The black cat scratched the door reluctantly.

Meow meow meow?

Is there anything my little kitty can't see?

Chapter 24

In the next few days, Gu Yu went to Fu Huayu's company to try his luck.

"Hey, Xiao Hei," Gu Yu held up the two front paws of the little black cat, "I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so fat?"

Gu Yu found it boring to stay in Fu Huayu's office, so he just brought the cat over, saying that he took it out for a walk to lose weight.

He also thought the original name "Mimi" was too popular, so he changed it to another one.

It's obvious that the new one isn't much better.

"Meow!" Xiao Hei opened his mouth and yelled, swinging the tip of his tail back and forth. Gu Yu immediately let go when he saw it.

Good guy, are you still angry when you are called fat?

Gu Yu, who was equally petty, couldn't see Xiao Hei's arrogant and easy-to-get angry look. He drove the cat to the ground and acted like a stepmother, "Quickly move, if you don't meet the standard of exercise today, you won't have anything to eat, you know?"

"Meow!" The driven cat ran up to the desk in twos and twos, and then jumped into Fu Huayu's arms.

Fu Huayu's hand that was signing trembled, his eyebrows jumped uncontrollably, he closed the pen cap, picked up the back of Xiao Hei's neck with one hand, and then cast a death gaze at Gu Yu.

The black cat that had been running outside for a few days still looked as clean as new, but its claws were covered in dust. This jump not only left a few black marks on the paper documents on the table, but also two gray paw prints on Fu Huayu's white shirt.

He just walked up to Gu Yu with the cat in his arms, and then threw the cat into his arms.

"You are responsible for taking good care of the kitten you brought." Fu Huayu, unbearable, issued an ultimatum to Gu Yu and the kitten in his arms.

Along the way, this bully and shy little guy seemed to feel Fu Huayu's anger, and he remained silent while being carried. He only let out two soft and waxy calls when he entered Gu Yu's arms.

His voice was soft and melodious, he looked aggrieved and pitiful, and he kept rubbing his head.

"Oh, my poor little baby," Gu Yu hugged the cat with both hands and turned into a real mother in an instant, "He is so fierce, isn't he? You see, he is going to drive us away."

As he spoke, he clearly looked at Fu Huayu. It seemed like he was being oppressed.

"Meow!" The cat in his arms also meowed.

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Fu Huayu sneered. He really wanted to dump all the water he poured on Gu Yu's tea on his head.

Oh, no, there should be one cup for each person and one for the cat.

Two troublesome guys who caused him trouble.

When Gu Yu saw this, he didn't continue to scream, and stopped when he was ready, so as not to really make people anxious.

Only one little black one, who thought he had found a supporter, was still meowing.

"Meow!?" The sudden feeling of suspension caught Xiao Hei off guard.

Fu Huayu picked up the cat using the same technique as before and threw it into the lounge, closing the door.

Xiao Hei was left scratching at the door frantically behind him.


Both humans and ghosts are showing off, only Xiao Hei is being beaten.

Gu Yu gloated.

"Stop laughing, keep your face down," Fu Huayu said helplessly, how could someone maintain such a stable mentality.

It's like no time has passed at all.

Apart from his much calmer personality, it can be said that there is no change at all.

"Okay, stop laughing," Gu Yu calmed down his expression, "How about going out for lunch? I've been eating takeout for a long time, and I'm tired of it."

Fu Huayu sat at his desk and said, "Okay, wait for me for a while."

He lowered his head to sort out the documents on the table, glanced up at Gu Yu, and sighed.

Since Gu Yu has been stationed in his office, his work efficiency has been extremely low.

He is really a guy who makes people unmotivated from work.

In the evening, Gu Yu followed Fu Huayu to a teahouse.

"Who are you taking me to see?" Gu Yu was wearing a light gray suit, tall, fresh and handsome.

Fu Huayu also wears a formal suit that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. He wears a white shirt with a dark gray vest and trousers of the same color, which outlines a good figure with wide shoulders and narrow hips.

"A few friends, let's talk business." Fu Huayu buttoned the last button on his collar slowly.

"Then why did you call me gang?" Gu Yu was surprised. What does Shen Yu's business discussion have to do with him? Their development directions are completely different, right?

Fu Huayu parked the car and opened the door, "We're here. You'll know when you get there."

Gu Yu followed Fu Huayu through the door. The greening inside had to be said to be very good. There were scattered courtyard-style teahouses and box-style teahouses. The paths were surrounded by various plants and small bridges and flowing water.

As soon as you enter, the temperature drops significantly, and the chirping of birds is more frequent and intensive than outside.

The two came to the door of a private room, and after entering, there was already a person sitting.

"This is my partner and college classmate, named Xue Zuo." Fu Huayu introduced to Gu Yu.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Xue Zuo." The person sitting stood up and shook hands with Gu Yu, with a smile on his face, "I know you, no introduction is needed."

Xue Zuo has a natural smile and is particularly approachable.

"Hello." Gu Yu looked familiar to him. He had seen this person at several banquets, but he had never spoken to him before.

Xue Zuo glanced between the two of them with ulterior motives.

, was discovered by Fu Huayu and stared back.

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