Warrior in Turbulent Han Dynasty

Chapter 481: An Inconceivable Conspiracy

Han Tong was in the water army camp by the river, and did not participate in the discussions of the Jiangnan Qianying military mansion, but he was a general, and soon some messengers came to the water camp with military orders to board a boat to ask for an audience. ", the messenger who came in was originally Han Tong's personal soldier, sent to the Chinese army. Naturally, he knew each other, so they met directly, and when he got the military order, he saw that it was the time and itinerary to prepare the squadron to return to the court.

Han Tong took a closer look, held the military order in his hand, and started to walk up and down, thinking about it. When he walked to the side of the cabin, he stopped and looked outside.

"Father, Master Da Zhou is going back to court and going to Bianshui?" A young man with a stooped back came in and asked softly.

The speaker was Han Tong's son, who was nicknamed "Long Tuoer" and "Han Tuozi" because he was ill and was not cured when he was young. His body was hit by a disaster, so he couldn't practice martial arts and fight on horseback, but his mind is quite clever and self-aware. He didn't inherit his father's will since he was a child, and he only focused on reading and literacy. Now he can be a part-time official, doing some copywriting by his father's side, and he is more reliable than an assistant.

Han Tong stood with his head held high, responded without turning his head, and continued to look at the huge sails on the river. Zhou Jun's most elite bodyguard division, the water army, has tens of thousands of people in his hands. In addition, Han Tong is the commander of the bodyguard horse step division and the most senior general of the bodyguard department. Now Li Chuyun controls a group of elite soldiers who are usually under the jurisdiction of the bodyguard department.

"Songzhou...Songzhou!" Han Tuozi murmured, and hurriedly approached Han Tong with his back bent, "Father, you have to find an opportunity to express your opinion to Marshal Guo. If you can't hold back, you can let your son go first."

Han Tong frowned and said, "A statement? What kind of statement?"

The hunchback was stunned: "You...what else can you express?"

Han Tong said sternly, "Stop listening to those rumors!"

"The rumors are true, but if you think about it again, the rumors are quite reasonable." Tuozi persuaded, "The current popularity, power, and achievements of Marshal Guo are so easy, and now he brings the prestige of destroying the two great powers and returns to the court with a heavy army in his hand. How long will it be before he becomes emperor? Who really thinks that he is fighting for the "present" allegiance."

Seeing that Han Tong was silent, the hunchback said anxiously: "Father has so many people in his hands, and his position is so high. Marshal Guo's people must be staring at you and waiting for you. It's not too late, and it can't be later than when we arrive in Songzhou..."

Han Tong raised his hand, and reprimanded: "I was in the Zhou Dynasty, and I fought with a knife and a gun. I have to be ashamed and ask for glory! Besides, just based on some gossip and wild speculation, can I conclude that General Guo is planning to rebel?"

The hunchback was not afraid, he shook his head and tried to persuade: "Didn't Shi Yanchao rely on rushing to fight for the superior, what a fool, I heard that he has been respectful to Marshal Guo recently, that guy has already smelled the wind, and I'm afraid he has figured it out..."

When Shi Yanchao was mentioned, Han Tong became very angry. Han Tong's temper is short-tempered, Shi Yanchao is not a good person to get along with, and that guy speaks with cynicism and sarcasm, always acting like I am the best in the world, Han Tong was not less angry when he met him. He was suddenly furious: "Dog! Isn't the surname Shi not afraid of the sky? It's too embarrassing to put on an air!"

"Now is not the time to take care of those. It's not easy for us to have the position we have today..." The hunchback hurriedly said, "The army in front of the hall and the court are all from General Guo. No matter how fierce Shi Yanchao is, he can't do it alone. Father, think about it quickly, this matter cannot be delayed."

Han Tong resolutely said: "I don't want to do the business of licking hemorrhoids!"

After hearing this, the hunchback was even more anxious than his father, walking back and forth with his back bent, but there was nothing he could do.


In Hangzhou, the capital of the Wuyue Kingdom, there were many armored soldiers standing around the Imperial Concubine Pagoda (later renamed Leifeng Pagoda), one post at ten steps and one post at five steps, so tourists dare not approach. The lord of the country, Qian Chu, was looking at the distant view of the lake from the imperial concubine tower. The tower he was standing on was built with his own funds. Qian Chu had a favorite concubine surnamed Huang, who gave birth to a son. Qian Chu was happy and wanted to keep it as a souvenir, and because the palace believed in Buddhism, he built this pagoda.

The palace often burns incense and worships Buddha, but it doesn't mean that they don't kill animals and don't fight. Qian Chu asked, "Where is the army of our country?"

The minister next to him replied: "I sent a letter ten days ago. I have left Jiangning Mansion to withdraw my troops. Now I must have entered the country. As soon as there is news, I will report it to Your Majesty."

When Qian Chu heard that the army had returned, he was slightly relieved. There were not many soldiers in Wuyue Kingdom who were able to recruit and fight well. This time, in order to please Da Zhou, and also to avenge the old and new hatred with the Southern Tang Kingdom for many years, Qian Chu mobilized the troops.

At this time, another official bent down and said in a low voice: "Zhou Jun even destroyed Shu and Southern Tang, and now the army is in the south of the Yangtze River, will he continue to covet..."

Qian Chu shook his head slightly. The minister who replied just now said: "For the time being, we will not use force against us. Our country has been a great country in the Central Plains for many years, and we have just sent troops to help and make great achievements. Even if the Zhou army goes far and wide to attack the Southern Han Dynasty, it will not hurt us. Let alone..." The minister lowered his voice, "Guo Shao, the commander of the Zhou army, is now planning to return to the country with the army in his hand and proclaim himself emperor; our country has always been obedient, how can he have the time and thought to attack our country?"

"Where will Guo Shao become emperor?"

Qian Chu said without looking back, "Song Zhou."

The minister who spoke just now said hurriedly: "Your Majesty's far-sighted eyes are like torches. That week's army destroyed the capital of the Southern Tang Dynasty and robbed a lot of treasures from the treasury and the government. It must be to take the waterway for good luck. After crossing the Huaihe River, it is the most convenient and convenient way to take the Bianshui River. It must be to do great things in Songzhou."

Qian Chu snorted, turned his head slightly and said, "Guo Shao, the information he collected in the past is not enough, so send someone to inquire more."

"Follow the order."

Qian Chu let out a breath, feeling a little complicated at the moment.

The first ruler of Wuyue Kingdom established the national policy of protecting the territory and the people, because he believed that his country had few soldiers and a small foundation, so it was difficult to make great achievements. The successor kings followed the strategy of enshrining the great country in the Central Plains as their suzerain. In troubled times, support the soldiers to protect themselves; when the general trend of the world is unified, because of the long-term tribute to the Central Plains, the descendants should use this to achieve prosperity and wealth in the world of great rule.

It's just that the Qian family has a century-old foundation, and Qian Chu feels a little unwilling to give it away from him.

He pondered and had to see the situation. If Guo Shao proclaimed himself emperor and had no great talent to control the situation in the world, instead causing chaos in all directions, then Wuyue Kingdom would not be able to ruin its foundation in vain.

Qian Chu looked at the beautiful scenery here, and remained silent for a long time. The spring is bright, the lake is sparkling, the lakeside mountains are covered with green trees, colorful flowers are dotted among them, there are pavilions, temples and stupas looming, it is really a peaceful and peaceful scenery.

However, he can still imagine the changes that are coming in the distance.

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