With Love and Time

Chapter 180: Nightmare come true

When our group arrived at the hot spring villa area, it was around 12 noon, which happened to be time for dinner. There are people who provide us with a whole table of Chinese and Western food. According to personal taste, you can eat whatever you like.

Because the whole table is only me, Du Ting and Zhao Jiaying, three women, so the three of us are sitting together. Du Ting sat on my left and Zhao Jiaying sat on my right.

While eating, queenb ran from behind and squeezed between me and Zhao Jiaying. I can see that Zhao Jiaying is a little afraid of dogs, her whole body is tight on everything, but she dare not say anything. Instead of explaining to her, don't be afraid, this kind of dog is very docile, so I might as well just call queenb to my left in silence.

Queenb sat down between me and Du Ting and stretched her tongue towards me. Her saliva almost fell off.

I picked a piece of grilled ribs and handed it to it by hand. After taking it, I swallowed it in two bites, almost without chewing.

When Du Ting saw this, she took a piece of chicken with chicken bones with her male chopsticks and gave it to queenb. I was quick to speak, and subconsciously stopped: "Miss Du, dogs can't eat chicken bones."

Du Ting's hand stopped in the air, and when Queenb saw it, she jumped slightly and bit the chicken bone and ran away.

Du Ting was taken aback, and almost removed the chopsticks, causing Luo Xiangdong to look at us and asked aloud: "What's the matter?"

Du Ting's eyes were slightly dodged, and she couldn't figure out how to reply.

I said: "Nothing, it's queenb."

Luo Xiangdong said: "I don't give it food, it's very greedy now, and it doesn't eat dog food anymore."

I said, "It's not that you feed it with Kobe beef all day long."

Luo Xiangdong said, "Do you still feed it less salmon?"

When we talked something wrong, the incident just passed. After finishing the meal, Zheng Zeyu said he would go to play a game, and Luo Xiangdong, Wei Zheng and Qin Yichuan would all go. Du Ting said he was going to swim in the back, and I couldn't swim. Luo Xiangdong asked Du Ting to teach me.

As a result, all the men went to play, and the three of us were left walking towards the swimming pool behind.

On the way, Du Ting asked me in a low voice: "Queenb has eaten chicken bones, nothing will happen, right?"

I didn't expect Du Ting to be still worried about this. After a pause, he replied with a faint smile: "It's okay, just one piece."

Du Ting said, "Xiang Dong is so dear to these two dogs, don't make any mistakes with me."

I smiled and said, "Even if something goes wrong, Brother Dong will not blame you."

When Du Ting heard the words, her lips curled up, and she replied: "That's what I said, but there is no need to make him unhappy."

The three of us walked to the pool during the talk. There was no one in the huge swimming pool. It is estimated that Luo Xiangdong and the others had greeted them before they came, and they packed all of them.

We went to the back and changed into swimsuits. When we came out, Zhao Jiaying said to me, "I can't swim."

I said, "Neither will I."

Du Ting said: "Why don't you know how to swim? Swimming is easy to learn, and you will be able to learn as soon as you get into the water."

Zhao Jiaying shook his head: "No, I'm afraid of water, so let's play with you. I just need to watch it."

Du Ting smiled and said, "What swimsuit do you change if you don't get into the water?"

Zhao Jiaying smiled slightly and replied aloud: "It should be a scene."

When we walked to the pool, Du Ting first did a simple warm-up exercise by the pool, and then a standard water-like movement. His slender body plunged directly into the water, and the splashes were very small.

She swam forward in the breaststroke style, and only took a long time to look up for a breath. Zhao Jiaying and I stood by the pool, looking at her with envy.

I am a natural admirer of swimming, and I always feel that this is not just a cool skill, but also a practical survival skill. I have hallucinations, and I often think that if the shipwreck falls into the water, people will swim and maybe they can still struggle until rescuers arrive. Like me, a duck that died in the water, it probably hiccups before half a minute. Fart.

We saw Du Ting have swam to the opposite side of the pool, then turned over and kicked to the pool wall, and when we came back, we used the freestyle method.

Zhao Jiaying next to me said: "I really envy such a tall girl. I feel that when I fall down and stretch out my hand, it is almost three meters."

I chuckled and laughed, then looked at her and said, "Your size is just right."

Zhao Jiaying said, "Why, I'm only 1.58 meters. The company just writes 1.65 meters on the information. I usually go out with high heels with a minimum of 10 cm. Fortunately, the stars in the entertainment industry lie about their height, otherwise my little one The height is not one meter six to five."

I said, "Small petite is better than petite. You don't feel any pressure when you wear high heels of ten centimeters. I can only wear eight centimeters at most, otherwise it feels like a giant has risen, and I feel embarrassed. "

During my chat with Zhao Jiaying, Du Ting has swam back and forth. She put her arms on the edge of the pool, looked up at me and said, "Come down and play, the water is very comfortable."


