Watch Out! Danger Ahead

Chapter 149: Hidden danger

Chapter 148 Hidden Dangers

But before Song Qingxiao was taken away, he still left a memorial for the white giant wolf, and made a seven or eight centimeter wound on its back.

After she landed, the bodyguards in the camp finally reacted. Everyone shouted loudly and appeared with their guns. The wolf was injured but still majestic, looking around, and finally a pair of wolf eyes coldly fell on Song Qingxiao. After taking a few deep glances, he started to flee in the direction of the dense forest without looking back.

Number One and others tried to stop it, but where could it be stopped?

When it came, it came silently, but when it went, it was fast, like lightning. Its hind legs were extremely powerful. With a strong kick, it bounced up to a height of one or two meters. When it jumped out, it was nearly four or five meters away, and it broke through. A tent.

After jumping out of the camping area, it ran faster.

Amid the bang of gunshots behind him, the wolf disappeared in a few jumps and escaped smoothly!

At this time, everyone knew that it was a threat, but the black lights were blind, and everyone in the dense forest didn't know what kind of threat there was. No one dared to track it down, so it was nothing.

After the wolf left, everyone's tense expressions relaxed.

The blood in the camp was disgusting, and Mr. Zhou, whom Shirley was supporting, was still trembling in the moonlight.

"Are you okay?"

Number One reduced the light on her body, walked over and glanced at Song Qing, and asked hypocritically.

Song Qingxiao's appearance was embarrassed at this time. The fight with the giant wolf made her sweat profusely, her face was pale and there was no trace of blood, her coat was scratched, and the shoe torn by the wolf's claw was also broken in the previous fight. Two pieces, the soles of the feet are about to be exposed.

"It's okay."

Naturally, No. 1 can't care about her, but I want to take this opportunity to inquire about her situation.

Several times before, there were dangers, but fortunately she was not injured. On the contrary, the troubles caused the trouble to make the number three win.

Song Qingxiao frowned when he thought of this.

No. 3 held her shoulders, her expression gloomy, watching Song Qingxiao's eyes with resentment and anger.

"It's a pity to let it go."

The injury of No. 3 should have made No. 7 happy, but she looked solemn now.

This wolf should be the leader of the pack of wolves who raided by the stream. If he stayed here, the mission might be able to go one step further.

It runs and releases the wolf back to the mountain. It is difficult to find it.

The hearts of the testers were different. When Song Qingxiao was attacked at the time, everyone hoped that the giant wolf would leave her wounds and her combat effectiveness would be greatly reduced.

She is too strong, and it is easy to cause other people's anxiety and mutual suspicion, which is the important reason why the wolf can escape.

It's a pity that such a good opportunity still made Song Qingxiao escape!

No.1's heart was full of killing, and she was even more jealous of Song Qingxiao.

"It will come back again," Song Qing said lightly as soon as the sigh of No. 7 fell:

"There is still a chance!"

When she said this, she was very sure.

The silver-white giant wolf held an unusual grudge, and his eyes were a bit terrifying when he left.

It suffered a little loss in its own hands, and next time it comes back, I am afraid it will be much more vigilant than this time, and it is very likely that it has already remembered itself.

While she was speaking, she bent down and took off the shoe that had been broken in two on her foot, and her eyes rolled around in the camp.

Song Qingxiao's voice was not loud, but Mr. Zhou and others heard it clearly, and her words caused great panic to everyone.

After the wolf attack tonight, no one dared to take this as she said casually.

The injured No.3 remembered the look in the wolf's eyes and shuddered. Her ears sounded like the sound of the wolf's claws scratching her back, and the whole body seemed to be covered by the shadow of death. , It made her feel more pain in her back.

The tents in the camp were trampled on, and all the people who were alive and awake stood together, not daring to leave for half a step.

During the previous struggle, Song Qingxiao had no time to look at the surrounding environment. Only then did he find that the camp was sprinkled with uncoagulated blood everywhere.

The deceased had their intestines broken, their internal organs were ripped everywhere, and the peculiar miasma of the human internal organs rushed into the nose, making people vomiting.

"There was an accident with the three people who were on duty in the second half of the night."

The man who had probably looked at the campsite came back and reported the situation to Mr. Zhou, with a frightened expression on his face, retching while speaking, his face pale.

He didn't dare to be too far away from the crowd, he only took a quick glance and returned. It is not clear how many people have died so far.

Zhou Xueli made her face sullen and made everyone count each other.

All four of the trialers were alive, and one of the five bodyguards died, leaving only four, which made the wolf look like a predator.

"Professor Yan, Teacher Liu..."

The scientists led by Mr. Zhou also started to count each other, and they were always one less person. Professor Yan was also anxious and turned his head:

"Where is Gao Lei?"

"Gao Lei? Gao Lei?"

After he was called, a young professor of his colleagues raised his voice and shouted a few words.

Although the sound is not very loud, but the camp is only a small place. If you are still alive, you should hear it even if you hide.

"Everyone help find and see if they are scared and hide in the tent."

The young professor yelled a few words, but no one answered him. He was immediately anxious and greeted everyone for help.

The loss of scholars does not mean the same to Mr. Zhou.

The life of the worker is not worth mentioning in his eyes. When the bodyguard died, he was most worried about his own life.

But now that the scholar is dead, Mr. Zhou is in pain.

Every scientist he brought to the island was recruited and cultivated by the Zhou family with great painstaking effort. Everyone was of extraordinary value and was of great significance to him and to the Zhou family.


He gave the order with a calm face, the wolf and the others glanced at each other, and Song Qingxiao suddenly spoke:

"keep the change."

She could not speak coldly, and everyone turned their heads to look at her subconsciously. She was standing in front of a tent stained with blood, and the blood on it had not completely dried up.

A headless corpse was lying on the edge of the tent, and the neck was uneven. The blood that came out condensed into a thick piece, covering the surrounding She turned twice and found it. After removing the head torn off by the giant wolf, he stretched out his hand to straighten it, and Gao Lei's pale face appeared in front of everyone.

This horrible scene is really hard to describe in words.

His eyes were half open, their eyeballs lost their luster, there was a little blood on that face, and there was still panic remaining.

"Ah..." Professor Yan glanced at him, and immediately took a few steps back when he was so frightened, he did not stand until the people around him supported him.

Everyone don't start each other, they are afraid to watch this scene.

Young General Song Qing released his hand, dragged the corpse out of the tent, and reached out to untie the shoelaces on the corpse. One of her shoes was broken and she had to find a replacement.

Everyone slowed down for a while, turned their heads and saw her move again. Many people were only terrified with horror, and turned their faces away again.

"What should we do now?"

After the accident, although the wolf temporarily escaped, it may come back after Song Qing's novels. Everyone dare not sleep anymore.

But now that the sky is still dark, everyone is afraid to venture into the mountain, and no one is sure what else is on the mountain and in the mountainside.

"Sit for a while, wait until dawn, then go up the mountain!"

When Mr. Zhou lost a scientist, he was just as if he had been smashed into his heart. His face was very ugly. After holding back for a long time, he said a word, and everyone agreed.

After counting the number of people, a total of five people were killed tonight, including Gao Lei, and No. 3 was also injured.

Originally the number of people in the team was small, and this one was folded by five, and the remaining people were only 17 people.

Everyone in the camp dared not sit anymore, only sitting on the airy rock.

It was still early before dawn, but everyone did not dare to sleep. The four surviving bodyguards held guns and stared sternly in the direction of the dense forest, not daring to make any negligence.

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