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Chapter 477 Silver Hair Beauty

Zhou Feiyu’s awkward behavior did not allow anyone to stop it. He saw that he had already rushed toward the cloud dance.

When the other people reacted, they saw that the non-feather had already rushed into the purple light.

"Funny, let me avoid!" The moment that Momo reacted, it was almost the first time that the strong breath hit the past and wanted to push the non-feather of the week.

Can not use his shot, I saw, just as Zhou Feiyu was close to the purple light, a strange wave of power, suddenly popped out from the purple light.

Zhou Feiyu’s body, like what force is being swiftly shot.

The sound of "砰" landed on the wall.

But at the same time.

"Boom!" The ground earthquake, at that moment, became more and more fierce.

damn it!

Seeing this, not only did the face change, but even the pharmacist elders and Liu Zi also changed their faces.

I am afraid that the entire college will be destroyed.

"Nan Gongyi, only you can get close to her, think about it, and wake her up quickly." He also had no time to pay attention to Zhou Feiyu who was shot and flew out, and quickly shouted at Nangongyi.

The awakening of the Virgin determines many factors.

It’s as if now, others can’t get close.

Even the white old man on the side couldn’t get close, and he could only watch this scene outside the purple light.

However, compared to their eagerness, he was even more surprised by the black and white rotation of the purple light.

Isn't that the power of Taoism? Why, but can it blend with the darkness of the witches?

what happened?

If the situation is not known to the old man, it is estimated that the entire Wu people do not understand what it is.

However, the earthquake has become more and more serious, and Bai Lao has finally begun to pay attention to the situation that is not right.

At this time, the person who can be compatible with her strength can wake her up.

Why is the call of Nangong Yi useless?

Zhou Feiyu, who got up from the ground and caressed his chest, squirted a sip of blood, but looking at the figure inside the purple light, the eyes were in the heat that must be won.

"I don't believe, I won't wake you up."

The whispered self-speaking voice just fell, a strong breath vacated from his body, and the body once again hit the purple light.

When Liu Zi saw this scene, he almost wanted to stop him immediately.

Zhou Feiyu is faster and blinks, but he has quickly rushed to the purple light.

At this moment, everyone finally saw it clearly.

It turns out that the purple light is like the isolation cover. How much impact the outside world has given it, it spreads to the outside world with countless times of force.


Beyond the earthquake, it began to crack with indoor cracks.

The elders with the pharmacist finally changed their face.

However, at this moment, they did not wait for them to take a shot, and they did not know when suddenly appeared on the side.

When the people saw the cloud dance in the purple light, and the Zhou Feiyu who was trying to crash into the purple light, a cold, **** and cold light passed through his twin flashes.

Move your foot and pass the shadow.

"My woman, but I am not allowed to be so rude to be disturbed by anyone." A fascinating but extremely cold voice sounded like a light in the practice room.

Immediately, I saw a picture of the body being thrown out.

"Hey!" came a muffled sound.

I saw that Zhou Feiyu had fallen to the ground and the blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you!" He endured the pain and looked up at the servant, but he was a black-haired handsome man in a black shirt.

Nangongyi saw people coming, but it was a glimpse.

However, in his eyes, there was a glimpse of helplessness and helplessness.

He is still here!

The dragon's cold and sturdy scorpion squinted at Zhou Feiyu, who climbed up on the ground, but his mouth was outlined with a touch of curvature. Some evil charms were more indifferent blood.

"It turned out to be the Seven Princes. I thought it was who I was."

He knows him?

Zhou Feiyu stared at the dragon, and the bottom of his eyes was the danger of picking up. "Do you know my identity? Who are you?"


Hearing this question, the dragon could not help but sneer. "This answer, I believe that you will know how long it will take, but the premise is, don't want to hit my woman's attention, otherwise, I will let you live without knowing. The time of the answer."

In the voice of the cold evil, it is dyed with a cold tyrant that is unique to me, as if it can make a trembling coldness.

His woman?

When he heard him, Zhou Feiyu suddenly fell into his face.

However, the dragon was not interested in seeing his expression reaction, but turned around and glanced at the Nangong.

When he saw the purple light shining in his third eye, his brow could not help but wrinkle.

But it is nothing more than that. Immediately afterwards, Dragon Pour will put the line of sight on the cloud dance inside the purple light.

The little thing, originally thought, was when he was ready to win her, but he never thought about it, and it was this rush.

Steps, slowly began to go to the cloud dance in the purple light.

When I saw the dragon's evil spirits, the brow couldn't help but scream. Who is he? From him, he could not see his strength and ability.

Is this young man's strength higher than him?

"No matter who you are, it's best to stop your steps, don't approach her."

The dragon's evil spirits are deaf ears, and the deep scorpions are quietly locked on the figure of the cloud dance.

Steps, step by step, not too slow.

When the figure touched the purple light, the purple light suddenly became more intense, and the powerful repulsive force hit the nearby dragon.

There is a kind of surprise to him.

That is the power of the purple light to reject him, which is stronger than the non-feather of that week.

This point can be seen by the discerning eye.

Zhou Feiyu, who was originally a fire, saw this scene, and his eyes flashed a sneer and smile, and there was a good show waiting to see him being shot.

However, the next second, but the people who are watching are all a glimpse.

Including the white old, there is a hint of surprise in the fundus.

How can he...

I saw that the rejection of the purple light made the body of the dragon's evil spirits move back a few steps in the same place, but the footsteps of the dragon's evil spirits are still stepping forward.

Against the purple light, Ren Quan, the powerful force of purple light, oppressed his body.

The black clothes on the body began to rupture, the blood marks oozing out, oppressing...

But he did not seem to have any consciousness, so he stepped closer to the purple light and walked to her lying side.

"Small things, I came back in advance." A very light voice, like a laugh and a laugh.

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