Your Majesty, the Spectacle Has Missed the Country!

Chapter 141 Natural Wonder—Flan Islands!

At noon.

Two three-masted warships sailed together on the rough sea against the howling sea wind.

Bruno rubbed his sleepy eyes, wrapped in his noble robe and stood on the deck of the bow, looking at the endless sea.

Although it was still midsummer, since we were sailing on the sea, the cool sea breeze also carried a bit of coolness.

Sleeping in the cabin is really uncomfortable. After all, three-masted warships are not in the same weight class as those giant ships of 10,000 tons in later generations.

Therefore, although the three-masted warship looks very handsome, the streamlined lines are very beautiful, and the sailing speed is indeed not slow, but...

As long as the wind and waves are slightly bigger, the bow of the boat will be raised high, and the ride will be extremely bumpy, so that Bruno's face turns pale. Not only is he severely deprived of sleep, but he also has no appetite for eating.

"The three-masted warship is still not strong enough. We must get some big ships out in a short time..." Bruno muttered rather irritably.

"Your Majesty, today's lunch meal is ready!" At this moment, the familiar fat cook emerged from the cabin and shouted to Bruno.

However, unlike before, Bruno now has no interest in cooking.

Bruno didn't take many people with him on this trip. Apart from the Idar navy soldiers led by Mar Cullen, there were only Liszt and the fat cook, and even the personal guards who often followed him Didn't bring it either.

The fat cook's name was Louise. She was the aunt who killed the cow with her bare hands in front of Bruno. She was also the only one who stayed strong after Bruno kicked out three or four cooks.

Moreover, under Bruno's careful training, her cooking skills have far surpassed Bruno, who could only cook some of the simplest home-cooked dishes in his previous life.

Since the three-masted warships are all made of wooden structures, unless special circumstances occur or at a specific time, open flames are prohibited on the warships, even Bruno himself is no exception.

Therefore, all Bruno can eat is white bread and some cold vegetables and fruits. As for the dried pork, Bruno doesn't want to touch it at all. It is not only unpalatable, but also tooth decay.

This also makes Bruno can only pray that the castrated piglets will grow up quickly...

After sending away the fat cook, Mal Cullen appeared next to him.

"My Lord Earl, according to the guidance of the navigation chart we pieced together, the French Islands should not be far away, and we estimate that we will arrive soon..." Mal Cullen reported in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Bruno finally nodded. This may be the only good news Bruno has heard in these days.

After all... even with a three-masted warship, life at sea is still very difficult...

Although under the leadership of Bruno, the Idar Territory is constantly improving, but if Bruno hadn't personally followed the warship this time, he would not have been aware of these flaws in the details...

For example...canned food!

As a Earl who loves his people like his own son, how could Bruno have the heart to let these naval soldiers go to sea eating dry bread all day long?

Therefore, canned food that can be stored for a long time was naturally added to Bruno's notebook.

Of course, apart from that, the most important thing is glass!

It wasn't until this time when he went to sea that Bruno finally realized a very serious problem. The naval soldiers in Idar did not even have binoculars!

So, they actually just relied on their own eyesight to sail on the sea...

Moreover, telescopes can not only be used by naval soldiers, but can also be equipped with the Idar standing army commanded by Sam Layton. This is a war artifact that can observe the enemy's movements thousands of miles away!

At this moment, the shouts of Idar soldiers finally came from the observation deck at the highest point of the mast: "Land! There is land in the distance!"

Hearing this, Bruno quickly grabbed the chart from Mal Caron's hand...

According to the information currently available to the Idar people, the Farland Islands mainly include eight islands.

Among these eight islands, the westernmost island has the largest land area, while the islands farther east have smaller land areas.

The distribution of its islands is quite similar to Bruno's West Indies in the previous life. They both gradually extend from northwest to southeast, and their area gradually decreases.

Judging from the direction and distance of the Idar ship's sailing, the Idar fleet is approaching should be the largest island located on the west side of the French Islands.

In fact, it was not just Bruno. The moment they heard the news from the lookout, the interest of the Idar navy soldiers obviously became high.

And just when a coastline gradually presented a vague outline in front of Bruno's eyes, the wonder construction system... suddenly started on its own at this moment!


As a pleasant sound sounded in Bruno's ears, a dialog box suddenly appeared in Bruno's field of vision.

[System prompt: You have discovered a new natural wonder! 】

Grass (is a plant)!

At this moment, Bruno only felt that ten thousand grass and mud horses were galloping through his mind!


A natural wonder!

How could I have forgotten this incident?

When Bruno was playing games in his previous life, his favorite thing was definitely to use Lao Qin to knock out wonders.

And my second favorite is the natural wonders all over the world!

Among these natural wonders, Bruno's favorite is the [Ika Gil Underground Cistern]. This natural wonder that can speed up the construction of wonders makes Bruno put it down!

The prototype of the [Ica-Gil underground pit] is the Ica-Gil natural well located in Yucatan, Mexico, but this is not the point. The most important thing is that it can speed up the construction of the wonder by 50%!

Natural wonders coupled with accelerated wonder construction, this is double farming and double happiness!

It's just...I don't know what kind of attribute bonus the natural wonders in this world will bring to the Idar Territory or Bruno himself?

Therefore, when he saw the words "natural wonders", Bruno was full of expectations!

The blue water laps at the hull, UU reads a book www. As the distant island gets closer and closer, a new dialog box finally pops up.

[Natural Wonders: French Islands]

[Introduction to the wonder: The Farland Islands, composed of eight islands, is extremely rich in resources. As one of the former natural harbors, after the departure of humans, the Blue Carved Golem has become the new owner of the island. 】

[Spectacle background: The fallen gods fell from the void, and the scattered divine power caused disasters. Ignorant humans will eventually pay the price for their arrogance. After that huge explosion, the former continent was torn apart. After thousands of years of drift, the influence of the gods finally stabilized, and these broken lands re-entered human vision. (Note: land fragments from the Forsaken Land)]


As Bruno's eyes gradually swept across the lines of text, although Bruno was very excited about the bonuses brought by the French Islands, looking at the descriptions in [Introduction to Wonders] and [Background of Wonders]...

His originally excited mood gradually became depressed...

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