Ying Shao is a Girl

Chapter 485 The warmth is gone (10)

Accompanying yourself is ultimately a joke, a trick to deceive yourself and others.

Even though Dorothy tried her best to suppress her truest desires, she still couldn't erase the traces of those thoughts in her heart.

Dorothy was created by her current grandfather. The old man was unmarried and naturally childless. The most disbelieving thing in his life was the human heart.

No one can gain his trust. He has struggled alone all his life and created his own glory. He hopes that someone can inherit his family business and then create another miracle.

He has no children and no one he can trust, he only believes in himself.

Finally, he spent a huge amount of money to create an artificial person, Dorothy, and let her complete her own affairs according to her own wishes.

Artificial beings are completely controlled by their creators or owners. They will not have any complaints and will do everything well.

However, Dorothy turned into a real person by mistake, and she was destined to no longer be able to peacefully follow the path designated by the old man.

Dorothy was under tremendous mental pressure, and like humans, she played an extremely bloody game to release her mental pressure.

This game was developed privately, has a small audience, and is technically very well done. Anyone who has played this game is full of praise for it.

It's a good game.

Wen Yunuan and Dorothy met there.

Wen Yunuan had never killed anyone. She was the one who was killed. To put it bluntly, she was the one who gave away the most heads.

But Dorothy is different. She was originally a decisive, ruthless and ruthless person. In the game, she became even more cruel, killing countless people and ranking first on the list of villains for a long time.

Dorothy kills people in different ways, and her methods are extremely cruel, making others shudder even if she is just a game character.

How on earth could a psychopath do such a thing?

What will the reality be like? Games will reflect a person's true psychology to a certain extent, and the hidden true psychology that is unknown to everyone.

By chance, Dorothy met Wen Yunuan. During that time, Dorothy suddenly became less irritable.

Because she had some problems, her main personality was damaged, and her sub-personality was pushed out and took over the dominant position.

The sub-personality is gentle, kind and indecisive, which is completely opposite to the main personality. They are two completely different people.

But this sub-personality Dorothy is very similar to Wen Yunuan's personality. The two hit it off and seemed to have found another one of themselves.

Due to Dorothy's own problems, the main personality was forced to fall into a deep sleep, and the sub-personality took the dominant position. However, the sub-personality was inevitably burdened with loneliness, and could not even fulfill the requirement of accompanying herself.

That's why she gave her heart to Wen Yunuan. The two were very similar, so the relationship naturally progressed quickly. The final result was that the sub-personality Dorothy fell in love with Wen Yunuan.

But Wen Yunuan didn't know, and she didn't have this idea. She just regarded Dorothy as a very good friend.

As an ordinary human being, Wen Yunuan is bound by traditional concepts. As a girl, she will naturally not like a girl subconsciously. Even if she does, the relationship can only be at the level of friends.

Dorothy is an artificial human, but she already possesses human emotions and thinking, and knows what liking is, but she is not bound by traditional human concepts. Everything is new to her, and nothing can suppress her. Thoughts and emotions.

But before Dorothy had time to confess to Wen Yunuan, tragedy happened.

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