War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 635 “Stonewall” Jackson

After the Mexican-American War, "Stonewall" Jackson, Robert E. Lee and others who were supposed to shine in this war, instead of taking advantage of it to achieve great success, became the butt of jokes and scapegoats.

"Stonewall" Jackson took the initiative to lead his company to fight to the death, hoping to stop the pursuit of the Mexican cavalry. The latter decisively chose to take a detour after several unsuccessful attempts, and successfully annihilated the brigade headquarters that was about to escape.

As a result, "Stonewall" Jackson was labeled an "idiot" for his heroic actions, and he was demoted to sergeant and expelled from West Point Military Academy.

"Stonewall" Jackson's only choice seemed to be to go back to be a sheriff. Fortunately, with the help of the Virginia congressman, he could "return to his hometown with glory."

In fact, Congressman Terrell also planned to marry his youngest daughter to "Stonewall", which was both a repayment and a favor.

At the same time, it is also a kind of protection. After all, there are people in the court who are easy to do things. The stone wall can block open guns and hidden arrows, but it may not block rumors.

Although Thomas Jackson had a weathered face and a big beard, he was actually still only a 21-year-old young man, so he decisively rejected Representative Terrell's proposal.

"Stonewall" Jackson left West Point as funny as he came. With a bucking horse, two bags of luggage, and a big black pot, he once again became the laughing stock of his classmates. The teachers who taught him felt that they were disgraced. .

No one planned to give this expelled alumnus a favor, and "Stonewall" still went its own way, taking the blame and leading the old horse out of the school gate.

But there was already a well-dressed gentleman waiting in front of the door. As soon as he saw his appearance, he stepped forward to ask.

"Are you Mr. Thomas Jonathan Jackson from Fort Clark?"

"Stonewall" is a bit confusing.

"It's me, how can I help you?"

said the respectable gentleman with a beaming face.

"My master wishes to see you."

"No, I want to go home."

"Stonewall"'s answer was very straightforward, which made the latter a little embarrassed and he quickly changed his words.

"Mr. Jackson! We're on the way. You can take our carriage back and we'll have someone to take care of you."

"I can take care of myself, bye!"

"Stonewall" once again refused very simply. At this time, the decent gentleman became a little angry and clapped his hands twice with a bit of sullenness.

Two tall cowboys blocked the way to "Stone Wall". The guard of West Point Military Academy didn't mind what happened not far away at all. After all, as long as no trouble was caused on his territory.

A minute later, the two cowboys were beaten until they were lying on the ground groaning, and "Stonewall" looked at the decent gentleman.

"Can I go now?"

The latter subconsciously took two steps back. Just as Thomas Jackson was about to leave, another old man in a suit and tie and a top hat appeared in front of him.

Before "Stone Wall" could speak, the old man introduced himself.

"I'm the mayor of Fort Clark, Jack Hinton."

The old man stretched out his hand first, and Thomas Jackson learned the identity of the other party and quickly wiped the blood on his white shirt with his hand.

"Hello, Mr. Mayor, my name is Thomas Jonathan Jackson."

"Mr. Jackson, my people were a little rash just now. I hope you can forgive them. It's windy here, why don't we talk in the car."

Jack Hinton pointed to the oak carriage not far away. The door handle was made of brass, which showed that the owner's identity was extraordinary.

"Jonard! Get the boys! We're going."

"Stone Wall" and the mayor boarded the carriage. After a bumpy ride, it was the mayor who spoke first.

"Mr. Jackson, I think you can understand one thing before you come to Fort Clark."

"Please speak, Mr. Mayor."

"During the time you left, Fort Clark had two mayors and five sheriffs."

In fact, the townspeople of Fort Clark really hope that the good sheriff "Stonewall" Jackson can return as soon as possible, because after he left, the gang became unscrupulous again.

Especially during the Mexican-American War, the police colluded with those gangster families and used the opportunity of the war to continuously grow their power, even bypassing the local government and almost taking Fort Clark as their own.

The boss of the Sheridan family is like an underground mayor. Casinos, banks, brothels, and bars are all run according to his order. He is the shadow of the entire town.

"Mr. Jackson. Congressman Terrell praised you very much, calling you a 'man as strong as a rock.' If you also choose to surrender, then I will have to join in the same trend."

"Mr. Mayor, please rest assured that I will not collude with them. No one can violate the law, and no one can trample on other people's lives."

"Stonewall" Jackson had already made up his mind, but still said expressionlessly.

When the "Stonewall" group arrived at Fort Clark a month later, they were warmly welcomed by the locals.

This also included Vasco da Gama, the head of the Sheridan family. When he appeared in a pink suit, the entire audience was silent, and the gunmen of those families opened a passage through the crowd.

"Thomas, welcome back!"

When Da Gama Sheridan saw Jackson, he was as friendly as an old friend he hadn't seen for many years.

Stonewall knocked away Vasco da Gama Sheridan's outstretched hand.

"Shouldn't you be in jail?" Jackson said indifferently. The man in front of him had been thrown into jail by the former for intentional injury, murder, extortion, arson and many other crimes.

"Of course it's because I've gotten better. Look at this outfit, what a gentleman!" Da Gama Sheridan showed off the delicate crutches in his hands and the pink suit he was wearing.

"The best thing is true." Jackson's tone was still emotionless.

Da Gama Sheridan reluctantly leaned into Jackson's ear and said.

"Do you want to change your lifestyle?"

"What way to live?"

Da Gama Sheridan said as he snapped his fingers, and immediately someone brought a box full of green banknotes.

(at this time)

Da Gama Sheridan then grabbed a handful and raised it to the sky. In an instant, green banknotes were flying all over the sky, and the crowd on the ground began to greedily grab them.

"Be my partner, and you will split the account 20-80. Soon you will be able to live a life that others only dream of."

"I refuse!" Jackson's tone remained unchanged, and the gunmen on the side all put their arms on their waists, revealing the pistols on their waists.

The state troopers who followed were so frightened that they backed away. Mayor Jack Hinton also hid behind the carriage, and the surrounding onlookers also retreated further.

At this time, Da Gama Sheridan waved his hand to stop, and those vicious guys put away their guns.

"Don't be too busy refusing. You can go to my store to play in the evening. If you like a girl, you can take her back. It doesn't matter if she's not from my store."

Then Da Gama Sheridan pointed his fingers and said.

"let's go!"

After the gang members left, the police from Fort Clark gathered around

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