Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

255. Chapter 255 Who Is Going To Be So Beautiful?

Chapter 255 Who is going to be so beautiful?

On Saturday morning, the day for the whole class trip came as scheduled. 302's F4 started packing up early in the morning and then split up.

Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang were responsible for cleaning the dormitory and locking the door. Cao Guangyu went to the girls' dormitory of the medical school to pick up Ding Xue. Jiang Qin then left and went to the girls' dormitory of the School of Finance to pick up the little rich woman.

Feng Nanshu was really positive about traveling with Jiang Qin.

She got up in a hurry at six o'clock in the morning. After taking off her pajamas, she changed into a chiffon shirt with lace sleeves, a small fragrant-style skirt and black stockings, and lace-up leather shoes as standard. A sense of elegance and elegance that comes from a rich family's daughter.

But because she got up too early, the little rich woman found that she had nothing to do after dressing up, so she sat on the bed and started thinking about Jiang Qin being stupid.

It wasn't until Jiang Qin's text message came that her eyes came alive, and then she ran downstairs carrying her bag.

"You're dressed so beautifully, who do you want to swoon over?"

"Jiang Qin, I'm getting shy." Feng Nanshu answered him with a stern face, but her eyes were obviously happy.

Jiang Qin grinned, and then suddenly put on a serious expression: "Little rich woman, there are many people hanging out with us today. You have to be aloof and don't ask me to hug you casually."

The little rich woman glanced around expressionlessly: "Jiang Qin, there seems to be no one to hug you now."

"Not now. Boys get angry easily in the morning. Damn it, there are signs of getting angry now, so hurry up."

Feng Nanshu pursed her rosy mouth: "But I didn't make you angry..."

Jiang Qin smacked his lips: "I'm not angry, but you dress up like a goddess, speak a bit awkwardly, and wear black stockings. I can't bear it."

"Jiang Qin, please tell me more, I still want to hear it."


At nine o'clock in the morning, people from the third class gathered in the front square, waiting for the bus that had been booked in advance.

Jiang Qin came belatedly from the walking path, followed by a cool and cold Feng Nanshu. She stared at the big bear in front of her with bright eyes, and her small leather shoes made a clicking sound on the cement road.

Seeing this scene, the boy waiting for the bus felt as if he had eaten a lemon, feeling extremely sad.

To be honest, on such group outings, it is really a sense of superiority to be able to bring a girlfriend with you, and Jiang Qin brought Feng Nanshu out, which is simply a sense of superiority compared to those who bring girlfriends. .

And there were not only people from the third shift, but also so-and-so’s girlfriend and boyfriend, and so-and-so’s girlfriend and boyfriend.

The faces of these boyfriends who follow the car are full of naked jealousy, but they dare not show it in front of their girlfriends, while the girlfriends who follow the car have even more complicated moods.

They were all dressed up today. They originally wanted to stand out in front of people who had never seen them before and receive a wave of unfamiliar compliments. However, it was not until this moment that they realized that they could not win anything during this trip.

After the agreed time, Jiang Tian, ​​as the squad leader, opened his small satchel, took out the roster he had written in advance, and coughed twice to signal everyone to be quiet.

"Everyone is here, right? Let me count the number of people."

"Jiang Qin."


"Jiang Qin's...family member, Feng Nanshu."

The little rich woman was standing blankly. When she heard this sentence, she immediately raised her hands and answered happily.

There was a trace of envy in Jiang Tian's eyes, a feeling of "I looked at my boyfriend and his girlfriend with a smile", and then he calmly read the next person's name.

"Jiang Tian is a good person." Feng Nanshu said silently in his heart.

After the roll call was over, the bus responsible for picking up people also arrived at the front square.

There is a travel agency within Linchuan University that specializes in peripheral travel. The prices for group travel are very cheap. The main focus is small profits but quick turnover. However, it seems to be raining today, and the sky in the southwest is so gloomy that it makes people a little worried.

"Isn't it going to rain?"

“A rainy day is more suitable for a farmhouse in the western suburbs with green mountains and green waters.”

"I also think it's nice to have some rain. It'll be cool, as long as it's not too heavy."

"It doesn't matter if the bet is big. Playing cards in the room is better than staying in the dormitory."

Soon, the bus set off, carrying a group of high-spirited college students on their way to the western suburbs.

As a result, it started to rain just as the car was driving halfway. Water droplets began to appear on the car windows, and a hazy trace of water rolled out. But even this could not conceal the excitement of everyone's collective outing, chatting and playing. The sound didn't stop all the way.

Jiang Qin was the calmest one, because he had already been to a farmhouse in the western suburbs once, and it was not very fresh, so he peeled pistachios along the way and fed the little rich woman until she was a little thirsty.

But you can eat even if you are thirsty. The main thing is that it is very nourishing.

An hour later, the bus arrived at the stop. Everyone got off the bus in the light rain and trotted forward on the stone road, then passed the arch bridge and archway, and finally arrived at the reserved courtyard.

