Whimsical System

Chapter 689: Big basket

I have to say that Lao Chu can really be regarded as a person who can keep secrets.

As for how long this secret has been kept, Lao Chu didn't explain it, nor did Chu Feng ask. This question is meaningless.

According to Lao Chu's introduction, E Duolong's subordinates totaled six people.

But from the beginning to the end, they never "showed" their faces, so Chu Feng had never been able to know what they looked like and what their names were.

In fact, Chu Feng didn't take this very seriously, maybe he didn't need to know them, and then he didn't need to know their names.

And their identities are just substitutes for Eduron, as long as they exist, he can feel that Eduron is still here.

Moreover, according to Lao Chu, these six people seem to be able to "fuck" a body together.

And their combined abilities will far exceed the six themselves.

After learning this news, Chu Feng had already started planning.

He wondered if he should keep the six of them in this state, and then inherit the puppet of Eduron.

And Lao Chu did not give any better suggestions about this kind of thinking.

In the end, Old Chu only said one thing, which was okay.

And from these three words, Chu Feng couldn't see any suggestions. Whether he agreed or disagreed, I am afraid that Chu Feng would be able to interrogate him only when he wanted to say it.

The war on Yinsi Time and Space was coming to an end, the crazy outsider, after killing two outsiders one after another, he was also killed.

And the last injured outsider was forced to flee because of lack of physical strength.

Chu Feng chased him out for a long time, but he still didn't find the person.

As for where he came from, it became another puzzle.

However, Chu Feng felt that their suspicion from the system could be put on hold for now.

Yinsi time and space did not perish, this was the peace that E Duolong sacrificed his life in exchange for.

Chu Feng informed everyone of this matter and also concealed the affairs of the six subordinates.

To be honest, Chu Feng actually wants to take credit. After all, everyone has a time of selfishness, and Chu Feng is no exception.

Since Eduron wanted to end his life in this way.

That Chu Feng can also use his merits to make money for himself.

Because in this battle, he himself took a risk.

At least he confessed his body.

Even though his injuries had healed at this time, he did indeed suffer a devastating blow.

Therefore, he needs to get a part of the reward, in addition to the reward of the host cheat.

The woman naturally didn't have the idea of ​​paying this reward, and he had already contributed the host's cheats to the behavior.

As for Jian Yunxiao's side, it depends on whether he has such intentions. In fact, everyone's eyes are on him, including those who have belonged to him.

Chu Feng fulfilled his promise, and the old clan got the rights they deserved.

And Chu Feng also got the benefits he deserved.

In the end, Jian Yunxiao decided to pay out of his own pocket, and all Chu Feng wanted was points.

Because they already have a host with this ability.

The host referred to is Xia Gong and Jian Yunxiao.

Regarding the rewards for these tasks, the two have gained a lot, and in the harvest, there are actually points rewards.

This was something Chu Feng didn't expect, and after some blackmail, Chu Fengdao also got 400,000 points in return.

After all this trip was not in vain, the only regret I am afraid is Eduolong.

After all, Chu Feng had just exchanged some feelings with him, and the sudden loss would always make some people feel sad.

Although he has been compensated, he still feels unsatisfied. Perhaps this is human greed! Moreover, Chu Feng also evaluated himself in this way.

The next system task did not appear for a long time.

Chu Feng stayed in Yinsi time and space for about thirty days.

During this period, many hosts came back.

It's just that Xiao Xiaoxiao is not among them.

"Perhaps she is traveling in a certain time and space at this time!" Chu Feng always does this. He persuaded himself that he didn't know the relationship between himself and Xiao Xiaoxiao.

In fact, he is still very happy to have some contact with her, after all, in his opinion, Xiao Xiaoxiao is a good girl, although Suzi is not very optimistic about her.

Suzi's task should be almost completed, and they haven't seen each other at this time.

Chu Feng felt that it was time to meet Suzi, at least they had to contact each other.

After all, there are times when Suzi can't hold his mind at all. The so-called greed, Suzi will be more serious than him, and Suzi does not know the constraints.

After leaving the Yinsi time and space, Chu Feng also had a thorough understanding of this time and space.

And their exploration of the system has stopped there, because this catastrophe has basically consumed all their hole cards.

If it recovers again, I am afraid it will be another few decades.

