With Love and Time

Chapter 368: It's not easy


Don’t make decisions on impulsiveness, and don’t quarrel with people you care about when you are angry. The former will regret and the latter will be sad.

The development of the matter to such a point, not so much a coincidence, as a fate that will face sooner or later.

Between Luo Xiangdong and Kuang Yiyang, and between Ji Guanxin and Luo Xiangdong, all of our relationships must undergo a major refreshing, otherwise this knot will be a knot in our hearts.

Many things will not pass without touching them.

Very tired and tired, I simply said to Ji Guanxin: "I want to go home."

Ji Guanxin hugged me, and after a while, he whispered back to me: "I will send you back."

I didn't refuse because I didn't want to fight anymore.

Ji Guanxin drove me back to the door of the newly rented apartment complex. Both of us untied the seat belt and got out of the car. He walked around to me, looked at me and said, "I will send you up."

There are no angry or sad expressions on my face, at best I am tired. My lips opened, and I whispered softly: "No, you go back early and take a good rest."

He and Luo Xiangdong were on par, but I was still worried about his body. I just don't say something, I don't know what Ji Guanxin thinks.

Seeing me looking down slightly with a faint look, Ji Guanxin said, "I didn't ask you clearly what happened today. The awkward things I just said in the hospital were not at you. If you are angry, hit me twice. Next, don’t hold yourself in your heart...I look uncomfortable."

Ji Guanxin is very good at losing his temper and also very good at apologizing. Although it seemed to me more like giving me a sweet date after a slap, I secretly sighed, and said: "Guan Xin, can't I give you a sense of security, so you will do this? "

I believe Ji Guanxin likes me, but he has a thorn in his heart, that thorn is Luo Xiangdong, and everything related to Luo Xiangdong, he can't touch, and I can't touch it either.

Sometimes I will be too selfish, thinking about everything from my own perspective, anyway, I have a clear conscience. But the relationship is between two people, maybe mine is too calm to make Ji Guanxin feel that I still care about Luo Xiangdong.

I tried to have a good talk with Ji Guanxin, but Ji Guanxin quickly denied it. He said, "It's not your problem. It's because I'm a little anxious today. I just can't understand how their uncles and nephews take it for granted. Why are they? I lied to you, but now I want you to bear the consequences? Isn't this bullying you?"

Ji Guanxin's temper came so that the six relatives didn't recognize me, and I often hurt my whole body with holes; but he said, "Isn't this bullying you?" ’But let me know that he is always thinking of me.

I can't tell what it feels like from the bottom of my heart. I frowned, tried to suppress the soreness and pain, and whispered: "Too many things have happened recently, especially those days when you are not in Night City. Guanxin, let's stop quarreling. Now, I won’t go to the hospital to see Yiyang. Let’s take a moment and calm down."

I have always been an impulsive person, but now I want to calm down and think carefully about whether Ji Guanxin and I can continue walking.

Ji Guanxin also had nothing to say for the first time. He just said softly, "Okay."

In the end, he didn't send me upstairs. We turned around at the gate of the community. He got in the car and I went home.

A few times on the road, my eyes were sour and sore. No one saw it when it was dark. I cried whenever I wanted to. Waiting until I got home, I changed my shoes and went to the coffee table in the living room, took out a tissue to wipe my tears and blow my nose.

Sitting on the sofa, looking at the unfamiliar furnishings around and the empty room with me alone, I just feel that there is no comfort even if I cry.

No one comforts me, I have to comfort myself. It's okay, the big deal is to lose love again. Anyway, it's not the first time I was injured. I'm used to it.

It may be the reason for being too tired. After taking a shower that night, I was lying on the bed without much tossing and turning, and I fell asleep quickly.

I slept until the next day the mobile phone alarm rang. After a long time, I slowly opened my eyes. I felt dizzy and heavy with heavy eyelids.

Finally stretched out my arm to pick up the phone. I woke up at 7 o'clock as usual, but today I don’t know what’s wrong, my whole body aches.

Once I closed my eyes, I wanted to squint for a few more minutes and then get up, but I opened my eyes again, and it was already afternoon.

There were missed calls on the phone, from my mother, and from Xu Yifan, as well as a series of familiar numbers without a name, Luo Xiangdong.

Among all the missed calls, Ji Guanxin was the only one, which surprised me a bit, but at the same time I felt it was expected. Ji Guanxin was very temperamental. He told me not to get angry, but he didn't forgive me.

I first called Xu Yifan back. After Xu Yifan connected, I said, "Brother Yifan..."

As soon as this sound came out, I coughed, because it was very hoarse and low.

Xu Yifan said, "I was scared to death. I thought it was a man."

"..." After clearing my throat a few times, I thought I would return to my normal voice, but I didn't expect it to be hoarse than before. I whispered: "Overslept, the president didn't say anything?"

