Whimsical System

Chapter 658: Long chase




"Another one, this should be the sixth one, right?" Eduron swung his knife open the head of a demon-like beast.

The dark green slime splashed all over the ground.

"It's almost done, throw it over!" Chu Feng squatted by the fire, holding a sharpened wooden stick in his hand, wearing five round **** on it, and his black head was similar to a quail.

"Are you sure this thing can be eaten?" E Duolong threw the blame beast to Chu Feng, feeling sick in his heart.

Chu Feng picked up the strange beast, skillfully cut off his head, and put the torso on the wooden stick.

"There are flesh and blood creatures, why can't it be eaten! Besides, even if it can't be eaten, it can be eaten after roasting it with fire!"

Chu Feng teased the flames, and the flames rose to another level.

"Would you like to taste it?" When the last strange beast was roasted into a ball of meat, Chu Feng raised the stick in his hand and asked E Duolong.

"Don't hit my mind. My body is just a puppet and has no need for food!" E Duolong took a step back instinctively, shaking his head like a rattle.

"I just want you to taste it. Isn't the puppet afraid of poison?" Chu Feng whispered, "Forget it, I'll enjoy it myself!"

Chu Feng tore off a meat ball, stuffed it into his mouth and took a bite.

Since there is no condiment, this meat ball has no other taste except for the burnt smell.

Although it can't be enjoyed as a delicacy, if it's just used to fill the stomach, it's quite consistent.

In order to satisfy his hungry stomach, Chu Feng swallowed four meat **** in one go, but the remaining two could not be eaten anymore.

"Don't force yourself too much, we will still have to hurry, you will be overwhelmed by eating too much!" When Chu Feng wiped out the fourth meat ball, E Duolong couldn't help but warn.

"Don't worry, I'm not too hungry!" Chu Feng tore the two remaining meat **** from the sticks and stored them in his inventory.

"Are you going to take it on the road?" Erduolong's eyes drooped, trying to roll his eyes, but he didn't succeed.

"Be prepared, so you don't have to stop and bake again!" Chu Feng is quite a housekeeper, but he didn't show it in the right place.

"Well, whatever you want!"

"It was originally!"

Chu Feng didn't pay much attention to Er Duolong, took out the kettle and poured the fire extinguisher, and the matter here was basically over.

When the two set off again, it was almost noon, and the temperature gradually rose to an unbearable height.

Obviously, this time is no longer suitable for hurrying. But no way, the two of them had been delayed for too long, so they had to go on under the scorching sun.

The journey is long and I don't know where the end is. The clues left by the group of people, apart from the previous cloth strip, no other new items appeared.

The two gradually became blind, especially when a village appeared.

As Chu Feng had previously guessed, this should be similar to a suburban area.

There are not many mountains and forests, the fields are desolate, and the residents have to cultivate for a living.

The local residents were repellent to strangers, especially when the two of Chu and Feng arrived here.

After passing through the village quickly, Chu Feng seemed to have gained something.

"They may have been here!" Chu Feng was a bit like talking to himself.

"Why do you say that?" Eduron suddenly leaned forward and asked.

"There's no reason, I guessed it arbitrarily!"

Chu Feng thinks this is an intuition, for example, at a certain moment, suddenly able to guess. The exact time is the same now.

"Well, it's another useless idea!" Eduron will be disappointed and behaved extremely obviously. It stands to reason that Erdoron should not be the kind of reckless guy who can't hide his emotions.

It now appears that he should have deliberately expanded his emotions to show Chu Feng.

"The truth is often hidden behind these useless news, calm the mind, I am not in a hurry, what are you anxious!" When Chu Feng admonishes others, he always shows an extremely peaceful state of mind, and this is really bad for being admonished. It can be regarded as a positive guidance.

"Understand, let's go!"

E Duolong responded quite succinctly. He couldn't make himself as calm and as calm as Chu Feng.

The criticism of years of fighting has made him taciturn and at the same time he has forgotten his grudges.

In the afternoon, the temperature reached its highest value, and the Boyou Road on the outskirts of the suburbs was hot from the sun, and the broad road stretched far away.


Chu Feng took out a pot of water and dripped a few drops on the asphalt road. Unexpectedly, when the water drop touched the asphalt road, it made an exaggerated "zizi" sound.

"Is this a wok or a road?" Chu Feng couldn't help asking about this asphalt road.

The real world is not without hot weather, but there has never been such an exaggeration.

"The temperature is at least one hundred degrees or more!" E Duolong raised the sole of his foot and took a look. The foot that had just stepped on the asphalt road was already black at this time. Even though there was a pair of shoes, he still couldn't. Spared.