After putting things away in the lobby, everyone stood under the eaves and took a look outside. They saw a burst of water vapor rising at the foot of the rolling green hills. The whole environment was elegant and quiet.

It felt as if the whole village was drunk in the drizzle, which gave it the beauty of azure misty rain.

"It actually rained, but the weather forecast clearly said there would be no rain..."

"Okay, let's go back to the room and have a rest. We can start activities again after the rain stops."

Jiang Tian collected everyone's ID cards and went to the front desk with Jian Chun to go through the formalities. After a while, he returned to where he was and started distributing keys to everyone.

What made Lao Cao feel uncomfortable was that Jiang Tian actually booked a separate room for each of them.

This...isn't this fucking ignorant? Everyone is obviously an adult, so don’t pretend you don’t understand!

But Jiang Tian also has his own considerations. When he originally charged, he charged based on head count. It is impossible to charge you twice and only get a room. What if someone makes a fuss?

Besides, if you open a room for people with their families, what if someone is killed?

As the squad leader, Jiang Tian is the overall person in charge of this event. She does not want to take any unexpected risks.

"Monitor, can't you be a little more corrupt?"

"Cao Guangyu, I advise you not to make trouble unreasonably."

Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao next to them were laughing loudly, and even Jiang Qin was overjoyed.

Last night, all he could think about was Feng Nanshu's little butt. He tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. It turned out that Cao Guangyu also seemed to be on fire, tossing and turning and constantly adjusting his posture.

No need to ask, Young Master Cao must have been thinking about good things all night, but now he was poured cold water on him, causing his whole body to feel bad.

"Lao Jiang, is it okay if I tell Ding Xue directly that I want to live with her? What if she rejects me?"

Jiang Qin opened the door and walked in: "What else can we do? It will be a great success."

Cao Guangyu's face froze, and he thought that with Ding Xue's temper, he might really be able to achieve great success: "Damn, my road to love is so bumpy."

"Okay, get out of here, I'm going to sleep."

"Don't be so heartless. Your usual skills are so cool. You can definitely help me think of a move."

At this moment, there was a sudden banging sound at the door of the room. Jiang Qin opened the door and saw Feng Nanshu standing at the door, saying that he wanted to go in and play.

Cao Guangyu was so sore that he almost chewed his back molars, but he still pretended to be calm and left Jiang Qin's room with a step of disowning his relatives.

The most important thing is to lose people but not lose the formation. The clouds are calm and the wind is gentle.

"Jiang Qin, it's raining outside and I can't walk. I want to watch TV at your place."

"The TV in your room happens to be broken, right?" Jiang Qin looked at her suspiciously.

Feng Nanshu nodded simply: "Well, it's broken."

"It's fine if you want to play with me, but don't damage the TV on purpose. If you do, you'll have to pay for it."

"It's okay. Although I'm stupid, I have money." Feng Nanshu was so arrogant.

Jiang Qin held his breath: "You didn't really break the TV, did you?"

"No, I didn't even open it and came to find you."

Jiang Qin felt numb in his heart and couldn't help but glance out the window: "The rain won't stop for a while. I guess I won't be able to go out until lunch. Let's put on our slippers first."

Feng Nanshu kicked his foot: "Jiang Qin, please help me take off my shoes."

"Don't panic yet. I'll see if they provide disposable slippers here. If not, forget it. The public ones are not clean."

Jiang Qin stood up and searched in the cupboard, and sure enough he found two pairs of disposable slippers. So he squatted down, helped the little rich woman untie her shoelaces, take off her leather shoes, and then put her black silk feet into the slippers.

But as soon as he put one on, Jiang Qin changed his mind and threw the slippers away.

What kind of slippers are you wearing? What a waste.

He kneaded the little black stocking feet in his arms and watched TV with Feng Nanshu all morning. Occasionally, the noise of classmates could be heard in the corridor. Some seemed to be calling people to play cards, and some wanted to go out for a walk under umbrellas.

Faintly, he seemed to hear Ding Xuehu's voice in the form of a pussy, as if he shouted twice in a row to get out.

Jiang Qin felt very happy and continued to lean on the bed, not wanting to go anywhere.

He likes to sleep best on cloudy and rainy days. He gets lazy when he is in bed and doesn't want to get up at all.

Feng Nanshu was even more well-behaved. She put her feet in Jiang Qin's arms, holding a bag of potato chips and eating them. Her beautiful eyes were fixed on "Silver-Haired Ajid" broadcast on the public channel. A whole immersive viewing experience.

Travel means different things to most people.

Some people think that since they are traveling, it would be a waste of money if they don’t go shopping, but for other people, as long as they are happy, it doesn’t matter where they are.

Jiang Qin's current mentality is obviously the latter. He is lying down comfortably and has fun handles. Why does he have to go out and join in the fun?

(End of chapter)

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