The photo of Song Qingyou holding the trophy instantly hit all the major social platforms.

Along with this, there are all kinds of doubts.

Not only the melon-eating people who saw the live broadcast or the trending search, but also many people at the scene were also incredible.

There is no other reason. When Song Qingyou was not banned, although she could not be called a model worker, there was almost no interruption in filming. There was not much free time before and after the filming of the two film and television works.

Just by doing scientific research in her spare time, she was able to achieve such great results. Ordinary people might not be able to figure out how she did it.

Song Qingyou could see the looks of many people in the back row of the audience.

After the host said that she had one hour to give a report, Song Qingyou did not hesitate to stand in the middle of the stage.

"Given that this is my first time showing up in this capacity, the credibility does not seem high."

"So next, my report will be completed in the form of an interview and Q\u0026A. You can ask me questions about my scientific research results."

"But I only answer professional-related questions."

Before he finished speaking, many media personnel in the front and back rows raised their hands.

Song Qingyou ordered one casually.

"It is said that Professor Song dropped out of high school and did not even take the college entrance examination. To achieve the current scientific research results, is he self-taught?"


Song Qingyou answered this answer without any guilt.

After all, holographic technology has just started in this world, and she has directly advanced it for decades.

Then the next questioner stood up.

This time it was no longer media personnel, but professionals.

The questions asked by professionals are much more tricky.

But Song Qingyou still couldn't be troubled.

Then people from other countries came to participate in the science and technology exhibition.

Various languages ​​appeared at the awards ceremony, and the organizer team also wanted to temporarily dispatch several translators.

Who knows, no matter which country's language it is, Song Qingyou can answer it fluently.

Even if most people don't understand so many other languages, you can still see the satisfied look on those who asked the questions after getting the answers.

The more this happens, the more it proves Song Qingyou's true talent and learning.

Not only that, her command of multiple languages ​​is also perfect.

Even without mentioning any scientific research results, Song Qingyou's proficiency in this skill in multiple languages ​​is enough for everyone to regard her as a genius.

As Song Qingyou spoke in various languages ​​on the stage and conquered her peers present, more and more people came to the live broadcast room of the award ceremony.

[Come to pay homage to the boss]

[Self-taught, multi-lingual, holographic technology...this is no longer just a master of academics or a god of learning, this kind of person is estimated to be rare in hundreds of years]

[I’m embarrassed. I was discussing with my friends about the academic qualifications of entertainment stars and classified Song Qingyou into the category with low academic qualifications. Sorry, my voice was too loud]

[Didn’t the designer of some luxury brand mock you before for her low academic qualifications? This slap in the face really hurts]

[What designer? Don’t consume dead brands and dead designers]

[So, engaging in scientific research and multiple languages, plus being able to act, play the piano, and play the cello... Sister You can do the decathlon? ]

[Don’t forget, Sister You can also survive in the wilderness and is very good at fighting]

[It is said that no one is perfect, I feel like I have been deceived by this sentence for many years QAQ]

[Compared with Sister You, I should be in the trash can]

Most people have a strong-willed mentality.

When someone like Song Qingyou, who can be called an 'all-powerful' person, is placed in front of them, they will naturally praise and admire him.

As for the 'scandal' exposed by Longxing Logistics and Shengshi Entertainment, even if someone mentioned it, it would soon be swept away by other barrages.

Of course, the reason why not many people mention these scandals is not that Song Qingyou is loved by everyone now, but that the awards she received are of high enough value.

You must know that many people in China have won other international invention awards, but Song Qingyou is the first and currently the only one to receive the highest Diamond Award.


Didn’t you see so many official personnel and many leaders coming to the scene?

You don't need to think about it next to know that Song Qingyou will most likely become the benchmark for the new generation of scientific research talents.

With official support, some marketing accounts are so full that they use this time to spread scandals and rumors about others.

Because of this, the live broadcast room of the awards ceremony seemed particularly harmonious.

The headlines about Song Qingyou winning the award were not released until a week later.

At the dinner after the award ceremony, Song Qingyou was also the focus of the audience.

Even Lu Ziyan had to step forward to talk.

But he was smart enough not to take Shen Xiyan with him, and he apologized in a humble manner.

Song Qingyou smiled slightly and was noncommittal.

As long as the Lu family didn't start in industry, but started in the Internet, she could use holographic technology to defeat the entire Lu family.

When Lu Ziyan saw that she didn't respond directly or pester her, he silently clenched the wine glass in his hand and turned around to leave.

But at this moment, it was rare for him to reflect on whether he should follow his sister in everything.

Song Qingyou glanced past him and looked at Shen Xiyan who was being dragged not far away. While looking at each other from a distance, she raised the wine glass in her hand, showed a meaningful smile, and silently provoked with her mouth:

"We're not done yet."

Shen Xiyan understood what she meant, and felt her brain was congested and furious. She wanted to break away from the person behind her and rush out to slap Song Qingyou several times.

"Let me go! Let me go! She provoked me like that, why didn't she let me pass? Doesn't this disgrace the Lu family?!"


As soon as Lu Ziyan's voice appeared, Shen Xiyan, who was struggling, stopped.

"You should know where this place is."

The words full of warning jolted Shen Xiyan and made her mind clear a lot.

No longer looking at Song Qingyou who was surrounded by people again, she apologized to Lu Ziyan in a sensible way and lowered her eyes:

" you regret recognizing me? I'm so useless..."

"I said it." Lu Ziyan interrupted her, "We in the Lu family are in no way inferior to others. Xiyan doesn't need to belittle herself."

Shen Xiyan looked touched: "Thank you, brother..."

No matter what, you still have to please Lu Ziyan first.

Otherwise, how could she compete with Song Qingyou, who had turned into a scientific researcher?


The impact of Song Qingyou winning the Diamond Award is huge.

The first is her own popularity. Since she has not been banned for too long, her popularity is still very high, and her performance at the award ceremony is also well known to everyone.

Secondly, holographic technology is about to be used in the gaming field, and many companies want to cooperate with Song Qingyou.

Finally, there are three companies under Song Qingyou's name. The notice of 'cessation of business and rectification' was revoked overnight, and the accusations against several companies were clarified.

All staff handling related matters have been suspended for investigation, and the probability of reinstatement is almost non-existent.

In the blink of an eye, Song Qingyou made a comeback again.

And this time, the Lu family has to be wary of her. (End of chapter)

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