Ace Hollywood

Chapter 358 New Award Plan


"Night at the Museum" was filmed in Vancouver, Canada, which is the same as Ben Stiller's original. Net .T.∷, Interestingly, the first choice should be Montreal, but Stiller made the crew choose Vancouver due to personal reasons. However, after the starring role was changed to Daniel, Sean Levy himself proposed the Vancouver option——Daniel is no stranger to this kind of coincidence.

This is a work with rich content. The intervention of the Harry Potter trio provides it with a lot of room for imagination, and the biggest reason why the script impresses Fox and Sean lies in its creativity: Yes, when the sun Take the last ray of light from the horizon, all specimens of a natural history museum: including rare prehistoric life, wonderful animals on the African continent, primitive tribes that have disappeared in the long river of time, and those that have had an important impact on the times Heroes, they gained life in the dark—yes, what Larry experienced may have been the fantasy of every child who visited the Natural History Museum. How awesome would it be to have this mammoth come to life, or to have a word with some historical figure?

The brilliance of the story begins here. Unknown encounters inevitably mean unknown reactions, and these are all attractive places.

For Daniel, playing the role of a down-and-out father was a very different experience.

For him, he also needs to get used to it, and in the hustle and bustle of awards season, this kind of request is somewhat extravagant. So after he accepted the Golden Globe Award, he joined the filming of "Wonderful Night", never returned to Los Angeles, and has been working here. Claude Parr, the film's art and set supervisor, built a New York Museum of Natural History in Vancouver. Although the other parts are relatively simple except for partial replication, this achievement is not easy. It is also a big budget drain. So on the other hand, as an investor, Daniel also needs to take time to pay attention to other studio work and production operations - he is also learning more skills and experience, generally speaking, whether it is in the film industry or Pluto Tosi Investment Company, he is more of a strategic leader, which means that he does not need to fully understand the specific technical basis of the business he is engaged in. But as an actor, Daniel is interested in the overall work on the film set, until a certain day. He might direct or serve as an executive producer, and that's when it all comes into play.

Kusa Damon came to Vancouver regularly to report to him, Sally was always by his side, and two crew assistants helped him a lot, and Miller took security personnel to make sure he was in sight at all times—a superstar The income is very high, but there are also a lot of people to support, and every aspect needs professional people and teams.

It was more than a week after the Oscar nomination list came out, and Daniel had been working in Vancouver for nearly half a month.

Roy Stein of "The Sun Times" was "subdued" for the first time on the Internet. But for the first time, Daniel gave him a "shameless" evaluation.

"So, besides using me to show off, does he have any other reasons?"

Of course, Kusa knows all about these things, although he doesn't need to go to the media to collect information now. Basically hand it over to his assistants. But all the news about Daniel is still the most central part of his work.

"Roy and Roger have a good relationship."

"Huh? Isn't Roger often in the hospital? Roy shouldn't have been in the "Sun Times" for a long time, right?"

"Yes, but Roy was recommended by Roger to the "Sun Times", it is said. There is no conclusive evidence, but the credibility is not low. Roy should be Gene Siskel's nephew. Or something else What relatives. Do you know Siskel? When you first entered the industry, he passed away, but there was a film review program with Roger before, which was quite influential, and they are also very good friends."

Daniel nodded, understanding the crux of the matter.

If Roy can get Roger's full support, then there will be very limited what he can do here, unless he has no scruples.

Daniel's thoughts began to wander.

Withdrawing from the Oscar selection was unheard of for him, and no one had ever suggested such a thing. Since the trend of personal expression has formed, there is no other Oscar star like Daniel. It is really incredible to win three trophies in just 6 or 7 years.

"Do you think this opinion is representative?"

Kusa was taken aback. He looked at Daniel, as if he wanted to confirm Daniel's intentions. Did Daniel really intend to withdraw from the Oscar selection?

How can this be?

Subconsciously, Kusa wanted to stop Daniel from thinking this way.

However, he quickly denied this guess.

Rejecting an Oscar is a thankless task - the most likely comment is "arrogant", avoid taking too many, so rejecting an Oscar must be inseparable from the comment of "arrogant". Daniel's personal image has absolutely nothing to do with this term.

"I don't think it's a representative opinion, it's just nonsense."

"How do you think the media will treat Roy's remarks?" Before Kusa could respond, he continued to ask, "What can Trivor do?"

As he said, the media may have no intention of cooperating with Roy, but his remarks may open a new window to report on Daniel, which cannot be said to be completely negative-after all, if you don’t get too many awards and recognition, you won’t generate this discussion. But what is certain is that if the media rushes to report, Daniel's pressure will also increase accordingly.

As Roy wished, it was an act of arrogance. If he refused, this topic would probably accompany Daniel throughout his career.

"What are you going to do?" Kusa frowned. "Actually, we don't need to do anything. Even if there are some disputes, it won't have much influence."

"This is an opportunity," Daniel stood up suddenly, "Kusa, don't you think that this is an opportunity, because you may have won too many Oscars, so you will be asked for something, which is unprecedented. On the other hand, this Isn't it a recognition? Recognition is better than all past Oscar winners, at least in a certain way."

Daniel Sandler has developed to this day, whether it is a superstar, a global idol, or even the title of a legendary star, and the top contemporary actor deserves his name. On this basis, I want to improve further. Oscar is a good excuse, winning three best actors and one supporting actor can ensure that he surpasses all male actors - although this is not the only criterion, it is still very important for Daniel to achieve this record, he is not the main actor He is a niche acting school in literary and artistic films, and he is a world-renowned idol, so this record is of great significance to him.

