producers DreamWorks, Paramount and Warner Bros. have spent a lot of money on the promotion. TV and online advertisements are almost indiscriminately bombarded. Propaganda gimmicks such as "Poetry" appear endlessly.

As for the actual filming behind-the-scenes, they are an essential part of the promotion and marketing of every Nolan film.

Planting hundreds of hectares of corn and using his daughter's name as the film's code name are all Nolan's usual marketing tactics.

Warner Bros. contacted Time magazine and prepared to put Martin, Nolan and other four creative staff on the cover of Time magazine in July.

The photographer kept pressing the shutter button, and then politely asked Nolan and Martin to change their positions slightly, from both sides to the middle, and continue taking pictures.

After the photo shoot, there was a short interview.

Martin, Nolan, Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain sat in front of the spotlight, started the business mutual bragging mode, and appropriately revealed some "secrets" about the crew and so on.

For stars and directors, these are all basic skills in publicity, not to mention that the crew has prepared the copy in advance.

The group was busy until mid-afternoon, and the work didn't end until mid-afternoon.

Martin went to the locker room to change. When he came to the door, Jessica Chastain from the next door came from behind.

"Do you have time in the evening?" Living in Hollywood, the model worker sister has long been used to these things: "Martin, it's been a long time since we spent the night together."

His real girlfriend is currently not in Los Angeles, and Martin will certainly not refuse such an invitation: "You know, I'm in my room at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Where can we have dinner together tonight?"

Maybe because her skin is too fair, Jessica Chastain's face always looks red: "Okay, I'll be there before seven o'clock."

She winked at Martin and entered her dressing room.

Martin opened the door to change clothes and take off his makeup. As soon as he changed back into his casual clothes, there was a knock on the door.

The bodyguard went over and opened the door. Anne Hathaway, wearing a skirt, stockings and high heels, was standing at the door.

Martin said: "Come in and sit."

Anne entered the room and sat on a chair, with her legs side by side and her hands on her lower abdomen, like a lady.

She glanced at Martin across from her, and the feeling of regret surged into her heart again, making her head feel dizzy.

Seeing that she was acting like a pure lady and not saying anything, Martin took the initiative and asked, "Annie, do you have anything to do with me?"

Anne pursed her mouth into a thin line, first showed a charming smile, and then said: "You have helped me a lot in the past two years, can I treat you to dinner tonight?"

Martin thought of Jessica Chastain just now.

Seeing that he didn't respond immediately, Anne quickly said: "Martin, you must give me a chance to express my gratitude." She clasped her protruding left breast with one hand: "Otherwise, I will always be uneasy."

Martin thought for a while and said directly: "Jesse also asked me to spend the evening together, and I promised her to go to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel."

Anne knew very well that Martin's long-term private room was in this hotel, and she also knew that Jessica Chastain had an affair with Martin.

The purpose of meeting Martin in the evening is self-evident.

Annie asked: "Can I go?" She looked at the wall that separated the dressing room: "Jessie, I'll go find her and tell her, she shouldn't refuse."

Martin looked at the time: "Director Nolan is looking for me. It's almost time. I have to go over now. If you guys have no problem, we will meet at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel at seven o'clock in the evening."

"Okay, I'll go find Jesse." Annie got up and went next door.

After Martin took his belongings and left the dressing room, he went to the director's office.

Nolan was waiting for him and said with a smile: "I have some good news for you."

Martin sat on the sofa next to him: "The pre-sale box office is high?" His salary includes a stepped box office share: "I hope the pre-sale box office can reach 50 million US dollars."

"Currently, there are only 18.5 million US dollars in pre-sales." Nolan is very clear about the film's market prospects: "This is an original and hard science fiction film, and it is unlikely to be as big a hit as your "John Wick 3". "

Martin agrees: "It was the final chapter of a trilogy, and the first two films established the audience base."

The market that original movies have to face, especially when they are just launched, is much narrower than that of adaptations and sequels.

Nolan said: "The North American box office of this film will eventually be half of that of John Wick 3."

Martin smiled and said: "I think $300 million is no problem." He turned to ask: "What is the good news you are talking about?"

Nolan simply said: "Spielberg and I invited many directors in the industry, including Ridley Scott, James Cameron, George Lucas, David Fincher, etc. An in-house private preview was held,"

He added: "I was going to invite you originally, but you went to Hawaii at that time. The test results were okay, and they all spoke highly of the film."

Martin has collaborated with Nolan many times, and this is the first time that he has invited many colleagues to hold an internal preview.

He immediately grasped the key to Nolan's words and asked: "Chris, are you ready to let "Interstellar" compete for Oscars?"

Nolan said: "Yes, I have communicated with the film studio, mainly targeting nominations for three awards, Best Actor, Best Director and Best Picture."

Martin has already achieved both fame and fortune, and so has Nolan, but compared to Martin, he still lacks one key thing: recognition from heavyweight awards.

Nolan has not won an Oscar, the three major European film awards, or even a British Academy Film Award.

Although the absence of these awards will not affect his status in the world, there is still something missing.

Nolan asked directly: "Do you have any special suggestions for public relations?"

"Not yet." Martin didn't think about this at all and said: "Just normal publicity and public relations. With the reputation you and I have accumulated, it will not be difficult to get nominated."

He told the truth: "Winning a prize may be difficult."

Nolan predicted this and said: "I will get nominated first this time, and I will try my best to win awards for my next film."

Martin had a memory and was not surprised. He just asked: "Do you have a new project?"

Nolan opened his office drawer, took out a thin text, and handed it to Martin: "The script's story outline and setting, these two have just been written."

Martin took it and looked at the cover. There was a place name written on it - Dunkirk!

Nolan said: "This is an ensemble drama, the protagonists are all British, there are no heavy roles."

Martin understood what he meant, briefly read the synopsis of the story, and said: "This is really not suitable for me. You should use British actors instead."

This is a film that broke his filter on Hollywood movies and Nolan movies in his previous life. Needless to say, in other aspects, the beach in Dunkirk is cleaner than a dog licked, which makes people speechless.

For those who didn’t know, they thought the British guy had beaten the German guy and then went home.

The decline of Hollywood movies is not without reason.

Nolan's words continued: "It is too difficult for science fiction films to win Oscars. Films based on real events are more suitable for Oscar tastes."

Martin nodded: "Indeed, the Dunkirk evacuation is world-famous, almost as famous as the Normandy landing, and it naturally attracts attention."

Nolan said: "The theme of this film, I plan to focus on humanistic care and civilian rescue, rather than a grand evacuation."

In Martin's impression, this was a great escape after the failure of British appeasement. He didn't know much about other aspects, so he didn't express much opinion.

In contrast, he believed that the key to the European battlefield of World War II lay in Stalingrad and the former Soviet Union on the Eastern Front.

But the right to speak in this world is in the hands of the Western world. In the end, it was the American soldiers who saved everything.

Martin only talked to Nolan about Oscar competition and did not express any opinions on his new project.

The two chatted for more than an hour before Martin left Warner Studios and went to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

Things like World War II, East and West, etc. were quickly forgotten by him.

Martin enjoys the present.

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