Chu Feng moved the big I bed to the fireplace and placed it side by side with another big I bed, leaving a half-meter area in the middle for getting in and out of the bed.

“Spread more hay on it, and these sackcloths can be used as quilts at night.” Yun Xin took out the sackcloth he had made before from the wooden shelf.

“Okay.” Liu Yimeng nodded with her mouth.

Fortunately, there is a fireplace in the shelter to keep warm, otherwise if there is no quilt, it is necessary to freeze and get sick.

“Well, burn the stone first, and then we’ll take a shower later.” Chu Feng smiled lightly.

“Hmm.” Liu Yiqiu nodded slightly, came to the fireplace, and stuffed the stones placed aside into the fireplace and burned them.

“I’ll have to wash my hair tonight.” Yun Xin reached out and touched his long hair and whispered.

She filled the steel pot with water, put a handful of pine needles into it, and put it on the fireplace to boil.

The girl began to process the remaining wild plantain slices, there was still nothing left to bake, and when she was finished, the water in the steel pot had also boiled, and she carried the barrel and began to wash her hair.

After more than ten minutes, the girl washed her hair and sat down by the window to dry.

“Blow a little and sit by the fireplace and watch out for a cold.” Chu Feng whispered that the wind tonight is still very cold, which is a climate change that is gradually entering winter.

“Got it.” Yun Xin answered softly and stroked her long hair with her hand.

“I can’t wash my head.” Liu Yiqiu reached out and scratched his scalp, which was already a little itchy.

“Sister, I’ll wash your hair.” Liu Yimeng raised his hand and said with great interest.

“No, I’ll do it myself.” Liu Yiqiu rolled her eyes and refused, and her sister’s careful thinking saw at a glance, nothing more than trying to get back to the last time she washed her hair.

“It’s a lot of trouble to wash your hair with long hair, so I’ll help you.” Liu Yimeng said with a grin.

“…” Liu Yiqiu’s eyes seemed to be smiling and staring at her sister.

“Cough cough cough…” Liu Yimeng’s eyebrows trembled, coughed lightly or twice, and the subconscious touched his head.

More than ten minutes later, Liu Yiqiu carried the mixed hot water into the toilet.

“Okay, you go wash it too.” Chu Feng smiled lightly, it had been raining outside for the first two days, and it was wet and wet everywhere, so it would be more comfortable to wash his head.

“Okay.” Liu Yimeng stood up and went to wash her hair.

After more than ten minutes, the women who had washed their hair began to take turns taking baths.

Chu Feng rubbed his arms, got up and closed the window, carried the steel pot and added some water to it, and put it on the fireplace to boil.

He planned to boil a pot of food to make up for it, and eating it could warm his body.

“Chu Feng, do you want to make wild vegetable soup?” Yun Xin watched as he was cleaning wild vegetables and chanterelles.

She was the first to take a bath tonight and sat by the fireplace roasting the fire.

“Well, do you want to eat?” Chu Feng asked with a slight smile on his side.

“Think.” Yun Xin smiled and responded.

Chu Feng skillfully handled the wild vegetables, and the water inside the steel pot began to boil, putting some unripe materials into it, such as black fungus and some herbal rhizomes.

Then, in the order of the food supplement recipe, the other ingredients are put into the steel pot in turn, which contains many processed herbs.

Liu Yimeng and her sister came out of the toilet, and the two washed together again tonight.

Liu Yimeng asked curiously, “Hey, what are you cooking?” ”

“Cook some wild vegetable soup to warm your stomach, sit for a while, and you will be able to eat it soon.” Chu Feng smiled lightly.

Liu Yimeng leaned over and said in surprise, “Eh? It was actually Chu Feng who cooked. ”

Since meeting Chu Feng and Yun Xin, this was the first time I had seen Chu Feng cook in person.

Liu Yiqiu was also surprised, originally thought that Chu Feng was not good at cooking, but now it seems that this is not the case, at least the taste of this wild vegetable soup smells very appetizing.

“The wild vegetable soup made by Chu Feng is very delicious, better than what I made.” Yun Xin smiled and praised.

“Good to look forward to.” Liu Yimeng had a hint of anticipation in her eyes and waited quietly.

“Almost there.” Chu Feng smiled lightly and tore the chanterelle into small pieces and put it into the steel pot.

He stirred with a bamboo spoon to heat the chanterelle to the fullest, and then put a piece of lard and a little salt in it.

After a few minutes, a pot of food is cooked.

Chu Feng carried the steel pot to the wooden table, the soup in the pot was blue-green, and a smell of chicken soup wafted out.

“It’s so yummy.” Liu Yimeng took a deep breath and sighed, and quickly got up to take the dishes and chopsticks from the wooden shelf and skillfully placed them on the wooden table.

“Drink a little more to warm up.” Chu Feng said softly, and the young girl helped several people to serve wild vegetable soup.

Liu Yimeng picked up the pottery bowl and blew it, and after taking a sip of wild vegetable soup, she was shocked: “Huh? How can it be the taste of chicken soup? ”

“That’s amazing, isn’t it?” It will actually taste like chicken soup. Liu Yiqiu took a sip of wild vegetable soup, and was surprised inside, how can wild vegetables make the taste of chicken soup?

“If you like it, drink more.” Chu Feng said softly, the food tonic soup cooked tonight is mainly to warm the stomach and improve the physique of several women.

“Okay.” The third daughter answered, slowly drinking wild vegetable soup, and her body was warm and comfortable.

After Chu Feng drank a bowl, he picked up the sapper shovel and shoved the stone out of the fireplace and went into the toilet to take a bath.

For more than ten minutes, by the time he came out, the girls had already finished eating.

Liu Yiqiu carried the steel pot and the pottery bowl into the toilet and began to wash the dishes. Now the division of labor of several people, that is, the sister and the girl cook, she is responsible for washing the dishes.

As she washed the dishes and dishes, the four of them sat around the wooden table and chatted about what happened when they were young.

An hour later, Chu Feng rubbed the girl’s head melon and said softly, “It’s time to sleep, my eyes are almost open.” ”

“Well, go to bed right away.” Yun Xin yawned, ate the food supplement and now began to get sleepy.

“I’m going to sleep too.” Liu Yimeng grinned, got up and took off her shoes and lay down on the bed.

Liu Yiqiu also stood up, stretched out a lazy waist, climbed into bed and lay down, covered the sackcloth on the two people, and then hugged each other for warmth.

Yun Xin dragged his shoes into the sleeping bag, looked at Chu Feng, who was still sitting at the wooden table, and asked softly, “Chu Feng, are you still not sleeping?” ”

“You go to sleep first, and I’ll put some water on the hyphae later.” Chu Feng said softly.

“Well, it’s not too late.” Yun Xin yawned again and shrunk her head into her sleeping bag.

Chu Feng added a few pieces of firewood to the fireplace, and he would stay up until the early hours of the morning tonight.

Today is the fourth day of the second month of check-in, after the early morning it is the fifth day, and it is the seven-day gift collection day.

He got up and went to the window, lifted the straw covered in the clay pot, and checked the bacteria in the clay pot, the wood chips were still very wet and wet, and it seemed that there was no need for watering.


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