"Are you okay with your feet? Doesn't the walking shadow affect?" Chu Feng turned to look at Er Duolong, frowning.

Hearing that, E Duolong tentatively stomped his feet, but there was not much change.

"It shouldn't affect walking, after all, it's just a few feet!" E Duolong lifted his foot and swung a knife to cut off the bottom layer of flesh.

"That way, it will be much more comfortable!" E Duolong never felt pain. For him, the shaved flesh was no different from the old man cutting off a crutch.


"You are comfortable, but our problem is still unsolved!" Chu Feng raised his hand to cover his eyes, and looked up at the sky. The round fireball was hanging in the air at this time. Chu Feng can say with certainty. , This fireball like the sun here is definitely more evil than the sun in the real world.

"If they had passed before the road got hot, it would be difficult for us to catch up with them!"

The focus of Eduron's analysis is not the solution, but the possibility of the actual development result.

"Wait for the sunset!" Chu Feng violently scratched his hair, his hair messed up.

"It's better to use water to cool down!" E Duolong picked up the kettle that was thrown away by Chu Feng.

Some water was spilled, about half left.


E Duolong raised the kettle and poured half of the water on the asphalt road.

The clear water flows slowly along the asphalt road, and the flow becomes less and less, and eventually stagnates.

A place wetted by water becomes dry in a blink of an eye.

The dust still retains the traces of water flowing.

"No effect?" E Duolong was surprised, turning his head to look at Chu Feng.

"The effect is natural, but the amount of water is too small and the effect is minimal!"

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth rose up to form a "v", and he smiled reluctantly.

"Then we can take more and create a cool place directly in this area!"

"Good idea, but we don't have so much water at all!" Chu Feng reminded with a wry smile.

"That river..."

"Oh, no! The distance is too far!" Eduron denied himself.

"Let's take a rest! Save some energy, and hurry up when it gets dark!" Chu Feng has already seen the reality clearly. If he wants to hurry, he must wait after sunset.

"Is this time wasted in vain!"

Er Duo Long was unwilling, but he was helpless.

The day of Yinsi time and space is the life of an old tortoise. The clock goes round and round, as if it is depicting the annual rings of a tree stump.

Chu Feng lay in the "chaotic" rock, and the sunlight was "shooting" very far. Chu Feng, who was ridiculously bathed in sunlight, felt the sunlight was gentle and refreshing.

When I woke up, the day had passed.

"Leaving!" Chu Feng rolled on the ground and stood up.

In fact, Chu Feng wanted to use a carp, but his legs were numb, so he couldn't do it.

"The posture is very unique!"

It was the first time that E Duolong ridiculed Chu Feng, perhaps because Chu Feng looked easier to talk at this time.

"Hey... mistakes, mistakes!"

Chu Feng didn't care either, he grinned with a toothy smile, still not forgetting to explain a few words to himself.

"Understand!" Er Duo nodded solemnly, with a serious look, there is no half-joking.

After sunset, it's the time to debut late at night.

On the way late at night, the two have formed a habit. In three hours, they went through two unknown areas in one breath, reaching a straight-line distance of more than 100 kilometers.

At nine forty in the night, the two found another fire.

"There is still a spark, they must not have gone far!" After opening the fire, Er Duolong was delighted.

"Hurry up!" Chu Feng made a decisive decision and rushed out first.

There are no stars tonight, dark clouds are piled up, I hope the night sky is relatively dense.

The group of mysterious guys who had been chased by Chu Feng and the other two finally "showed" their figure at this moment.

The leader of this team is a woman. The woman's long hair covered her face and her appearance was a little fuzzy.

In addition to the women, there were three men and one woman in the team, one of whom was tied up, but this one was the beggar who disappeared.

"They should be catching up soon, right?" As she walked, the woman looked at the people behind her and asked in a deep voice.

"There is still some distance, but they are faster, they should be able to catch up soon!" answered a man beside him.

"Stop, let's wait for them!"

"Commander, shouldn't you get rid of them?" another man asked.

"No, we should meet them now! At least we have to solve this guy's matter first!" The woman pointed to the twisted beggar and explained.

"Don't wait, I'm here!"

Chu Feng's time was just right, and as soon as the woman's voice fell, he arrived.


The beggar struggled to break free from the rope, but it was in vain after all.

"Help him untie, his new master is here, don't make him too anxious!"

The woman ordered the second man, but the second man did not move.

Perhaps in their perception, the betrayer cannot be forgiven, no matter what status the person has before.

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