War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 731 Getting ready to appear

"Crazy! You and Landry Prome are crazy! Our city is connected to the Austrian Empire, and they will know what happens here in a few hours.

In one day the Austrians will send troops to surround us, and then just like in 1241, our cities and our homes will be destroyed! "

Several activists who had recently joined the Polish Nationalist Army did not listen to the nonsense of a group of old men, but were driven out of the city hall with sticks. They planned to use this place as a temporary palace for His Majesty Landry Promy I.

said a young man, stepping on a former congressman.

"The Austrians can't come! His Majesty Landry Promy I has a brilliant plan and sent people to blow up all the railways leading to Krakow!"

At this time, the faces of several old council members became even more ugly, because it was built with the money of the Free City of Krakow, and the railway is the city's source of wealth.

Railways around Krakow were bombed one after another, and of course the news of the bombing of the arsenal also spread from Krakow.

However, this news is not fatal to Landry Promi, because he has purchased a large amount of supplies from various places in advance in the name of the Free City of Krakow, and Krakow is not only a commercial capital, but also a university town. .

There are enough experts, scholars and craftsmen here to organize an arsenal. At this time, Landry Promy is most concerned about how many people can be mobilized to defend Krakow.

Although Landry Prome ordered people to blow up the railway, there was nothing he could do about the carrier pigeon.

Therefore, Vienna soon received news of the rebellion in Krakow, which made Prince Metternich very excited. After all, being able to annex a rich traditional city is not a concept at all and taking charge of some poor ravines in the Balkans.

And in the eyes of Prince Metternich, some of Franz's actions are very likely to offend the Russians and the British.

The Holy Alliance and the Vienna System were Metternich's favorite works. He may have been a little behind the times on some things, but he was very clear about Austria's fundamental interest in the Russian-Austrian Alliance.

Without Russia's goodwill, every step Austria takes will become difficult.

Back to the rebellion in Galicia, Metternich was ready to ask Count Stadion to suppress it immediately, and then send a group of troops to take over Krakow.

"Count Latour, do you have any suitable candidates?"

Before the Minister of War could speak, Franz jumped out first.

"Prime Minister, I want to go."

Franz naturally agreed to go to the royal family, and Grand Duke Franz Karl could easily solve it. Although Grand Duke Louis had some minor conflicts with the former, he was very clear about his position, so he would not cause trouble.

Franz's departure would be difficult for Latour and Prince Metternich, because doing so would undoubtedly increase uncertainty.

Count Korolaf felt that Franz was right. After all, the entire Austrian Empire was looking forward to the birth of a wise king.

Moreover, the "momentum" has been created for so many years, and now it is time for the real master to perform.

"Archduke Franz, this trip is very dangerous. I suggest sending 200,000 troops."

Although this number is exaggerated, Count Latour and Prince Metternich agree with it. After all, if Franz goes to this battle to quell the chaos, it will be an exhibition match.

Just like when an army of 100,000 attacked Serbia, which had given up resistance, it could only win but not lose, and not only must it win, but it must win beautifully.

What is the concept of sending two hundred thousand troops? After two frictions with France, the Austrian Empire sent only 200,000 troops. Add in the 100,000 troops already stationed in Galicia, and the total force will reach a terrifying 300,000.

This is definitely the largest military operation in the Austrian Empire after the Napoleonic Wars. It may even cause panic in Prussia next door. After all, the latter's standing army only has a standing army of only 200,000.

Franz was a little speechless. The purpose of his want to go was to quickly counter the rebellion, and it would take at least several weeks for Austria to gather the 200,000 troops and transport them to Galicia.

Moreover, such an effort to mobilize troops and mobilize people, not only waste people and money, but also make surrounding countries either ready to take action or become frightened, is really not worth the gain.

"I think that with three thousand people, and the cooperation of Count Stadion, we should be able to quickly suppress this uprising."

After all, historically, the Galician uprising was suppressed by the people themselves before the Austrian Empire had time to send troops to suppress it.

Facing the ferocious serfs, the rebels even took the initiative to seek protection from the Austrian army.

"Three thousand people?"

How could these old foxes not know what those three thousand people were referring to? Franz's Dragon Knights had arrived in Vienna in advance.

It's just that three thousand people are too few. In their eyes, they are full of rebels. If Franz does not go, 20,000 people will need to be sent. If Franz goes, at least 200,000 people will have to be sent.

"Archduke Franz, you have only seen war in books. Real war is very dirty and obscene. In order to win, the enemy will spare no effort to use all kinds of despicable means, and the morale of the soldiers is usually directly related to the number of people. .

If you only bring a few thousand people with you, and you see tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of rebels on the other side, some cowards may kidnap you first. "

Count Latour's words were very unpleasant, but he told the truth.

It's just that Franz is not going to force the so-called rebels, he just wants to solve some problems once and for all, and get some more loot along the way.

To be honest, Franz really didn't regard the Polish Zionist Army as an opponent.

But the old man's words still had to be listened to. After a final negotiation, the two sides decided that Albrecht would serve as Franz's adjutant and lead 60,000 people into the Galician Bochnia Fortress to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

Afterwards, General Heinau will lead a hundred thousand follow-up troops to join Franz's troops, and then march towards Krakow together.

Count Stadion received an order to expand the defense range, but not to take the initiative to attack.

This strange order puzzled Count Stadion, and he even began to wonder if the Russians and Prussians were behind it, so Vienna needed him to stay put.

Although the entire formerly Polish region was in turmoil, there were not many real uprisings. In particular, the uprisings in Warsaw and Poznan were not successful at all, and members of the Polish Nationalist Army were arrested while still having meetings.

In fact, Count Stadion also knew the situation in Krakow, and he had the ability to send people to kill it before it became powerful, but the orders from above prevented him from acting rashly.

A lot of strange orders had already made Count Stadion suffocate. By the time the rebellion broke out, he had already mobilized his troops and prepared to raze the city to the ground once and for all.

As a result, the order from Vienna came again. He really missed the era without telegraph.

What Count Stadion didn't know was that beneath the surface calm of Galicia, bloody massacres were being staged.

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