Gu Lian got out of the carriage and was stunned when he saw the palace in front of him.

He subconsciously frowned.

At the moment, I thought that my identity was exposed, and I was brought here by someone's design.

However, Gu Lian quickly came back to his senses. He quickly scanned the palace in front of him, saw the golden plaque hanging on the palace, searched for relevant memories in his mind, and quickly confirmed where they were now.

He had been to this small country once.

So there is an impression.

Within the border of the Yin Dynasty, a hundred kilometers away from Qinnan City is the border of Zeyang Kingdom.

If he remembers correctly, this is the Mo Palace of Zeyang Monarch.

As far as he knows.

The Lord of Zeyang Kingdom is a very far-sighted monarch.

A small piece of territory was managed by him in an orderly and rich manner.

It is also well-known among the many small countries in the Yin Dynasty.

However, this monarch is very loyal to Emperor Xinyin. In this turmoil, Yi Guo spies sent people to persuade him to join, but they failed to persuade the monarch to be tempted.

Unexpectedly, the legendary monarch is the old man who sells birds...

At this time.

The old man with a white beard came out of the gate. At some point, he changed into a robe that was very suitable for a monarch, with a golden hair crown on his head, and walked out of the gate of the palace.

"Two little brothers, I'm sorry. I concealed my identity and brought you here without telling you. Please forgive me."

Si Luo has a good impression of this monarch who doesn't like to show his face to the market to ask for medicine for his wife's sake.

The queen has a strange disease, which is related to the majesty of the royal family and cannot be publicized.

It's really embarrassing for this monarch to seek medical treatment in person regardless of his status.

Qinnan City is really a place full of fish and dragons, and anyone can meet them.

Si Luo shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't care.

Gu Lian bowed very carefully to show respect.

"The monarch does not need to apologize, and your concealment is understandable."

"Hahaha, you two don't want to be too restrained here, just treat me as an ordinary old bird seller, and I will leave the Queen's illness to you two."

Gu Lian looked at Si Luo embarrassedly.

Si Luo looked a little absent-minded.

In fact, in my mind, one person, one system is chatting happily.

Qiuqiu: Qi master, according to your instruction, the system has scanned the entire palace, and found no evil aura fluctuations, please rest assured.

Hearing this sentence, Si Luo felt much more at ease.

She followed the white bearded monarch into the palace calmly.

With the palace of the Yin Dynasty in front, the gorgeous layout of this palace will appear to be of an average standard.

Gu Lian followed behind Si Luo like a shadow, looking at her back thoughtfully.

Arriving in the queen's bedroom, the sickly queen lay weakly on the bed, her eyes agitated feebly.


"Queen, I finally found someone to treat you."

When the queen heard the words, her eyes fell on Si Luo and Gu Lian, her eyes were a little helpless.

The foolish monarch must have been deceived again, how could two young teenagers be able to heal illnesses?

The queen opened her mouth, but said nothing after all.

Although she put on some light make-up, she couldn't hide her sickness, and her airy look made people feel distressed.

"excuse me."

Si Luo walked up to the queen, bent over, lowered his head, and carefully observed that sick face.

Finally, in the queen's pupils, she saw two clear vertical marks, she understood, and the arc of the corner of her mouth raised a little confidently.

In fact, she is not good at medicine, but she has seen people with the same disease, so she felt familiar after hearing the description, so she tried her luck and came to have a look.

Unexpectedly, it was the same symptoms.

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