And after a few decades, what kind of people will emerge, none of them knows.

The task assessment of the beggar has been issued. During this time, the beggar must stay in the three major areas and complete the assessment obediently.

auzw.com As for the key points of this assessment, Chu Feng has also informed him.

As for the final result, I am afraid it depends on his ability.

However, according to Chu Feng's analysis, there shouldn't be much problem with beggars passing the assessment.

Not to mention the realm of wind and water, it is only the realm of fire, and he should pass it easily.

Now there, Chu Feng has his own power, and I believe Feng Di will help him solve all these problems.

Speaking of which Feng is different, Chu Feng hasn't seen him for a long time.

But this is not because I don't want to, but because I can't.

After all, this realm of fire can only be entered by those who participate in the assessment, and Chu Feng has no chance to participate in the assessment.

Perhaps only when it becomes the real host, he might be able to meet again unlike Feng.

As for when this level can be reached, I am afraid only heaven can know!

One day later, Suzi suddenly returned to the real world.

He came back one day later than Chu Feng, and after the beggar failed twice, he finally successfully passed the first round of assessment of the system.

Because when participating in the assessment, time is static. So for beggars to participate in the assessment. Chu Feng didn't feel any change.

In fact, it is only a few seconds before and after. And the one who has the memory is only the beggar himself.

The mission of the beggar has not yet started, so he returned to the real world with Chu Feng.

There was no need for Yinsi Time and Space to go back, Chu Feng thought so, and the beggar seemed to agree with his decision.

"Is Chu Feng coming back?"

Suzi rushed into the villa with blood stains, and his eyes were bloodshot.

"What's wrong with you?" Old Ka on the sofa asked, frowning.

"I'm in a hurry, Chu Feng!" Suzi violently screamed hysterically.

"He just came back yesterday, and he is resting in the room now!"

"I'll find him!" Suzi was about to go upstairs, but was stopped by a beggar in the middle.

"What are you doing, Chu Feng is resting, it's best not to disturb!"

The beggar can be regarded as a competent steward, but Suzi at this time obviously does not tell him these truths.

"Get out of the way, this is a matter of losing your head, you can't delay it!" Suzi directly pushed the beggar aside, and then went upstairs.

"who are you!"

But just as Suzi was about to ascend the second floor, the beggar suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

"You who killed you!"

Suzi's eyeballs turned scarlet instantly, and murderous intent appeared.

"What's the noise!"

When the situation was about to get out of control, Chu Feng put on a coat and walked out of the room.

"Chu Feng is making trouble!" The beggar hurriedly came to Chu Feng's side and said.

"Suzi, when did you come back?"

"He is Suzi?" The beggar naturally heard Chu Feng talk about Suzi, but he didn't know that the person in front of him was Suzi.

"Otherwise!" Suzi's temper was not very good, and he spoke coldly.

"What happened?" Chu Feng realized that something was wrong, and asked directly.

"Something happened, do you remember the host we killed before? It was the one he came here and was killed by us!"

"The two?"

"Not one of them, the first one!"

"I remember, the host who can cut off contact by himself, right?"

"That's right, it's him, let's poke a big basket!"

"What a big basket, that's just a host!"

"He is just an ordinary host, but his father is the eighth host!" Suzi's face was "stiff", and the remaining blood stains clung to his cheek.

"Are you sure?"

Chu Feng subconsciously swallowed a sip of water. Originally, he was a bit sleepy, but at this moment, he was completely gone.

Suzi is right, this is indeed a big basket, and this is still a big basket.

"Your injuries are because of them?" Chu Feng asked.

"They have already sent manpower, and they are all high-level hosts. It seems that they want us to die directly at this stage!" Suzi replied.

"Then how did you escape?"

"I didn't escape, I was arrested, and they wanted to'force' you to show up!" At this point, his body suddenly became a little shaky.

"It doesn't seem to be his body!" The beggar saw something strange.

"This is their ability to allow my images to travel through time and space, but only five minutes, my time is running out!" Suzi explained.

"Then what do you want me to do to save you?" Chu Feng was a little embarrassed, this is not a good thing to solve, the other party is a behemoth, they said that it can't be shaken.

"They have already come to you, run away, I can't help it, they have invaded my body!" Suzi "showed" a pained expression, and suddenly a palm was added to his throat.

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