War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 648 A common man is angry

The fleet led by James Biddle had a total of three ships, namely the fourth-class sailing battleship "Columbus" and the frigates "Vincents", as well as the "Connally".

The three wooden sail warships could no longer bring much shock to the shogunate at this time. The fishermen of Uragasuo even went to sea to fish as usual.

On the one hand, Feng Xing even said that he wanted to go to Nagasaki to queue up for negotiations, and on the other hand, he asked people to urgently notify Edo Castle. In fact, Masahiro Abe had already learned about this at this time.

This was also thanks to a telegraph line purchased by the shogunate from the Austrian Empire at a high price, which allowed it to grasp the movements of the seaside at the first time.

(The shogunate only purchased this one, which is about five kilometers long and has a relatively single function, but it was enough for this period.)

There were three ships, no ironclads, only one large ship, which made Masahiro Abe feel insulted.

"This is also called a fleet?! Why do they dare to call the door! Send our ships to surround them! Let America see our courage!"

This is what the shogunate did in history. It sent probably hundreds of "battleships". Except for a few Oyasakas, most of them were small morning ships, a kind of warship left over from the Warring States Period.

It was almost the same at this time, but this time the samurai of the shogunate were more confident. After all, they had seen the armored battleships of the Austrian Navy before.

Not long ago, the Satsuma Domain successfully "expelled" the French, which also gave these shogunate samurai great encouragement. The Japanese painters on the shore were frantically recording this historic moment, and some even set up cameras purchased from Austrian businessmen, but to develop and print the photos, they had to go to the Austrian Empire on the other side of the ocean.

James Biddle did not intend to return empty-handed. He ignored the dissuasion of his subordinates and forcibly docked.

As a result, the shogunate's attitude was very resolute, and Uragasuo even fired aerial cannons in an attempt to drive away the American fleet. This made James Biddle very unhappy, but he was not a person who didn't know how to adapt.

He ignored President Polk's tough orders. After all, the more important tasks in the Qing Dynasty had been completed, and there was no need to continue to waste time in a small country like Japan.

But sometimes it's just so unlucky

Historically, James Biddle's arrogant attitude when leaving angered a group of Kawagoe clan samurai. Fortunately, they were stopped by the samurai of the shogunate. Biddle didn't know what happened, so the matter did not become a big deal.

But this time, good luck did not favor James Biddle. At this time, Uraga's ten thousand people looked down on America, who only sent three "small ships" to invade them, and his samurai also wanted to kill him. This arrogant foreigner.

But James Biddle did not realize the seriousness of the situation, and still said, "I just like the way you look at me and feel unhappy, but you can't kill me."

At this time, a group of Kawagoe Clan samurai were going to the beach to enjoy the sea, and they collided head-on with James Biddle's group.

Instead of giving way, the latter made some provocative moves.

Then the man got angry and blood spattered five steps. This time there was no obstruction from the shogunate samurai. The samurai of the Kawagoe clan who launched a sneak attack directly used Iai to chop off Videl's left hand that was making an obscene gesture.

The other Kawagoe clan samurai were not idle and drew their swords and rushed towards the unsuspecting American troops. There were not many of them ashore, and they were immediately at a disadvantage after being attacked by a sneak attack.

When Uragasho saw the blood, he had to commit seppuku anyway, so he just went ahead and sang directly.

"Since ancient times, no one has died, and his loyalty will be remembered by history!"

(Wen Tianxiang was one of the most worshiped idols by the Japanese at that time, and his influence among the people was far greater than that of Wang Yangming, who was famous for later generations.

In addition, the Japanese at that time really sang, not recited. )

The feudal soldiers on the side saw that Master Fengxing was on the way, and immediately rushed forward with spears and iron cannons (matchlock guns).

Soon the fighting in the port spread to the pier. The U.S. Navy immediately tried to rescue its companions on the shore, but was soon overwhelmed by the tide of ashigaru.

Due to the loss of the top commander, the three U.S. ships experienced varying degrees of chaos. When they tried to escape, they discovered that the cables had not been cut. As a result, the frigates "Vincents" and "Connelly" were damaged to varying degrees.

However, the worst thing was the fourth-level sailing battleship "Columbus". A group of samurai rushed onto the deck carrying fish frames and sacks.

However, the above two things obviously do not have bulletproof function, but they cannot withstand the thickness of the stack, and the spherical bullets and firearms at this time do not have very good penetrating power.

As a result, the battle on the "Columbus" fell into a war of attrition, and the side with more people clearly had the advantage.

It must be said here that the degree of organization of the US military is too low. At this time, the navy of any European country can easily drive the Japanese off the ship.

But the U.S. Navy behaved like a group of frightened beasts at this time. Although it screamed loudly and reacted fiercely, it failed to discover the key to the problem.

The "Columbus" did not start, and was always fighting with a steady stream of Japanese samurai.

The Vincennes had even worse luck. Just after it left the berth, it collided with several Japanese "battleships" and was eventually sunk in the port by the opponent's kamikaze attack.

Although the "Connery" was also hit, it barely escaped the siege of the Japanese ships. However, just as they were about to leave Edo Bay, they discovered a row of mysterious black pits on an uninhabited island. .

Captain Mattis decided to find out on a whim. After all, the small Japanese boats at sea posed no threat to the nearly 800-ton frigate.

However, when the "Connery" got closer, it discovered that those were not black pits, but large bells buried in the sand one by one.

Just when Captain Mattis was confused, a group of people suddenly ran out and desperately held the package and stuffed it into the big bell.

Then tongues of fire spewed out from the big bell, and the huge impact killed the gunners who lit the gunpowder on the spot.

Several huge explosive packets were thrown at the "Connally", and the last American ship sank in Edo Bay amidst the explosions.

When the news reached Edo Castle, Masahiro Abe was so angry that his nose almost crooked. To be honest, although he hates Americans, he doesn't want to make enemies.

Because in this way, the shogunate can really only be tied to the same boat as the Austrian Empire. In Masahiro Abe's plan, he just wanted to use the latter's power to stabilize the interior.

"To fight against foreign forces, we must first settle the domestic affairs." This is where Masahiro Abe's thinking started, and he planned to sever relations with the Austrian Empire after Japan was stabilized domestically.

After all, the latter is thousands of miles away from Japan, so it is unlikely that it will send troops to attack. As long as the shogunate does not offend other powers, it will definitely be able to find new backers by then, thus realizing the grand plan of "using barbarians to control barbarians."

However, all this came to nothing with this great victory in Edo Bay.

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