American fame and fortune

Chapter 862 Forever Comrades

The private jet, with its silver background and red markings, soars in the clouds like an eagle.

Lily and Elizabeth came out of the back bedroom and slumped on the sofa chair. They seemed exhausted, leaning their heads on their backs and not wanting to talk.

Martin then came out and sat across from them.

The captain's reminder suddenly sounded in the cabin. There was airflow ahead and everyone was asked to fasten their seat belts.

Martin glanced at the opposite side. Lily and Elizabeth seemed to have not yet come out of their blank state of mind, and hurried over to help them fasten their seat belts.

He returned to his seat and fastened his seat belt. Before long, the plane began to shake.

Elizabeth was the first to come to her senses and hugged Lily next to her.

The latter, who was somewhat phobic of flying, got into Elizabeth's arms without saying a word.

After a few minutes, the plane returned to normal.

Martin asked the flight attendant to bring two glasses of fruit wine and said to Lily, "Drink something sweet and you will recover quickly."

Lily had lost a lot of water before, so she picked up the glass, drank the fruit wine in several sips, and said to the flight attendant: "Give me another glass of lemonade, thank you."

Seeing that her condition had improved, Elizabeth breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The airflow on this route is particularly strong."

Martin said: "I asked the airport, it's not a big problem." He said another thing: "Earlier this year, that idiot Leo went to Russia to participate in an event, and encountered strong convective weather on the way, and there was a piece of wing He thought he was going to die on that plane."

Lily calmed down and said, "Can you please stop talking about this? I encountered air turbulence several times along the way and I got airsick."

Lily first glared at Martin, and then looked at Elizabeth pitifully: "Did you hear that, he always bullies me."

Elizabeth hugged Lily and let her lie in her arms, reminding Martin: "Don't scare her."

Lily lay down on a soft place. Not wanting to talk to Martin, who made her sick again after she got airsick, he took out his phone and started reading.

There was a wireless network on the plane. She clicked on Twitter, scrolled for a while, and said: "Martin, you idiot is trending again!"

Martin was already indifferent to the hot search and just asked: "Isn't it a scandal?"

Elizabeth looked down and said, "A fan of yours built a website for you, and many people responded."

Lily put her phone on the table.

Martin took it over, quickly browsed the page, and said, "Are these guys planning to create gods?"

The name of this website is called "Martin Davis is Immortal".

""John Wick 3" was a box office hit when it was released, and you are too popular." Elizabeth was obviously worried: "On the Internet, you have almost become an almost god-like figure."

Martin understood what she meant: "It's not easy to be a god. It will be very troublesome if something goes wrong later."

In his impression, there are no gods created on the Internet who are not fooled, not to mention that there is actually a lot of black material about him.

Lily sat up straight and said to Elizabeth: "We might as well find a few media outlets to smear this bastard Martin!"

Elizabeth smiled with her dimples: "This is a good idea. Rather than letting people smear you endlessly, we should use controlled smearing to break these god-making movements and let people understand that you are just a human being, not the god they think you are."

Martin fully agreed: "I leave this matter to you two."

Lily had just participated in an art exhibition and had no work recently. She said, "Liz and I promise to get this done."

Bruce waved this way.

Elizabeth saw it and reminded Martin: "I'm looking for you."

Martin got up and went to the front, sitting opposite Bruce.

Bruce whispered: "The results from Alexandrovich's side are about to come out."

Martin knew that this was talking about the Ukrainian leadership campaign.

Bruce added: "In the last poll, Alexandrovich's support rate was close to 80%."

Martin nodded and asked, "Will the results be available today?"

Bruce looked at the time, calculated the time difference, and said, "It's probably about the same."


Kyiv, parliament building.

When the results of the election were announced, there was a loud bang like an explosion, and nearly seventy people cheered loudly.

In front of the TV, countless Ukrainian people rejoiced. They had been looking forward to it and finally ushered in a new leader, a leader who truly belonged to the Ukrainian people, and a leader who could lead Ukraine to regain its glory.

