Zerg OL: This Game Has 100 Million Points of Liver

Chapter 646 The opponent takes the initiative to attack

In fact, Jiang Yao was also surprised by this race.

A replica of the Zerg, but it is much stronger than the one I have mastered.

"Our Zerg race reached the current level through the evolution of the previous year in the previous universe according to the inheritance memory."

"The evolution of each bug took a long time, and various DNA sequences were collected."

"Through continuous experiments and a blink of an eye, these DNAs were completely integrated into the evolutionary sequence of bugs, but the current race is so simple."

Jiang Yao knew very well that if the bugs in his hands were not due to systematic evolution, the current students might not even be considered advanced civilizations at most.

Of course, this also has a certain relationship with the actual situation of that universe. The overall level of civilization in the universe also determines the upper limit of evolution.

Because only when you face more powerful enemies will you desperately evolve stronger abilities.

"However, this race has such strength, and it is still not obvious in this universe, which means that they have experienced very few wars in this universe."

"This shows that their starting point is very high, so high that they can reach the level of advanced civilization by just playing around."

"If they have experienced wars all year round like myself, maybe they can evolve to the level of super civilization."

"It did surprise me a little bit."

Thinking of this, Jiang Yao didn't hesitate too much, he immediately issued an order.

"We must ensure that this Zerg is completely in our hands."

"And at the same time to prevent them from leaving that area, all in all, send a sufficient number of warships and various facilities to ensure that the area can be completely blocked."

"The area they connect to must also be completely sealed off."

After giving the order in this way, Jiang Yao immediately asked the players to execute it.

"Brothers, the leader has a new mission. This time the mission seems to be about the newly discovered insect swarm by the security company."

"Newly discovered fault, what is the situation?"

Many people don't understand this piece of news, after all, the security company blocked it on purpose.

"Probably the situation is like this. The security company has discovered a Zerg that belongs to this universe alone, and the most important thing is that this Zerg's starting point is much higher than ours."

"So the leader wants to integrate the gene sequence of this Zerg into us, so that our start can reach this level."

Hearing this explanation, many players couldn't help but change their expressions. It is obvious that they have already guessed something through the current situation.

"Old irons, if you follow what you say, won't our worms be able to reach the level of advanced civilization after they are born?"

"It's almost like this. I estimate that the strength of bugs will usher in a big update in the future. Of course, this is also very normal. After all, since the official launch of the battleship, the entire strength has already tilted."

"The Zerg, which used to represent combat power, gradually withdrew from the stage of history and was replaced by battleships. But we are Zerg. If we say that we play battleships, what is it like? So I guess the connection method wants to be recreated in this way. Pull the swarm back on track."

Everyone agrees with this analysis combined with the current situation.

Indeed, if the current situation is explained in this way, there is no problem.

"If this is the case, we need to think about it when we buy warships or bugs in the future."

"What is there to consider? Although the bugs have reached an advanced civilization at the beginning, the battleship is a super civilization. There is nothing to choose."

"You don't understand the one upstairs. The leader also mentioned that if the bugs evolve after a high start, they will reach a higher level. It is not difficult to evolve to a super civilization."

"If it can reach the level of super civilization, then battleships and bugs, I think this choice is a bit exhausting."

In this way, with the release of the news, many players have been discussing this topic during this period of time.

The choice of warships and bugs has always been where they struggled.

After all, apart from this one thing during this period of time, Jiang Yao's other actions are basically trying to support the swarm.

However, because of this incident, the pace of his support has been relatively large, but without this incident, the players in the world can see his movements during this period of time.

"Compared to swarms, warships are definitely not as maneuverable as worms, and their battery life, including combat power, is always inferior to worms of the same level."

"And for bugs, as long as there is energy ore, it can solve all problems. For battleships, you also need maintenance and other things."

"If it is damaged in the battle, it won't take long for me to use the energy ore to restore it to its original state, but the battleship is different. After it is damaged in the battle, it must be returned to the shipyard for repairs."

"Although the battleship itself has a self-repair device, there is an upper limit to the repair of this device. After reaching a certain degree of damage, there is no way to achieve perfect repair with these nano-robots alone."

To put it simply, the maintenance of armor for battleships can only be regarded as solving temporary difficulties, but it cannot solve lifetime difficulties.

There are of course pros and cons to both.

And the most critical factor is that warships are susceptible to interference, and there are many more factors than bugs.

All in all, both sides have their own advantages. One side has strong adaptability and strength, but the cost is high, and the other side is a warship with a very suitable price/performance ratio.

However, compared to the issues discussed by most players, at this time, many players in the combat team have already set their sights on the next battle.

Since Jiang Yao gave relevant instructions to the swarm, a large number of warships set off towards that area one after another.

First of all, some of such a family with strong invisibility ability first entered that special area. After all, the size of that area is quite exaggerated, reaching the size of a galaxy.

A range of this size wants to ensure that there are no other entrances or exits that no one can guarantee, so the first thing these fleets do when they enter is to find a way to detect the area where these bugs are located.

It is impossible for them to seal off the entire universe, but it is still possible to have them seal off the area where the swarm is.

At this time, the main ones entering here are the detection teams.

