Your Majesty, the Spectacle Has Missed the Country!

Chapter 319: Farming in the Eastern Highlands

Chapter 321 Farming in the Eastern Highlands (Please subscribe!)

The Pachinia tribe was uprooted by the Idars overnight!

When this news spread wildly in the eastern highlands, almost all the nomadic tribes living in this land were shocked!

First there was disbelief, and then there was fear from deep inside.

The contempt for the Normans is almost engraved in the bones of these Odin tribes. They have raided southward repeatedly, captured slaves, and plundered wealth.

But this time...

When the Idars first showed their swords to these people living in the eastern highlands, they were frightened.

They finally realized... the Idars are not equal to the Normans! The Principality of Idar is not equal to the Norman Empire!

These nomadic tribes originally just looked at the Idar people who appeared on this land and were puzzled by the "Valens Peace Treaty" they just learned about.

But...the fall of the Pachinia tribe was right in front of them, forcing them to face up to, and even pay attention to, this sudden disruptor.

The Pachinia tribe is indeed not the most powerful tribe on this land, but even the most powerful tribe is not sure that another tribe will be reduced to smoke and dust with just a war.


The Idar people also possess "Sky Fire"!

It is a terrifying weapon that can wipe people out of existence, and a magical weapon that can force the imperial royal family to sign a peace treaty!

The Odin people are indeed arrogant and reckless, and they are indeed rough and warlike, but after all... they are beginning to take on human form, and they are a group of guys with brains.

So for a moment, the entire eastern highland was in turmoil, and all the nomadic tribes turned their attention to the Idar people on the Hobbs River, watching their next move.

Fortunately for them, after wiping out the Pachnia tribe, the Idar people stopped all attacks and expansion, showing a waning appearance.

Mal Cullen didn't have time to deal with the other tribes at this time.

Because although the Pachinia tribe was destroyed, the Idar people suddenly became busy.

Cleaning the battlefield, counting the loot, and escorting the prisoners, Mal Kallen was extremely busy.

For the navy commander Mal Cullen, who was most afraid of trouble, this simply cost him his life.

Although it is not a top nomadic tribe, the Pachnia tribe has thrived on this land for decades, with a tribe population of nearly ten thousand and a large amount of... wealth.

Speaking of wealth, after annihilating the Pacinian tribe, the loot obtained by the Idar people almost made Mal Kallen jump three feet high. If it were not for the restrictions of the "Valens Peace Treaty" and Bruno's repeated warnings, , he will definitely continue to attack these nomadic tribes.

Although these nomadic tribes don't have much money, they are... nomadic nomads. They have large herds of cattle and sheep in their hands!

And the more powerful the tribe, or the tribe that has thrived on this land for a longer time, the more livestock it has.


Throughout the day, the Idars counted and captured cattle and sheep, collecting those animals that had fled in all directions due to the roar of gunfire.

In addition to groups of cattle, sheep and horses, Idar soldiers also obtained many prisoners.

A tribe is not a regular army. Of course, a complete nomadic tribe cannot only be composed of tribal warriors. In addition to those men who can pick up swords and fight for the tribe, there are also elderly people, women and children.

In the tribal culture of the Odin Empire, the winner will own everything the loser has. Everything here refers not only to fixed assets such as wealth and weapons, but also to women and children.

In the battles of the past, the victor would kill all the adult men and the elderly of the opposing tribe, leaving only women and children who were not taller than their waists alive.

As for the fate of these women and children... women will become the reproductive tools of the victor, and young children will become slaves of the victor, whipping and insulting them at every turn!

So to a certain extent, becoming a prisoner of the Idar people is obviously much better than becoming a prisoner of other nomadic tribes.

At least... the Idar people don't do anything that destroys humanity!

Of course, one cannot escape the status of a slave and the required work.

But as long as they work hard and change their violent, backward and ignorant aspects as Odin people, they may have the opportunity to escape from their slave status and regain a new life.

This short war was over, but the Idar people's farming career in the eastern highlands had just begun.

After all... the Idar people are not war mongers. They launched this night attack just to create a relatively stable external environment for themselves, so that they can farm with peace of mind.

The Principality of Idar has only two core interests in the eastern highlands. One is to set up a concession belonging to the Principality of Idar at the mouth of the Hobbs River, and the other is to mine ore without hindrance in the eastern highlands.

As long as these nomadic tribes living in the eastern highlands do not come to find trouble with the Idar people and do not affect the core interests of the Idar people, then Mal Caron has no reason to fight everywhere.

Therefore, as time passed, envoys from Idar began to run around the eastern highlands under the escort of agents, releasing the goodwill from the Idar people to the frightened nomadic tribes.

And these nomadic tribes also said that they are awesome. After all, the power of the Idar people is there. UU Reading If someone kills you again in the middle of the night, wouldn't you be afraid of it?

They don't know the private exchange of interests between the Idar people and the Odin royal family. Therefore, after the Idar people showed their night fighting capabilities, the chiefs of these tribes can't sleep well. They are all on tenterhooks for fear of disaster. Follow the path of the Pachinian tribe.

But now, the olive branch thrown by the Idar people must be accepted.

The chiefs sent envoys one after another to visit Hobbs Port with gifts and extended cordial greetings to the Idar people. By the way, they also condemned the bad behavior of the Pachinia tribe and praised the legitimate defense of the Idar people.

For a time, people came and went in Hobbs Harbor, and the eastern highlands returned to their original balance again.

The only change is that there is one less Pacinian tribe and one more Hobbsport concession controlled by the Idar people.

The nomadic tribes that had left in a hurry also began to move around Hobbs Port again, and there were even bold Odin people who tried to exchange goods with the Idar people.


This is exactly what the Idar people need.

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