Now it's freezing outside, but the room temperature has been maintained at about 25 degrees, and the water temperature is measured by the temperature of the human body. People will only feel warm after going down.

With the encouragement of Du Ting and Zhao Jiaying, I got into the water from the ladder. The water hit my collarbone, and I stood steady while stroking the ladder, but felt that my chest was very tight and I couldn't breathe.

Du Ting said: "It's okay, this is a normal reaction. I will teach you how to hold your breath underwater."

Zhao Jiaying didn't dare to go into the water alive and dead, at most he just sat by the pool and put his legs in.

I uphold the idea of ​​one more skill and multiple paths, and earnestly learn to swim with Du Ting. After learning for a while, I can already hold my breath in the water and let my body float.

Du Ting also showed me the standard breaststroke posture, saying that the breaststroke posture for beginners is the most labor-saving. I held my breath underwater and watched her movements. She swam farther and farther, and quickly swam to the middle of the pool.

I couldn't hold it anymore, so I raised my head and broke out of the water. When I wiped the water on my face with my hand, I could only hear Zhao Jiaying next to him say: "What happened to Miss Du?"

I was taken aback, and then I looked in the direction of Du Ting's fingers. I saw Du Ting in front of her swimming well, but suddenly her legs stopped moving, but her arms fluttered in the water.

At first I thought it was Du Ting’s new way of traveling, until Du Ting’s head came out of the water and vaguely shouted, "Help me."

Could this be the legendary cramp? !

Zhao Jiaying and I were both terrified, because neither of us can swim.

In the huge swimming room, there were only three of us. Du Ting's popping sound from the water surface in the middle of the pool, and the incomplete distress calls she occasionally called, were really like death calling in our ears. The feeling of seeing but unable to do anything, we were directly scared.

Xu was like five seconds later. I realized afterwards and shouted: "Come on, help!"

Zhao Jiaying stood up from the side of the pool and shouted.

But after we shouted for a few seconds, there was no movement on the other side of the gate, and no one came over. A lot of thoughts flashed through my mind within a second. For example, if I was chartered here, there should be no outsiders. I must find someone to help me.

I was still in the water, turned my head to Zhao Jiaying by the pool and said, "Hurry up and get out!"

Zhao Jiaying was also dumbfounded. After a pause, he heard two oh, and then turned around and ran out quickly.

This series of behaviors alone took no less than ten seconds. Du Ting in the pool was still struggling, and every time she struggled out of the water, she shouted for help.

I can't help but watch a big living person call for help in front of me but remain indifferent, even if the water between the two of us is more than ten meters.

So after hesitating, I chose to let go of the hand holding the edge of the ladder and started to walk into the pool.

As I walked, I thought, it’s okay. The water is only as deep as my collarbone. As long as I walk safely and don’t slip, I can definitely help Du Ting.

I try to take big steps as far as I can, and every step is steady. After all, the buoyancy is great after the water is deep. If I don't pay attention, it is very likely that the whole person will float.

Anyone who can't swim knows that, apart from fear of water, people will feel very insecure underwater, so now I really fight my life to save Du Ting's life.

As I walked forward, I comforted Du Ting loudly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here, wait a minute."

As I moved forward, the ripples of the water swayed my neck. I concentrated on Du Ting. I didn’t notice that the water was getting deeper and deeper. It only hit my collarbone. It didn’t take long. It reached my chin.

When I realized it later, I was already less than five steps away from Du Ting.

I subconsciously raised my chin, let my nose and mouth breathe, and walked towards Du Ting, and I said, "I'm here."

Du Ting should have cramps in her legs, she couldn't use her strength at all, she kept throwing her arms. In the chaos, she saw my figure and flopped towards me. I didn’t say anything and stretched out my arms to lift her up, but unexpectedly Du Ting pulled my arm hard, where the water was deep and buoyant. I just felt light under my feet, and then the whole person floated.

When my entire head was submerged in the water for the first time, the nasal cavity was filled with water for the first time. I was surprised and subconsciously wanted to shout. As a result, I opened a mouth and poured water into my throat. I was like a frightened bird, instinctively thumping my hands and feet, but this kind of action failed to get me out of the water, and even my body was sinking all the time. [

I didn't dream about drowning once or twice, but I never felt as clear as now. It turns out that drowning is so uncomfortable.

I closed my eyes underwater and felt that the water had rushed into my lungs. I heard that people who drowned were all full of water in their lungs.

I was so scared that I really felt like I was going to die. I miss my mother, my dad, and my milk even more.

I think what I have done in the past 23 years, seems to have been studying, elementary school, junior high school, high school, university

I think of Chen Wenhang, Zhang Xinwei, Xu Lu; I also think of Kuang Yiyang, Luo Xiangdong and even Ji Guanxin.


Just when I clearly felt that my stomach was filled with water and I sank to the bottom of the pool, one hand pulled me up to the surface in despair.

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