Ace Hollywood

Chapter 380 Take it down

"After finishing his visit to China, Daniel Sandler began to fulfill his duties as a UNHCR goodwill ambassador, visiting the mae-la refugee camp on the Thai-Myanmar border, where tens of thousands of people from Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries live Refugees who have fled here.△¢Their hometown is facing war, and these people who cannot survive have to flee to Thailand. Daniel and UNHCR officials inspected their living conditions and donated a batch of clean water and medical treatment equipment to provide the most basic living and medical conditions for these refugees.

In his speech, Daniel said that the flames of war are still raging in many parts of the world, and the crisis of terrorism requires everyone to be vigilant, and the strike of the joint military will not be able to provide the ultimate solution to this danger. The world needs to work together to curb acts of state and religious terrorism.

This is the first time Daniel has expressed new insights on social and international issues since his public speech in New York. Unlike the last time the Bush administration fought an act of war and predicted his unquestionable defeat. This time, Daniel focused his attention on the opponent of the United States and the whole world-terrorism. This time he seems to pay special attention to religion, and Islam is widely believed in the terror-ridden Middle East. It is still unknown if Daniel was referring directly to the teachings of Islam, but it is highly likely. However, even so, Daniel did not encourage all parties to take military action.

He said that any action must have a considerable material basis. After recognizing the anti-human nature of terrorism, all countries in the world should work together to control terrorist acts fundamentally by curbing their access to material resources, including weapons, food and US dollars. War, has been proved in Iraq and Afghanistan is not omnipotent.

Daniel suddenly spoke on political issues this time, and he is likely to be considered to hold a certain point of view in the new presidential election in 2008. As a well-known person who once accurately predicted the direction of the Iraq War. His influence on similar issues will likely bring important pressure on all parties involved in the election. "

Newsweek, which is owned by The Washington Post, reported on Daniel's speech at the mae-la refugee camp - although it was published in the refugee camp, which was somewhat overkill. Generally speaking, take Angelina Jolie as an example. When she visits refugee camps, her speech often revolves around calling for more financial support for UNHCR. Call on the public to care more about refugees, and to express their benevolence and resentment against the war. This is also the model for most non-professional celebrities to speak on this issue. Like Daniel, it is rare to elevate the topic to the level of discussing how countries in the world should deal with national and religious terrorism.


"On the one hand, I really want to say this. Politicians have not discovered that the proliferation of extreme Islamism on social networks has reached a very significant level, and the contradictions of racial and religious discrimination behind it will bring us Horrible aftereffects.” Daniel made himself a glass of milk, and across the Pacific Ocean, it was midnight on his side, and Kusa was working—fortunately, the two people’s schedules matched miraculously, “On the one hand, Raymond Help is also needed there. Several investment banks in Nasbe South Africa are also deeply entrenched in the United States, they don’t move, they think everything is on the negotiating table.”

This Nasbe Investment in South Africa. Most of the equity belongs to two American funds, and the remaining investors include a bank and a company in South Africa-and these two also have the backup of an American consortium. So let alone. Nasbe is South African, rather American. Raymond's efforts are spent in South Africa, while Daniel needs to work on the United States.

All leverage should be used.

Especially starting tomorrow, the topic of the presidential election will undoubtedly become a hot topic-and this means that there will be raging battles behind the major consortiums. As for Daniel, although he leans toward the Democrats, so far. Still nothing has been clarified and all parties are trying to win him over. With huge influential social networks such as f2f and mb, Daniel needs to be cautious in his statement, and should even avoid it. But that doesn't mean he can't take advantage of this situation to gain some benefits for himself.

After he displayed political influence. Those consortiums naturally need to think a little more when dealing with him.

When Nasbe invested in t-news, luck was part of it. After all, even now, although most people are optimistic about China's development, no one knows that after the 2008 financial crisis, China's influence on the world To what extent will China's influence suddenly increase? When the European, American and Japanese armies are wiped out, China is responsible for almost 70% of global growth. At that time, everyone will know the potential of this country, but now, Nasbe will not have the determination of Daniel, let alone know that T News, whose market value is less than 10 billion, will be 6 years later. If it breaks through 100 billion, it will exceed 200 billion US dollars in 8 years.

Who will know? Nobody knows. Just like no one knows that Apple's stock price goes up and down like a roller coaster.

These unknowns are the opportunities that Daniel grasped when investing.

"Well, the premiere of High School Musical was very successful." Kusa introduced the situation. On the 24th, "High School Musical" held a large premiere in Los Angeles-a show that was shown through the CBS "High School Musical Cup" The young actor also has a lot of fans, but he is not a fan, just fans.

This premiere can be said to be unique.

It is different from the traditional process of red carpet, star support, watching movies, parties and receptions. DD Films invited nearly 300 contestants from all over the United States who participated in the "High School Musical Cup" trials, together with the top ten star dancers, held a singing and dancing carnival for young people in a large party villa in Los Angeles— —Whether it’s Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, etc., these popular singers are all born in the 1980s, and this year’s newcomer Taylor S. Swift, Emma Roberts, who arrived early last year, and Miley Cyrus, who is about to release a film, are all new forces from 1989 to 1992.

The theme of the party that night was also youthful.

"8090, youth without fear"

"The people below just gave me the data. On social media, discussions about "High School Musical" reached nearly 23 million, and an update by Efron was retweeted more than 400,000 times—a new record. Now people in the media are lamenting that the world has become a generation born in the 80s and 90s at an unacceptable speed. They are shocked by the power of young people." Kusa's tone was very pleasant, "Of course. You are also indispensable—— It's your shadow, to be precise—the newcomer to the 20 million club, as everyone says now."