"Brothers, this time we have a tight schedule and a heavy task."

"We need to figure out all the circumstances of this civilization within a month, but it's not too difficult for us."

"The only trouble is the workload. I don't know what the situation is. All in all, try your best. This time the income is not low."

At this time, the leader of the exploration team was communicating with the members below.

For this task, he actually felt that things were quite troublesome.

After all, it is necessary to find all the strongholds of a civilization in a short period of time, even if the opponent is only an advanced civilization, they have technology far superior to the opponent, but there will always be fish that slip through the net.

And this time the task is not to let any fish slip through the net.

So the exploration team also made a simple tactical deployment for this matter.

First of all, this time it is divided into two blocks. The first block is responsible for searching all the bases of the internal Zerg.

At the same time, they also searched for the overall range of activities of the Zerg.

That's their job, and the whole process revolves around tracking flags and then deploying them.

Relatively speaking, they will pay more attention to the details of their work, and the other is to fly to the edge of the universe to start exploring the edge of the universe.

After all, what is the situation in this universe? Whether it is connected to other universes or whether there are other channels, these are all players need to care about.

The area they explore is continuously extended from the edge to the inside, and in this way, the surrounding situation is determined in a carpet-like manner.

To achieve this, it would be basically impossible if players did not have overclocking detectors in their hands, but even with such equipment, the entire process would be very slow for them to operate.

However, compared with the task of directly inquiring into all the strongholds in Chongqing, the time requirement for this task is not so high.

In this way, without the knowledge of the crowd, the players have begun to deploy intensively in this universe.

And at this time inside this mysterious insect swarm.

"The outer worm nests were wiped out by the enemy."

"All the reorganizations of the outer worm nests were destroyed, and none were spared."

"What is certain at the moment is that the opponent is a certain technological civilization whose strength is much higher than ours."

"With the opponent's technological strength, I'm afraid they have already discovered our place, but when they will attack, it is not certain."

At this time, the leader of the swarm was also feeling devastated by this matter.

Of course, this is also very normal. Compared with other races, their race is lucky. After the defeat of the First World War, they accidentally found this area.

Then they began to recharge their batteries and develop and upgrade in this area. First of all, this area is very rich in resources, and it is also connected to a large space similar to the universe. There are too many resources and planets in this space. Make their development without any restrictions.

And as of now, they have not found any other living planets in this area.

For this swarm, this is naturally good news, because it means that they will mine without any risk, and the resources here will grow themselves.

But who would have thought that they would encounter such a thing after living a very stable life.

They were actually targeted by other advanced civilizations.

For them, this is not good news. They are very clear about what will happen when civilization meets civilization in the universe. After all, they hid here for this reason.

"This time things are troublesome."

"Or run away!"

After a long time, he made such a decision. Although the resources here are relatively rich, compared with his own life, these resources are insignificant.

But when he sent the explorer bugs outside to understand the situation, he found that the exit here had been surrounded by a large number of warships from that civilization.

"Now that things are troublesome, the other party wants to wipe us out, depending on the situation."

Thinking of this, the leader of the swarm was also a little desperate, because he knew very well that there was only one exit and the other party blocked the other side, and it would be quite difficult for him to go out.

But on second thought, he felt as if he had caught something again.

"I have played against them before and they have a certain understanding of our strength, and we should also have a certain awareness of their strength."

"Both sides are very clear about this."

"It stands to reason that after knowing this situation, they sent so many fronts, they should attack here immediately, but now they are guarding the door and not attacking."

"This can only explain one problem, that is, combining the strengths of both sides, they feel that the warships on their side cannot live in this way 100%, so they continue to wait here, waiting for more warships to come."

"If that's the case, then the situation is an opportunity for me."

"A chance for me to escape here."

"Take all the army and fight out directly. Maybe you can break through their blockade. As long as you break through the blockade and enter the big universe at that time, it will not be so easy for them to catch me."

In such a predicament, various thoughts flew through the leader's mind, and soon he came to such a conclusion, and after reaching such a conclusion, he naturally did not dare to neglect.

"We must act now!"

Thinking of this, he immediately called all the combat bugs, and even said that in order to ensure safety, he even called all the functional bugs. Although these bugs don't have much combat power, they can still be used as cannon fodder.

In this way, everything was arranged, and then I saw a large swarm of insects moving towards the area where the players were and killed them.

Sometimes things are so wonderful, because of different perceptions, so the way of dealing with things is completely different.

In the eyes of this leader, the players did not attack him immediately because the current force cannot defeat him, but for the players, it is because the current force cannot guarantee 100% that none of them can escape , so I dare not act rashly.

The difference in ideas and perceptions between the two will directly affect the outcome of this battle.

Perhaps in the eyes of the leader, he was desperate this time, but in the eyes of the players, the other party couldn't think about it, and was about to give away his head a thousand miles away.

Naturally, the actions of the leader were known to the players immediately. After all, there are eyes set by the players.

So they can know every move of the leader at the first time, and when they get to know each other and start to gather troops, they are confused at first, because they also wonder why the other party is doing this.

But when they saw these troops coming towards them, the players were angry and funny.

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