War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 663 Christmas Eve is not peaceful

December 24, 1845, Christmas Eve.

In the first year that she took over Vienna's business affairs, Pereny Schaffer posed a problem for Franz. Of the seventeen senior executives in Vienna, the former asked to replace eleven.

The charges against these people include corruption, bribery, embezzling royal property, using power to seek positions and benefits for relatives and friends, buying and selling, dereliction of duty, lynching, abuse of power, and leaking state secrets.

The vast majority of them committed all these crimes. In fact, corruption, bribery, and bribery were a very common phenomenon in the 19th century.

However, Franz still underestimated the greed and courage of these people. Although some industries have just been established for two or three years, the amount of corruption actually accounts for 15% to 30% of the total profits.

Some industries have even been monopolized by one or several families. In fact, before the corruption incident broke out, Franz thought it might not have much impact.

After all, many industries have just started, and there are not so many available talents at the moment. Can you trust some people who are more familiar with the family?

The issue of family monopoly can be solved slowly in the future after the industry gets on the right track. Now many industries in Austria are still in the stage of staking their claim.

However, the multi-million dollar corruption made Franz unable to sit still. You must know that in the 19th century, one hundred florins was enough for ordinary people to live for a year.

And this is only in Vienna, and there is no nationwide inventory. In fact, Franz was not completely ignorant of corruption, and he had dealt with a number of people in the process.

But now it seems that the so-called killing of chickens to scare monkeys does not seem to have much effect.

But handling nearly 10,000 people at once would probably cause a lot of chaos. Dealing with some people and winning over the majority is the normal way of dealing with it, right?

But Franz didn't want to do that, and his industry was not the Austrian Empire, which was in critical condition and would collapse at a touch.

Franz will verify the crimes of these people and give them corresponding punishments, including fines, demotion, expulsion, debt repayment (this refers not to wages, but assets.), imprisonment, imprisonment, exile, and death.

Franz directly called all the people in charge of the entire Vienna area on Christmas Eve, and there was a wave of Austrian version of "raging against the ministers".


(This line will be published separately one day, so I won’t write it here to avoid talking about the word count.)

Of course, Franz still had to comfort himself after he was bleeding and bleeding.

Franz has prepared a Christmas gift for all employees in Vienna, and a dedicated person will distribute it tomorrow.

This made those people's tense nerves relax a little. After all, the dark clouds seemed to have passed.

In fact, compared to the thirteenth month salary, opening a blind box is more attractive to Westerners.

Moreover, Franz is a member of the royal family. To the Austrians, these gifts are not just gifts, but also an honor. Especially for the common people, it is not too much to take them home as heirlooms.

However, after this incident, Franz felt that the supervision model should be strengthened. He could not always count on the emergence of such people who were not afraid of power and could directly send intelligence to him.

Generally speaking, the high salary to support the incorruptible was not feasible in Vienna at this time, because the money Franz paid these people was considered the highest salary in the entire Europe.

However, the economy of the Austrian Empire at this time was developing too fast, and the temptation was far beyond the bottom line of ordinary people, so corruption and embezzlement were so common.

Institutional problems can only be solved slowly, but regulatory agencies can be established immediately. First of all, relying on self-inspection and mutual inspection is definitely unreliable.

Vienna is a society of acquaintances. Franz doesn’t want to say more. Generally, nobles who can achieve a certain level of publicity can have some kinship with each other.

Doing so will only bring the group closer together and brainstorm ways to deal with Franz.

Therefore, an independent review agency must be established. Pelleni Shaffer can set up her own review agency, but there must also be an independent review agency directly loyal to Franz.

In addition, lower-level supervision and reporting are also very important. However, due to limited technological and administrative capabilities at this time, only real-name reporting can be accepted.

In ancient times in the East, when people complained to officials, they had to roll a nail board or make a plank. (Fifty big boards, in fact, twenty big boards can cripple a person, and forty big boards can basically kill someone.

Therefore, in some historical dramas nowadays, the heroines disguise themselves as men and are beaten with 200-500 military sticks at every turn. This is basically nonsense. If they were really beaten, they would be beaten to a pulp. )

So whether it's rolling nails or beating boards, it's usually a narrow escape. But this is not bad compared to the West. Before the French Revolution, a commoner could not even sue officials.

Even if you spend a lot of money to hire a lawyer, it will usually be offset by the other party's immunity. Yes, officials at the time had judicial immunity from complaints filed by civilians.

Unless the common people can ask their aristocratic lords, those aristocratic lords are usually the same as the officials. After all, they are of the same class.

In fact, generally speaking, the noble lord is the judge of his own land. After all, there was something called territorial jurisdiction at that time.

The so-called territorial jurisdiction is a million times more evil than the notorious consular jurisdiction in history. The latter still requires legal basis, but the former is the law itself.

It basically means "I make the decision on my territory." "The referees, judges, and audience are all mine, so you can fight with me over anything you want!"

Therefore, compared with the nail-rolling and beating boards of the East, the judicial system of the West is even more despairing.

(Here we only refer to the major powers on the European continent, excluding some free states and republics.)

By the way, territorial jurisdiction lasted in some parts of Hungary until the end of World War I, and did not disappear completely until the end of World War II.

Of course, it would be another matter if the commoner was really lucky enough to squeeze into the royal court. After all, it was set up by the royal families of various countries specifically to deal with local nobles.

However, this thing is usually located in the capital, or it travels around, and there are not many opportunities for real civilians to enter.

And even in the royal court, "everything depends on evidence." Officials are usually familiar with the law and can hire excellent lawyers at high prices to defend themselves, and they can bribe judges openly.

However, even if the royal court decides, the case will eventually have to be transferred to the House of Lords (the Court of Honor, anyway, there are many opinions) for trial.

This is true for civilians, not to mention the widespread serfs.

Even during the French Revolution, during the period of the Constitutional Monarchists and the Girondins, those officials could not sue casually.

Until Robespierre came to power, a "new era" of European justice was created. After that, it took nearly a hundred years intermittently before the judicial democracy promoted by the West came into being.

Accepting real-name reports was a pioneering work in the 19th century. Although this would cause dissatisfaction among some people, Franz was not only the largest capitalist in Austria at this time, but also the largest aristocrat.

Moreover, this is an internal matter of Franz Company, and even if someone is dissatisfied, they can only suppress it.

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