Xuan Wang Above, Di Daughter Runs Away

295 No matter how high you hold, how badly you fall

There is a saying that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Lin Yixue sat there, looked, heard, and asked about it for less than half an hour. She even used her housekeeping skills, but she didn't find any sign of Shen Miao's illness.

Lin Yixue became more and more restless, she was blown away, but after a long time of consultation, why didn't she find the cause?

In fact, Lin Yixue can't really blame Lin Yixue for his lack of knowledge in this matter.

Because Shen Miao in front of him has a rosy complexion, a very good complexion, and a normal pulse pattern, which is gentle, neither sinking nor floating, neither fast nor slow.

After a long consultation, there is no abnormality at all, obviously a very healthy person!

Lin Yixue wiped the sweat from her forehead, and finally couldn't collapse anymore,

"Forgive me for my lack of talent and learning, Miss Miao, your pulse and complexion are quite good, and you really didn't find anything wrong. I wonder if there is any discomfort in your daily life?"

Finally, Lin Yixue asked the question embarrassingly.

She's starting to regret it now.

Well, she admitted that she really shouldn't have boasted so much in order to express herself just now.

Well now, it turns out that no matter how high you hold, you will suffer as badly as you fall.

"It's okay, Lin Yi, you don't have to blame yourself at all.

Actually, you are not the first one, I have searched all over the past six months, all the doctors and doctors in Jiangling City, but none of them can see what is wrong with me.

In fact, I have known for a long time that my disease may not be cured at all. "Shen Miao chuckled lightly, comforting Lin Yixue.

Although she hid it well, Lin Yixue could still feel the deep loss in Shen Miao's eyes.

It seems that Shen Miao still had great hopes for herself at the beginning.

I hope that I, who has advanced medical knowledge in the 21st century, can treat her stubborn illness.

"I'm really sorry to disappoint you, Miss Miao. However, you can describe your usual symptoms to me, maybe I can find the cause." Lin Yixue said a little ashamedly.

"It's okay, you don't have to take it to heart." Shen Miao patted Lin Yixue's hand lightly, forced a smile, and said magnanimously.

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether the disease is cured or not, and I didn't have much hope.

You can come to Shenlongzhai, and we can get to know each other once, which can be regarded as a great fate between us.

If you are in a hurry to go down the mountain, I will ask Qin Kai and Xiao Wu to take you out in the afternoon.

If you are not in a hurry, just play here for a few more days. "

The more careless Shen Miao was, the more magnanimous he was, the more ashamed Lin Yixue was, which completely aroused her thirst for knowledge.

She didn't understand, this Shen Miao looked very healthy, why did she insist that she was terminally ill?

Could it be a mental illness? It was her momentary illusion.

Or, it was really her, Lin Yixue, who had little talent and learning, and had never seen this kind of illness.

"I've been busy for a long time, and I'm tired too. Why don't Xiushui take you around first? The scenery of Shenlong Mountain is pretty good. I'll let Qingshui go out to find you after lunch."

Maybe the last ray of hope was also shattered, Shen Miao suddenly lost her high spirits just now, and stood up a little lonely, ready to go back to the back room.

"Wait a minute, sister Miao, since you have already invited me here, there is no reason to send me back without asking about my condition.

I may not be able to treat your illness for a while, and I can't find the cause.

However, I still have a master, I can ask other imperial physicians and folk experts to consult with you together,

Also please, sister Miao, don't give up lightly, after all, it is really not easy for us to live this life. "

Lin Yixue got up to block Shen Miao's way, and said firmly.

Lin Yixue knew in her heart that no matter whether Shen Miao was time-traveled or reborn like herself,

However, after all, they are different from ordinary people. They all know the value of life better, and they also have an indescribable cherish and respect for life.

"Mr. Lin, really? Can you really not give up, and be willing to be the head of our family, and keep trying to find a way until you are cured?"

Qing Shui heard Lin Yixue say this, looked at Lin Yixue excitedly, and confirmed with tears in his eyes.

Lin Yixue inadvertently glanced at Xiushui next to her, and found that at this moment, Xiushui's tears were also rolling in her eyes, and the embankment might burst at any moment.

Could it be a mental illness?

It's fine for Shen Miao to be excited by herself, why are Qingshui and Xiushui so out of control.

It seems that there is really some unspeakable hidden disease.

"Naturally, please tell me in detail about Miss Miao's condition and the symptoms of the onset, so that I can find the cause and prescribe the right medicine?" Lin Yixue said with determination.

Now that she can get to know each other and become a doctor, she has the obligation to relieve the suffering of the patients and help them heal.

What's more, she and Shen Miao still have such a special fate.

"Mr. Lin, let me tell, let me tell," Qing Shui said excitedly first,

"Our lady is usually in good health.

As you can see, the complexion is good, the body is also very healthy, and there is no problem at all.

But in the past six months, every night when the moon is full, the young lady will suffer from unbearable abdominal pain, especially in the past two or three months, the abdominal pain has become more and more severe, and it can almost kill her.

After each pain, she could go on for two days without any strength at all, unable to get out of bed..." Qing Shui described seriously.

It can be seen that although the girl Qing Shui has a carefree temper, she is really dedicated to Shen Miao's affairs.

"Abdominal pain on a full moon night? Sister Miao, is your menstruation normal?" Lin Yixue frowned and asked softly.

Hearing Lin Yixue's question, both Qing Shui and Xiu Shui froze for a moment.

After all, menstruation is the most private thing for a woman, and if it is spoken out, it will affect the reputation of the village owner and the happiness of the rest of his life.

In the end, it was Shen Miao who told the truth softly, "To be honest, I haven't had my period for half a year."

It turns out that it seems that it is really a difficult disease.

However, after listening to their description, something inexplicably flashed in Lin Yixue's mind, but just when she wanted to grab it, it suddenly disappeared.

She felt that Shen Miao's illness, she had definitely seen it somewhere before, or her mother explained the treatment plan to her, but she couldn't remember it for a while.

Alas, how can I forget such a critical illness with my bad temper! Lin Yixue thought with some self-reproach.

Alas, I just don't know if my current amnesia has more to do with the arrow falling off the cliff, or if Lu Yuan's glass of fairy water is more attributable to it.

"Mr. Lin, how is it? Have you found the cause? Or thought of something?" Qing Shui looked at Lin Yixue earnestly, and asked cautiously.

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