Ace Hollywood

Chapter 381 Protest and Argument

To welcome Daniel back to Los Angeles, apart from the media reporters and movie fans, there were also protesting crowds. ⊙Fate Literature{}.{}{CY} .{}☆

There were not many people, around 20, holding signs in English and Arabic - "Islamists are not terrorists"!

Daniel just glanced at it, got into the car under the guard of the security personnel, and left without a trace. Of course, the reporters would not let go of such a good subject. Although Daniel did not answer any questions, the scene itself was enough to make people excited. Daniel has always been supported by all parties, especially minorities, and this time seems to be the first time that he has offended a minority team.

Daniel himself was not too surprised by the possible protests.

On social networking sites, although it is not yet mainstream, he has seen a lot of similar remarks.

"Has Trevor prepared a statement?"

"Wait until you go back to confirm the version."

Nodding his head, he hadn't expected such a loud protest before. He was prepared for his speech in Thailand, but he just thought that the focus of everyone's opposition should be on celebrities' involvement in politics, or their indiscretions. But I didn’t expect that almost no one thought that he should not speak out on this topic. He pointed out religious terrorism and implied Islam in the topic, but it aroused large-scale opposition. In public affairs, there is some influence.

As Bush Jr. is about to end his presidency—his most controversial point during his tenure was the launch of the Iraq War, so now those who intend to succeed in the next year, as well as the opposition Democratic Party, are aggressively raising the stakes on this topic. Come on, give Daniel's influence a boost on the side. Daniel’s speech at the beginning, as well as his subsequent insistence and stance, have obviously proved to be more and more wise and correct. On the one hand, voters look forward to a new leader, and on the other hand, they always express their dissatisfaction with the current ruler. Usually when they think of the word "if," they think Daniel is indeed trustworthy.

After realizing their actual influence. Daniel asked Trevor to draw up a statement, of course in his own name-to separate his public career from commercial careers such as movies, this is the established strategy.

When he arrived home, Trivor was already waiting for him.

"I've heard a lot of people's voices and opinions. So I think I need to provide more explanations for my speech: I have never considered Islam to be equivalent to terrorism. This is absolutely true. People who work hard and live passionately in the United States Anyone is worthy of respect. But I also need to emphasize one point, extreme, extreme religious believers. Under the current response methods of countries in the world, it is very likely to become a new source of terrorism. Especially in the war-ridden Middle East After the extremist believers could not obtain a peaceful and stable living environment,

Most likely to be instigated by terrorists to join them - to deal with the world with hatred and violence. We cannot let our guard down on this - it is unimaginable that unless we end globalization and America becomes a closed country again, we will endure security threats everywhere. I solemnly appeal to all, civilians, politicians, presidents, military, and all people of faith who love peace. Whether you are a Christian, Buddhist or Muslim, I hope you will join in making this world a safer and warmer place. "

Daniel thought for a while, and although his voice was a bit tough, he spoke clearly. It is expected that this statement is unlikely to completely end the protests against him, but it is enough to clear him of religious discrimination from neutral people.

"So be it."

Trivor also has Daniel's F2F account, but each use must be authorized by Daniel.

He hesitated for a moment, "Daniel, if these people are really as dangerous as you said, would it endanger your safety if you made such remarks publicly?"

Miller's spirit suddenly gathered.

"It shouldn't be..."

Regarding this point, Daniel himself is not sure. He really hopes to use his influence to organize some things to happen. In his opinion. If the U.S. is prepared and adopts a smarter plan to deal with regional issues such as Iraq and Syria, it is possible to suppress the situation of talking about fear-although he is not sure that behind the U.S. policy, Exactly how much power. What he did can make the situation change. But he is willing to do it - besides, the disadvantage of having strong opinions is to offend some people, but usually public influence is also gained from these opinions, and in the two years before the election, this influence is very important, manifested in various aspects .

