On the endless wild mountain road, the royal zombie that jumped out of the coffin was jumping aimlessly in the woods.

After jumping out of the coffin, the royal zombie smelled the blood of his loved ones that excited him. Unfortunately, after that night, the smell of the blood of his loved ones that excited him disappeared, which also made the zombies without a target for a while.

Suddenly, at the end of the path, countless amounts of full blood rushed into the zombie's nostrils.

The zombie suddenly smelled human blood, and suddenly made a strange whirring sound in its mouth full of fangs. It jumped up and immediately jumped in the direction of the smell.

"Hey, I said, how long do we have to get to the town? The road is too long!"

A group of people in the mountains were carrying goods and rushed to a nearby town. A dark-looking man wearing a turban said impatiently on a horse.

A dark-skinned young man followed closely behind the horse, chasing after him in a hurry. He went up and said,"Boss, there are still thirty or forty miles of land!""

"Damn, it’s so far!"After saying that, the man on the horse looked back at the long row of goods, thinking that it was too early for them to be transported to the town. He probably would have to wait until dark!

"Boss, I heard that things are not peaceful here. They said that a team of people transported a zombie to Beijing a few days ago, and they all died here in the end! How about we take another route?"The young man frowned and suggested worriedly.

Although this road is the shortest way to the town, it is too dangerous. If you encounter a zombie, you will be dead!

"Change it!"The man on the horse cursed impatiently,"Life and death are destined, and wealth and honor are found in danger. If you are destined to die, you will die no matter which way you go."

After that, the man clamped his legs on the horse's belly, flicked his whip and shouted softly, then rode the horse away.

The young man behind him sighed after watching the boss run away, then turned around and shouted loudly,"Brothers, keep an eye on me!"

The leader of the group rode his horse and ran for a while before he stopped. After tying the horse from the roadside, he walked into the woods alone.

"Damn it's killing me!"

As he said that, he took off his pants, and then whistled, which was very pleasant to mix with the whistling sound. Suddenly he felt something coming from behind. He thought it must be his second boss, so he scolded him without thinking. road

"What are you doing here? Why the hell do you have to watch me even if I let him go?"

This second master has been an escort all year round, and he is a real second master.

However, this is the first time for the boss to be an escort, and he was forced to do so by his father. He has been very irritable after just two days, so in words It was totally rude!

But after he finished speaking, no one behind him responded. The man frowned, feeling displeased, and turned around and said,"I'm telling you.......ah!!"

As soon as the man turned around, he saw a dark face full of wrinkles, and four long, sharp fangs with blood stains on the corners of his mouth. He was staring at his neck carefully.

This When the man saw such a face, he was so frightened that he couldn't control himself. His legs were so numb that he couldn't even run away. There was still water dripping between his legs.


He turned around and saw the royal uncle of the Thirteenth Brother, the royal zombie who had transformed into a corpse and ran out of the golden coffin. When he saw the man in front of him, he just screamed and did not run away. He was like a fool. The royal family The zombie immediately opened its fangs and bit the man on the neck.


It took a long time for the royal zombies to let go of the man. After being thrown down by the zombies, the man's eyes widened in disbelief. He lay on the ground motionless, and his complexion gradually changed from rosy to pale and then to iron-black.


In the wooden house on the top of the mountain, Taoist Priest Four Eyes was sitting cross-legged in front of the Patriarch, practicing his perception with the Patriarch.

The trick of asking the gods to get up is the most proud trick of Taoist Master Four Eyes. But at this time, Taoist Master Four Eyes frowned and suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the incense on the table and murmured:

"Something's wrong?"The four-eyed Taoist priest then narrowed his eyes slightly and counted with his fingers,"Not good, it's a bad omen!"

After saying that, Taoist Priest Four Eyes stood up and hurriedly walked to the door of the wooden house. He looked outside with a trace of worry on his face, and saw that the originally sunny weather also turned cloudy at this time.

"The royal zombie hasn't been found yet. Could it be that this evil beast is causing trouble again? Taoist Priest Four Eyes murmured, then stamped his feet and said angrily,"I just don't know where it is!" If only I could learn the art of pursuit"

"The art of pursuit?"When Shen Tian heard the word at this time, he asked with interest,"Uncle Master, what kind of book is the art of pursuit?"

"The art of pursuit also belongs to the Zhouyi Bagua. Because this art can predict the future direction of things you want to calculate, it is classified as fortune telling. Because of this, many people disdain to learn it, resulting in people who can master it now. rare."

Taoist Priest Four Eyes has learned a little before, but he can only predict that something is going to happen, but he doesn't know where exactly.

At this time, he felt that there was a spark burning unbridled on the grassland, but the grassland Where can they go to find it?

"Fortune telling?"Shen Tian suddenly remembered that many people in the village had said in the past that there was a great dancer in one village who could tell fortunes and figure out where your lost things went. Shen Tian always thought this was too mysterious, so he never did it. Believe it

"There really is such a thing."Shen Tian shook his head, and then turned to continue reading. At this time, Xiao Shisan looked at the book in Shen Tian's hand and seemed to be laughing, making a zombie roaring sound.


Shen Tian took a look at the comics, and it turned out that he met Bai Zhanji and actually turned into a chicken in the southern country. He had no magic power in his body but wanted to use the demon-killing divine fire.

"This naughty kid has such a low point of laughter, poor Gua Wazi."

Shen Tian glanced at Little Thirteen expressionlessly. Little Thirteen saw Shen Tian looking at him, and immediately turned his head arrogantly to look elsewhere.

Taoist Priest Four Eyes said with some worry at this time. ,"Junior nephew, please take a look at your home. I'll go out and look for this old beast. I have to give him Junior Brother Qianhe's account!""

"Uncle Master, how about I go with you?"

Shen Tian also closed the book at this time, and then stood up and said.

Taoist Priest Simu looked at Jiale practicing in the yard, feeling quite uneasy, but with Shen Tian, if he really faced the royal zombies, he might have a better chance of winning. Some, so he nodded.

After deciding, Taoist Master Four Eyes went back to the room to prepare the props. He glanced at the portrait of the ancestor enshrined on the table, and Taoist Master Four Eyes gritted his teeth and took out some incense ash from the incense burner. and rice with incense sticks, and then walked out of the wooden house, but as soon as he walked out of the wooden house, he heard Shen Tian say

"Uncle Master, I’m afraid we don’t have to go."

"Why?"Uncle Four Eyes looked at Shen Tian in confusion. Shen Tian raised his hand and only thought about the front. Master

Four Eyes looked in the direction of Shen Tian's finger and saw a person jumping out of the forest in the distance. It didn't look like much, just jumping a little strangely, but then many people jumped out one after another, and a bunch of people rushed towards Shen Tian's wooden house.

Taoist priest Shimu looked at it in disbelief. Looking at the people who kept jumping out of the forest, he murmured in shock.

"Worri! How many people has this old creature from the royal family killed?"

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