The history of the Sassoon family is a classic underworld novel. A small family that was not popular in West Asia was expelled by powerful local forces.

As a result, he took root in the Far East and became the little emperor of Bombay that everyone respected. After that, people will kill people, and Buddhas will kill Buddhas. Even if a country blocks his way of making money, he can still use his connections in London to launch a war to "teach people how to behave."

"Using poison to enter the Tao", through the huge wealth brought by the opium trade, coupled with the interpersonal relationships they have developed over the years, they have a more ambitious goal of controlling the financial market in the Far East.

HSBC, this name has accompanied the entire modern history of humiliation of the ancient Eastern country. With its unique position, the Sassoon family has made HSBC the "Swiss Bank" of East Asia.

The first choice of the officials and gentry of the Qing Dynasty. After all, HSBC was a bank owned by foreigners and had a "strict" confidentiality system. The corrupt Qing government was unable to supervise it, let alone detect corruption.

In this way, the Sassoon family was allowed to lie on the land of China sucking blood, harvesting the officials and gentry capitalists who sucked the blood of the people at the bottom, and to a certain extent controlled the political and economic circles of the Qing Dynasty.

In the following nearly a hundred years, bureaucrats, warlords, capitalists, landlords, and even bandits all over China were sucked by this cancer.

What's even more funny is that this family actually came clean and even started selling antidote pills. Opium dealers sold antidote pills, and later generations erected monuments and wrote articles to inscribe their achievements. I have to say that Shuangwen was nothing more than that.

But now they have encountered a little trouble. Due to the recent unrest in India, the Sassoon family purchased some weapons and hired some people to act as guards.

However, in the eyes of those who are interested, this is completely a posture of competing for the world. So a group of opium traffickers gathered together to persuade them to go further and establish a Jewish state to protect free trade on the South Asian subcontinent.

Naturally, the people who instigated him were not all idiots. In fact, these people had their own considerations. If a Jewish state can be created to protect free trade, then they can be protected from exploitation by the British and those princes.

If the Sassoon family failed, they could take their place and become the new overlords of the opium industry. In short, these flatterers can't suffer any loss. Even if nothing happens, they can still look familiar in front of Master Sassoon, right? Why not do it?

This plan sounds very tempting, but David Sassoon is not a fool, so it is naturally impossible for him to believe the nonsense of this group of people.

However, the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. This news sounded completely different to Austrian and British intelligence officers.

Austrian intelligence agents quickly reported it to the Bombay headquarters, which found the plan written by Franz. In fact, what the former did not know was that the person spreading the Jewish state everywhere and persuading David Sassoon to become independent was sent by Franz.

They were just waiting for a suitable opportunity. Under the chaos, the British had no time to distinguish the authenticity of the intelligence.

At this moment, Sir Henry Harding could only adopt an attitude of erring on the side of rebellion. After all, if done improperly, Britain's nearly century-old operation in India might be ruined.

The innocence of an opium dealer was of no consequence to the interests of the British Empire. Sir Henry Harding ordered the British military police in Bombay to go out overnight and conduct a comprehensive attack on all the Sassoon family's casinos, brothels, opium dens, banks, and trading houses.

As a result, David Sassoon actually got the news before the British officials in Bombay. In fact, David Sassoon didn't even speak English, but he was so angry that he said "fuck" five times in a row.

As a Jew, David Sassoon was self-aware and hoped to escape to the Qing Dynasty and make a comeback.

However, his son, the famous "second generation poisoner" Victor Sassoon, was not willing to accept it. He is the eldest son of David Sassoon's second wife. He is usually arrogant and arrogant, and he does not look down upon even the British.

(The identity of Victor Sassoon has been magically changed in the book.)

"Father, people in this city call you emperor. Now that the mob wants to expel you, are you going to leave like this?

No! No! No! You are so kind, I will bring someone to make you a real emperor now! "

Victor Sassoon raised a group of Anglo-Indian mixed-race children. These guys were in a very embarrassing position in the Indian society at that time.

They were discriminated against by Indians and ostracized by British colonists. Neither regards them as the same kind, so these people desperately want to prove themselves, but without the opportunity, they naturally become the most unstable group of people in society.

Victor Sassoon took a fancy to this and made them his most loyal and capable thugs.

Coupled with the fact that the Sassoon family had hired a large number of thugs to protect their property, the Mumbai gendarmerie was suddenly defeated.

This situation made David Sassoon excited. Maybe he was really the son of destiny. Then he not only wanted India, he also wanted to fight back to Baghdad and skin and cramp the people there.

But how could the British dominate the nineteenth century and be overthrown by a group of opium dealers and angry youths? The British military police were beaten back and forth. In desperation, local officials found the Indian Ocean Fleet docked on the shore for help.

You can go ashore to catch thieves, but these sailors have one condition, that is, they must be allowed to rob and rape...

The local officials knew the virtues of these sailors, but Bombay must not be lost. Colonel James Moore, as Bombay's supreme military governor, acquiesced to the proposal.

I have to say that the British sailors were very efficient in their work. They directly bombarded the menacing rebels with solid ammunition.

After the artillery attack ended, the men of the Sassoon family were directly crushed to the melodious "March of the Grenadiers".

Fortunately, the British's discipline did not last long. After winning the frontal battle, the sailors ran towards the people.

Taking advantage of this chaotic opportunity, the Sassoon family was able to escape. Their only hope at this time was Kalika in southern India, where the king was a very crazy person and wanted to fight with the Sassoon family because of the opium problem.

As long as they get the protection of the Tuwang, they may reach the Far East smoothly. In such a chaotic situation, it was unlikely that the British would send an army specifically to deal with them.

David Sassoon now began to blame his younger son.

"You are so impulsive! Can you defeat the British just by relying on your rabble? It's just a dream!"

Victor Sassoon looked disdainful.

"If it weren't for those naval bastards, Mumbai would be ours now!"


David Sassoon's later wife interrupted her husband.

"Okay. (meaning "my master" or "my lover"), he is still a child. It is already a blessing that we can escape now, don't ask for more.

In fact, I have long felt that those British people are jealous of us."

"Hmph!" David Sassoon snorted. Since he had been chased so many times, he didn't feel nervous at all.

"Don't worry! When the Qing Dynasty arrives, we will still be the masters! Their emperor will love our plan to death," David Sassoon said with great confidence.

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