The entire team had to spend one night to determine the possible security threat to Daniel from this statement.

The next morning, Daniel himself released the statement—which clearly signaled their conclusion.

But Daniel himself was a little more apprehensive. Americans who had not experienced so many horrible cases later could not empathize with him.

Before heading off to CBS rehearsals, Daniel was doing something he hadn't done in a long time — poring over his own comments.

His F2F followers have reached 40 million, which is the top of the last large newspaper.

As he expected, even if it was only after 8 o'clock, after the statement was sent out, there were a lot of replies soon.

"Stop misinterpreting what Daniel means, okay? He never said Islam was terrorism, but some people maliciously equate it and try to attack Daniel - I promise, maybe it's the group that agrees to start a war executioner." - "Jacqueline".

"Daniel just wants to say that war can't solve the problem, can you be less sensitive?" - "Fran".

"As a Muslim, I don't think Daniel offends my faith, he's just talking about people with extreme ideas." - "Abu".

Daniel's supporters have always been numerous, even though his opponents have always been numerous - it's hard to say that this trend of protest has nothing to do with his huge team of opponents - any well-known star has a large number of opponents, Daniel At this level, there is a huge group of opponents.

"It's full of self-righteous sophistry, Daniel, what you need is a sincere apology." - "Ben from Jerusalem"

"It's a disgrace that Muslims support him. You should be punished by Allah. There are extremists in any group, don't Christians? Buddhism? Why doesn't he say the fanatics of the Holy See, only Muslims? Is this still true? Isn't that enough to show his discrimination and badness?" - "Hassan".

Abramovich, whom Hassan mentioned, is obviously still following the update. He saw the comment that he was attacked.

"My God, am I going to be punished by Allah for exercising my right to free speech? Your extremism and violence are really frightening. If you are a sensible person, you should understand that in Daniel's public speech , only mentions religious extremists and never refers directly to Islam. These roles are all made up by you for no reason, and then you use this as a point of view to attack Daniel, which is really a dirty way."

"Anyone who offends God should be punished! Isn't it obvious that he didn't say Islam directly, but he said the Middle East?" - Hassan.

Hassan replied to him without hesitation, and the argument between the two soon amounted to more than a dozen.

"Isn't terrorism in the Middle East the most rampant in the world? What's wrong with Daniel mentioning that? He's just emphasizing his position on the Iraq War."

"Terrorism? Do you think that those who fight the coalition forces and government forces are terrorists? What evidence do you have to say so?"


Their argument quickly gained attention.

"From the argument between Abramovich and Hassan, I really learned that extremists are all around us. It's terrible. If Daniel didn't mention it, I would have thought terrorism was far away from us." - " Leddy".

It has to be said that Hassan's extreme remarks and sympathy for the enemies of the US Army made most people stand on the opposite side of him, and there were endless criticisms.

"I've met a lot of friendly Muslims, but there are also quite a few very extreme people who think that the world should respect their believers, and even want to implement Islamic law globally. That's terrible." -"Trump "

However, after facing many censures, Hassan has no intention of changing his mind.

“Your words have made me witness the discrimination against Islam in the United States, which has dominated the US military strategy in the Middle East and caused millions of people to be displaced and lost their lives there. Everyone who speaks like this should do it for you This pays the price."

In a short period of time, there were thousands of comments, but Hassan's remarks were still eye-catching enough.

Daniel clicked into his homepage.

This is a young man in college, an immigrant from Palestine, who is very concerned about the situation in the Middle East, has participated in many anti-war demonstrations, and has also made quite a few extreme remarks-one of those dangerous social participants.

"These people, if one day they get more extremist ideas, and then they take guns to the university and shoot them—can you imagine that kind of scene?" Daniel turned his head and asked Sally.

Sally shook her head, she was not a person who cared much about others.

"It's time for us to go."

"Okay." Daniel turned off the computer, and he did what he could. As for the effect, he can't decide. (To be continued.)

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