"Is it only 20 million? My shadow is more than that."

On the evening of the 29th, the "High School Musical Cup" held a three-player final. In the early morning of the 30th, "High School Musical" was officially released—it didn't choose Friday, but chose the weekend, which seemed to encourage young people to escape from the gate and go out to have fun — Some expressed concern about possible parental anger.

But Melissa quoted Daniel's exact words.

"Let them be angry. While they are angry, we have already earned the pocket money they give their children."

Such a beating, of course, makes everyone... very happy.


The day before leaving Thailand, Daniel made video contact with South Africa at the hotel.

The conference room of Nasbe South Africa is in stark contrast to the barren and rough schedule of Africa. It is neat and advanced, and the light of cold modern equipment is shining everywhere, and the signal lights of various colors are gradually flashing.

"Wow. This is nothing like the Africa I saw in Kenya. I thought you guys were in Los Angeles."

Daniel said something unflattering - a little impulsive.

But everyone is a veteran of this kind of embarrassment, and it is easy to laugh it off. Raymond and his assistant sat to one side. On the other side is the chairman of Nasbe, Baker, who is a South African through and through, and is the most South African place in Nasbe except for the place of registration.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Sandler." Baker is not young, but he is very energetic and has bright eyes. "I heard your legendary story from my American partner very early on. Whether it is in Hollywood or Silicon Valley, every step is surprising and even shocking-now you have set your sights on China?"

"Yes. It is a hot land, full of golden encounters described by Marco Polo."

Daniel didn't mean to deny anything.

"In fact, many years ago, I knew that China had great potential—you should understand that I have a proud reputation in China, which did not come out of thin air, nor did my work alone play a role. More importantly, I worked closely with the Chinese media as early as three or four years ago. At that time, the annual box office of their entire country was not as good as the North American box office of one of my works. Unfortunately, at that time I was still Lack of ability, so that many good investment opportunities have been missed. However, it is not too late, Mr. Baker, is it?"

"Of course, it's never too late to make profitable investments."

Baker is actually a little annoyed. As an investment company, there are short-term ones, such as Yingke, which invested in t-news, which sold its shares before listing, and long-term ones, such as Nasbe’s company, which is unwilling to sell a share. They are very optimistic about the news, so Plutos forcibly entered it, which must be irritating.

However, it is impossible to categorically refuse.

Daniel has just visited China, and the high treatment he receives is surprising—if it was the peak period of SARS in 2003, the State Councilor at that time would have to express his gratitude for the help of the international community by meeting the person in charge of "Technology for the Benefit of All Beings" . So today, a deputy prime minister who is only below the top level has no need to meet Daniel himself because of "thank you". The appearance of Minister of Health Di Qiang is enough.

This can only illustrate one additional problem. Daniel's influence and financial resources have allowed him to receive the attention of the highest level in China. This is a huge advantage that cannot be ignored in China.

This gave Daniel a great potential advantage when communicating with T-News. In fact, Baker received vague information from the Ma Huateng team, which was the factor in Nasbe's final decision.

The management team of t-com has the final decision-this is the promise they made in order to obtain enough allotment shares, and it is also one of Nasbe's business strategies. It also means that Nasbe will lack the final decision-making power over investment companies. So when T-News tended to introduce Plutos, Nasbe became less resistant.

What's more, Nasbe's American investors have also sent some information - interests are of course the most important thing, but at least don't get stuck with Daniel.

This young man's influence in the United States is much higher than that in China.

A fucking reality, but Baker had to live with it.

He was facing such a freak.

Daniel had no intention of caring about Baker's mood. Since Raymond asked him to participate in the meeting at the last moment, it showed that at least the basic framework had been reached, otherwise his appearance would be meaningless.

"So, tell me in detail?"

"Sell 15%, and the price is 1.3 billion US dollars, but Plutos needs to sign a trigger memorandum. Once Plutos's shares exceed 20%, it must notify the company's board of directors."

In addition to the management team, asbs bank, and the Hong Kong stock open market, there are still shares in t-communication, so the latter clause restricts Plutos from owning more than one shareholding. Daniel can be sure that Baker has communicated with the t-com team. As the founding team of t-news, the benefits of introducing Plutos are obvious, but if it is not restricted, the consequences of internal consumption that may be caused are unacceptable. Therefore, they must reach some agreements with them—this is also the normal state of a mature joint-stock company. Shareholders coerce and unite with each other, cooperate and compete with each other, and constantly raise and solve problems for the development of the company.

"After we arrived in South Africa..." Raymond began to introduce him to the negotiation process.

Baker occasionally expresses some opinions—Raymond's explanations of opinions are sometimes not necessarily very prepared.

The video conference ended soon, and Daniel did not make any statement to Baker. In fact, except for this time, the communication between him and this transaction was all focused on the internal communication with Raymond. He is the executor of all investment actions of Plutos, which is also the meaning of the title.

"I hope to have the opportunity to meet you, Mr. Baker. Raymond, see you in Los Angeles."

After Daniel's image disappeared, Baker looked at Raymond and smiled.

"How does it feel to work under the leadership of a genius?"

"Don't worry about making mistakes."

"...that's really enviable." (To be continued.)

ps: I came back late today. . .

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