The stick apologized!

After hearing this, Liu Yifei and Sister Li couldn't help but stir their brows, feeling a little surprised.

As for Su Ye, he smiled indifferently, he had already thought of apologizing.

As far as the current situation is concerned, it is impossible for the stick to give up the Huaxia market, so even if exq and others do not apologize, someone above will force them to apologize.

"It's pretty fast. "

The corners of Su Ye's mouth flashed with a hint of a smile and said.

"The apology video is available online. "

In the crowd, someone told Su Ye to say.

Apology video?

This Su Ye really didn't expect that generally speaking, celebrities apologize by posting a Weibo, or like exq, they post a perfunctory Facebook post.

Also filmed a video of an apology?

can't help but be a little curious about this apology video, Su Ye, Liu Yifei, Sister Li and others.

Su Ye took out his mobile phone, and Liu Yifei and Sister Li were all next to him.

opened Weibo, this apology video, there is no need to deliberately look for it, because it is on the hot search list.

Moreover, now netizens are reposting this video, anyway, as soon as you open Weibo, all of them are this video.

With curiosity, Su Ye clicked on the video.

In the video, the first person who appeared was a middle-aged man.

Sister Li, who was sitting next to Su Ye, couldn't help but be a little surprised after seeing this middle-aged man.

"What's wrong? You know?"

Su Ye noticed Sister Li's reaction and asked.

"The entertainment company that EXQ is in is very famous in the country of sticks, this man is the boss of the company, I have met it a few times before. “

Sister Li nodded and explained.

Entertainment company boss?

Su Ye smiled at the corner of his mouth, it seems that this apology video is quite sincere.

The boss of this entertainment company first bowed deeply to the camera, and then, in very difficult to understand Chinese, said: "Mr. Su Ye, the artists under my company have offended you, I'm really sorry!"

If it weren't for the subtitles, Su Ye really didn't understand.

In the video, all the members of EXQ appeared in front of the camera at this time, and they were all earthy and listless.

It can be seen that the ban on the music platform, as well as the condemnation of netizens, scared them enough.

"I'm sorry! It's our fault, we shouldn't slander Mr. Su Ye, please forgive us!"

The attitude seems to be okay, but please forgive them?

After hearing the last sentence clearly, Su Ye paused, apologized and asked him to forgive?

At this time, Su Ye had not yet expressed his position, and with the comments at the bottom of the video, he saw that they were all scolding the stick, and Su Ye was relieved.

"Stupid stick!!Did you awesome before?Why do you apologize now!!"

丨yes,Isn't it horizontal?Have the ability to continue to be strong!!"

"Playing with the stick, it's really not interesting at all! I apologized so quickly!!"

"I'm curious how Su Ye will respond!!"

"Even if you don't forgive, this matter is over!"


The comments at the bottom, scolding and scolding, all began to discuss how Su Ye would respond to the apology video of the stick.


After Su Ye saw these two words, a smile couldn't help but appear on his face.

In fact, what he understands is that this apology video is just taken for netizens to see.

What did you say to ask Su Ye for forgiveness, in fact, it was just a scene, as soon as the video spread on the Internet, even if Su Ye didn't respond, it would have no impact at all.

Anyway, if you don't respond, this matter will come to an end.

Thinking of this, the smile on Su Ye's face became even stronger.

At that moment, he posted a new Weibo: I reserve the right to sue for being slandered.

It's a very simple sentence, and it took less than a minute to press and publish, and the comments at the bottom were instantly close to a thousand!

"Brother Su Ye is really good!! forgive, first scare those stupid sticks, and then !!"

"Reserve the right to sue, and if you dare to pick the stick one day, you will sue them to !!"

"Excellent!! I thought Brother Su Ye wouldn't respond!!"

"Brother Su Ye is really the idol of my generation!! treat these sticks, you really can't get used to them!! and I want to vomit when I look at them!"


Netizens, after seeing Su Ye's Weibo, they were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

Seeing these comments, Su Ye smiled indifferently, in fact, his original intention was to scare those sticks.

To be honest, the stick has posted a few Facebook updates, and even if he really sues, it may not be of any use.

has time to sue, Su Ye might as well be intimate with Liu Yifei......

At this moment, far away in the country of sticks.

After filming his apology video, not only all the members of EXQ, but even their boss were very anxious to wait for Su Ye's response.

They refreshed Weibo over and over again, and then one of the members shouted, "He's updated!"

He updated this, referring to Su Ye's update on Weibo.

After hearing this, the other members, including their boss, all came over at this time.

"Look what it means!"

In the middle of the room, only one member could speak Chinese, and the rest of the people, naturally, all counted on him to translate.

This Chinese member, after reading Su Ye's Weibo, turned gray and said: He said that he would reserve the right to sue us for slander. "

As soon as these words came out, all the members of EXQ, as well as their boss, were stunned.


Although in their opinion, ridiculing this is just a trivial matter, but now, this matter is so big, if Su Ye really sues them at that time, maybe they will really be ruined!

"Boss, what are we going to do?"

All the members of EXQ, at this time, collapsed in their chairs weakly, looking like they had nothing to love.

As for their boss, he was not stupid enough to do so, Su Ye just said that he reserved the right to sue, not that he would sue now.

"Don't make trouble for me during this time!"

The stick boss said solemnly.

Although he really wants to smoke exq, this boy group, after all, is the most popular group in their company, and it can even be said to be a cash cow, needless to say, he will try his best to ensure their popularity and traffic.

Of course, if it's destined to fall, then make me more money before it falls!

The stick boss thought with a sneer in his heart.

This matter, at this point, can be regarded as the end.

(Kneel and beg to read, please readers to read and motivate the author, thank you)_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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