Roy Stein's shameless words provided him with another way of thinking.

"I plan to announce that starting in 2007, I will only take on at most two dramas per year." Daniel smiled, "It doesn't have a big impact on me. And there are more and more behind-the-scenes work, and more energy needs to be invested in it. Every year Two works are more suitable. I have been thinking about it, and now I am announcing it, and the timing seems good."

"In addition, I also hope to create a new film award through f2f, b, Google, Yahoo, and other Internet social networking and search sites!"

This is an idea that Daniel has considered for a long time in his heart, a plan that makes Kusa Damon thrilling.

New Hollywood awards!

The Teen Choice Awards may be the most recent influential award - it was born in 1999, when Daniel was just entering Hollywood. Presented by Fox Broadcasting Company. Voters have a limited age, from 13 to 19 years old, almost for young people born after 80 years. This precise judgment of the target group helped the Teen Choice Awards to succeed quickly. In fact, Americans born in 1980 have completely different concepts and habits. It is definitely a good move to provide them with a platform to express their understanding of entertainment.

"Kusa. We are now in a unique position. b has more than 100 million users worldwide, and f2f has more than 140 million users. Coupled with Google, or Yahoo, the users we cover are fully representative of the opinions of the Internet age. It’s just the earliest People’s Choice Awards, the later Children’s Choice Awards, and even the Teens’ Choice Awards. The superiority of information collection for these awards produced by people’s votes is not as good as ours. This is indeed the best opportunity, social The opening of the era, why did you prepare for this opportunity?"

Kusa understands how great the peripheral benefits of leading an award are. Of course, the academy has concentrated a large number of professional committees, making the Oscar almost the most influential professional awards ceremony in the world. But there is no doubt that Oscar's 78-year journey has also made the academy more authoritative. In addition, it is needless to say that the college has received a lot of benefits.

But he is not sure whether this plan can be realized, and if it fails, what kind of impact will it bring.

"At least we should have the courage to try."

Daniel's tone was extremely firm. In fact, once he made a decision, no one in the entire team could object. Kusa gave up thinking about whether something needed to be done and turned his attention to how to do it.

There is no doubt that f2f and b need to make plans first, and Google needs to communicate. Whether the other party intends to participate is still unknown. Social media and the entertainment industry are closely related. So far, entertainment stars, whether they are movie actors, TV actors, singers, Moderators, etc., their verified accounts are also an important guarantee for social networks to attract new users. So f2f and b have every incentive to do the work, while google doesn't.

"It's going to be a pretty cumbersome thing to do."

"But it is more effective than most of the advertisements, and it is long-term, continuous, and enough to subvert the situation."

If this new award can replace the series of popular awards and become the most influential representative of the voting award, then the benefits that f2f and b organizers will get are beyond doubt. To give a simple example, all stars who are interested in this award must have at least one account, and all viewers who want to follow and influence this award must apply for an account to vote on the website or provide influence elements, Such as mention rate, exposure, fan professional activity, etc. Usually, the viewership of an important award is always in the tens of millions, while the influence covers a wider audience.

This is definitely a good deal, if it can be done.

Cusa was persuaded, in fact, from the beginning he did not object, despite the doubts raised. But in his heart, it was recognized early on that it was a good idea.

"Try to use less people from MGM and let Mark and Javier provide people. In addition, on Fred's side, Shanying has many masters in this industry, so we can bring him in."

Mountain Eagle gradually got rid of Daniel, and Fred led its development. Despite the rapid expansion in the past few years, its business has almost stabilized now. Apart from Hollywood, it has also set foot in other data research and analysis businesses For example, in the 2004 presidential election, Shanying's poll numbers were quite consistent with the final election results.

The introduction of Shanying, to some extent, can also provide a guarantee for new awards in the industry.

Cusa nodded.

Pointing to the computer screen in front of Daniel, "What about this, do you want to respond?"

"Well, take it easy, wait until after the Oscars, no matter whether you get it or not—well, by the way, last time Trevor came to discuss with me whether to do some work, he thought the timing was good, But I still hesitate, what do you think?"

Once Daniel wants to win an Oscar, at least some of the top figures in the industry will definitely be able to understand that he did not move for the Golden Globe Award, which is also known. So so far, there are not many high-class people who really think that he can win an Oscar. If Roger Ebert is in good physical condition and has the energy to understand these things, he should also belong to this category.

The Roy Stein who jumped out must know nothing. From this point of view, Roger may not care about Roy that much.

Cusa was less supportive of Trivor's opinion.

"If you show too obvious ambition, including the new award, a lot of work may not be carried out smoothly."

Daniel nodded. It is quite normal for an actor to compete for an Oscar, but his identity is indeed more sensitive. Including MGM, his Oscar resources are among the best in Hollywood. Once we focus our efforts on the film king instead of working hard for "The Immortal Gardener" and "Wall-E" like the original research plan, I'm afraid it will attract some real criticism.

"It's all hard to decide. Tomorrow I'm going to be filming a scene with a dinosaur." Daniel stretched his waist. "Have you seen the scene? Wearing the green clothes with sensors all over, and tails and heads and so on." .But they're doing some of the late game, and it looks pretty good, and Weta's technology level is getting better and better."

"Well, no. Maybe we'll have to talk it over again."

Kusa's thoughts were still stuck on the question just now. (To be continued..)

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