Xu Yifan said: "I called you before and you didn't answer it. I guess you can't come because of something. The president, I asked for leave for you, so I said you were sick."

The burden in my heart was lightened by half at once, I originally wanted to go to work or not.

Xu Yifan listened to my ‘cough’ and cleared his throat, he asked me, "Have a cold?"


I was dizzy, closed my eyes and talked to him on the phone and said, "Maybe."

Xu Yifan said, "Tell your boyfriend to take you to the hospital. This season you have a lot of colds. You must have caught the fire because you were worried about him cheating. Just go to the hospital and get a shot."

I have been unable to tell Xu Yifan what happened yesterday. If life is a scene, then what happened to me yesterday is definitely the climax of the whole scene.

Now that the climax is over, I, a person who used my life to perform, finally fell overwhelmed.

Xu Yifan is not optimistic about me and Ji Guanxin, so I don't want to be bored and talk to him about emotional matters. Like a person drinking water, know how warm it is.

After chatting with him for a while, I hung up and called my mother again.

My mother didn't have a big deal, she just asked me how I was in the night city, how I was with Ji Guanxin and so on.

Whether it was the person who was injured last night, my mother asked as usual, but I couldn't answer calmly.

Before my voice didn't change, I called in under the pretense of a phone call and hurriedly cut off.

There were still a few missed calls. I watched it for a long time and didn't make up my mind to return it to him because it was Luo Xiangdong.

On the one hand, I was afraid that Ji Guanxin would be worried about the disconnection between me and Luo Xiangdong, and on the other hand, I was worried that there was something going on at the hospital. After struggling with what it looks like for five minutes, I returned one to him.

The phone rang four times and Luo Xiangdong connected: "Hello."

I said: "Hello."

After speaking, we seemed to have made an appointment, and we were silent for three to five seconds. In the end, I asked first: "How is Yiyang?"

Luo Xiangdong said: "The doctor gave him an operation. Because the last injury coincided with this one, there was congestion in the skull, which must be treated with an operation."

My brows were raised, and I was worried that something serious happened to Kuang Yiyang yesterday.

"Is the operation successful? Will there be any sequelae?"

Luo Xiangdong whispered: "The operation went smoothly. The doctor said that some headaches and nausea might occur after the operation."

I didn't know what to say for a while, after all, it was Ji Guanxin who injured Kuang Yiyang.

When I was silent, Luo Xiangdong asked aloud: "Are you okay?"

Listening to his familiar voice, I felt sore in my heart, almost holding back my teeth and fists.

A few seconds later, when I suppressed the soreness, I spoke, trying to keep my voice calm, and said, "I'm fine."

Luo Xiangdong said: "If Ji Guanxin dares to make things difficult for you, tell me."

Tears rushed directly to my eye sockets, my vision was blurred, and my voice was suppressed back to him: "He didn't embarrass me...Luo Xiangdong, Yi Yang was not injured by Ji Guanxin. Don't trouble him."

I feel that my voice is not well-disguised, so Luo Xiangdong quickly said: "Don't cry, tell me if you have any grievances in your heart."

I would rather Luo Xiangdong treat me indifferently as before, at least so that I will not think of him anymore.

The better he treats me now, the more uncomfortable and guilty I feel in my heart. No wonder Ji Guanxin is always suspicious and aggressive, because he knows I still have Luo Xiangdong in my heart.

Thinking of Ji Guanxin, I choked up and said to Luo Xiangdong: "I can't go to the hospital to see Yiyang recently. Take good care of him. If there is anything in the hospital, you can call me again."

The implication is that I don't want Luo Xiangdong to call me for no reason.

He was a wise man. He was silent for a moment, and said aloud: "Don't worry, Yiyang will be fine."

I have clenched my fist and used my teeth to bite the bulging finger bones on my fist, as if only this way can I hold back my emotions on the verge of collapse.

Finally, Luo Xiangdong also hung up the phone.

I was lying on the bed, because I was the only person, so whether it was howling or convulsing, I was unscrupulous. No one will see me being so embarrassed, even I don't know why it happened.

For three days in a row, I really spent the rest of my time in bed except getting out of bed to drink water and go to the toilet. Cry when you are awake, sleep when you are tired, and cry when you wake up.

The three days of dark time is long and actually very fast. I know that I am sick, but I don't know whether it is a cold, fever, or getting angry. Anyway, when I came back to Night City this time, my mother specially prepared a medicine packet for me, which contained all medicines.

I usually wake up in the morning to take two cold medicines, and then take a few to reduce fever after I get out of bed at noon. If I get stomach pain, I will take another medicine.

How many people are rational enough to say let go when they are hurt? How many people are strong enough to even cheat themselves? Sometimes I feel like I'm so awkward, no matter the first love, secret love or bright love, I always talk about it in a mess.

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