War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 641 The arrival of the black ship (Part 2)

"Sir Yishou, I'm afraid it won't work. The enemy's army is really too huge."

Another veteran said that he was proficient in Orchid Studies and knew that the twenty cannons at Edo Station had been cast for at least a hundred years. Whether they could be fired now was a question, let alone a confrontation with the Austrian Empire's fleet.

"Then we can let them stop in Nagasaki first, so that we can use three months to borrow artillery from each domain and gather all the power of Japan to defend Edo so that the Austrians can retreat."

Abe Masahiro's method is reasonable, well-founded and measured. It can not only resolve the crisis, but also unite the feudal clans. If used normally, it will definitely attract the admiration of all the old and middle-aged people.

But the situation at this time was more difficult than he imagined.

"Lord Issei, please forgive me for speaking frankly. Austria's fleet has ten large ships and hundreds of artillery pieces. I am afraid that even the entire power of Japan will not be able to compete with it."

"Is this true? The Netherlands and Austria are just small countries in the West. It seems that the whole country has gone out to fight. Then can we summon people with lofty ideals who dare to fight and die to assassinate the enemy chief?"

After Masahiro Abe learned that he was invincible, he immediately changed his mind and prepared to use heavenly punishment. Maybe he could recover these barbarians, and then "use barbarians to control barbarians."

But soon his hopes were dashed again, said another veteran, Masashisai Nakazawa.

"Sir Yishou, according to the Dutch, the Austrian Kingdom has lasted for more than six hundred years and is not a small country. This time the leader is a collateral member of its royal family.

According to this calculation, this fleet may not only not be the full strength of the Austrian army, but may not even be considered the main force. "

This time Abe Masahiro was completely numb. He had read a lot of books since he was a child, and he knew a lot about the past and the present, but no book could teach him to face today's situation.

In Tokugawa Ieki's time, Abe Masahiro was able to perfectly solve the cholera epidemic among monks, without embarrassing the shogun's family or losing his own life.

The once rich catfish is now really helpless.

In the end, the boss of the Pingding Agency said some nonsense to avoid Masahiro Abe's embarrassment.

Pingdingshu, the highest judicial organ of the shogunate.

"The top priority should be to stabilize the coastal defense of Edo first, and then order the mobilization of samurai warriors in the city for reinforcements. In addition, we should also send people to inform the daimyo of various places to ask for reinforcements."

On the sea of ​​Edo Bay, Friedrich put down his telescope.

"Why did the Japanese transport so many big bells to the shore? Are they planning to use the Flying Thunder God?"

Friedrich looked very confused, because he felt that only a freak like Franz could come up with such a thing as the Flying Thunder God, so he couldn't help but turn his attention to Kagura, who was dressed in a witch costume.

The latter naturally understood what the former meant, and she had indeed listened to Franz's explanation, but her personal loyalty to Franz was unquestionable, and she had not had any contact with the Japanese in so many years.

"Miko is my profession, but I don't know witchcraft. Please rest assured. I have not revealed the secret of the Flying Thunder God to anyone, and the Flying Thunder God is not scary to your fleet."

Princess Sneka didn't know what they meant, let alone what the so-called Flying Thunder God was, but she was not stupid.

"Stop arguing, look! They are pointing the bell towards us, like the muzzle of a cannon!"

At this time, Friedrich and Kagura looked at the big bells on the shore. They seemed to be placed upside down in the position of the fort. From a distance, they did look like large-caliber artillery pieces.

This made Friedrich breathe a sigh of relief. Although the Flying Thunder God was not a big threat to the Austrian naval fleet as Kagura said, it would bring a lot of trouble to the formulation of tactics.

At this time, seeing the opponent's behavior, it became clear that the Japanese had no idea what the Flying Thunder God was, and what they did was just a bluff. According to Franz, this meant that the opponent was at the end of his rope and could implement the next plan.

It has to be said that the Japanese were quite honest at this time. After several shogunate officials asked the Austrian fleet to go to Nagasaki first to wait for the news to be confirmed, they actually pulled out their wakizashi and committed suicide on the spot.

It's just that Friedrich couldn't feel the other party's determination at all. Instead, he felt that the Japanese were disgusting him. After all, blood and grease are difficult to clean.

So he issued an ultimatum to the remaining Japanese officials:

"If we cannot get a satisfactory answer within three days, Edo Castle will usher in its end."

Including Masahiro Abe, several bigwigs at the pre-museum meeting unanimously decided to agree to peace talks with the Austrian Empire.

Masahiro Abe, the chief veteran, was naturally pushed to the forefront. Some people said that he was afraid of the enemy and timid, while others said that he was called the family elder but was actually a family thief.

But in any case, Abe Masahiro personally led five hundred armored warriors to the seaside to prepare for negotiations with the Austrian envoys.

Masahiro Abe was sitting among the layers of formations. The samurai behind him were all carefully selected warriors. Everyone was wearing bright armor, holding a long sword in their hands, and full of murderous intent.

In fact, only the first row wore iron armor, while the warriors in the back were all painted with bamboo armor and leather armor to show off.

There is nothing that can be done about this. After all, the shogunate is declining at this time and the military equipment is depleted. Even the samurai cannot afford it, let alone the armor.

There were three rows of guards holding iron cannons standing on the outside. In front of them there were ashigaru wearing simple armor and wearing a formation hat. The flag behind them was blown by the sea breeze and sounded quite impressive.

(The so-called iron cannon is a matchlock gun, which was basically eliminated in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries.)

Soon, two warships of the Austrian Imperial Navy docked on the shore. The towering black iron city and the sharp whistle made the warriors who saw this shake.

Then the Austrian naval honor guard began to disembark. These people were carefully selected from the troops in various regions. Their height, clothing, and weapons all had uniform requirements:

The white clothes, black trousers, the exquisite carvings on the semicircular logo on the helmet and the black and gold feathers looked full of momentum. The heavy leather boots made a heavy sound when they fell to the ground.

Especially after these people had undergone military training by Franz, their uniform steps made the earth tremble, and the sharp bayonets and exquisite rifles in their hands were even more frightening.

Accompanied by the melodious "March of the Double-Headed Eagle", the naval honor guard of the Austrian Empire finally came to Masahiro Abe.

At this time, Abe Masahiro felt the despair of Atobe Ryuta and Lin Qi Chubei, with bright armor and swords and guns? These words are completely inadequate to describe the shock before my eyes.

Every soldier in the Austrian Imperial Navy's honor guard is over 185cm tall, and the uniform sound is so frightening that many warriors even subconsciously took two steps back when the honor guard completed the action of raising their guns on their shoulders. .

At this time, the faces of the warriors were covered with beads of sweat under their masks. Not to mention the number of "iron cannons" on the other side, even in hand-to-hand combat, they didn't have much chance of winning against so many strong men.

But what shocked them had just begun. A witch wearing white clothes and scarlet hakama walked out of the imposing Austrian military formation.

"Hello, Lord Masahiro Abe. I wish our negotiations can go smoothly."

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