The past two decades have proven that politicians and oligarchs cannot save Ukraine.

But Ukrainians believe a national hero can save their fractured and impoverished country.

Most Ukrainians pin their hopes on Alexandrovich.

In the parliament hall, Alexandrovich looked calm and calm. Although he was hugging and celebrating with every member of the campaign team, he did not appear to be ecstatic.

Over the past year, he has become more mature and knows how to hide his thoughts.

Alexandrovich was originally an actor, and his acting skills were pretty good.

He then gave a victory speech, once again stating that he would lead Ukraine on a new path!

Ukrainians are encouraged.

These people had no idea that Alexandrovich had completed his transition from actor to politician.

The results of the election are in, and there is still some time before taking over.

Alexandrovich and Olina, surrounded by bodyguards, left the parliament building and got into a bulletproof car.

As the car left the city center, Alexandrovich received a call.

He was not surprised. After a few words, he took the initiative to invite the other party to the subsequent celebration dinner.

The bulletproof car arrived at the Ukraine Hotel, and Igor, the spokesman of Privat Group, was waiting for him in the hotel.

Before the celebration dinner started, Alexandrovich invited Igor into the reception room he had prepared.

Igor had a gray beard and looked suave, a typical old handsome guy. He smiled and said: "Congratulations on the successful election."

But Alexandrovich smiled and said: "We should be congratulated."

Igor laughed: "How is the formation of your cabinet going?"

Alexandrovich replied seriously: "The personnel are basically confirmed."

Igor nodded and waited for him to express his opinion.

Alexandrovich lowered his voice: "What we have agreed upon will be implemented as soon as I come to power to stabilize the situation."

Because of his proximity to Damao in the east in recent years, Igor has been sanctioned by Western countries led by the United States. The group's business has been greatly affected. He supports Alexandrovich and also intends to ease relations with the West through him.

There is no way. In the eyes of arrogant Westerners, he, a Ukrainian rich man, is not a human being at all. It is easy to be sanctioned but difficult to unblock him.

Igor has finally seen clearly that the democracy and freedom mentioned in the West are all nonsense. Let alone the ordinary people in Ukraine and Russia, even if the billionaires go there, they are just fish on the chopping board.

Or the kind that comes to your door.

Alexandrovich added: "This matter is a bit troublesome. When I take office, I will ask Mr. Igor to provide the necessary data and information, so that I can do things more efficiently."

Igor was very satisfied with the attitude of the incoming commander: "I have already had someone sort it out and bring it to you later."

Alexandrovich stood up and bowed ninety degrees to Igor: "Thank you Mr. Igor for your support!"

This attitude made Igor even more satisfied. He quickly stood up and helped Alexandrovich up: "We are friends and comrades-in-arms, and we will fight side by side in the future."

Alexandrovich held Igor's hand tightly: "We are comrades forever!"

The celebration dinner began, and Alexandrovich and Olina moved among the crowd with ease.

Because he was born in the entertainment industry, his campaign team is basically composed of people from the entertainment industry.

These people are also about to assume important positions.

Alexandrovich must reward according to merit and drew up a list of important positions early.

For example, the future secretary-general will be the producer Trofimov, the mayor of Kiev will be his boxing champion friend, and a TV program producer who has worked with him for a long time will serve as the director of the Security Bureau.

To put it simply, this will be the first government to recruit a large number of TV and film comedians into important positions.

After the dinner, Alexandrovich and Olina returned home.

The two entered the study and talked about some things.

This study, based on Bruce's suggestion, was specially modified to block all electronic signals.

Olena asked: "What is Igor looking for?"

"Let me fulfill what I promised and let me be his friend and comrade forever..." Of course Alexandrovich knew what these meant: "He wanted me to always be a puppet of the Privat Group."

Olena was quite unhappy: "Martin has helped us so much without even asking for anything."

Alexandrovich raised his hand to interrupt his wife: "That was in the past, who can say for sure what will happen in the future."

"No matter what you do, I will support you." Olena held her husband's hand: "But I want to remind you that our foundation is in the west."

