War Palace and Knee Pillow, Austria’s Destiny

Chapter 622 A few things about Hungary

On October 2, 1845, the first half of the Great Illyrian Line was officially opened to traffic.

This means that from Trieste to Zagreb it will officially join Neletania, and Croatia will be directly under Austrian rule.

Among them, the Hungarians suffered the greatest losses, because they had one less hole to suck blood from the Austrian Empire, and at the same time they could no longer continue to squeeze the Croatians.

But to be honest, although Franz had been mentally prepared for the poverty in Croatia, he was still frightened.

The entire "kingdom" contributed less tax revenue than a single city on the coast, less than five million florins, less than one-twentieth of Bohemia at this time.

Bohemia is now the largest economic province in Austria, followed by Venice, Vienna, and California, Mexico and Chenla with the highest overseas contribution rates.

Although Austria now has the ability to directly collect taxes, it still needs to respect tradition and Hungary and send the tax to Pressburg first and then transfer it to Vienna by the Hungarian government.

However, the amount will naturally not be the full amount. After all, the Hungarians also withheld most of it when taxing, and these originally disappeared taxes were directly used for local construction and development subsidies.

The senior officials in Vienna felt that instead of handing over money to the Hungarians, it would be better to consolidate the benefits of the border. After all, everyone had clearly seen the face of the Hungarians and would not do such useless work again.

On the other hand, it was also because the Austrian Empire was stronger and more confident that it dared to say no to Hungary.

In fact, Hungary has made a lot of efforts, and they have done everything they can to prevent the construction of the Great Illyrian Railway.

First, they colluded with local gentry and incited the people, claiming that the railway would cause earthquakes, make animals crazy, and even trees would no longer be able to grow.

These words were also said when Austria was building railways, so the officials responsible for the construction were very experienced.

In addition, these words can only deceive people who have never seen the world, and Croatia is Austria's traditional military source area. Many people have joined the army, and many of them have not only seen railways, but also ridden in trains and fought in wars. .

They know what a magical thing trains are and what they can bring to their hometowns. Nothing is more convincing than seeing it with your own eyes.

In addition, even if these soldiers are retired, they are still the most vocal people in the local area, so ordinary people naturally cannot think of any resistance.

As for the squires who took the lead in causing trouble, many of them were Hungarians. This group of people usually relied on their special status to bully men and women in the fish and meat village, causing complaints and complaints. They were able to coerce the people solely by relying on the power they accumulated in their daily lives.

But this thing doesn’t work well in front of the imperial power, the army, and the church. The church and soldiers build roads under the banner of the royal family. It’s ridiculous that these Hungarian squires talk about tradition.

The people who were already holding back their anger were naturally busy adding insult to injury when they saw that the squire was going to lose. They wished they could let the train hit all the Hungarian nobles to death now.

If you can't do it in the light, you can only play in the dark. Since the Croatian region is mountainous and mostly made of stone structures, it is easy to cause large-scale landslides once blasting is carried out.

Some Hungarian leaders hired some desperadoes and fanatics to directly destroy. However, the power of gunpowder in this era was limited, and a large amount of black powder was needed to cause enough damage.

The team carrying barrels of black powder was very conspicuous, so most of them were intercepted easily.

Even if someone was brought in in batches later, it would be difficult to cause damage. Not to mention the fact that Croatians are xenophobic, and a group of outsiders entering the mountains inexplicably is already suspicious.

Coupled with the propaganda of the church and local Croatian nobles, many hunters who retired from the hunting camp immediately captured them as prey.

Moreover, blasting is also very particular. It needs to be buried at a certain depth in a specific location, and most of the desperadoes who are desperate for money obviously do not have this skill.

In the end, the Hungarian Parliament could only frame the Croats for rebellion, and prepared to directly control Zagreb to eliminate the pro-imperial faction and force the royal faction to take power.

It's just that the Hungarian army was driven back as soon as it entered Croatia. In fact, Franz knew that the former would not settle down, so he sent Albrecht to Croatia in advance.

The Hungarian generals were extremely familiar with the royal prince, and some had even fought with his subordinates in previous battles.

No matter how confident these people are, they would not dare to directly attack the army led by the royal family. After all, they are nominally here to counter rebellion for the empire, not the rebel side.

So the two sides simply had a conversation, exchanged information, and then retreated.

However, the Hungarian side's subsequent explanation for the unauthorized deployment of troops to conduct large-scale military operations obviously did not satisfy Vienna.

However, Austria has too many things to deal with in the past two years and has no time to fight with this traditional ally.

In fact, both parties knew that the final result of this matter could only be nothing, so Vienna and Budapest also had a tacit understanding.

It's just that these things shocked Kossuth, and he doubted that the great Hunnic Empire would be able to restore its former glory.

But on the other hand, Kossuth has been raised to a level that does not belong to him. He was once a small lawyer, now a national leader, and a future head of state.

Any man who has tried the "taste" called power will inevitably become addicted to it, and Kossuth is naturally no exception, so he quickly got out of his depressed mood.

"Compatriots! The evil Austrians are taking away our legal rights and our property is being shamelessly violated! Give me freedom or give me death!"

"Give me freedom or give me death!"

The young people in the audience were excited. They all believed that Austria had caused the poverty of the Hungarians. As long as they could overthrow the rule of the Habsburg family and get back their rights, they would surely be able to live a good life that everyone would envy.

Kossuth on the stage listened to the shouts of the crowd, and he seemed to hear people shouting his name. The warm atmosphere made him feel as if he was in heaven and intoxicated.

Count Szechenyi could only close the windows tightly and draw the curtains.

"Crazy! They are all crazy! Can't they see that the times are progressing? Can't they see how the Austrians beat France? Do they really think that resurrecting the Hungarian Empire can make people live a good life?"

Count Szechenyi knocked on the table so hard that the cups on the table bounced.

"The foolish people are so arrogant and stupid, but it's not bad. When they are all dead, Hungary will be ours. After all, the emperor always needs someone to manage this land."

Prince Esterhazy poured a glass for himself and another for Count Széchenyi. Among the Hungarian loyalists, they were the first to choose to be loyal to the royal family and the most powerful.

"Come on, cheers to our future!"

Count Széchenyi took the cup and looked at the other person drinking it down in one gulp, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

"Those lunatics are all dead, do you still want to follow in their footsteps?"

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