Alexandrovich said slowly: "I promised all Ukrainians that I would fight corruption, rectify market order, increase market reforms, and develop the Ukrainian economy."

He had already thought about it: "Even if I can't make some promises, I still have to show enough gestures so that I can secure that position. It's too difficult to develop the economy. To be honest, I don't know how to develop it, but the first three items are very easy." It’s easy for Ukrainians to see results.”

Olina immediately understood: "Action against the oligarchs?"

"Yes, as I said last time, take action on Igor and the Privas Group!" Alexandrovich said: "This can express my determination to fight corruption and market reforms to Ukraine and the world. !”

Olina reminded: "It's difficult for us to do it alone."

Alexandrovich said: "I dedicate the Privas Group to Martin and his allies. The Americans will help us."

Olena looked at her husband with a hint of admiration in her eyes.

The favors owed to Martin must be repaid. After all, they decided to take the Western route, and the Privas Group wanted to control their own side and use them as puppets, but they did not want to be puppets.

It just so happens that the power of the Western Group can be used to suppress the Privas Group. With the power in hand at that time, it is very possible to destroy the Privas Group.

The assets of the Privas Group can also serve as a bridge to the West.

That night, Alexandrovich and Olina discussed almost the whole night.


At Los Angeles International Airport, a business jet with red stripes on a silver background landed on the private tarmac.

Several bodyguards who stayed in Los Angeles drove several Cadillacs to pick him up.

Martin and his group got in the car and headed straight to Beverly Hills.

After returning home, Martin first went to sleep with Lily and Elizabeth.

The two women were probably exhausted on the plane and fell asleep after taking a shower and lying down.

Martin came downstairs and Bruce was waiting in the living room.

The two went to the study room.

Bruce closed the door and said: "The results from Ukraine are out, and Alexandrovich was elected with an absolute advantage."

"It was an expected result," Martin said.

Bruce said: "Aleksandrovich called ten minutes ago and had something very important to discuss with us before taking office."

Martin was not in a hurry and waited for him to continue.

Bruce didn't stop talking: "After taking office, he plans to consolidate power first, and then use anti-corruption and market reforms as a breakthrough to attract the support of the Ukrainian people, especially the military. His target is the Privas Group, and he asks if the Western world can help. He solves this oligarchy.”

He paused and then added: "If we can provide support, he plans to let Olena go to Paris to interview our people."

Martin had discussed this matter with Louise and Kelly before, and the latter used a lot of political connections to effectively suppress the backlash of certain Ukrainian forces.

To put it bluntly, the Western faction can be used to fight against the Eastern faction like Privas who is biased towards Mao and the Tsar.

Martin thought for a moment and said, "Old Bu, go to Paris and meet Olena."

This matter may involve billions of dollars, and Bruce did not refuse at all: "I made an appointment with them to go to Paris this week."

Martin then contacted Louise and Kelly, and went out to meet Louise.

In the following week, Martin gave himself a holiday, threw away everything from work, and spent time traveling around with Lily and Elizabeth.

The three of them even took a trip to Hawaii together.

At the same time, "John Wick 3" continues to be a hit in North America. After a month of screening, the box office harvest has slowed down significantly, and the North American box office has reached a total of 456 million US dollars.

Overseas, employees who may be absent from the world's second largest film market, overseas box office revenue has always been slightly lower than North America. The current overseas box office total is 366 million US dollars.

Offline channels are also being negotiated. Netflix took the initiative to find Davis Studio and wanted to purchase the vacation network on-demand rights to "John Wick 3". The asking price reached US$80 million in the first year.

But the premise is that the film cannot be released on DVD within six months after it is released in theaters.

The two sides are still negotiating because Netflix's price is not high enough.

Although the DVD revenue of Hollywood movies has been declining year by year since 2012, the situation where DVDs can sell for more than 100 million US dollars in the first few months of release has become a thing of the past. However, the first-year sales of DVDs of popular movies have sold for 60 to 70 million US dollars. Ten million dollars is no problem.

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